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Paragon Chat 1.0

Started by Codewalker, March 30, 2016, 09:40:27 PM


Add the Paragon Chat folder instead. Nothing gets put into the COH folder (which is where Icon usually lives).



I don't have that folder. The instructions for Tequila said to create a folder in my "My Documents" folder to save and run the .exe file from.  So I called my folder "Titan Icon" and I added that entire folder to the exceptions list of AVG so AVG won't touch anything inside the "Titan Icon" folder. I don't see the APPDATA folder. Everytime I try to run the paragonchat.exe, I get that error msg so I'm guessing the install of Paragon Chat never happened. I would attach a screenshot of my folder structure if I could figure out how to attach a screenshot to these posts.


The APPDATA folder is in your user folder. You may have to set your folder options to view hidden folders. Paragon Chat installs itself in there, not the CoH folder.
I used CIT before they even joined the Titan network! But then I left for a long ol' time, and came back. Now I edit the wiki.

I'm working on sorting the Lore AMAs so that questions are easily found and linked: Tell me what you think!

Pinnacle: The only server that faceplants before a fight! Member of the Pinnacle RP Congress (People's Elf of the CCCP); formerly @The Holy Flame

General Idiot

Alternately, on Windows 7 at least you can hit the start button and in the search field type %APPDATA% and press enter and it'll bring up the folder for you. You should see a ParagonChat folder in there, that's the one you need to add to exceptions.

Note: It's ParagonChat, with no space between the two words. There may also be a Paragon Chat folder in there, with the space, but if it is that's the folder for the pre-1.0 versions and putting that in exceptions instead won't help.


Also I can't totally be sure that AVG is not messing with Paragon Chat (even though I have the PC folder in the exceptions list) since I can't turn AVG off and I don't like this.
Can anyone recommend a free anti-virus or malware software that's good (that won't mess with Paragon Chat) for Windows 10?


Windows Defender is an AV program which comes with Windows 10 by default.


Yes I also heard it was not very good, is that true?


Since it's on by default, that kind of makes it the baseline. By definition, any malware that's actively being distributed is almost certainly tested against it and designed to not be detected by it.

But it's kind of a sliding scale. There's no such thing as bulletproof protection that doesn't also make your system completely unusable. At some point, you have to depend on your own wits to determine what's dangerous and what isn't.


I'll try uninstalling AVG and seeing if that helps with just Windows Defender


I just wanted to let everyone know that uninstalling AVG did the trick!
Running Paragon Chat went smoothly with no problems, got in, created my toon and had a total nerd-gasm back in City of Heroes going from Atlas park to Talos to Pocket D.
Thanks everyone for all your help this is just another reason why I love this game, community, everyone is so willing to help each other out and I for one will pay it forward whenever possible.
I love you all !

(Additional post next day)
Codewalker, I just wanted to give you props and praises. After flying around Paragon City again, talking with people again I can honestly say . . .  I AM HOME!


Thanks for yesterday's update, CW! The new flight powers, especially Energy Flight, are awesome!  Any chance of some patch notes though, to see what else changed?


I don't remember seeing 'Void Skiff' in-game.   Very cool.


Quote from: FloatingFatMan on June 01, 2016, 08:30:53 AM
Thanks for yesterday's update, CW! The new flight powers, especially Energy Flight, are awesome!  Any chance of some patch notes though, to see what else changed?

The second post in the thread contains the running patch notes and was updated when the release when live. Here's the relevant section:

Quote from: Codewalker on March 30, 2016, 09:55:28 PM
Release-1.0.1 (Minor Release):

  • Added special case handling for super speed and super jump to make their effects stack, so that they can be activated at the same time.

  • Added Energy Flight.

  • Added Rocket Board.

  • Added Magic Carpet.

  • Added Void Skiff.

Quote from: saipaman on June 01, 2016, 12:44:10 PM
I don't remember seeing 'Void Skiff' in-game.   Very cool.

It wasn't in-game yet. Void Skiff was going to be the super rare card in the Rogues & Vigilantes super pack, that would have been available sometime during the Issue 24 cycle.

It might have been available on the beta server. IIRC, the super pack was in testing and you could just keep 'buying' cards until you got it.


Thank you again CW!  I never expected to see Energy Flight back any time soon (after all, there's probably a ton of more important stuff you're probably working on for PC).  But on behalf of my Peacebringer, thank you!


It was low-hanging fruit, it's basically just a copy of fly with a different effect (two of them stacked, it turns out). The store-bought travel powers are effectively fly with a special movement mode similar to ninja run and were easy to do as well.

I did notice that the power often shows up greyed-out if the character isn't a peacebringer. That's probably the result of a client-side check on the requirements for owning the power. However, it still lets you activate it.


Quote from: Codewalker on June 01, 2016, 01:29:23 PM

It wasn't in-game yet. Void Skiff was going to be the super rare card in the Rogues & Vigilantes super pack, that would have been available sometime during the Issue 24 cycle.

It might have been available on the beta server. IIRC, the super pack was in testing and you could just keep 'buying' cards until you got it.

Knowing my memory isn't failing makes me feel better.


Quote from: Codewalker on June 01, 2016, 04:18:01 PM
I did notice that the power often shows up greyed-out if the character isn't a peacebringer. That's probably the result of a client-side check on the requirements for owning the power. However, it still lets you activate it.

Out of curiosity, have you looked at any of the other unique Kheldian powers at all, ie, the three forms?


Rocket Board flight is Totally AWESOME!  Thanks so much, Codewalker and crew!   ;D


Rocket Board FTW!  It's like you were reading my mind!

Zombie Hustler

Quote from: Codewalker on June 01, 2016, 01:29:23 PMIt wasn't in-game yet. Void Skiff was going to be the super rare card in the Rogues & Vigilantes super pack, that would have been available sometime during the Issue 24 cycle.

It might have been available on the beta server. IIRC, the super pack was in testing and you could just keep 'buying' cards until you got it.

Void Skiff was in there; I couldn't wait for that and the pirate parts to come out so that I could use them with my Live Dino-Pirate toon the way I did in Beta. (Of course, the random nature of them would have made the odds of getting it frustrating).

The archetype enhancements in that pack were pretty good as well, as I recall.