Costume Contest Thursdays in Atlas Park - 2017 Winners

Started by Nyghtshade, January 03, 2017, 01:46:55 AM


Thursday, JAN. 5th, the weekly Costume Contests resume in Atlas Park.  THEME:  "12 Days of Christmas", since the contest will actually take place on "Twelfth Night". 

See you there!


"Choose your causes carefully, if not, if you try to champion every good cause that comes along, you'll wear yourself out, at best, and worse, become a dilettante -- an ineffective dabbler. Pick a few that are the most near and dear to you, and give them your all, trusting that others are out there handling the other causes with equal fervor."


It's always 5:30pm Pacific / 8:30pm Eastern, Thursday nights, Paragon Chat's Atlas Park. 


Winners from Thursday, January 5th, 2017:

Santa Freem (@angieb)

Chrom (@Bearpounder)
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Tonight's Costume Contest in Atlas Park takes place at 5:30pm Pacific / 8:30pm Eastern.  The theme is "Anything Goes", so bring your favorite character and your most impressive costume! 


Winners from Thursday, January 12th, 2017:

Platinum Dynamite (@Platinum Dynamite)

Tin Soldier (@Moses Jones)

Side Note: We counted 28 people in zone for the costume contest tonight with 18 participants, making this one of our most attended costume contests ever.  Thanks for a fun time, for all the creative work and time spent assembling your creations, and we can't wait to see what's next from you all!
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Thursday Costume Contest Theme:  Chinese New Year! 
5:30pm Pacific / 8:30 pm Eastern.   Bring the fireworks and your Chinese New Year costume, and see you there!


Winners from January 19th, 2017:


@wei yau:

Tune In Next Week: The next theme, "Villains We Love to Hate".  Come up with your favorite villain who drinks boos and hisses like water and laughs right back.  Baby candy stealers, people who talk on Cell Phones in movie theaters on purpose, and Middle Managers everywhere (those TPS reports...), this is your moment!  January 27th at Atlas Park!
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Don't forget the Costume Contest tonight:  THEME:  Villains We Love To Hate!

5:30pm Pacific / 8:30pm Eastern, in Atlas Park.  HERC CC Judges:  @Tahquitz, and @Nyghtshade.


Winners for January 26th:

@moses jones


Tune In Next Week: Next week's theme, "Groundhog's Day", where you can be one of the handlers of Punxsutawney Phil, Phil himself, or any of the town residents.  Or you can re-enact the popular Bill Murray movie.

Tune In The Following Week: "Groundhog's Day", where you can be one of the handlers of Punxsutawney Phil, Phil himself, or any of the town residents.  Or you can re-enact the popular Bill Murray movie.

Tune In Three Weeks From Now: "Groundhog's Day", where you can be one of the handlers of Punxsutawney Phil, Phil himself, or any of the town residents.  Or you can re-enact the popular Bill Murray movie.

"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Winners for February 2nd:



Tune in next week: Singles Awareness Day will be the theme.  Entrants can bring in any character who proudly says "Love Stinks!"  Anti-Heroes, Villains, and Lone Wolfs are all welcome!
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Winners for February 9th:



Tune In Next Week: Because Anything Goes!™  No theme next week, just bring in your best creations!
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Winners for February 16th:

TWO Winners this week:



Honorable Mention:


Tune In Next Week: where the theme will be "Mardi Gras!"  Come to The Big Easy on Fat Tuesday!  You can join us as a Carnival of Light or Shadow participant (or Vengeance if you feel), as a Cajun/Old World spiritualist in pursuit of zombies and spirits, or as a street reveler like most Bourbon Street occupants at night!  (Remember, we run PG-13 shows.  No flesh colored tops, please...  We can't issue beads anyway. :D)
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Just a reminder for this week's Costume Contest.  THEME: MARDI GRAS !!   
Come celebrate The Big Easy on Fat Tuesday!  You can join us as a Carnival of Light or Shadow participant (or Vengeance if you feel), as a Cajun/Old World spiritualist in pursuit of zombies and spirits, or as a street reveler like most Bourbon Street occupants at night!  (Remember, we run PG-13 shows.  No flesh colored tops, please...  We can't issue beads anyway. :D)


Results for February 23rd:




TUNE IN NEXT WEEK: When our theme will be the Siege of Rome!  Bring in your Cimerorans, your Praetorian Guards, and those who tripped on the way to the past as we try to spend a night without someone saying "Et tu, Brute?"  Next week's contest will be held in Cimerora, NOT ATLAS PARK, so the Screenshots will be different as well. :D  Cimerora can be found at /mapmove 3, or by using /mapmenu in chat to call up a menu: it'll be listed in "Other".
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


This Week's Paragon Chat Thursday Costume Contest, March 2nd, 5:30pm Pacific / 8:30pm Eastern.
Location CHANGE:   CIMERORA.  ( Cimerora can be found at /mapmove 3, or by using /mapmenu  –> Other –> Cimerora.)
THEME:  Siege of Rome! 
Bring in your Cimerorans, your Praetorian Guards, your Romans and those who tripped on the way to the past as we try to spend a night without someone saying "Et tu, Brute?"


Results for March 2nd:

We had to switch to Ouroboros Mode for this contest.




Tune in next week: for our next theme back at Atlas Park, "The Ides of March."  This is a contest specifically for the grey area... Rogues, Vigilantes, Renegades and Spin Doctors.  Bring in your best street tough, backstabber, executrix with a hidden agenda, or puppet master in a pinstripe suit.  This Thursday at 8:30 Eastern, 5:30 Pacific.

ALSO A REMINDER: Next Sunday, March 12th is the start of Daylight Savings Time for United States, as we switch times one month earlier than most countries.  After this week's contest, folks in other countries will notice our event will change to one hour EARLIER than normal, whatever that appears to be in your time zone.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Results for March 9th:

@Raven27 (Eggs Benedict Arnold) and @Pengy (Fox Guy)

@Ephemeris (Slumlord) and @Platinum Dynamite (Amandus Rose)

Tune in next week: Through the eyes and the ears of the 'verse, you can't stop the signal.  Next Thursday is all about "Space Cowboys!"  Shiny!!  Bring your less-than-serene rebels with coats of brown, your Rangers of the galaxy, your alien-fightin' cowboys, and Bebop on down to Atlas Park! Come join us for a costume contest worthy of a Browncoat, or any similar character you have made. 

This is in honor of Hoban Washburn, portrayed by Alan Tudyk who turns 46 next Thursday.

ONE LAST REMINDER: United States changes to Daylight Savings Time on 3/12/2017.  Especially for those in other countries, this means our contest will be on ONE HOUR EARLIER until your timezone enters Daylight Savings (or in places that remain on Standard Time, like Arizona, until Fall.) 
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Just a reminder, Space Cowboys Costume Contest tonight!  Shiney !!


So, Good News, Bad News...

Good news: This weeks winners are --
@Quasar, who earned a win this week for Critical Mass!
@Platinum Dynamite, who gets Honorable Mention for Captain Star Ranger!

Bad news: As a technical difficulty, the screenshots were not taken. I had the wrong key mapped, since I used a new character other than Costume Contest Man to shoot the pics.  (I have a keyboard that requires a Fn keypress to type Print Screen, so I map it to something else.)

You two, check your messages for possible fixes.

Tune In Later This Week: when our theme will be "Spring Is Coming!"  Bring your favorite flora and fauna to Atlas Park, as in plant and animal heroes and villains!  OR bring in your "Dr. Doolittle/Poison Ivy" character who is a master of either!
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran