Paragon Chat Development Roadmap and Wishlist

Started by Codewalker, July 13, 2015, 04:14:25 PM


...couldn't resist.


Quote from: Solitaire on April 08, 2016, 01:58:07 PM
Codewalker do you think there is a chance that the explore badges will ever be active again for collecting? And if when exploring the zones you clear the black covering on the map it stays clear even when zoning back and forth? Great work with PC already love being able to explore the zones again  :)
I found this...

Quote from: Codewalker on June 26, 2015, 01:07:47 PM
The badge markers are in their locations, they can be seen if you're close (they have a quite short draw distance). The invisible volumes used to trigger exploration badges are present as well. However, the name on the volume does not match the name of the badge and there's no known correlation between them.

Most likely said correlation was in the Requires field of the badge, however that field is flagged ServerOnly and is blank in badges.bin. Presumably so that players couldn't peek and find out how to get badges that don't have an explicit hint string.
History shows again and again
How nature points out the folly of men


Thanks for the find, looks like not going to happen any time soon  :(
"When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope."

"Control the Controlables"


Quote from: Solitaire on April 18, 2016, 12:39:51 PM
Thanks for the find, looks like not going to happen any time soon  :(

More to the point, even if he COULD, that would mean replicating copyrighted information, and that goes into a grim and dark place from which there is no escape...


Well, with the Wiki, we do know which badges are where. So I'm confident that there is a way to make tags, and implement something that replicates the function of the server.
I used CIT before they even joined the Titan network! But then I left for a long ol' time, and came back. Now I edit the wiki.

I'm working on sorting the Lore AMAs so that questions are easily found and linked: Tell me what you think!

Pinnacle: The only server that faceplants before a fight! Member of the Pinnacle RP Congress (People's Elf of the CCCP); formerly @The Holy Flame


Quote from: Felderburg on April 18, 2016, 05:50:24 PM
Well, with the Wiki, we do know which badges are where. So I'm confident that there is a way to make tags, and implement something that replicates the function of the server.

'Simulated Badge Hunting?' ;)



Quote from: Azrael on May 14, 2016, 01:09:04 PM
'Simulated Badge Hunting?' ;)


IMO, what you need to ask is "What does badge hunting mean to you?"

There's no central server so there's no inherent way to tell a client that you found a badge or take an appropriate action.

If you used existing technology to simulate badge hunting, you'd do something like Dyne was working on last fall for exploration badges - a bot whose purpose is to sit quietly, monitor the location of people, and send them a /tell when their computed location coincided with a badge location.

You have the problem of persistence at that point. How do you make a permanent record? It's not that it's difficult to do that, but more that you want to do it in a way that's simple and little or no work for the player to interact with. Ideally, you want it to be something the player can share with other players.

If a scripting engine is built into the client then you can get fancier; possibly activating whatever triggers already exist in the client to display badge award banners, and recording badges to a .ini file or a database file on the client.

If you're a "player" today, do you want any kind of badging experience you can get now, or do you want to wait for the tools to have it done "right", for values of "right" that most closely approximate the original CoH experience?

Do you want the identical badging experience you had with CoH or are you open to having new "badges" to explore for and collect?

Paragon Avenger

Just for the record, badges are way down on my list of junk I would like to see/have in PC.

General Idiot

Pretty far down mine as well, behind things like the base editor and simulated powers for things like toggle auras. Both of which are probably harder to do than badges though, so chances are we're more likely to get those first.


If this has been asked before, I'm sorry.  And I know it's basically normal Flight with some extra effects, but is it possible to get the Peacebringer version of flight added as a Travel Power?  I know it wouldn't be a priority, but since we already have travel powers that are the same, but just with different animations (i.e. Ninja and Beast Runs) I figure that it couldn't help to ask.

Thanks, and sorry if it's already been asked, or in the planning stages, or just isn't possible.


I had previously been holding off on stuff like that because power trays couldn't be customized, and the one default tray had limited room in it.

