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Winter Event 2018

Started by MyriVerse, December 13, 2018, 08:18:07 PM


For the next 4 weeks the winter event is upon us. Presents all around dropping Winter Charm and mission AFs, but no missions yet (patch on Tuesday to fix this) except the daily mission. New costume pieces: bunny slippers, teddy torso and gloves.

Kind of "meh" so far, but I need to get the white cat and kitten AFs, at least.

Stockings are now basically junk.
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


Still waiting for the toy soldiers..

Hey, I saw a Throne of Tako on sale last night - the only one in the AE, for... 1800Gs.. Wow, huh?
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


Quote from: Xev on December 15, 2018, 07:06:03 PM
Hey, I saw a Throne of Tako on sale last night - the only one in the AE, for... 1800Gs.. Wow, huh?
There are two types of Thrones. One is a normal Device. I see it listed for 1800.
There is also a Vehicle Device -- I see two now, one for 1500 the other for 1k. Yeah, these were some of the most popular items from Halloween.

The Null cat AF was listed for 3k, and I believe it sold, because I haven't seen it relisted. Null was a completely black and featureless shadow of a cat. It was a super-rare drop, and I never did get one. :\

I'm hopeful, but with low expectations that I'll get a cat AF from this event. They're in the polkadot crackers, and it seems that even the yellow crackers are extremely rare. After 3 days, I've only managed to get maybe 7-8 yellow crackers.
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


Quote from: MyriVerse on December 16, 2018, 02:40:32 PM
There are two types of Thrones. One is a normal Device. I see it listed for 1800.
There is also a Vehicle Device -- I see two now, one for 1500 the other for 1k.

Had no idea..

What does the one that is a normal device, do?? You can use it as a travel power in combat?
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


From the description, it seems that the normal Device only gives you the flight power. Outside of combat, your flight speed increases over time. I think the flight speed is higher for this device than the vehicle.

QuoteA Device that allows you to use Throne Flight when toggled on.
Counts as a travel power.
You cannot use any abilities while using this device.

Grants +20 flight speed while active. Outside combat, you build up speed over time.
After 4 seconds, you gain +30 flight speed and after another 10 seconds you gain an additional +30 flight speed.

I don't know if "abilities" means you have to turn it off for combat.

My Vehicle Tako Throne (bought from the Halloween store) came with flight, plus two offensive weapons: Flame Thrower and Tractor Beam, a slot for one more weapon, 1 defense slot, and 1 support slot.
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


They fixed that mission bug today. So you can turn in sets of broken AFs for 2 Winter Charms @ the Toy Master.

It might be me, but the normal Charm drop rate on mobs seems better. Maybe the RNG just likes me today.

Other stuff done:
    Added Snowball Roll and Blizzard costume transformations to the event store. (100 Winter Charms each)
    Added High Five emote to the event store. (100 Winter Charms)
    The new Emotes and Costume Transformations can also be obtained in the Striped Holiday Cracker. (I still have never seen anything but a Yellow Cracker)
    Added Squall archetype to the event store. This Archetype will appear in the store later on in the event. (750 Charms)
    Added additional exchange options in the Toy Master store. (random holiday costume piece = 2 Charms)
    March of the Mecha Soldiers open mission now requires defeating the mecha soldiers to progress through various parts of the open mission. This is to address players rushing ahead and leaving other players behind.

I'll make a retraction. The stockings aren't completely worthless. You can get gifts from them to give to other players and transmorgrification devices (toy cat & other stuff). Otherwise, they just drop the typical candy assortment. Eh... there are snowballs and a mistletoe, too, that makes people kiss you. :roll: So, there's some fun stuff. No Charms though.

Charms come from the presents dropped around the world. The presents have either Charms, Stockings, Boxes, Crackers, or Misfit Toys to fight. The Toys become Charms, Stockings, Crackers, or Boxes when you kill them. Boxes have the broken AFs for the Toy Master missions.
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


Quote from: MyriVerse on December 18, 2018, 05:49:28 PM
March of the Mecha Soldiers open mission now requires defeating the mecha soldiers to progress through various parts of the open mission. This is to address players rushing ahead and leaving other players behind.

Yeah, still a good time for me to be playing something else.

I was looking forward to this queue and now I'm just unhappy. Like someone came in and farted.

Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


Quote from: Xev on December 21, 2018, 02:39:51 AM
Yeah, still a good time for me to be playing something else.

I was looking forward to this queue and now I'm just unhappy. Like someone came in and farted.


I'm glad that you're here keeping me us up to date..

At least I don't have to login now and get the info that way!

FWiW.. Just as with Warlord, that they slowly sucked fun out of/vanilialized, I don't perceive the perceived problem as actually being a problem..

When racing, I can't ever remember ever leaving anyone behind to the point where they couldn't complete the queue (fight the boss fight) except in super rare circumstances, in Warlord. And in those cases - the worst thing that happened is that they had to go take a bio while we fought Warlord and then come back and loot.

What I do remember is some added excitement for the very high percentage of speedrun junkies that run CO queues.

