Author Topic: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight  (Read 7320 times)


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Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« on: May 06, 2016, 02:11:03 AM »
Okay, this will be a first for me.  I'm on Titan Network not as a user today, but as a reporter.  Never thought this would happen, but here we are.  Know in advance, I'm not going to revise this. It is pure stream of consciousness, I'm not fact-checking a damn thing, and if I've made mistakes, as stated in your Internet's User Manual, you can rip them apart all you like free of repercussions.

What the hell am I talking about?  Grab a drink.

It's been a week after we threw a party (not me, kids, WE.  I had a plan, but if none of you showed up it would be a darker timeline and I'd be like Lex Luthor in Smallville).  And I have been impressed with the followup afterwards.  I've been in a few chat circles on Paragon Chat over the last week in both Atlas Park and Pocket D (sometimes with TheCape DJs as host) sharing "ZOMG" moments, remembering how the city got it's fame, through both genius as well as oversights, and how we feel now we were spoiled by our distant benefactors at Paragon Studios.

And I've been listening in on TheCape Radio's IRC channel where discussions about City of Heroes tapered off far more rapidly, but for understandable reasons.  Past the obvious of course, as it's difficult to dwell on what might have been for too long.  That wears us down if we fashion it into a hooded sweatshirt and depend on it for privacy whenever life feels unfair... (Just pull the cords.  Instant safety.)  TheCape Radio is a game-agnostic joint now and with the 4th of May approaching it's time to change the subject.

So imagine my surprise when I got a private chat from Warcabbit.

Now for some pretext, I am nobody worth knowing.  I've never met anybody in Titan Network in person, in game when City of Heroes was live, nor was I any kind of a part of the shutdown events past participant.  I've sent tells to TonyV during Atlas Park 33, and he was kindly enough to reply, but I don't expect him to know or remember me out of the 1,000s of people he's been talking to that fateful day.  Same goes to the other people I shot tells to as well... Positron, Hitstreak, War Witch, eabrace (We both know we're from Triumph, but that's about it... If I teamed with him, it was as a PUG and I remember it as well as anytime I took my niece over to dance recital in the last three months.  I'm sure it's the same with him although I could be wrong.) 

Get to the point, Murphy. How does Warcabbit know me?  A week before the event happened, I was in IRC and someone brings up the Anniversary Celebration on TheCape.  I'm not sure of the exact conversation, as I'm not the type to save all of my chats.  (Tinfoil belongs in the freezer, not my head.  Plus, the sanctity of conversation in an ephemeral mode, same as any hallway talk you'd have with family, deserves some small hint of privacy.)  And someone asks why I cancelled the Player Mission.  I let them know, it's lack of volunteers.  They asked how many were throwing it, and I said three, including myself which was true at the time (...a fourth person came along later after miscommunication on both sides.)  Warcabbit was sitting in on the conversation, and tried to rally some troops, but Capesters acknowledged that it's too short of a notice along with unknown results.  Something like this hasn't been done before, literally.  Not from impossibility, but because Paragon Chat launched in June 2015.  Last year's anniversary wasn't possible without asking people to go to another game to find a crowd to join.  So nobody knew how it was going to be.

But Warcabbit kept in touch.  He showed me his work on a new teaser to show on City of Titan's progress, and while I hoped it would be ready for the event real life got in the way and the video was finished a week later (I just learned of it an hour ago.  You can watch it here.)  And it was in receiving this news that brings us to today.

So, once more, Warcabbit and I were on IRC, and he advises me when updating the Epilogue post, "Just don't post the bit where I did a your mom joke to Black Pebble.  I did do that, I do not regret it."  I was confused... partly because I forgot who Black Pebble was.  And partly because I'm social media averse: I do not use Facebook, Twitter, or anything for that matter.  Call me a luddite, but social media isn't living up to anything more to me than E-Mail was back in the 1990s: a source of daily chain letters and image macros, most of which I didn't find funny.  So I left.  And Warcabbit was referring to a joke on Twitter he told earlier, but I did not know that yet.

I calmly told my new friend, "I didn't hear or see it, so nothing to be afraid of."  Warc comes back with "Oh, no, nothing to be afraid of oh hell!"  ...again, our wires were crossed.  He tells me to hold on.

Now I'm worried.  Did I offend some sensibility that my admittedly weak social skills on the Internet afforded?  Have I touched a nerve?  Should I be making a tinfoil hat this very minute?  My mind is full of all kinds of permutations of whats to come.   Impostor Syndrome takes a brief grasp: "Tahq, you're a nobody.  You shouldn't even be here talking to him.  Quit wasting his time, close the damn app and get on with life!"  I tell my budding neurosis to can it, it's probably nonsense I'm reading too much into.  I press on...

