Paragon Chat/Island Rum Mac Installation instructions

Started by Manga, August 30, 2017, 08:47:57 PM


1.  Download the Wineskin Mac Client.  Put it in a folder like Applications.

2.  Download Island Rum for Mac.  Put that in a folder like Applications as well.

3.  Launch Island Rum, and select the folder containing the Wineskin Mac Client (such as Applications).  Wait for it to finish scanning and downloading.  Multiple scans may be required if some of the file downloads fail.

4.  You can now hit the Play button to launch Paragon Chat!


Does this resolve the problems MAC users have had with loading/running Paragon Chat?


Quote from: Nyghtshade on September 07, 2017, 07:31:35 PM
Does this resolve the problems MAC users have had with loading/running Paragon Chat?

If you mean the inability to select the path, not really.  That's a separate Paragon Chat fix.


This is not working for me. I downloaded them both, installed them both in the Applications folder, ran Island Rum, it downloaded everything. Then I click on the blue triangle, it gets a green checkmark, and.... absolutely zip occurs other than my mac's fan going full blast.

Is there a single, simple, easy to read one-place description of what to do? I've been poking at this on an off for a week and I'm about to AppZapper this and forget about it.


Quote from: mephron on October 21, 2017, 12:49:00 AM
Is there a single, simple, easy to read one-place description of what to do? I've been poking at this on an off for a week and I'm about to AppZapper this and forget about it.

Right at the top of this thread.  There's a new Island Rum as of tonight (it should auto-update to 102020171) that is more stubborn about downloading the I24 files, and the broken mirrors in the manifest have been cleaned up.  I just tested Paragon Chat before posting this just to make sure, and it did launch.

Make sure to let Paragon Chat itself install in its default location, and then click the gear icon and point it to the "I24 files" (should be something like c:\Program Files\coh).

If you have the whole thing installed in Applications, and you aren't an administrator user, you might have problems.

Beyond that there's only a limited amount of things I can do to help, since I *am* all the Mac tech support there is.


After downloading all the files and hitting play. It exits out and a screen to install wineskin pops out. I had already downloaded the wineskin zip before....


Quote from: AngelFireAKAL90 on October 21, 2017, 07:58:52 AM
After downloading all the files and hitting play. It exits out and a screen to install wineskin pops out. I had already downloaded the wineskin zip before....

I haven't seen that before, but if I had to guess I'd say the path selected at Island Rum startup was the wrong one.  Select only the in the path selection window.  You'll have to use Reset Path on the main menu to fix that.


Quote from: Manga on October 21, 2017, 05:50:07 AM
Right at the top of this thread.  There's a new Island Rum as of tonight (it should auto-update to 102020171) that is more stubborn about downloading the I24 files, and the broken mirrors in the manifest have been cleaned up.  I just tested Paragon Chat before posting this just to make sure, and it did launch.

Make sure to let Paragon Chat itself install in its default location, and then click the gear icon and point it to the "I24 files" (should be something like c:\Program Files\coh).

If you have the whole thing installed in Applications, and you aren't an administrator user, you might have problems.

Beyond that there's only a limited amount of things I can do to help, since I *am* all the Mac tech support there is.

I don't actually have a 'gear icon'. This is what I see:

If I click on the little palm-tree image, I get the option to 'reset path', I set it for the CoH app in the Applications folder, click the play button, and then it does nothing. After about one minute, I get a message it terminated. I tried to post the error log, but it's too big for here.

I am using an account with Administrator privs.


I am having the same issue as Mephron. I even redownloaded Wineskin and Island Rum and reset path and such.


There's a new build trickling its way through the update system that should help with some of these issues.


I just installed 102120171, reset the path to, and still nothing is starting. No crash this time, just... nothing at all.

I click the Play button and see "Launching Paragon Chat", and then after a few seconds it goes back to no checkmark, no words.


It takes a while to load but eventually does.

I'm getting stuck where it says

"First, you need to find the folder where your City of Heroes - Issue 24 Beta client is installed."

It lets me navigate to

C:\Program Files\coh\cityofheroes.exe

But when I click "Try Again" nothing happens.


Older versions of Paragon Chat do that.  Try deleting ParagonChat.exe from the CoH folder (If you're using the Winetricks app, right click the CoH app, select Show Contents, then drive_c, Program Files, CoH) and then issuing a Rescan from Island Rum.


So no new news in regards to the problem Mephron and I are having about it just not wanting to start? Freaking Macs lol


Quote from: AngelFireAKAL90 on October 28, 2017, 03:23:44 AM
So no new news in regards to the problem Mephron and I are having about it just not wanting to start? Freaking Macs lol

It should have auto-reverted to 072620171 - if not, re-download it at

I'm testing a beta of a newer version with a small group, hopefully I can get it to be better behaved soon.


