Author Topic: Which "successor" shows the most promise?  (Read 16388 times)


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Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« on: January 06, 2017, 06:08:49 PM »
It's only been since ParagonChat came around that the itch has driven me to get back into hero work. The itch is back and it's bad... so what scratches the itch? I definitely don't know much about the alternatives (even CoT which I backed, but haven't paid enough attention to yet).
Valiance online has the cleanest website by far, but what about the rest. For people who've been paying way more attention, what looks the most promising?

I just posted the following at CoT's suggestions forums and it outlines what I most liked and disliked about CoH if that gives you an idea of what's important to me:


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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2017, 06:30:10 PM »
I think it's too soon to tell. I backed CoT - so I'm definitely hoping that my loot gets some return in the form of a game to play instead of these emails I get that promise things are coming "soon". Still, if it were quick and easy, wouldn't we each have made the game as we saw fit? So, I can wait a little longer. What choice do I have?

I do know that if Shipofheroes, or Valiance - if any of them come online and offer something similar to CoH, I'll play that. I won't support multiple games. MMOs are a time sink. And, there's only so much of that I have to waste/spend.

I do think Shipofhereos has a fantastic website, with what looks to be proven leadership behind the scenes. Still, I think they're at least 2-3 years before we can expect anything. Likely, CoT will be done before they are. As far as I know, Valiance may already be done - but I haven't seen any hints about that thus far. They may be in Alpha. I'll wait until the actual release. I am not a fan of bugs.
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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2017, 07:21:34 PM »
Ship of heroes? I haven't even heard of that one :(

Like you, I only want to play one so I hope it's the "right" one.


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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2017, 07:53:26 PM »

The site does look good, I have to say that.
Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese


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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2017, 08:51:11 PM »
They all show some promise; I'm most interested and hopeful for CoT, myself. I think it has the best chance of having a setting/concept that would work for me.

The details are important though, and I won't be able to really judge any of them for myself until they're in late betas.

I agree the Ship website looks nice; although it also makes me suspect they were too loose with borrowing artwork and UI bits for their mockups from existing games. Regardless, there's no way I would ever play an MMO with a name like that - it sounds doofy.


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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2017, 09:49:41 PM »

The site does look good, I have to say that.

Wow... Talking about helping themselves to CoH's assets... Sorry, that game is going -nowhere- with that visual styling... NCSoft will spank.


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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2017, 12:02:24 AM »
Wow... Talking about helping themselves to CoH's assets... Sorry, that game is going -nowhere- with that visual styling... NCSoft will spank.

I had a similar thought. I don't know that they have much of a future. My initial impressions of Heroes and Villains is that their models are scary-looking. Valiance has a great looking website and they're somewhere near Alpha already, but we'll see. So far, maybe CoT is the best bet, but it's a ways out :/


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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2017, 12:10:12 AM »
Wow... Talking about helping themselves to CoH's assets... Sorry, that game is going -nowhere- with that visual styling... NCSoft will spank.
Hope SOH knows the safeword . . .


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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2017, 02:50:54 AM »
I'm thinking CoT will be my best bet. Valiance just didn't feel right when I played the early version, though that could change. HaV I'm concerned that they're using the Hero engine which was already showing its limits back when I was playing SWTOR. SoH is too early to tell anything.

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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2017, 05:36:45 AM »
I'm thinking CoT will be my best bet. Valiance just didn't feel right when I played the early version, though that could change. HaV I'm concerned that they're using the Hero engine which was already showing its limits back when I was playing SWTOR. SoH is too early to tell anything.
SWTOR's Hero Engine is basically a customized fork that was based on the alpha Hero Engine with a lot of rewriting by Bioware's programmers. It's also slightly terrible and requires far too many resources for a result that's inferior to many other engines that use far fewer resources. Not that the official Hero Engine is much better.
Valiance is based in a nearish future scifi superhero universe. As far as i can recall all superpowers are the result of advanced technology and weird science. The last video they released made the city look like the entire place is some sort of corporate park without any people living there. Maybe they all live in underground arcologies? Also VO's universe uses traffic lights designed to cull colorblind people. Either that or they're not allowed to drive, assuming it's still legal for humans to drive at all.
The Ship of Heroes video raised a lot of weird questions in my mind with the premise about the Arch and how it functions in the setting. Like the longer i watched it the more whiskey tango foxtrot alerts kept popping up in my head. i mean, just that the primary powersource/resource refinery for humanity's remnant is completely exposed in a huge open park in the middle of a starship and that alien races routinely sneak into the park to try to raid it had me needing a beefier suspension for my disbelief.
CoT so far does seem the most CoH like in setting and tone, so i'm hoping they really do have something for me to tinker with this year.
So far so good. Onward and upward!


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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2017, 05:02:51 PM »
Good info! Thanks!


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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2017, 07:03:20 PM »
Coming on here rather late, but I'd hold the opinion that CoT likely has the strongest direction and conceptual markers.  Putting characters like Anthem - which never seemed to have even been dreamed of by the Cryptic writers, although such ideas may well have been introduced and then shot down - at the forefront of the mix shows that they've made at least a serious attempt to prevent merely rewriting old directives (white boy Captain America/Superman type as first-line world defender), while still keeping the idea of some signature heroes as part of the mix.