"You have evidence?"
"What, of him being my friend or the your mom joke? No, he told me something today I want permission to repeat."

My permission?  Who the hell am I?  He continues,

"I now have the full story of AP33.  It all starts with a drunken fairy prince..."

And then it strikes me, this isn't a normal conversation.  I mute TheCape Radio.  I get the hell out of Paragon Chat.  I kill all sorts of tabs of Gmail messages I'll never answer, a Storium tale I'm working on, and work messages about the end of the world as we know it, but I feel fine with kicking all of that to the curb.  But I'm taking too long.

A popup in Windows 10 appears, "He's not responsive."

Crap!  Bring the window back!  I type quickly "Ok." 

Ok?  What the hell is wrong with you?  Talk back, damn it!

Warcabbit then shared the link from Twitter.  It came back to me that Black Pebble was Hosun Lee from Paragon Studios.  In case Twitter is blocked for you for some reason (and yet you're able to read this, which means your worksite has lazy filtering) it goes something like this:

@warcabbitMWM: @ManyThingsDeck Thank you again for the Loregasm.  (For those who don't know, @ManyThingsDeck is Matt Miller, who has taken on a Trading Card Game addiction we don't have the heart to cure him of.  We wish him well.)
@hosunl: @warcabbitMWM, @ManyThingsDeck That's what she said.
@warcabbitMWM: @hosunl, @ManyThingsDeck  Dude, that's your mom!

I tell Warc that I forgot who Black Pebble was briefly, and I found the exchange hilarious.  (It works on multiple levels... I'm a Bill and Ted fan, I could see "Shut up, Ted!" as a possible reply from Black Pebble, but I digress.)

He replied "He's a good guy, but there's a good story.  Can I share your part in AP33 with someone? Hosun Lee."

I'm not sure if he's talking to me or echoing another's posts, as if Hosun is part of the conversation.  Before I reply, I see "Sure, doesn't matter now."  I respond in kind "Sure."

And it began.

"So he said sure.  Okay, ONCE upon a time, there was this protest.  I was there, and you probably were too.  I actually have screenshots.  And we got up to AP35, maybe higher."

I replied, "Yup, the only time in my life I was on Freedom."  A friend of mine talked me into doing an appearance there for a video shoot he did.  (It wasn't the famous videographers, like SamuraiKo or Leandro... come to think of it, I don't remember if he ever finished the video.)  But Warcabbit was right, I was also on Virtue with the mainstream protest, for I had a desktop AND a laptop on that day, both dialled in to Atlas Park.

"So, how did AP33 stay?"

Good question.  Instances, especially from server strain, were supposed to eventually fade as the population dwindled so that lower population hours didn't have to pick from a plethora of zones with only 4 to 6 people each.  This especially happened during shard maintenance, when the entire game was down.  He continues.

"Well, there were occasional tricks you learned as you played the game.  Like how to establish a red/blue coalition channel.  Or how to defeat the autologout - pretty simple, start a task force, have everyone else quit.  My buddy Tommy, whose character was one of those psychadelic fat dudes with fairy wings and a tutu, you know the type?"

Sure, Man Faye, except in binary form.  Go on.

"Also short."  Short does help for faeries.

"Anyhow, he was pretty drunk, so he just started dancing around by the subway line at one point and passed out.  He woke up, the game was still on, he was the only dude in 33, and it was the only high numbered one left.  Not many people know that.  But..."

That in of itself is amazing... Atlas Park 33 has taken on a kind of reverant tone with the City of Heroes community.  This revelation definitely puts a spin on that.  But it gets better, stay with me people!

"That's only half of the story.  Because there was something that had to happen soon.  The MAINTENANCE DOOM... Hosun just told me the rest of it.  It was him.  He'd mapmove to it after every maintenance to bring it back."

He shared with me a string of messages from Hosun Lee at that point.
So the reason AP33 stayed up even after server resets is because I kept spawning it whenever it went away.
True story
I just did a /mapmove to ap33 or whatever
to open it up
we didn't want it to die. :D
- Hosun

I tell him, "Okay, I'm a little misty eyed.  I'll be honest.  That is awesome."  And Warcabbit told me, "And now you know... the rest of the story.  Share it."

And there you are.  Make of it what you will.
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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2016, 04:02:31 AM »
Whoa, I remember that rainbow fairy guy right outside the monorail exit in AP33. I thought I took a screenie at some point, but I can't find it now. :(

I... kinda... intentionally seeded the "AP33 Forever" slogan into the live forums because the gut of my internal wannabe advertiser told me it would stick as a rallying cry. And boy, did it ever. My darker villain half actually thought of trying to market the thing, but then though, "naa, this is for everyone, a gift." One or two independent shops still opened up selling AP33 gear though.