Thanks, Manga! I got rid of the old file and tried again and it works.

Super Titan

Hi guys,

Sorry to bother, but I've been trying to make Island Rum work for hours nows, and i'm starting to feel a bit frustrated.
Maybe I'm not doing it right hu, I'm not expert. Anyway is there anything that can be done to help me use Paragon Chat ??... please... :'(

Clicking and clicking again... but nothing happens, then island rum just quit...

Of course i tried this : "Older versions of Paragon Chat do that.  Try deleting ParagonChat.exe from the CoH folder (If you're using the Winetricks app, right click the CoH app, select Show Contents, then drive_c, Program Files, CoH) and then issuing a Rescan from Island Rum."... but then I have to re-download the 120 files from the beginning... :( :( :(

Edit : working now but only when I use the PC version with Tequila (I switch to PC from Mac, using Bootcamp)

Super Titan

Is there anyone who can help me to make Island Rum work on Mac please ?
Clicking and clicking again... but nothing happens, then island rum just quit...


Quote from: Super Titan on January 20, 2018, 01:53:29 AM
Is there anyone who can help me to make Island Rum work on Mac please ?
Clicking and clicking again... but nothing happens, then island rum just quit...

Follow the directions in the first post in this thread.

Super Titan

I did : twice.
that's why I'm asking for help...

Edit n°1
I may have an idea about what's going wrong : on the version which is working the "CoH" app 5,08Go, while the version which is not working is only 483,2 Mo. This might mean the download failed... I'm gonna try again, and again.

Edit n°2
I found an other thing that might have got in the way : since the macOS Sierra update, Terminal is not authorizing every app to work properly, you need to enter "Terminal" in search spotlight, then enter "sudo spctl --master-disable" and your password to disable Gatekeeper. Then get to "Preference system", "security", unlock the lock if it's on using your password again, and choose to autorize the apps downloaded from "everywhere". Then it should work. I'm re-downloading the wineskin client and updating it. I'll tell you if it work. :)

Edit n°3
One of the problem is that the download get stuck in the middle very often of the Mac version. For instance it's now 59/120. And not moving. Yet, it doesn't take that long or get stuck for the PC version. I'm afraid that's not something I can do something about. Maybe the solution is for you guys to make sure the download doesn't get stuck for the users. Like I said, I'm not expert, but what can possibly be done for that ? Please :)

Edit n°4
The download is now stuck 2/61...

Edit n°5
I must be the most unlucky hero of Paragon Chat : now I have an error message : "Error Computing MD5"... starting to get a bit frustrated... :(

Edit 6
My "CoH" app is now 5,06Go which mean 0,02Go is still missing. Updating and updating again...


There's a new Island Rum release today, downloadable here, that is more robust with handling the download mirrors.

Super Titan

Man, THANK YOU. Really, I mean it.  :D *Pray*
It's all working now.

Lurking Girl

I've followed the installation instructions and Island Rum is just repeatedly telling me "Scanning...Error loading manifest". 

- Island Rum build version: 033020181
- Apps are both in /Applications, and that's where the path is set
- OS version: Mojave (10.14.4)
- Turned off Gatekeeper, set System Prefs to accept apps from any developer, and rebooted just in case
- no firewall active
- I am able to get to the manifest XML file location from my web browser

Any advice or suggestions deeply appreciated.


Sorry for the dumb question but I am not tech savvy at all - How do I set System Prefs to accept apps from any developer?

Pop up states "Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the app store and identified developers."
I set 3 different browsers and none allow this download.

I appreciate any help you can afford!

Thank you!


The manifest site might just be overloaded, try again a bit later.

And Gatekeeper is located in Security preferences.


Quote from: Manga on April 27, 2019, 04:37:12 PM
The manifest site might just be overloaded, try again a bit later.

And Gatekeeper is located in Security preferences.

Aye.  Followed that advice to download Rum.  Got the Tequila working in bootcamp.  Thought I'd try and get the Mac version working.

*fingers crossed.



Every time I try to run this "Wineskin" asks me to "Choose Setup executable" <==== What is that? I cant select the CoH app...

it also has the option of  Copy  or Move a folder inside <==== inside what?

I cant get past this

I cant UNinstall wineskin cause i can effing find it...

What do I do?


It sounds like you just downloaded the Wineskin product.  That doesn't do a lot if it isn't set up correctly.

Download this modified version first:

Extract it, drop the application into the Applications folder.  Then load Island Rum first, and point it at the Applications folder.  It should begin downloading the game client.

Quote from: montyeich on May 29, 2019, 05:13:32 AM
Every time I try to run this "Wineskin" asks me to "Choose Setup executable" <==== What is that? I cant select the CoH app...