Costume Contest Thursdays in Atlas Park - 2016 Winners

Started by Tahquitz, September 17, 2016, 04:49:03 AM


Costume Contest Thursdays
Every Thursday at 5:30pm Pacific/8:30pm Eastern in Atlas Park.

The following posts are the winners of the Costume Contest Thursday events in the year 2016.  This thread was split to keep current results easier to find.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd: Signs of Autumn.  Make your favorite Fall Hero come to life.  Any holiday in Sept.-Dec. during Fall weeks is welcome, as well as any themed costumes of typical Fall Themes.

Host(s): Nyghtshade, Tahquitz, Linuial. (I had RL obstacles... sorry!)

Winner(s - Tie): Artemis Devonshire and Huntress Artemiss.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th: Pumpkin Spice EVERYTHING!!!1!1!!  Bring us your best pumpkin themed toons.  Doesn't have to be orange, necessarily, but should be gourd-centric.

Host(s): Nyghtshade, Costume Contest Man (which is me...)

Winner: Punk'n Spice (We missed your global! Sorry!)

Honorable Mention: The Horseless Headsman (@Pengy).

Behind the Scenes -- I accidentally deleted the template I made for the Costume Contest "trophy" shots.  So I had to make another one.  This should fall closer to City of Heroes/Villains anyway, so no worries.  I redid the prior winners as well so it's consistent at least.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th: FREE-FOR-ALL.  Bring your best costume!  There's no limits.

Hosts: Nyghtshade, Costume Contest Man.

Winner: @hordax

Honorable Mention: @Tourniquet90
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13th: SCARY GODS AND MONSTERS.   Got a take on an ancient one? Want to make a cuter Cthulu?  Have a Water Goddess to terrify?  Bring them in!

Hosts: Nyghtshade, Costume Contest Man.

Winner: Deathly Gaunt (@ultrastar37)

Honorable Mention: Manthing (@MiniMega)
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20th: HALLOWEEN SUPERVILLAINS!  Whether you're the comic book scourge of the world, or the biggest brat who steals bags of candy, you won't want to miss this contest!

Hosts: Nyghtshade, Costume Contest Man.

Winners: Frank N. Berry (@KK) and Moonmadness (@Ephemeris)

Honorable Mention: Prisoner 7734 (@yinepuhotep)
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Just a reminder about the Costume Contest tonight in P.C.'s Atlas Park!   :)


unfortunately I'm out of town until next week....I'll check next Thursday. 8)


I'm really interested in seeing what the next costume contest will be...


Sorry, was asleep at the switch...

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27TH: Creatures Of The Night!  Got a favorite vampire or werewolf? A warshade? It doesn't have to be a 'bad guy', heroes are welcome just as long as they work at night.  Bring your creature of the night this Thursday to the Costume Contest!  This will be the last Costume Contest before Halloween Fest this Saturday!

Host(s): Nyghtshade, Costume Contest Man.

Winner: Atropa Belladonna

Honorable Mention: Granite Guardian

Also, this will be my last Costume Contest for at least a month.  I'll leave you guys in Nyghtshade's capable hands. :D
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


While Tahquitz is taking a November break, I'll be running the Thursday Night Costume Contests.  The theme tonight is "Anything Goes", and begins at 5:30pm Pacific / 8:30 pm Eastern, in Atlas Park.

Next week's Theme will be "Veterans", in honor of Veterans' Day!


Winner shots from last Thursday:

Winner - Arch Haven - @rojah - Arch Haven

Honorable Mention - Sagebrush Samurai - @Pengy
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Winner shot from last Thursday:

Winner, U.S. - Powder Shot (circa 1865) - @Ephemeris
Winner, Canadian - UN Blue Beret - @MiniMega
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


interesting....Powdershot, 1865's Hero.

I like the 'outside the box' thinking. :roll:


Just as a heads' up, the theme for Thursday's contest, Dec. 1st, is "Winter Wonderland". 


Sorry, these pics were lost in the Holiday Scramble.  But they were found, and here we go!

November 17th's Winner: Providence Jones (@MajorDeej)

November 17th Honorable Mentions: Turkey Man (@MiniMega) & Myles Standoffish Stand-In (@Pengy)

December 1st's Winner: Snow Angel (@MiniMega)
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8TH: Yule! It's fun to say! Have a legendary winter God or Goddess?  Got a pagan deity or ancient spirit to bring in the end of the harvest?  Can't bring yourself to make yet another Santa Claus or Elf figure?  Then come to this Costume Contest and let the old world Holiday Spirit take hold!  Odin would want it that way!  Or Krampus!  (Saturnalia enthusiasts: No actual virgin sacrifices, please.)

Host(s): Nyghtshade, Linuial.

December 8th's Winner: Krampus (@TheGreenlgmo)

December 8th's Honorable Mention: Yule Knight (@wei yu)
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15TH: Happy Holidays!  Got a elf in training?  Have a Holly, Jolly, Santa Claus, or an anti-hero take on St. Nicholas?  It doesn't have to be Christmas related: do you have a Chaunakah Hero or Dreidel-Defender?  How about a Chrismahaunakwanzakah creation that defies categorization?  Did you make a Baby New Year?!!  If so, bring them to Atlas Park!  We'd love to see your holiday-themed characters!

Hosts: Nyghtshade, Linuial.

December 15th's Winners: Cursed Marionette (Sorry! I didn't catch your global! :( My bad...) and Blizzard Witch (@mdlittle)

December 15th's Honorable Mention: Daniel O'moore (@dangerousdawn) and Boxing Day Goshawk (@pengy)
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


EVENT HIATUS:  Enjoy your family and friends, take some time for yourself, and we'll return with more costume contests starting on January 5th.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran