Author Topic: List of Combat Emotes  (Read 32447 times)


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2015, 02:15:26 AM »
Broken Link

That was weird, for some reason the trailing ) was being dropped.  I've fixed it.

Basically, the first set of data, that looks like "Emote bits YADA YADA YADA" is supposed to be added to the bottom of your emote.cfg file.  The popmenu stuff is NOT supposed to be added to your emote.cfg, it is supposed to be put in a separate file in the directory WHEREEVER_PARAGON_CHAT_IS_INSTALLED\data\texts\English\Menus and the file should have the extension .mnu (if you are saving with some kind of text editor, make sure it does not put a .txt ending at the end of the name).  It doesn't matter what the file name is; call it powerstuff.mnu if you like.  If Paragon Chat is running, log out.  When the City of Heroes client first starts up, it will load that file and it won't check it again until it is closed and restarted.  To see your popmenu, you use the slash command /popmenu MenuName.  "MenuName" is NOT the name of the file (which is why I said call it whatever you want as long as the extension is .mnu).  It is the name of the popmenu at the top of the file - in your case the one you were trying to create has the name "Karate".  So you would "/popmenu karate" to get it.

If you have emote.cfg's contents copied in correctly, but the popmenu is not, you can at least verify that you did emote.cfg correctly by trying to invoke those emotes directly.  Try "/e Punch1".  If that works, your emote.cfg is working, and its just the popmenu you need to work on.  If the Punch emote doesn't work, its emote.cfg that you did not edit correctly.


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2015, 02:17:58 AM »
Hey Valtyr,

Question, Do these power emotes get saved as a bat file? I without any knowledge dumped them into the corresponding file FFF pointed out to place the working emotes into. The Paragon chat could not start, so I had them cut out of the emote.cfg file and saved them as a bat file as are the other popmenu files from the past. So Now when I pop in game do I just go:

/popmenu powers?

You should have two different files. In the Paragon Chat folder hidden in AppData on your computer is the emote.cfg file that contains the text from FFF's post. In a separate file in the CoH directory (CoH/data/.../texts) is where you put the karate.mnu file.

FFF's text directs the game how to interpret the /emote. The popmenu simply gives you easy access to a GUI menu to select one.

You know. What Arcana said.


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2015, 02:24:28 AM »
At some point I can probably make one.  I had a working power to sequence bit converter working in I21, it was messed up a bit in I22 and I never got around to fixing it.  But at some point, when I have some free time, I can probably generate a power to sequence to emote.cfg thing.  That information is inside powers.bin in the client, and its not overly difficult to yank out.

But without the associated visual fx, most of the power animations are goofy.  For example, Power Bolt is COMBAT RAPIDBLAST QUICK; playing that without the associated effects makes you look like a mime pretending to try to pull open a push door.

That would be awesome.  I found a small list earlier, you're right about the associated visual fx missing makes things look funny, I tried to do the Zeus move instead it's basically someone raising their hand and then slowly karate chopping the air.


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2015, 02:28:50 AM »
I do not have this folder: %APPDATA%\Paragon Chat\Config
AppData is hidden by default, to pull it up in Windows 7 and 8 (dunno about XP) type %APPDATA% (with the percent symbols) into the address bar of any explorer window and hit enter. Yet another windows trick I just learned, from FFM in a thread elsewhere.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2015, 11:50:05 PM by Floride »
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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2015, 03:03:52 AM »
That was weird, for some reason the trailing ) was being dropped.  I've fixed it.

Basically, the first set of data, that looks like "Emote bits YADA YADA YADA" is supposed to be added to the bottom of your emote.cfg file.  The popmenu stuff is NOT supposed to be added to your emote.cfg, it is supposed to be put in a separate file in the directory WHEREEVER_PARAGON_CHAT_IS_INSTALLED\data\texts\English\Menus and the file should have the extension .mnu (if you are saving with some kind of text editor, make sure it does not put a .txt ending at the end of the name).  It doesn't matter what the file name is; call it powerstuff.mnu if you like.  If Paragon Chat is running, log out.  When the City of Heroes client first starts up, it will load that file and it won't check it again until it is closed and restarted.  To see your popmenu, you use the slash command /popmenu MenuName.  "MenuName" is NOT the name of the file (which is why I said call it whatever you want as long as the extension is .mnu).  It is the name of the popmenu at the top of the file - in your case the one you were trying to create has the name "Karate".  So you would "/popmenu karate" to get it.