Anyway - MyriVerse doesn't care about any of this, it was just a insignificant part of the news report... And neither does anyone else.. Soo.. I have to say sorry for sprinkling my nonhappiness. I promise to keep it to a minimum, and, thanks for the news!

Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


It has no effect on me at all, since I don't really do those missions. It was a race, not a team mission? One of the reasons I stopped doing the Halloween "rescue the hero" missions is because my team would too often leave me behind. Often, they would kill the main boss before I even got to the zone-in for the final part. I'm never really interested in rushing through anything.
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


Quote from: MyriVerse on December 22, 2018, 01:13:43 PM
It was a race, not a team mission?

Nawww.. Like Warlord, there *was* a race component to the Alert. But apparently the way we like to do things, these days, in CO, is to be required to clear the entire map before we can get to the end.

"You VILL enjoy our CONTENT!" *KAVHIP!* "ALLLL of it!" "Now, everyone, hold hands, and lets all skip to the end, together."

Quote from: MyriVerse on December 22, 2018, 01:13:43 PM
I'm never really interested in rushing through anything.

It's an acquired taste. You'll notice it most in players that like running the queues and have done so, so many times, that, running through them at record speed with flair is the main thrill left.

Quote from: MyriVerse on December 22, 2018, 01:13:43 PM
It has no effect on me at all

Yeah. Probably to no one else dropping by here, either. That's one reason why I figured I probably should apologize for inserting the negativity. I was just kinda looking forward to running that queue, and, running it the way I've become used to.

Anyway, sorry about the sour grapes.
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


Don't worry about the grapes. Just speak your mind.  :P

Anyway, there's even less for me to do now that I've reached the event currency cap, and there's nothing at the store I want. Maybe Week 3 will be better.

But I've loved beating up teddy bears since I was a kid! :D
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


Quote from: MyriVerse on December 23, 2018, 03:57:52 PM
Anyway, there's even less for me to do now that I've reached the event currency cap

Must we go through this again with currency caps...?


Torture! You torture me!

Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


Typical event currency cap -- 800. I'm not sure I "get" the reasoning behind them.

aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


If you were still in event-currency-farm mode then you could buy something to get you back under the cap that's sellable for G's is what I was thinking. Seems a shame to not farm currency because of a currency cap if you're having fun and doing well at it. The only Event loot that springs to mind that is sellable would probably clean you out, though. AT's.

I don't get why some currency limits seem so low, either. It takes a lot longer to reach the G cap than the Silver Champ cap, for example.

Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


Week 3! Clarence is around! YAY!

Cool items in the store this week are an ice cape [see link] and a 24-slot Clarence Bag (both 400 winter charms). If I thought Majadi needed a cape, and if I were pro-capes (NO CAPES!), I might get one. The bag is tempting.
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


Quote from: MyriVerse on December 27, 2018, 04:48:39 PM
The bag is tempting.

hehehe.. I would explain why this is funny, but I'll just giggle to myself..

The bags are great! : ) I need more. They're lore (can only have 1), I think..?

Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


Quote from: Xev on December 25, 2018, 01:42:43 AM
If you were still in event-currency-farm mode then you could buy something to get you back under the cap that's sellable for G's is what I was thinking. Seems a shame to not farm currency because of a currency cap if you're having fun and doing well at it. The only Event loot that springs to mind that is sellable would probably clean you out, though. AT's.
Yeah, but I don't know if I can re-earn enough in time for next week's goodies. Earning momentum seems to dwindle as time goes by (burnout).

Hey, in further news: there are more kitties! There's last year's white rainbow kitten, and apparently, a white cat, plus I saw someone with a white rainbow sparkle kitty! Must haz!  The last is a drop from Clarence (and will probably be on auction for thousands), so I probably won't get.

There's also an Owl Head costume piece. I'm not sure what owls have to do with the holiday. It's a very realistic owl head, not cartoony like other costume pieces. I see it on auction for 2.5-3k.
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


I'm glad someone's having fun! It beats reading technical specifications.. Lately, my gaming time is spent recovering from crashes and shopping for new PC parts. I can run STO better than ever (and my PC works fine, I just want to build a new one, I can't update video drivers on this one and this thing is ancient anyway) due to I've been tinkering with things since the crashes started, but, I never crashed so much. I crash in every part of the game, seemingly randomly, and usually not after very long. I can run maybe 2 queues in a row without crashing at best. I've crashed several times just sitting at the character select screen which has never ever happened before.

Anyway, good stuff  : ) I had no idea there was a rainbow kitten last year.. much less, the stuff from this year. I'd be playing but I'm still being a big baby about having (another leash) to clear another map I didn't used to have to.
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


It's not just burnout that has hurt my momentum, but I spend all my time doing Clarence fights instead of running around opening presents. The payout isn't as high in event currency, so it wouldn't really benefit me to buy something to free up space from the currency cap.
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


I had to scroll back - I haven't bothered you about cap limits, in.... dayyyys!

: )
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


Week 4: Winter Ends! YAY! 'Bout time?