But gosh, I never knew we actually got beyond 33. Virtue was reportedly capped by then and players started loading into Freedom and Infinity. 33 was the highest number anyone had footage of or reported to have existed, so that was where I left it at in my SaveCoH vid.

Interesting bit of introspection into what has now sort of become an urban legend. Awesome story. Thanks for sharing it. I always heard that HitStreak also had a hand in keeping AP33 open though.


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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2016, 04:58:34 AM »
We're not above hearsay in this thread.  (If I was, I wouldn't have wrote this without finding the drunk party fiend who inadvertently kicked this off and getting his side too.) What have you heard?
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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2016, 06:21:34 AM »
Just want to basically echo what Tim said.  I thought I remembered seeing a 34, possibly even a 35, but if they existed, it wasn't for long.  By the time I thought that I should be documenting some of this stuff, AP33 was the highest numbered instance.  I jumped in and stayed there for most of the night to keep it from despawning.  I have screenshots of the mapmenu showing AP33, but nothing higher than that.

When I sent out press releases and whatnot, I wanted to make extra special sure that no one could accuse me or anyone else of exaggerating what was happening, so I sent out the max I could prove.  If anyone has screenshots showing higher-numbered instances, I'd sure like to see them.  (And I'm not being facetious, because I really think they did momentarily pop a bit higher.  I mean I'd literally love to see some kind of documented proof that AP33 actually wasn't the zenith of the population.)


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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2016, 06:06:46 PM »
It didn't occur to me to take screenshots of the instance prompt when I came across it in the live game either.  Something so simple... damn.

I was curious from Tim's post to how other rednames were possibly involved (obviously Hitstreak who was contracted by NCSoft to play an Angel of Death, albeit the best one possible.  That live stream when the "Lost Connection to Mapserver" appeared for the last time, he was as visibly upset as the rest of us were.)  I'm not calling Tim out in particular, of course, anyone who knows anything would be appreciated.
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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2016, 07:56:46 PM »
Interesting bit of introspection into what has now sort of become an urban legend. Awesome story. Thanks for sharing it. I always heard that HitStreak also had a hand in keeping AP33 open though.

I kind of think Hit Streak might have been the one to do it after NCSoft yanked GM powers from all of the Paragon staff except for him and Zwill.


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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2016, 02:58:12 PM »
Well since we've got the bat computer running a quantum analysis of old historical data ... I think I found the name for the guy who was perma-logged in at the monorail. McFist.

I couldn't find name in any of my demofiles though, but I'm dropping it here in case anyone else wants to search.

There 'may' be a picture here but for some reason an account is now needed to view it.  :-\

A bit of warning though, these pics (if they still exist) were from AP31. I guess you could say that instance was the unofficial Pocket D monkey room of the unity rally and things got a bit *ahem* frisky there.


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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2016, 05:37:46 PM »

WHY does that name sound familiar?  I've been looking the last few days, through SA, Internet Archive slivers of what's left of the COH Forums, old screenshots I had, bugging folks in IRC about it... I've got nothing.
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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2016, 06:02:38 PM »

WHY does that name sound familiar?  I've been looking the last few days, through SA, Internet Archive slivers of what's left of the COH Forums, old screenshots I had, bugging folks in IRC about it... I've got nothing.

McFist, the main villain from Randy Cunningham 9th grade ninja


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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2016, 06:23:46 PM »
Well... *snrk.* I think I found our man. A few of us had the name wrong in that old thread. It was actually Meese Fist McAwesome.

I can't find a way to attach images here though so if you want to view it, copy the code, paste it into a text file, save it as 'whatever.cohdemo' and then play it through the client.

Code: [Select]
1   0   Version 2
0   0   Map maps/City_Zones/City_01_01/City_01_01.txt
0   0   Time 12.170195
0   DYNGROUPS DYNARRAY |100,0|100,0|100,0|50,0|100,0|50,0|100,0|100,0|100,0233 SKYFILE SKY 0 1 0.000000

