Event Test - Sewer League Racing

Started by Tahquitz, June 12, 2016, 03:49:39 AM


Hordax and I are trying to come up with a new event idea.  We need some bodies to try it out.  About eight people.  We can do something with up to 16 people, but that's optimistic.

Anyone free to race through the sewers with us on Saturday, June 18th, 2016?  We'll meet in Atlas Park at Marienn MacGregor at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific.  Here's some background on what we're thinking if you're curious.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Nyx Nought Nothing

Interesting. Tahquitz's commentary makes it sound promising.
So far so good. Onward and upward!


Only just found out about Icon/PC but I'm in.

Is there going to be a Discord channel or pure text?


We're looking at Discord in HERC.  It's not ready for prime-time just yet. 

A minor correction: 12pm/4pm do not line up.  Let's make it 1 pm Pacific/4pm Eastern on Saturday. (Eastern no change, Pacific an hour later.)
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Ack I'll have been at work for an hour and a half by then.

Next time.



1pm/4pm -- Assembly

1:15/4:15 -- Test of a Team Race
Four team members (no teaming works in Paragon Chat at the moment... it's implied) will run from Atlas Park to Steel Canyon.
Eight team members will start at Atlas Park.  One team will run to Steel Canyon, the other to Boomtown.  First team for all four members to cross wins.

1:40/4:40 -- Test of a Endurance Race
Four team members will start at Atlas Park and run to Boomtown, then run back to Atlas Park to complete a lap.  Repeat as much as possible in 20 minutes (laps and clock will be kept by the judge.)  Will repeat event if a second team is present (2:10/5:10 until 2:30/5:30).

From the feedback received, I'm counting on eight people.  If 12 are present or greater, we can try a third event possibility: Find the Freak!  (Will replace second Endurance Race and will run as long as it has to.)  A character hides in the Sewer Network (judge controlled), first player to find the freak wins!  I'll post a graphic of what the Freak looks like on here, and a solution map when the Freak is found if we have enough to run this.

That's it.  Feel free to offer feedback and input during the test event!  I appreciate anyone who comes to give this a shot! :D
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Thanks to all of the players who showed up to test the event:

Mairenn MacGregor is an NPC, she doesn't count.

Can't test an event nobody shows up for.  Thanks anyway. :D
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


That's rough. Wish I could have ... made participation exist?

What about a Wednesday evening attempt around 9 Eastern/6 Pacific?


If hordax wants to give it a shot.  I'll be out of town.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Through this thread and the other I feel there is enough of an idea here to warrant further discussion.
I have a couple ideas that might help this concept a bit further. Why limit the league to just a sewer race league. While exploring the zones different kinds of races began popping out at me.
High Wire Race:
There are several zones that have High Tension Wires, they include and are not limited to Terra Volta, Kings Row, independance Port, Brickstown and Peregrine Island.
Duct Races in Sharkhead
Fire Escape Races in Kings Row and Steel Canyon
Pipe Races in Cap Au Diable (Mount Diable)
And I was thinking about a Volcano Run in Striga Isle.

So if there was a racing league, there could be a different race each week/month or whatever so that it doesn't get stale.