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Brewing Soon on Mac

Started by Manga, June 22, 2015, 12:38:41 PM


For anyone who is having issues with Island Rum closing and nothing opening - close Island Rum, rename the 'coh' folder inside /Applications to something else (e.g. coh.old) and then try reopening Island Rum. It should recreate the link.

For anyone who is having a DBServer error when selecting the server, open a terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal), and type in sudo ifconfig lo0 down, then hit enter, type your Mac OS login password (keystrokes will not be printed on the screen as you type them, this is normal) and hit enter again - then try logging in. This is a temporary fix to the DBServer error but I've tested it on two machines now and it seems to work.


You can remove that rather than renaming it - it's an alias.

I updated Island Rum last night to handle Dropbox file overloads more gracefully.  I'm slowly working my way through all of the other issues.


Quote from: OMCS on July 12, 2015, 11:47:37 AM
For anyone who is having a DBServer error when selecting the server, open a terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal), and type in sudo ifconfig lo0 down, then hit enter, type your Mac OS login password (keystrokes will not be printed on the screen as you type them, this is normal) and hit enter again - then try logging in. This is a temporary fix to the DBServer error but I've tested it on two machines now and it seems to work.

This one didn't work for me - it just hung up at the 'checking files' stage.


As a note, I've got Island Rum working right now.  The hints here were good, and the current version gets things right, IF I quit VMWare Fusion first.  VMWare Fusion being running at all apparently creates extra network interfaces and confuses things.  Shutting down all VMs and quitting the app works around it.


Things were working fine until the new version today.  Now I get an error that says that PC can't open because it has to be in a folder with a complete install of CoH - which it is.  I tried moving the IR and CoH around to various new sub-folders in Applications but no use.

Also having the same trouble as before with the coh alias hoping up.  I delete it and it just returns every time I launch IR.

Anyone having the same issues?



Quote from: Neutron-Star on August 02, 2015, 04:53:45 AM
Anyone having the same issues?

I saw that error too.  I need to coordinate with other people to figure it out.


Looks like the new version fixed things for me.  I'm back in without any issues.
