12th Anniversary of City of Heroes

Started by Tahquitz, April 02, 2016, 09:03:22 PM


This sounds like a blast!!! I will definitely find the time to attend.


Quote from: Tahquitz on April 08, 2016, 01:11:05 AM
I have a poll active above to steer what themes we'll be choosing for the Anniversary costume contests.  If you don't like the options, feel free to suggest in a post.  Results will be available next Thursday.
I vote for all of them.  I see nothing wrong with having a giant CC with prizes given out in Categories, as above.  Then, you could have general prizes for Most Beautiful, Most Purple....and the winners in each category could do a second round for Top Five costumes (or Top Three, or Top Ten, whatever...), with a Grand Prize at the end.  You know, like they do at dog/cat shows.  :-) 

On another note, since I'm retired, I'd be willing to donate time/work to the project.  Costume contests and RP are both interests of mine.  The scavenger hunt sounds like fun, too. 
Liberty and a plethora of others.  Altaholic.  SG Starfire.
"...and it's never too late to stop being afraid..." 
"...have you ever been caught in a sea of despair?
"And your Moment of Truth is the day that you say, "I'm not scared!"
"Unity" - - Shinedown


Why bother with a theme, may be better for everyone competing to re-create their original character and just see what's what.


"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


As posted in the City of Heroes board, I have a development to share.

Wiggle It.  (Just a little bit.)
We now have music.  The following DJs will be present for the event:

One Hit Wonder
12pm - 4pm Pacific / 3pm - 7pm Eastern

DJ Nexus
4pm - 7pm Pacific / 7pm - 10pm Eastern

DJ Valor
7pm - 8pm Pacific / 10pm - 11pm Eastern (with her show continuing after the remote is finished.)
Special programming note: This event will be DJ Valor's last, as she is retiring from TheCape.  She will be moving on to a new role and will not have time to continue her broadcasts.  DJ Valor has done plenty of events for us in Paragon Chat's nearly 1 year of infancy.  So come out and show her some love before she goes!

Volunteers Still Wanted
Also, we have plenty of room for Volunteers to join us to put this together.  Read the prior post for more information (above) and please send me a PM if you're interested.  I will review the first group of volunteers on Wednesday night.

Edit: I hate Photobucket. Images are now gone.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


(Message retracted.)
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Im thinking of, possibly, switching my show to Thursday night, one night only, for just this event!


Quote from: pogoman on April 15, 2016, 04:56:40 AM
Im thinking of, possibly, switching my show to Thursday night, one night only, for just this event!

We'd love to have you! :D
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Do you have times for each event taking place? I live in the UK so would need to check the times.
"When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope."

"Control the Controlables"


Quote from: Tahquitz on April 15, 2016, 05:02:20 AM
We'd love to have you! :D

sounds good just have to figure out a good time for the show that night. :)


Also, I WILL be promoting this on my radio show. Tonight even! :)

quick link for tonight's show 9pm-10:30pm EST.


Thanks, Pogoman!  I'm on Pacific, so I missed it, but I'll listen to the recording for sure!* 

Solitaire, check your PMs.

I've posted two threads for people to respond to in the next week:

Grand Marshall - Help us appoint a Titan Network community member to be the honoree for our event this year!  Nominations accepted from now until Tuesday night, vote from Wednesday - Saturday.
Call for Help - We don't have enough volunteers for the Player Mission.  This post explains what is going to happen if we can't make the Player Mission work out.

* Edit: Reply to your dialog in #SaveCOH Radio -- The name is Tah-KEETS, you got it right. :D  AP33R3S is Atlas Park 33 Revelry, Remembrance, and Reunion Society - R3S being shorthand for RRRS like W3C is short hand for WWWC - World Wide Web Consortium.

And my god, you read that entire post on the air?!  I've wrote that last week, and yeah, I've learned my lesson.  I've pulled the Assemble the Team post off of the Activities thread.  I'm just asking for enough people now to help me pull off the basic stuff, the rest is crossed fingers at this point.  I shot too high.

For the "Paragon Chat is not CoH" crowd, yeah, you're right that I can't address people who won't use it at all because it's not CoH.  But I didn't want to blow off Paragon Chat and run this event on Champions because there's simply more of a game there, either.

I disagree with the view of "Paragon Chat isn't CoH" personally, because there was a significant group of people that enjoyed costume contests and SG Events like what we were putting on when the game was live, and I knew people who were tired of grinding and radio/newspaper missions who saw stuff like this as a break from the ordinary.  I'm not trying to argue the virtues and failings of what we have.  Such arguments already exist on here, and go on for miles already.  Showing up to the anniversary event doesn't mean you now suddenly accept Paragon Chat as a regular part of your weekly online regiment, nor are going to become an RP enthusiast if you're not into that.  It just means that you showed up.

My rationale is simple: Paragon Chat is enough of a husk of the original for us to meet up in.  The cost of admission for both venues (Paragon Chat and Champions Online) remains free.  So why did I side with Paragon Chat instead of Champions Online? This is the first year we've had Paragon Chat available on CoH's anniversary.  So, I figured, let's at least give it a shot. 

And as you aptly called out, yes.  This is my first time running something like this.  I've been a participant when the game was live as others have organized the events, and I've used those events as a framework for this.  I've made mistakes, I know.  I can't treat people on Paragon Chat like we did in CoH.  Titan Network is extremely casual, and pushing rules and de rigueur doesn't work around here.  And next time, (That is, if I'm lucky to see a next time and next year everyone ignores me) I'll line up the volunteers before announcing anything at all.

If Paragon Dawn wants to run a event in Champions Online, they have our support.  I'm personally unable to Livestream or do too much Voice Chat as my home connection is fairly weak (8MB down, 2MB up... realistically it's 3MB on most nights.  Rural Internet, yay!)  But I'm open for other ideas linking the two events together.  If Paragon Dawn's group isn't on Titan Network, if you (Pogoman) can relay me an email address I can reach them at in PM, we can discuss further.  I'm not looking to compete against them for attendance, but I don't want to ignore them either: in later years when Plan Z projects like City of Titans, Heroes & Villains, Valiance, APR, etc. go beta, we can branch out further.

Edit 2:
I have since met with Paragon Dawn.  We've touched base, and will cross-promote for the Anniversary Celebration.  There will be a meetup in Champions Online at Millennium City Hall (next to the Globe statue INSIDE the City Hall building) on April 28th.  Details TBA.

Edit 3: Same volunteer roster now than when I started.  We'll figure it out.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


And this will be my last post in this thread.  (Back to lurking for the most part.)

All remaining updates will be posted in the Community forum from here on out.  Thanks to everyone who helped us thus far, and we'll see you in a week.  (I told you the time was going to fly by.)
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


I downloaded and tried out CO tonight. I made it past the tutorial (still not sure what some things are, but that's OK). Can someone fill a complete noob in on where to go for the reunion? I was on STO and there was a COX channel there but I don't remember any activity on it tonight. It's been so long since I was playing STO for all I know the channel has been abandoned. Thanks so much!

(And at least I was able to somewhat recreate one of my CoH characters here.)


We're meeting in Atlas Park in front of City Hall.

Easiest way there: no matter where you are, type the following into the chatbox without quotes: "/mapmenu".  Choose "Paragon City", then "1 - Atlas Park".

You can use the same command to navigate anywhere you like in Paragon Chat.  To keep it handy in your power tray, enter the following command without quotes: "/macro PCTA mapmenu" (Paragon Chat Transit Authority).  You can then click the PCTA button in your power tray to call it up anytime you like.

And I play STO on a regular basis, the COX channel is indeed very much alive!  I'll keep an eye out for you if you still play Star Trek Online.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran

Hells Wing

Happy Anniversary! I may log on later just to see who's online and maybe hang out a bit...


Quote from: Alverant on April 28, 2016, 03:09:40 AM
I downloaded and tried out CO tonight. I made it past the tutorial (still not sure what some things are, but that's OK). Can someone fill a complete noob in on where to go for the reunion?

It's a little hard to tell, but you might be confused.

This thread is not talking about Champions Online. (There may be some get together happening there, but if so it's not what is being promoted here.)

You want to look into Paragon Chat. There's a whole forum about about it here that can tell you how to get started with it.



Actually, if you cannot for any reason make it into Paragon Chat today, there is also a group called Paragon Dawn, ex-CoH players in Champions Online, who will also be celebrating COH's 12th Anniv in Champions Online tonight.  They'll be gathering inside the City Hall in Millennium City, near the globe.  Here's a link to their FB page, which should have more details.



Did anyone start a screenshots thread on Titan yet? I don't see anything, am I looking in the wrong place?

Fraps music video is in progress.


Tim, I slept way late today, and then have been sorting through what seems like a million screenshots to get the best ones.  I'll try to put them up later. 

(Tips on how to post a group of shots would be great.)