At the same time, I do wish there was at least one company that put in to place the concept that DSumner used, and uses, for his online PBEM V&V game: a world where the premier superheroes have disappeared, as a whole (not just diminished in quantity, as in CoH), with the world still filled with ravenous supervillains.  It now falls to the PCs to pick up the torch/cross/however you want to phrase it, and set the stage for a new generation of characters to take up the mission; be it Batman/Daredevil street-based, or Thor/Superman cosmic-level.

In any case, back to the original concept: While I think that, based on initial public relations and concept releases, MWM has got the lead on matters, their "Well, maybe" release date of Fall 2018 does leave the door open for many other organizations, in place and still to be conceived, to make the jump ahead with serious good ideas falling into place.


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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2017, 07:15:15 PM »
Wow... Talking about helping themselves to CoH's assets... Sorry, that game is going -nowhere- with that visual styling... NCSoft will spank.

My understanding is that some of those pictures are just "place-holders". I honestly don't think NCSoft will do a thing. It would be counter-productive for them, and probably embarrassing.
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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2017, 10:24:50 PM »
I would agree with ukaserex on this point.  In addition, I think NC >:( could care less about their (once abundant) North American customer base.
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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2017, 07:04:53 AM »
I would agree with ukaserex on this point.  In addition, I think NC >:( could care less about their (once abundant) North American customer base.

They seem to care enough to not want to sell their IP to us...


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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2017, 08:59:16 PM »
I saw the Youtube preview of 'Ship of Heroes' - the head of the group is a former COHr and seems to 'get it' !
This successor came out of nowhere apparently, but I have high hopes.
Here's the link:
Well worth hearing the whole thing.


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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2017, 12:19:34 PM »
Thank you, CrashPositron.  I just noticed this thread.  I would like to respond to the early comments -- there are no art assets taken from COH on the Ship of Heroes website.  We created all of it from scratch, often using commercially licensable buildings and art objects that we purchased.  It has taken a skilled team nearly a year to create this environment.  In fact, our game is the least likely to be sued since we do not mention or continue any of the characters, places, missions, or copyrighted content of CoH.  Even more, we are not re-creating a 20th century city with cops and robbers, firemen and arsonists, super villains and superheroes, and with newspaper buildings and fire hydrants on every corner.  It's clear that Apotheosis City is NOT Gotham, Metropolis or Paragon.  Our plan has always been to build a completely new game, but with a structure that would welcome former COH players (like myself).

I played COH on Justice, Freedom and Virtue servers.  Most of our devs played COH, and some of us played it together.  When the game closed, one of the most common discussions was "Do you prefer a new game, or do you want COH to just come back, unchanged?"  At that time I was in the "unchanged" faction.  But as the years have passed I've internalized that "unchanged" does not seem to be a real option.  So our team is making the game we'd like to play.  We hope many of you will join us.

Kickstarter begins April 4th.  If you watch the videos on YouTube, you can see that we already have a working version of the game.  It needs a lot more development.  But you can see what you'll be getting, if you help us.


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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2017, 01:53:53 PM »
Having listened to the whole long video,  I'd say it sounds more like "Ship of Pirates" rather than "Ship of Heroes"... Seriously, no "hero" would raid another ship and steal their resources... Just, no... That's not the actions of a hero.

Also, the art is still clearly heavily based on CoH.


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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2017, 02:18:57 PM »
I appreciate your thoughts.  Please keep them coming.  :)

But there is no art taken from COH in SOH.  None.  Zippo.

If you want to say that Apotheosis City reminds you of COH, well, your opinion is valid.  But for many who travel from country to country today, a very  common observation is how much cities in China or Europe or America all have striking similarities.  We used urban design principles in laying out Apotheosis City.  So for example, you see shout-out features to cities in the US and the Middle East and Asia in the level.  This is an example of people of the future bringing remembrances of the past on earth into the ship.

Of course, Apotheosis City is created in Unreal 4, so the engine, the assets available to purchase for the engine, and the level of detail are all completely different from any previous game.  So the City is completely unique.

Each future level of the Justice, and the worlds visited will be similarly created, and similarly unique.

Oh, and raids against other ships -- those are counter-raids against alien ships who have stolen our stuff, not raids against human or allied species.  And that is right in the sweet spot for heroes.

Thanks again.


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Re: Which "successor" shows the most promise?
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2017, 12:50:12 AM »
I'm personally very impressed by everything I see in Ship of Heroes and I'm planning on kicking some money to them.  I like their team, I like what I see of their development approach, I'm not wild about the game premise as I'd much rather be running around a 20th century city with fire hydrants, gangs, cops, crooks, secret identities etc, but I think there's potential there.  If I could ignore war walls, I can probably ignore the idea that everybody's on a spaceship.

I'm very strongly hoping they'll construct basic street sweeping on the rescue of people and property (hopefully with really good AI on the civvies)

And I'm kind-of stunned by what they've been able to throw together in a year -- that play example is really striking.
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