Shrouded badge in "Polluting Pike's Place" mission

Started by Malohin, May 27, 2008, 06:05:32 PM


I just completed the "Polluting Pike's Place" mission (timed; 20 diseased citizens to save) and was awarded the Shrouded badge.

Has anyone else noticed this? I'm hesitant to report this as a bug. :)


Shrouded is bugged. You seem to get it randomly just from being in that big outdoor map that looks like King's Row.


Shrouded / Shady has been awarding incorrectly ever since it was placed in the game.  It is attached to a specific Mission Map (as SP just said) just as it is attached to a few actual Missions themselves.

However, since you brought it up, I have looked at the Badge Details we have on File and made some changes.  Changes that we missed from our DB overhaul apparently.  We also currently have a Display Issue with the Quotations, so that'll be something you see that looks weird in several Badge Detail items.