If you have emote.cfg's contents copied in correctly, but the popmenu is not, you can at least verify that you did emote.cfg correctly by trying to invoke those emotes directly.  Try "/e Punch1".  If that works, your emote.cfg is working, and its just the popmenu you need to work on.  If the Punch emote doesn't work, its emote.cfg that you did not edit correctly.

You should have two different files. In the Paragon Chat folder hidden in AppData on your computer is the emote.cfg file that contains the text from FFF's post. In a separate file in the CoH directory (CoH/data/.../texts) is where you put the karate.mnu file.

FFF's text directs the game how to interpret the /emote. The popmenu simply gives you easy access to a GUI menu to select one.

You know. What Arcana said.

Thank you guys. Figured it out. I love Arcana's power presentation mnu file as it has more powers included. No offense to anyone. I know there are many more powers i played with in icon a while back. I just do not remember the link where all that raw files for the powers are again.

Thanks again guys! From these notes I can probably take from this and learn how to do things much easier or even make my own pop menu :P


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2015, 04:00:43 AM »
For Windows 7 at least, it's in C:/Users/(profile name)/AppData/Roaming/Paragon Chat/Config/

note 1: To find the profile name, click the Start button: it's the name at the top of what pops up (for most peeps it's simply Admin or Administrator),
note 2: AppData folder is a "hidden" folder. To unhide it, in any window go to Tools/Folder Options/View tab and switch "Don't show hidden files..." to "Show hidden files...", then click Okay. After you're done messing with the emotes file, make sure you go back to it and switch it back to "Don't show hidden...".

Thanks, but just after I made my post I did a search again (I had made a half-hearted attempt yesterday), and found it after several tries.  Using Windows 8.1, and it wasn't hidden.

Those old sayings still ring true: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again."


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2015, 06:33:00 AM »
Next question, is here a list of "Bits" somewhere?  I figure if we can fake KungFu certainly we can fake Energy Blast or any other powerset?

I didn't put those in because there are no power fx, so all you'd get is the anim and nothing happening, and it looks really lame. The KungFu ones at least DO something useable.


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #27 on: July 13, 2015, 06:40:58 AM »
What you can do (for now) is have  an alternate  costume with an aura then     pop up said aura when you  use the power in question. Since  we have unlimited costume editing its not like  we need to have all our costumes  slotted.


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2015, 06:47:15 AM »
Incidentally, I've been fiddling with some of the teleport emotes, as some of them have FX baked in.  They mostly work, but they have issues.  For most of them, your char vanishes, then reappears after about 4 seconds.  for one of them (Praetorian teleport out), your avatar vanishes permanently.  Nothing will bring it back short of logging out and in again.  For another, the FX are there, but no color or alpha channel data is present so it looks like a big puddle of oil bubbles up around you, which is kinda cool I guess...

If folks are OK with those caveats, I'll post them up later today, after work.


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2015, 07:01:23 AM »
Hey Valtyr,

Question, Do these power emotes get saved as a bat file? I without any knowledge dumped them into the corresponding file FFF pointed out to place the working emotes into. The Paragon chat could not start, so I had them cut out of the emote.cfg file and saved them as a bat file as are the other popmenu files from the past. So Now when I pop in game do I just go:

/popmenu powers?

That's FFM, not FFF! :p

My OP on costume change emote gave a brief explanation of how to do the popmenu. A more full explanation can be found in the ICON subforum.

Yeah, I could have given blow by blow instructions, but I tend to live by the "give a man a fish" philosophy, y'know? :p


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #30 on: July 13, 2015, 07:35:44 AM »
I dunno if this counts as a combat emote or not but I was pokin' around in the files and I was able to find a move sequence that works as an emote in PC. It's the Aid Self animation from the Medicine power pool. I put it into the emote.cfg like this:

Emote Medself

If you put this in your emote.cfg file then all of your wildest RP nurse fantasies will come true!.. hopefully. At any rate I haven't seen this yet so I don't know if you knew it works in PC. I thought I would share.


