Re: Costume Contest Thursdays in Atlas Park - 2018

Started by Nyghtshade, January 02, 2018, 05:50:29 PM


Thursday, Oct. 4th, the THEME for the weekly Costume Contest is:   CLOWNS !
Silly, snarky, snide, sad or scary (although some folks might argue that ALL clowns are scary!)...
Come one, Come All, and bring your Clowns to Atlas Park next Thursday night,
8:30pm EDT / 5:30pm PDT. 


Results for September 27th:


Results for October 4th:



TUNE IN NEXT WEEK: As we need to meet your rats, cats, bats or other "patronai!"  Bring your "Witchy Familiars!"
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Hi! :)

Would you guys ever consider inviting the winner of the costume contests to be an (optional) guest judge for the following week's contest? Just as an extra prize for the winner, and to mix up the (esteemed :) ) panel of judges a bit? Thoughts?

Also... I can't help but notice that every time the judging takes places, it's nighttime in AP. *whines* This is me whining and throwing a hissy fit over the fact that my colors aren't popping and my costumes always look duller in the dark. Lol.

Okay I love you all bye <3
Viva la Virtue!


"Guest judging" is in intriguing suggestion, Ultima15, and one HERC can talk about. :-) 

The HERC judges are a bit stuck for timing for the Costume Contests - we have a set start time, and need to stick to it to be fair to everyone.  Lately, yes, that has meant starting judging during the 'evening' hours, but if we wait till the sun rose again before we started, then it would invariably be dark by the time we take the winner/honorable mention screenshots, which would mean asking the winner/honorable mentions to hang around another extra 10 - 15 minutes in order to get theirs screenshots taken during daylight again.

Speaking for myself, I do understand you're point about seeing costume colors in daylight.  Generally by the time we're done judging, the sun is rising again, so most of the time we do get to see the costumes with both night and day lighting, before we announce the judges results.


EDIT: Results from October 11th follows. -- Tahquitz




So, one week left in October, and our Costume Contest THEME for Oct. 25th is:  "Bad Halloween Costume Ideas"   Have fun with this one, and we look forward to seeing what you bring on Thursday.   :D

See you in Atlas Park Thursday, the 25th, at 8:30pm EDT / 5:30pm PDT !


EDIT: Results from October 25th -- Tahquitz




Paragon Chat's weekly Thursday Night Costume Contest, 8:30pm EDT / 5:30pm PDT, in Atlas Park!
THEME:   "Anything Goes!"   
Heroes, Villains, Vigilantes, Rogues, don your most fantastic costume and join us in Atlas Park!


EDIT: Winners for November 1st -- Tahquitz




Paragon Chat weekly Costume Contest, Thursday night, Nov. 8th, in Atlas Park!
Time: 8:30pm Eastern / 5:30pm Pacific.
THEME: "History's Heroes"
As a salute to Veteran's Day, we challenge you this week to come up with a costume celebrating a Hero of History. 
See you Thursday night in Atlas Park! :)


EDIT: Results from November 8th -- Tahquitz




Paragon Chat weekly Costume Contest, Thursday night, Nov. 15th, in Atlas Park!
Time: 8:30pm Eastern / 5:30pm Pacific.
THEME: "Thanksgiving"
As we approach Turkey Day, think of a costume that reminds of / exemplifies the Holiday – the festive trappings or symbols, or a representation of something for which you give thanks.  (Feel free to explain your costume, if need be, in your I.D./bio. )


EDIT:  Because there were no entries, but plenty of bystanders for this contest, the "Thanksgiving" contest became a "Anything Goes" event instead.  With that in mind, results from November 15th -- Tahquitz



Just a reminder -- there is NO HERC Thursday Costume Contest this week in Paragon Chat.

Happy Thanksgiving, to all those who celebrate it!


TUNE IN NEXT WEEK: For a very special costume contest in time for the Shutdown Vigil.  The theme: "One Last Day"... come as your main character and wear what you had when the game shut down.  (If you weren't on at that time, you can bring a costume you had when your toon was live.)

There are three Costume Contests left in 2018!  Come out and join us Thursday, Nov. 29th at 5:30 Pacific/8:30 Eastern!
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


EDIT: Results from November 29th -- Tahquitz




Paragon Chat weekly Costume Contest, Thursday night, Dec. 6th, in Atlas Park!
Time: 8:30pm Eastern / 5:30pm Pacific.

This week's THEME: "When I Grow Up" – come as your Level 1 costume from your first hero in COH... no matter how bad it was!   :D


EDIT: Results from December 6th -- Tahquitz



Paragon Chat weekly Costume Contest, Thursday night, Dec. 13th, in Atlas Park!
Time: 8:30pm Eastern / 5:30pm Pacific.
THEME: "Winter Wonderland" – As we prepare for the Holidays, HERC invites you to flex your imagination and create a costume to best embody an aspect of a Winter Wonderland.

NOTE:  This will be our final Costume Contest of 2018.  CC's will resume again in January 2019.


Results from December 13th:




And 2019's Costume Contest Results begin today!
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran