Author Topic: Dont' bother bringing up successors in CO's main forums  (Read 4505 times)


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Dont' bother bringing up successors in CO's main forums
« on: December 31, 2016, 05:07:00 AM »
Title says it all.  It seems any time they are brought up, or CoH, people just get upset at the mere mention, call them all vaporware or attack people in the CoH community near unprovoked and generally it's not really necessary.

Let them continue to be wrong about things.  If anything should be discussed in CO's main forums, it's how to improve there games.  But never, ever use CoX or the successors as examples there.  The trolls always take that bait, and if anyone wants a serious discussion there, just don't bring them up.  Don't give them the target.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


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Re: Dont' bother bringing up successors in CO's main forums
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2016, 07:18:06 AM »
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Re: Dont' bother bringing up successors in CO's main forums
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2016, 01:22:29 PM »
I remember some pretty violent reactions on CoH official boards, even an official ban from the game's moderation team on discussing other superhero games.


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Re: Dont' bother bringing up successors in CO's main forums
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2016, 01:58:51 PM »
Speaking of violent reactions I've been watching them deforest and then completely level landscape right outside my window that hasn't changed since my grandparents built houses and then dragged plumbing to this area. They started the day after Christmas.
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Re: Dont' bother bringing up successors in CO's main forums
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2016, 06:19:36 PM »
I remember some pretty violent reactions on CoH official boards, even an official ban from the game's moderation team on discussing other superhero games.

I think that may have to happen on the CO official forums, for there own good.  Once again one person in particular(I think people here know who by now) gaslights me again to when I brought up said person was lying about VO/CoT/H&V's origins by claiming all three were the same project(which is not true, VO was it's own project even before CoT came into existence and no one working on CoT/H&V ever touched VO.  Only part thats true in that statement is that it was CoT/H&V which were the same project at the very beginning).
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.

Angel Phoenix77

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Re: Dont' bother bringing up successors in CO's main forums
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2016, 06:34:11 PM »
Title says it all.  It seems any time they are brought up, or CoH, people just get upset at the mere mention, call them all vaporware or attack people in the CoH community near unprovoked and generally it's not really necessary.

Let them continue to be wrong about things.  If anything should be discussed in CO's main forums, it's how to improve there games.  But never, ever use CoX or the successors as examples there.  The trolls always take that bait, and if anyone wants a serious discussion there, just don't bring them up.  Don't give them the target.
I am not surprised, if I had to guess, it was four people who have created a forum cartel on the forums. Which caused people too stop posting. They are worried that if City of. comes back or a successor comes out that would be the death of co. From their perspective since City of. closed down and the successors are a few years away from launch, co is the "world's best super hero game".
They cannot stand to see anyone with a difference of opinion, they would rag on them until they leave, or strait up ignore them. The mods atleast the self absorbed mods don't care. About what is going on. These four have either been hostile to people to strait up lie about people (such as what happened to me.) One of them even thinks that their opinion is the only correct one, as to what happened on Youtube.
I remember before these four came to co, the boards where a great place to be, even chatted to each other provided ideas, from great, to not so much. In essence everyone was nice to each other. We even had at times had devs interact with the players, now they do not come on, if they do they do not stay on every long.
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Re: Dont' bother bringing up successors in CO's main forums
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2016, 07:55:49 PM »
I am not surprised, if I had to guess, it was four people who have created a forum cartel on the forums. Which caused people too stop posting. They are worried that if City of. comes back or a successor comes out that would be the death of co. From their perspective since City of. closed down and the successors are a few years away from launch, co is the "world's best super hero game".
They cannot stand to see anyone with a difference of opinion, they would rag on them until they leave, or strait up ignore them. The mods atleast the self absorbed mods don't care. About what is going on. These four have either been hostile to people to strait up lie about people (such as what happened to me.) One of them even thinks that their opinion is the only correct one, as to what happened on Youtube.
I remember before these four came to co, the boards where a great place to be, even chatted to each other provided ideas, from great, to not so much. In essence everyone was nice to each other. We even had at times had devs interact with the players, now they do not come on, if they do they do not stay on every long.

Pretty much, the same person who lied about us gaslights again.  Honestly it makes me wonder how long CO has, I keep thinking it'll shut down sooner or later, with sooner becoming more likely merely as time goes on and more people leave over the insanity of the grinds and balance direction from what I saw from playing leaning rapidly towards "Melee tank, melee dps, or pure ranged healer and nothing else" trinity.  They buffed melee lately and made so many ranged attacks weaker than ever before.

It's like, CO's forum cartel have single handedly ruined the game by stopping almost all civil discussion of it on it's own forums, the SHFG's as usual demanding ultra punishing content and nerfs typing there own hands bloody do more harm for hard games than any casual gamer disliking hard games ever could.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


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Re: Dont' bother bringing up successors in CO's main forums
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2016, 08:10:55 PM »
...and more people leave over the insanity of the grinds and balance direction from what I saw from playing leaning rapidly towards "Melee tank, melee dps, or pure ranged healer and nothing else" trinity.  They buffed melee lately and made so many ranged attacks weaker than ever before.

So, instead of letting Champions Online thrive on with it's own lore and universe, they're flirting with increasing it's appeal with MOBA players?  That seems to be the direction of the MMO industry at the moment.  That'd be my guess.
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Re: Dont' bother bringing up successors in CO's main forums
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2016, 08:22:36 PM »
So, instead of letting Champions Online thrive on with it's own lore and universe, they're flirting with increasing it's appeal with MOBA players?  That seems to be the direction of the MMO industry at the moment.  That'd be my guess.