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2015, 07:40:07 AM »
Incidentally, I've been fiddling with some of the teleport emotes, as some of them have FX baked in.  They mostly work, but they have issues.  For most of them, your char vanishes, then reappears after about 4 seconds.  for one of them (Praetorian teleport out), your avatar vanishes permanently.  Nothing will bring it back short of logging out and in again.  For another, the FX are there, but no color or alpha channel data is present so it looks like a big puddle of oil bubbles up around you, which is kinda cool I guess...

If folks are OK with those caveats, I'll post them up later today, after work.

If someone wants a research project, I discovered a bug in City of Heroes once where Malta titans did not check the identity of the entity they merged with properly and under the right conditions they would merge with the player.  When that happened, one of the titans would do a merge flip, the player would do a hand wave towards the titan, then both would disappear in a flash.  The player would then end up in a weird pseudo-dead state where they were basically dead, but couldn't rez or hospital (I think you had to log to fix it).  But you could still chat, as a disembodied localized voice.

This was a variation of the "stealth titan" bug I discovered that was in many ways far more amusing: (Note: he's not just invisible: notice he's also untargettable, but still hittable, and killable.)

The game is actually capable of doing more than the devs even wanted it to do.


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #32 on: July 13, 2015, 08:17:42 AM »
Because sometimes I get very lucky:

For the emote.cfg file you can add:

Code: [Select]
Emote KOBlow

Emote StrikeGround

Provides you with the alternate animations for Knockout Blow and Footstomp from the Super Strength set.

(Feel free to change the names to whatever you want, of course.)


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #33 on: July 13, 2015, 09:48:31 AM »
Ya know, the animation names bug me. I've seen them on one of the powers websites somewhere before. Thought it might be City of Data, but does not seem to be there. I guess if Arcana can extract them it doesn't really matter, but I just have this nagging feeling that information is (or was) already out there somewhere.


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #34 on: July 13, 2015, 11:42:57 AM »
So I  have a pop menu  with a  bunch of menus (thanks guys)
costume change
Combat emotes
Save Settings  (i basically have it  bind_save Option_save Chat_save and wdwsave  and the corresponding load commands so i dont need to  go into the options. (now if only i can figure out how to save/load tray macros)

So to my actual point i as editing my costumes and realized  if an aura is  combat only  these emotes do activate the aura.  so if you have tendrils  it looks like  Dark-flurry ect.  so for people who want to make it look like  they have   some sort of  elemental/dark/light  powers this is  basically how to do it. 

It is amazing how fast this happened with the  community all helping out.
Now all we need is the ability to wave a weapon around.


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #35 on: July 13, 2015, 04:54:56 PM »
(now if only i can figure out how to save/load tray macros)

Try installing this custom window.


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #36 on: July 13, 2015, 07:17:40 PM »
Because sometimes I get very lucky:

For the emote.cfg file you can add:

Code: [Select]
Emote KOBlow

Emote StrikeGround

Provides you with the alternate animations for Knockout Blow and Footstomp from the Super Strength set.

(Feel free to change the names to whatever you want, of course.)

In general, powers with alternate animations typically used "ALTERNATE ONE" bits in conjunction with their original ones to trigger them.  Just because it was easier for the animators to keep them straight.


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #37 on: July 13, 2015, 07:59:52 PM »
Ya know, the animation names bug me. I've seen them on one of the powers websites somewhere before. Thought it might be City of Data, but does not seem to be there. I guess if Arcana can extract them it doesn't really matter, but I just have this nagging feeling that information is (or was) already out there somewhere.

Figuring out the names of animations isn't hard, and in fact Codewalker posted a dump of the sequencer file (referenced earlier) which contains all the names of the animation moves.

Connecting them to powers, on the other hand, is more tricky.  You'd need a complete dump of the powers database to do that, including references to how the powers database used all of its sequencer entries.  I don't think any such thing was ever published.  I *had* a script I used to run that would do exactly that, take every power and figure out which animation(s) it ran, calculate the rooted time, and compare to cast time, so I could warn the devs if they made a power that rooted for longer than its cast time (which would make it slower and less effective than they thought it was) but with each patch release the devs would change something that would break it.  It wouldn't run today against I24.  If I was smart, I would have made it use a dynamic schema script that pulled from the client, but I'm not quite there.  I would have to fix it by hand, and that would take time.  Its on my TODO list, but its a little more complicated than you might think, partially because I know a little more about this than I think most players do.  And that means how I get the data is separate from how I should present the data, and how we might make that data available to other players.