0 CAM POS 586.123718 82.306747 -1357.193604
0 CAM PYR 0.266000 -2.218000 -0.000000

0   1709 Player
0   1709 COSTUME 4 537bbf 25.000000 1.000000 -0.015873 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 -0.015873 0.015873 -0.015873 1.000000 0.968254 0.968254 0.968254 0.968254 1.000000 0.968254 1.000000 1.000000 0.968254 1.000000 1.000000 0.968254 0.968254 -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.968254 0.968254 0.968254
0   1709 PARTSNAME Tight !Hips_V_Skin_Bare_01 !Hips_V_Skin_Bare_01_Dual 00f399f0 00ff894c
0   1709 PARTSNAME Tight Skin_V_Straps_01 !Chest_V_Pattern_Emblem_Heart_01 0000007f 00ff894c
0   1709 PARTSNAME V_HUGE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard !v_face_skin_head_10 none 00008cd4 00575757
0   1709 PARTSNAME Wristband skin_wristband_01a skin_wristband_01b 0000cc01 00f17f7e
0   1709 PARTSNAME kungfu skin_slipon_01a skin_slipon_01b 000000aa 00ffffff
0   1709 PARTSNAME V_HUGE_BELT.GEO/GEO_Belt_Security_Belt_07 !X_Officer_Belt none 00001133 00000000
0   1709 PARTSNAME Spiky1 Style_01a Style_01b 00ffffff 00ffffff
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0   1709 PARTSNAME V_HUGE_Eyes.GEO/GEO_Eyes_Welding_Glasses_04 !Hair_V_Surgeon_Cap_01 !Hair_V_Surgeon_Cap_01_Mask 00ffffff 00ff72fd
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 00cd65ff 00ff894c
0   1709 PARTSNAME Rings Ring_01a Ring_01b 000000aa 004cfdff
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0   1709 PARTSNAME V_HUGE_NECK.GEO/GEO_Neck_Jester_01 !Hair_V_Jester_Hat_01 !Hair_V_Jester_Hat_01_Mask 00cd65ff 00ff894c
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0   1709 PARTSNAME none !X_Wings_Fairy_01 none 00ff4d4c 0000cc01 00ffffff 00ffffff GENERIC/FX_wings_Huge_Fairy.fx
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 00ff00fb 00000000 00000000 00000000 AurasPath/RainbowTrail/RainbowTrail.fx
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0   1709 PARTSNAME V_HUGE_CRANIUM.GEO/GEO_Cranium_Wild_Cat_Ears !eyes_V_Animal_Ears_01 !eyes_V_Animal_Ears_01_Mask 00ffffff 00f399f0
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0   1709 PARTSNAME none none none 005800ff 0000ff01 00000000 00000000 Costumes/AnimatedTails/AnimatedTail_Wolf02_Huge.fx
0   1709 XLU 0.698039
0   1709 POS 594.741333 74.415092 -1348.899536
0   1709 PYR 0.088000 -2.220001 -0.000000
0   1709 FXSCALE 10.000000 10
0   1709 FXTINT -16777216 -16776961
0   1709 ORIGIN ENT 0 0
0   1709 TARGET ENT 1660 0
0   1709 HP 1732.00
0   1709 HPMAX 1732.00

10000 SKYFILE SKY 0 1 0.000000


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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2016, 06:52:28 PM »
McFist, the main villain from Randy Cunningham 9th grade ninja

Thank you!  That was it, I was watching my niece and Randy Cunningham was on TV.  (I'm a John DiMaggio fan. :D)

Well... *snrk.* I think I found our man. A few of us had the name wrong in that old thread. It was actually Meese Fist McAwesome.

I can't find a way to attach images here though so if you want to view it, copy the code, paste it into a text file, save it as 'whatever.cohdemo' and then play it through the client.

Code: [Select]
Truncated for clarity.

Not easy to judge height, as he's doing pushups...
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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2016, 07:58:04 PM »
Not easy to judge height, as he's doing pushups...

Yeah, for some reason I didn't think to change that since that's how I found him, but I just changed the code in my previous post to a proper  "reenactment" demo. Dancing where he always was during those final months.

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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2016, 08:06:30 PM »
Here's what I saved from all that.
This was on Virtue.
Pics are dated (Pacific Time) ?Saturday, ?September ?08, ?2012, ??2:37:09 PM

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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2016, 08:20:01 PM »
One other side note. The thing they did which finally make me cry was when Freitag posted this.
That was a hard day.


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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2016, 08:22:59 PM »
That is awesome!  Thank you, Golden Aurora, those pics are great!
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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2016, 10:56:46 PM »
Zwillinger giving us some encouragement.

Meese Fist McAwesome guarding the train entrance to AP33.

That costume is a riot.


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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2016, 01:55:40 AM »
Signs point to short.  Congrats, that might be the guy.

Damn I miss Zwill.  Especially his video blogs from Paragon Studios, those were fun. (Especially when Jay or Keetzie messed with him.)
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Re: Gonzo Journalism: Why We Fight
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2016, 04:45:29 AM »
Last one I think. From Hitstreak.