My only thoughts, is it's latest dev see was one of those "melee should be the only way to play" players, see she's what they call a "fan promoted to developer", originally only being a moderator who was known for shutting down any arguement against people who'd trolled others.  Part of that "Forum cartel" that angel speaks of.  Some people think that melee, because it has to be up close, has to do higher damage to compensate, and somewhat they are right, but the extent of it is far more than it has to be(CO in the first melee pass it was buffed to over 2.5 times as powerful, and a lot of the same complainers stopped and went quiet, easy to see why).

Basically melee can do both better damage AND have better defense than ranged, laser knight for example now gives 33% damage resistance for just attacking, which if combined with regeneration gives a player 63% damage resistance(cutting damage down to only 65% after cryptic math), or say at high levels combined with armadillo and lots of +defense one could get over 100% defense even in a melee damage role with a damage passive.  The thing is, these kinds of oversights almost never get looked at anymore.

Melee can also remove range as a factor in pvp, often over-looked by scrubs/shfgs in that lunge attacks can root/slow/stun ect and completely shut off travel powers.  This causes melee to become even more powerful, effectively removing the disadvantage of melee.  And of course buffs/debuffs/crowd control is non-existant in CO as all three, if they affected anyone but the user, either have been nerfed to uselessness or get nerfed anytime it's popular in either pve or pvp.  The devs just want everyone to be melee only and only playing holy trinity in the newest content of which the grind alone is a turn off, even if it wasn't holy trinity focused.  Having to destroy cosmics 160 times to get gear or possibly more to unlock costume pieces is not fun, since fighting cosmics probably loses the appeal after 10 or so.

The game has turned into a korean grindfest with a focus on melee only, pretty much.  Because unfortunately one of it's fans who was a melee-only shfg and friends with other shfg's became a developer and has spent her time making sure melee would be the only way to play.  At least those are my thoughts about kaizerin.  She's running the game into the ground.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


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Re: Dont' bother bringing up successors in CO's main forums
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2016, 11:35:27 PM »
This sort of behavior isn't unique. People circle the wagons to defend against a perceived threat never realizing that the more insular they become the more they strangle the thing they want to defend, sometimes until it dies. Game communities do it, sub-communities, guilds, etc; and it almost always leads to stagnation and shrinking numbers. I've seen it wreck RP in games. Recently I've been watching this happen to another game and it's communities for the last year or so just shaking my head and wondering why they can't see what they're doing to themselves. If the people running the show won't acknowledge what's happening or won't act to correct it there's really not much to be done and little point wasting time trying imo.

Angel Phoenix77

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Re: Dont' bother bringing up successors in CO's main forums
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2017, 05:30:20 PM »
Pretty much, the same person who lied about us gaslights again.  Honestly it makes me wonder how long CO has, I keep thinking it'll shut down sooner or later, with sooner becoming more likely merely as time goes on and more people leave over the insanity of the grinds and balance direction from what I saw from playing leaning rapidly towards "Melee tank, melee dps, or pure ranged healer and nothing else" trinity.  They buffed melee lately and made so many ranged attacks weaker than ever before.

It's like, CO's forum cartel have single handedly ruined the game by stopping almost all civil discussion of it on it's own forums, the SHFG's as usual demanding ultra punishing content and nerfs typing there own hands bloody do more harm for hard games than any casual gamer disliking hard games ever could.
That is very true, Alex, those people have their heads firmly  planted in their pancakes. They tend to think, that all that matters is their opinion and no one else. As such as what happened to me on Youtube, with Sliver. After I tried to answer someone else's question. I remember getting to an argument with that person, after I said "atleast the Secret World, is getting meaningful updates." Which at that point Silver started lying about me. After which the second pancake stepped in and called me a "troll". However, after reading what Sliver tried to do on the star wars tor beta boards, I am glad that person got ran off. And hope any of the successor deves, black them from beta play.

@Cast, Which that is sadly true, the co devs and official community reps do not care, since this has been going on for four years. They leave the community rules to a few inept self-serving volunteer reps. And after my first argument and reading them attacking other members of the community for their suggestions do not care as well. All of the reps and devs could have put that forum cartel to rest the first time they attacked the first post.

@Taz, I would think their devs are only doing the bare minimum, in so far as lock boxes and barely any new content, and the only new content they released for four years was one, where you have to group to have a chance. I once thought, that co could have been so much better then City of. however, due to mismanagement, inept devs, and no true direction, as well as letting a few dictate to the community what they want; has left co is shambles. For 6+ years there is no true story connecting all of the zones, just a mishmash of missions, lazily put together.

Wow since I have been here, I have never made a huge post like this one :D
One day the Phoenix will rise again.


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Re: Dont' bother bringing up successors in CO's main forums
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2017, 02:05:00 PM »
Angel Phoenix is absolutely right about the forum cartel and its consequences.  Some of them claim to have no influence, a good number do.  But in reality, they practically have the devs ear.  Even more-so with one of there own now being a developer.

One side of me still doesnt want to see CO shutdown, but the side that wants to see it grows everytime those cartels destroy yet another good idea or force another bad idea down everyones throats.  And they'll blame everyone else but themselves, mark my words they will not claim responsabiliy for the game shutting down after it has become exactly what they wanted.

CO absolutely could have been a better game, its instead a dying mess, barely recognizable as a once good game.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2017, 11:33:35 PM by LaughingAlex »
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


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Re: Dont' bother bringing up successors in CO's main forums
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2017, 11:37:16 PM »
Come to think of it, I'm reminded of how the "SHFG"'s are the worst enemies of hard games to.

Video talks about how approachability to a game, rather than how easy it is, is what really matters.  CO is not approachable in it's raids, and isn't approachable even as an easy game at times.

But it also brings up at 5:24ish how the "hardcore fringe" is not helping.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.