Now that they are being saved correctly, it's doable for new ones to be added as time allows, similar to Beast Run where it's not on the bar by default but can be dragged there from the powers list.

Note that Cosmic Flight is somewhat of a special case since it comes from the Peacebringer inherent set. If and when we ever get a proper concept of character-owned powers (this will be necessary to get custom weapons to be available), it's possible that non-Peacebringers may lose access to it at some point. So if this does get added and you plan to use it, roll your character as a PB to be on the safe side!


Personally, I'd rather have the PB/WS forms, if that becomes possible! :P


Quote from: Codewalker on May 26, 2016, 03:57:15 PM
I had previously been holding off on stuff like that because power trays couldn't be customized, and the one default tray had limited room in it.

Now that they are being saved correctly, it's doable for new ones to be added as time allows, similar to Beast Run where it's not on the bar by default but can be dragged there from the powers list.

Note that Cosmic Flight is somewhat of a special case since it comes from the Peacebringer inherent set. If and when we ever get a proper concept of character-owned powers (this will be necessary to get custom weapons to be available), it's possible that non-Peacebringers may lose access to it at some point. So if this does get added and you plan to use it, roll your character as a PB to be on the safe side!

Thank you for even considering this, and ahead of time for any and all effort that you put into this if/when you do it!


Quote from: FloatingFatMan on May 26, 2016, 06:35:10 PM
Personally, I'd rather have the PB/WS forms, if that becomes possible! :P

And the forms would be nice, as a different 'possibly down the line' thing (as is I know there a lot of more important stuff than doing this, as well as those things being more important than adding Cosmic Flight to PC).  I'm just one of those people who tended to try and work the glowing eye effect from CF into my costumes so that I was happy with them regardless of the fact of if that effect is on or off (or to look at it a different way, I tended to view the effects more like an Aura, thus I'd treat a costume like two different ones depending on if the CF effects were active or not).  In turn though that's left me feeling like my costume is only half as good as it could be, since people are only getting the non-CF added effects version.


Is there currently any way to trigger power animations?  I've a Nature Controller character and it would be great to be able to trigger some of the various 'bloom' animations.


Power Animations were a two-way transaction: there'd have to be a target for most of them in order for the full animation to work.  If you use the Quickchat fix, there are a number of movement animations in melee, but all of them are "dry" where the player just moves without a target and no special effects are visible (Martial Arts for example: Crippling Axe Kick is there, but there is no glow on the legs and no movement swish that happened during the live game.  The character just does the kick regardless of what is around them.)

It might work, it might not.  (I'm no programmer, just sharing what I've seen.  I might be wrong.)
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran

Streetwise Hercules

Paragon Avenger

Maybe it's the project manager in me, I try to keep that beast surpressed, but is it possible to update the first post with a grid or table of features, planned version to implement (or) version implemented, planned date to implement, difficultiy to implement rating, etc. and other stuff like that.

I'll go back to "Forum Games" now and stop bothering people.
Thank you.


Quote from: Paragon Avenger on July 31, 2016, 07:12:53 PM
but is it possible to update the first post with a grid or table of features

Not easily, the forum software doesn't do too well with tables. It would probably have to be either a static image or a link to some sort of project site. I'd rather work more on the program itself than metaproject stuff like that, though if somebody wants to volunteer to maintain it I wouldn't say no.

Quote from: Paragon Avenger on July 31, 2016, 07:12:53 PM
planned version to implement (or) version implemented

The priority order and projected version numbering hasn't really changed and should be fairly up to date in the OP.

Quote from: Paragon Avenger on July 31, 2016, 07:12:53 PMplanned date to implement

lol, no

Quote from: Paragon Avenger on July 31, 2016, 07:12:53 PMdifficultiy to implement rating

An interesting idea. Any thoughts as to a reasonable scale?


Also, current status: Working on a metric crapton of backend framework necessary to make something work that will cause a lot of people to flip out. Before you get too excited, it's something that's already on the roadmap. But it's close to being functional enough for initial testing.