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New Art (by Blackout)

Started by pewlagon, May 11, 2015, 07:02:18 PM


Recently I announced I was looking for an artist to render a few images of characters in my upcoming book series. One of our own (Blackout) reached out to me and I thoroughly fell in love with his near-Greek approach. I find it particularly fitting that his style is the first to bring my characters to life, because throughout history we have worshiped heroes and the Greek renditions of these heroes is represented heavily in modern super heroics.

So, without further rambling, take a look...
(Sadly, can't figure out how to post the actual image so below is a link to the FaceBook media hub for my book series and YouTube Channel): [Blackout's image is used as the Banner for the FaceBook page.)

You'll also note I've become quite obsessed with Icon of late  ;D


Glad you like the art piece, I wouldn't quite call it Greek  ;D but thank you for the compliment nevertheless :)