Paragon Chat 1.0.6 Patch Notes

Started by Codewalker, October 24, 2016, 09:47:26 PM


And here i thought it was my bad luck screwing me over....hate when this happens :s.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


Couldn't have happened at a worst time too.


Is there a way to direct where the costume creator saves costumes? Built a new computer a few months ago with 2 hard drives and decided to have a play around on Paragon Chat, tried saving costume but I couldn't change the file directory to where I wanted to save (wanted to save to the drive I have my OS on, not where I store stuff). Is that a bug or deliberate?


Quote from: WildFire15 on October 30, 2016, 02:51:56 PM
Is that a bug or deliberate?

Neither. It's inherited. The COH client never had an option to save costumes anywhere other than the default location.

Paragon Chat redirects that default to its own install, so you do have a few options. The simplest is just to move your whole Paragon Chat install to your preferred location. Use the folder icon on the login screen to find where it currently is, go up one level, and (after exiting Paragon Chat), move the whole thing somewhere else. Anything you create inside of it such as costumes and screenshots will come along for the ride.

If you're familiar with the file system and comfortable using the command line, you could also create a symbolic link to somewhere else to replace the 'Costumes' directory, but that's a bit more specialized.


Quote from: Codewalker on October 30, 2016, 06:13:26 PM
Neither. It's inherited. The COH client never had an option to save costumes anywhere other than the default location.

Paragon Chat redirects that default to its own install, so you do have a few options. The simplest is just to move your whole Paragon Chat install to your preferred location. Use the folder icon on the login screen to find where it currently is, go up one level, and (after exiting Paragon Chat), move the whole thing somewhere else. Anything you create inside of it such as costumes and screenshots will come along for the ride.

If you're familiar with the file system and comfortable using the command line, you could also create a symbolic link to somewhere else to replace the 'Costumes' directory, but that's a bit more specialized.

The installation is on the D:\ drive (main storage), I've reset and verified it just to be sure, but it looks like the roaming app data where costumes are getting saved to and loaded from (client says it's saving to C:\PC\Costumes) is staying on the C:\ drive (OS), seemingly deciding to stay put when I set everything else up without me realizing. Seeing as costume data is only tiny I might just leave it.


Quote from: WildFire15 on October 30, 2016, 10:54:40 PM
The installation is on the D:\ drive (main storage), I've reset and verified it just to be sure, but it looks like the roaming app data where costumes are getting saved to and loaded from

The COH install and the Paragon Chat install are completely separate. The one you're seeing in roaming app data (probably AppData\Roaming\ParagonChat) is the Paragon Chat install, along with all it's data. That's what you want to move elsewhere, like D:\Games\ParagonChat or wherever.

It's self contained so you can just move the whole thing without having to reinstall. If you have a desktop shortcut or anything you might have to update it to point the right place, or you can just make a new shortcut to Bin\ParagonChat.exe in the new location.

PC does use the assets and data files out of the COH directory, but other than that doesn't modify it in any way. That's on purpose, just on the off chance that those files ever have another use again someday.

Quote from: WildFire15 on October 30, 2016, 10:54:40 PM
(client says it's saving to C:\PC\Costumes) is staying on the C:\ drive (OS)

Ignore that. The COH client uses legacy APIs, and it doesn't work with path names that are more than 260 characters long or have international characters in them. Paragon Chat intercepts all of its file access and redirects it using more modern APIs, letting COH think that it's installed somewhere easy for it to handle. When you see "C:\PC\Costumes", it's actually being saved in "[wherever Paragon Chat is running from]\Costumes"


Thanks for clearing that up, CW. Keep up the good work :)


personal request: CodeWalker, when you switch time back on, could you also re-increase the timer on the AFK feature?
People trying to talk to me get 'away' messages after only a minute or so - could you make it like 10 minutes do you think ?


Snow in Kings Row!  Loving it.   :D

Nyx Nought Nothing

Quote from: Nyghtshade on December 05, 2016, 02:58:58 AM
Snow in Kings Row!  Loving it.   :D
Missed the snow in KR, but was surrounded by snow after zoning into AP, but then it vanished after a stop at the tailor. Not sure what the rules are for making it show up yet.
Edit: In Atlas Park at least the most consistent method of making the snow appear/reappear i've found so far is flying upwards a bit until it starts snowing.
So far so good. Onward and upward!


Quote from: Nyx Nought Nothing on December 08, 2016, 11:19:27 PM
Not sure what the rules are for making it show up yet.

ParagonChat/hacks.c, line 1305:

#define SNOW_INTERVAL_MIN 10800
#define SNOW_INTERVAL_MAX 86400

void hackDoWeather()
    bool cansnow = false;
    unsigned int rng;
    float heavyness, snowval;
    int interval;
    U32 now;
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < SIZE(s_snowable_zones); i++) {
        if (backend(type) == BACKEND_XMPP &&
            backend(info)->id == s_snowable_zones[i])
            cansnow = true;
    if (!cansnow)
        return;                         // early out since it could never snow here

    timeAdjusted(&st);                  // UTC
//    st.wMonth = debug_month_override;
//    st.wDay = debug_day_override;
    now = timeSeconds();

    if (st.wMonth != 12 && st.wMonth != 1) {      // only do snowfall in Dec and Jan
        cansnow = false;
    } else {
        heavyness = (st.wMonth == 1 ? 31 : 0) + st.wDay;
        heavyness = sinf((PI*heavyness) / 63.f);
        heavyness *= heavyness;     // sin^2 for slower buildup

        if (backend(info)->id == 5) {
            // It snows way more often in King's Row. Just because.
            heavyness = (heavyness * 2.0) + 0.1;

        // generate random number based off zone ID and some fuzz
        rng = (backend(info)->id + 5127 + st.wDay*309) * 1103515245 + 12345;
        rng = (backend(info)->id + 13375005 + st.wDay*221) * 1103515245 + 12345;
        snowval = (float)rng / (float)UINT_MAX;
        // cycle snow state every SNOW_INTERVAL seconds
        snowval += (float)(now % interval) / (float)interval;
        if (snowval > 1.0)
            snowval = snowval - 1.0;

        if (snowval >= heavyness)
            cansnow = false;

//        printf("Snow update: rng=%u, heavyness=%f, snowval=%f, %s\n",
//            rng, heavyness, snowval, cansnow ? "IS SNOWING!" : "not snowing");

    if (!cansnow) {

    s_snowing = true;


Translation: Snowfall runs on a fixed cycle between 3 and 24 hours long, but the length and phasing of the cycle vary from day to day in different zones based on a deterministic algorithm.

Each zone gets at least some snow once per cycle, depending on the overall weather. What percentage of each cycle is snow-filled follows a sin^2 curve, starting out light on Dec. 1, getting progressively heavier towards Jan 1, and falling back off again.

You also need a clear line of sight to the sky for snow to be visible -- if you are indoors or under an overhang, you won't get any snow on your head.