Paragon Chat Addon Packs 1.0: Kallisti Wharf & Rikti War Zone Remixed

Started by Tahquitz, November 22, 2018, 06:28:24 AM


On November 16th, Paragon Chat was patched to include a rudimentary add-on package system to allow PIGG files to be added to the program.  While the add-on package system will undergo later revisions (namely, to use .ZIP files to avoid PIGG packaging tools, and modularity so users don't need to edit Config files outside of the package) for now, this is a way to add the following maps (courtesy of DemonHunter) to the Paragon Chat application.

  • Kallisti Wharf
  • Rikti War Zone - Remixed
  • Modern Office
Here, the add-on pack is available (courtesy of Leandro):  To install the add-on, please read the instructions provided in the README. 

For Windows users (Tequila users, version of Windows doesn't matter, this should work regardless), if you need a step-by-step guide, one way to carry out these instructions is as follows:

1. Download the link above.  Unpack the ZIP file by double clicking on the file where you downloaded it.  Usually it will land in your "Downloads" folder in your User folders in File Explorer/Windows Explorer (same thing, different names).  But finding the .ZIP file on your computer is up to you... you're the one downloading it after all.

If Paragon Chat is open, close it at this time.  Leaving Paragon Chat on won't harm it, but the addon pack loads on the first run, so the maps won't appear until you close it anyway.

2. You'll find the following folders on the first screen.

"Config" has the information needed to add the three new zones to your Mapmenu and Mapmove commands.  "Piggs" has the addon file to add the three maps to Paragon Chat itself.  Both are needed to make the maps work.  First, we'll copy the .pigg to the Paragon Chat folder. 

3. Open the "Piggs" folder and copy the file "addon-map-pack.pigg" by highlighting it and pressing Ctrl-C.

4. Now we're going to perform some Eldritch Windows Magic.  Press Ctrl-D and type the following in the address bar (without quotes):


If it worked, you'll see your Paragon Chat folder.
If it didn't, an easier way to reach the same place is to open Paragon Chat, but not to sign in.  Instead, click the blue folder icon.  A File Explorer or Windows Explorer window will show the same place.

5. Open the "Piggs" folder here, and press Ctrl-V to paste the addon .pigg file to this folder.

6. Now return to the .ZIP file, but this time, open up "Config".  Here, you'll see the config file.

We'll open it this time (use Notepad or your favorite text editor like Notepad++, Sublime Text, vim, or whatever else you like) and select all of the contents by pressing Ctrl-A (or left click at the top line before the first letter and drag the mouse to the last one before letting go).  Press Ctrl-C to copy it.

7. Return to the Paragon Chat folder (repeat Step 4) and this time, open "Config" instead of "Piggs".  We'll open zone.cfg.  Again, use Notepad (or your favorite text editor).
Go to the end of the file (Notepad: press Ctrl-End on your keyboard if it has an End key) then press Ctrl-V to paste the new zone instructions at the end.  If it worked, you should see the following:

If you see the same, save the file and close the text editor.

8.  With the Pigg in place, and the zone.cfg changes made, now you can run Paragon Chat.  Open it like normal and sign in.

Once you're in, you can see if the changes worked immediately:  type "/mapmenu" in chat (without the quotes) and check the "Paragon City" list:

In the above list, you should see the following zones and the according mapmove numbers (in orange:)

44 Kallisti Wharf

4401 Modern Office

88 Rikti War Zone Remix

If you do, try loading any of those three maps and see if it works.  (Instead of the zone name in the center of the screen once you successfully 'zone in', you'll see an obscure file name instead... don't worry, this is normal.)

Questions?  Did something not work?  Ask here. :)
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


I noticed while looking through the files that the modern office map 4401, has the same id as "office 30"   in bitters mod. Does having 2 zones with the same id 4401 not cause any issues?


To quote Leandro from elsewhere:

QuoteOverride. The game client only sees the last version loaded. All the files in all piggs are loaded (you don't need to ensure some things are loaded before others), but only the last one loaded is used.

If you want to keep the Bitter's Mod map, I would suspect you would change the map number for that office map to something else.  (With the understanding that it won't line up with friends when they want to join up with you.)
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran




I've been trying off and on to grab the file on a couple of browsers since this thread was posted.  All that I'm getting is either an SSL error or (if I bypass that), a 404 error.
-= Virtue Server - 2004-06-13 to 2012-11-30 =-
hortis publicis gemini in aeternum

Usurper Dyne, Still Heart, River Elemental, Saul Invictus, Grim Grinner


Quote from: Dyne on November 25, 2018, 02:41:59 PM
I've been trying off and on to grab the file on a couple of browsers since this thread was posted.  All that I'm getting is either an SSL error or (if I bypass that), a 404 error.

They get these things fixed pretty quickly, but in the meantime, you can get it from my dropbox:


-= Virtue Server - 2004-06-13 to 2012-11-30 =-
hortis publicis gemini in aeternum

Usurper Dyne, Still Heart, River Elemental, Saul Invictus, Grim Grinner


"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


It should work now, I just had to get a certificate from LetsEncrypt.


-= Virtue Server - 2004-06-13 to 2012-11-30 =-
hortis publicis gemini in aeternum

Usurper Dyne, Still Heart, River Elemental, Saul Invictus, Grim Grinner


I've only just seen the Leandro Twitch stream.

How did I miss this..?

Kalistri Wharf looks amazing.

I'll download this...real Soon!