One more week of Clarence shenanigans.

The owl head and neck warmer (formerly a drop) are now available in the event store for 400 charms each. *Nelson voice* HAHA! to anybody who paid thousands in the auction.

Doesn't look like I'll be getting any kitties, but I'll have to be happy with my Rainbow Sparkle Unicorn Teddy AF.

You also get a Nightmare Clarence and a "Holiday Nightmare" perk for fighting the Nightmare Clarence this week.
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


Quote from: MyriVerse on January 03, 2019, 07:56:36 PM

The owl head and neck warmer (formerly a drop) are now available in the event store for 400 charms each. *Nelson voice* HAHA! to anybody who paid thousands in the auction.

This makes me think of Psionic Shield aura when Fire and Ice (?) was new. It wasn't dropping for anyone in the beginning and auras were still kinda new. When I got my second one I decided to sell it. The person who bought it is a well known trader and I sold if for....a lot. (1.5k maybe?).

They sell, for... what, now? 20Gs?

I had no way of knowing they'd become so common. When they dropped, to, like 100g, in, like... a week or two.. I really felt bad! I didn't feel bad enough to refund.... but I did feel bad.

I thought the auras would be on par with Malvan Shields, which, sold pretty well and for a lot when Forum Malvanum was new.

Quote from: MyriVerse on January 03, 2019, 07:56:36 PM
Rainbow Sparkle Unicorn Teddy

How could this possibly be more......magical?

I often think what a shame it is you weren't posting when other people used to post, here, more often. My posts were less fun and more like reading Ikea directions.
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


For the past 5 days, I've done the Clarence about 10 times per day, and all I'm getting is trash.

I'm starting to wonder if I've reached some kind of loot cap or if the RNG just really, really hates me. I mean, I see other regulars getting stuff, but nothing is coming my way. I'm wondering why even bother.
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


Quote from: MyriVerse on January 04, 2019, 08:02:58 PM
I'm wondering why even bother.

Either for the fun or the lewt or both : )

The thrill of Maybe? That's what keeps me running Warlord queues. Well, and I still like running Warlord.

I never got into Clarence fights for some reason. I'd run the toy soldier queue over and over again but I always passed on Clarence. I never remember any loot from him that tantalized me is probably why. Never got any loot from the toy soldier run, either, but it was fun for some reason. I think it was the racing aspect. That they removed.

RNG doesn't hate you it just wants to see you more : D So in reality, possibly, it luvs you..

That really helps, huh..

I'm going..

: )
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


Maybe it's just the RNG. I got a few not-so-bad things today. That was a really long dry run though.

Don't think the RNG loves me. The way it treats me is like a woman who keeps giving me the wrong phone numbers. I'm only just desperate enough to like the mistreatment. :P Today, she gave me her temporary spam email addy.

When I say I was getting trash, I'm being literal. I was throwing out everything I got. Well, I kept the mistletoe and snowballs.
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


I ran Warlord for years, hundreds of times or more, before my first Depleted Uranium Yum. And then I got another one soon thereafter and have yet to see another.

I have exactly one Valerian Scarlet costume piece and I looted it right before I stopped running the queues regularly.

Actually, now that I think about it, I got all that stuff right before I stopped playing regularly.. Stuff I never thought I'd see. Had a great new Electricity build, and look, I never thought I'd see. It was a really good time until it wasn't!

What is it you're going for anyway? Sorry! I forgot, and a quick previous-post-scan didn't reveal anything either. You already got the bag, huh?
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


Still hoping for kitty AF drops. The only reason I play is for the vanity stuff like that. However, I did recently buy two practical items (not related to the event) - transport devices to that Irish pub and RenCen. Cuz sometimes, you need to get a beer quick. 8)

I don't want it to sound like this entire event has been bad for me, because it hasn't. I've had some nice drops. It's just that string of days was really bad. Almost all of the store items haven't really appealed to me much, but I did get that icicle cape even though I don't like capes.

I haven't gotten the bag... yet. I'm debating whether the 2 extra slots is worth it. But my event currency is maxed and there are less than 2 days left of the event. We'll see. Last year, the rainbow kitty AF was available in the store long after the event was over. Just about a month before this year's holiday event, it was still at the event vendor for like 650 charms, but I didn't have enough left. I'm waiting to see how this ends to make big decisions.

Or who knows... CO just might still be around for next Christmas.
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


Heh! Rainbow Sparkle Kitten on auction for 4k. I don't luv kittehs that much!
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


Quote from: MyriVerse on January 08, 2019, 05:17:22 PM
Still hoping for kitty AF drops.


I haven't gotten the bag... yet.


I went for the bag, right off. Of course.

Forgot the Kitty was a drop!

Quote from: MyriVerse on January 12, 2019, 02:39:44 PM
Heh! Rainbow Sparkle Kitten on auction for 4k. I don't luv kittehs that much!

I've never even had 4k at one time and I'd have to have a lot more than 4k sitting in the bank to spend that much on an action figure. Sooooooo... yeah, I'm with ya.
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>