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Some Build Questions

Started by Solitaire, July 21, 2015, 08:51:01 AM


Just wanted to check if the following was correct when looking at working on builds for different AT's, if I'm wrong please correct, also if you have any other advice or suggestions please share.

  • Def Cap is 45%
  • Resist Cap is 90%
  • Recharge for Perma Haste is 175% (think this may be wrong)
"When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope."

"Control the Controlables"


There's a difference between the resistance cap and the defense cap.

Resistance 90% is a Hard Cap, meaning that anything above 90% gets denied by the game. This is true for Tankers and Brutes, other classes have a lower resistance cap (Khelds have 85%, and others have 75%)

Defense 45% is a Soft Cap, meaning that bonuses above 45% lose effectiveness considerably. To further understand why you need to learn how mob to-hit chance works.

Most mobs have a base 50% and a minimum 5% chance to hit you. If you have 45% defense, their ToHit chance drops to a minimum. Anything further than that doesn't help, unless:

1. The mob has a ToHit chance higher than 50% (true for incarnate content, where mob ToHit is 63.75%, meaning a 58.75% softcap).
2. The mob has defense debuffs, so the more defense you have the less likely you are to failcascade (defense debuff leading to more defense debuffs since you're easier to hit).
3. The mob has accuracy buffs (usually happens when a boss has leadership buffs)


Quote from: Auroxis on July 21, 2015, 09:27:41 AM
There's a difference between the resistance cap and the defense cap.

Resistance 90% is a Hard Cap, meaning that anything above 90% gets denied by the game. This is true for Tankers and Brutes, other classes have a lower resistance cap (Khelds have 85%, and others have 75%)

Defense 45% is a Soft Cap, meaning that bonuses above 45% lose effectiveness considerably. To further understand why you need to learn how mob to-hit chance works.

Most mobs have a base 50% and a minimum 5% chance to hit you. If you have 45% defense, their ToHit chance drops to a minimum. Anything further than that doesn't help, unless:

1. The mob has a ToHit chance higher than 50% (true for incarnate content, where mob ToHit is 63.75%, meaning a 58.75% softcap).
2. The mob has defense debuffs, so the more defense you have the less likely you are to failcascade (defense debuff leading to more defense debuffs since you're easier to hit).
3. The mob has accuracy buffs (usually happens when a boss has leadership buffs)

Thanks for the information Auroxis, I wasn't aware of the lower resist % for other AT's, so is it 90% for just Tanks & Brutes? Scrappers not in this bracket but also 75%?

I was aware of the ToHit chances, remember reading about it on the CoH forums when the game was live, but good to see it written down again and may help others that read this thread.

You haven't commented on "Perma-Haste" did this look right to you?
"When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope."

"Control the Controlables"


Looks fine, Perma hasten isn't as important as a defense softcap though. You can be off of perma by 5 seconds and it wouldn't be much of a difference.

But for maths sake: Hasten recharges in 450 seconds and has a 0.924s cast time (arcanatime included). Add them up and it's 450.924. To have a 100% uptime, since Hasten's duration is 120s you'd need a recharge modifier of : 450.924/120=3.757, which is +275.8%. You get that from:

1. Recharge enhancements+Alpha enhancement in Hasten.
2. IO Set bonuses (including Luck of the Gambler IO's).
3. Hasten itself.

So without Hasten itself, it's 205.8% recharge.
With Hasten and Set bonuses, assuming a 99.1% Hasten recharge (3 recharge IO's), it's a 176.7% recharge requirement, close to your 175% mark.

So 175% is a solid estimate pre-incarnate era where everyone used 3 recharge IO's. After incarnate content came out, everyone's Hasten slotting values became different. Some people had 99.1% still, others had 114% with 2 slots and agility, while others had 124.9% with 2 slots and spiritual core.

Then along came other factors, like the Ageless Destiny incarnate power and enhancement boosters (making people use two +5  recharge IO's instead of 3 regular ones).


Thanks again for the information.

One other question if you have the time, I have seen comments by people when viewing builds by others, that the Acc is to high so they are wasting a slot, what do they mean by this comment? Is there a Acc Cap similar to Def/Resist? ???
"When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope."

"Control the Controlables"


Yes there is, similarly to the defense principle. The ToHit cap is 95%, so anything over 95% isn't helping unless the mob has a defense buff (which happens when fighting cimerorans for example).

What's different from the defense principle is that ToHit scales according to the mob's relative level to you, as they become more difficult to hit the bigger the level differential. In order to hit +4's, a 75% base ToHit power becomes a 48% base ToHit power and requires more accuracy enhancements/ToHit buffs to get to 95%.

So when creating a build, you want your powers to have at least a 95% chance to hit mobs that are +4 to you. To simulate that in Mids', go to Options->Configuration->Exemping & Base Values and set the basic ToHit value from 75 to 48.


Quote from: Auroxis on July 21, 2015, 02:43:13 PM
Yes there is, similarly to the defense principle. The ToHit cap is 95%, so anything over 95% isn't helping unless the mob has a defense buff (which happens when fighting cimerorans for example).

What's different from the defense principle is that ToHit scales according to the mob's relative level to you, as they become more difficult to hit the bigger the level differential. In order to hit +4's, a 75% base ToHit power becomes a 48% base ToHit power and requires more accuracy enhancements/ToHit buffs to get to 95%.

So when creating a build, you want your powers to have at least a 95% chance to hit mobs that are +4 to you. To simulate that in Mids', go to Options->Configuration->Exemping & Base Values and set the basic ToHit value from 75 to 48.

Thanks didn't realise you could do that with Mids, learn something new everyday, also cheers for the information regard Acc  ;)

[[EDIT: Fix quote error ~Agge]]
"When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope."

"Control the Controlables"