See, we talk about a power's "animation" but that is a singular statement that doesn't precisely match reality.  In fact, theoretically speaking every power has potentially eight separate animations it might play**, and not all of them flow naturally through the sequencer (meaning, if you start one, the sequencer won't automatically start the next one without being told).  It goes like this: are you in combat mode?  If not, play the PRE-combat animation.  Often, this is nothing much, but when you have a weapon, you would call this "weapon draw."  This is the animation that draws the weapons.  Are you interruptible?  If so, play the WINDUP animation.  Upon activation, play the ACTIVATE animation.  Then, if you're not doing anything else, play a postfix animation (often, this puts the character back into a neutral stance to make nicer transitions to other attack animations).

That's four.  What are the other four?  Are you flying?  Then all of those potentially have alternate versions.

So if you want to reproduce exactly what happened when your AR blaster decided to snipe someone from out of nowhere, you'd have to at least play the weapon draw animation, then play the sniper windup, wait about two seconds, then play the actual sniper animation.  These are all separate animations, and triggering one won't automatically trigger the others.  And timing is critical, because some parts of some animations are not interruptible, meaning if you are playing that part of that animation, you can't interrupt it to play another.  As an experiment, try this.  Add this to emote.cfg:

Emote SniperBlastWindup

Emote SniperBlast

Then, log into Paragon Chat, and add two macros (it has to be macros: no one types fast enough):

/macro sbw "e SniperBlastWindup"
/macro sb "e SniperBlast"

All you have to do is click sbw, and then wait one second, and then click sb.  Not hard, if you are clicking buttons.  Almost impossible if you are typing commands, because the windup will end before you can get that shoot out.  And you can't e SniperBlast$$e SniperBlastWindup because then you'll only see the Blast - the Blast will instantly override the Windup because its interruptible (macros process right to left, so if you go the other way around the same thing will happen for different reasons).

I said earlier the activate usually came about two seconds later, but I asked you to wait one second.  That's because there's apparently no maintain bit feature in PC, so you can't hold the Windup animation for longer than it wants to play by default.  The actual game could hold you there indefinitely, but at the moment Paragon Chat can't do that.  If you wait longer than one cycle of the windup animation, it will stop playing.  And you can't back to back them: try it.

Also: Codewalker, if you are reading this, there seems to be a bug with TECHWINDUP.  COMBAT TECHWINDUP will only play every other time.  If I play COMBAT TECHWINDUP, let it expire, wait, wait, wait some more, and the try again, it still won't play the second time.  But then it will immediately play the third time.  Then not play the fourth time.  Almost like TECHWINDUP was toggling something separate from COMBAT.

** Sometimes more, for various reasons including Left/Right randomization and other factors


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #38 on: July 13, 2015, 08:15:34 PM »
In general, powers with alternate animations typically used "ALTERNATE ONE" bits in conjunction with their original ones to trigger them.  Just because it was easier for the animators to keep them straight.

That's p much what I figured. I looked at some of the other Bits to check the nomenclature after checking a couple of demo files. I reasoned that since they were alternate animations ALTERNATE was the way to go. Then it was just a short test to check if it was just ALTERNATE or ALTERNATE ONE.

I only feel "lucky" because coding and even simple code languages aren't my forte. But I can copy other people's lead like nobody's business.


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Re: List of Combat Emotes
« Reply #39 on: July 13, 2015, 09:59:09 PM »
Try installing this custom window.

Yeah I have the pop window tech with maps for costume changes, combat emotes and  load/save
its just my macro try looks so sad sitting there all empty and sad because its cant be saved, I know i could make a popwindow button to load up the tray each time or i could just bind stuff directly.

I just wanted to know if im missing an obvious save/load command for trays like:

Tray_Save_file or Tray_Load_file (which of course ive tried) but I wouldnt have guessed wdwsave/wdwload if somone had not mentioned it in Paragonchat.

with save files i could save different favorate emote assortments into the tray for each character. without having to make a convoluted macro loading menu like i can do for windows/chat/options/binds