Author Topic: The Bravest Man in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe...  (Read 4122 times)


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The Bravest Man in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe...
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:57:40 AM »
... is still THIS GUY.

Goddamn straight. (/e salute)


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Re: The Bravest Man in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe...
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2015, 08:49:07 PM »
Very true. Loved that scene, as it was somewhat reminiscent of the "never forget" mentality following the holocaust, and how it's very important that we remember these things, lest we let it happen again. This man symbolically represents how the "average" man is often all that stands between people like Loki, and our very lives and freedom that many of us so often take for granted.

Probably one of the more profound moments out of any of the Marvel movies, which is why it's one of my favorites.


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Re: The Bravest Man in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe...
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2015, 12:35:49 PM »
And that actor - I know I have seen him in lots of things over the years.

That scene was just awesome - and of course Cap coming in the say the day just like he did in WW2.


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Re: The Bravest Man in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe...
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2015, 05:35:54 PM »
Pretty good moment, but it didn't stick with me.  It did remind me of one that does stick with me, however - Dan Turpin standing up to Darkseid in Superman the animated series. 

"In the end the world didn't need a *super* man, just a brave one."
When you insult someone by calling them a "pig" or a "dog" you aren't maligning pigs and dogs everywhere.  The same is true of any term used as an insult.


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Re: The Bravest Man in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe...
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2015, 02:58:42 AM »
And that actor - I know I have seen him in lots of things over the years.

That scene was just awesome - and of course Cap coming in the say the day just like he did in WW2.

Kenneth Tigar
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Re: The Bravest Man in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe...
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2015, 01:49:28 AM »
Yeah, I don't really get the whole "kneel" ... "NO! I will never kneel to your super-power..."

First, what did you think the guy was accomplishing by having you kneel... 
and... what exactly are you accomplishing by standing there and saying "NO! I will NEVER kneel!"

I'd be all like... "sure, I'll kneel... you want me to tug on my ears?  Or I can hold up pretend binoculars... " 

Then when this idiot gets tired of standing there waving his super-power stick around, and decides to go wave it at some different crowd, I'll get up and go finish my shopping.
Maybe leave a dollar in his hat.

I mean, brave sure ... but WHY?

("Kneel before Zod!" ... "OK" ... "Was that, like, it or do you have something else you want?")
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 01:54:58 AM by Ohioknight »
"Wow, a fat, sarcastic, Star Trek fan, you must be a devil with the ladies"


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Re: The Bravest Man in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe...
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2015, 01:27:00 PM »
Comic book guy is a very apt avatar for you.  ;)


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Re: The Bravest Man in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe...
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2015, 02:53:40 AM »
Comic book guy is a very apt avatar for you.  ;)

Eh, I figure you can deny it, or you can own it  :roll:
« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 03:01:42 AM by Ohioknight »
"Wow, a fat, sarcastic, Star Trek fan, you must be a devil with the ladies"


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Re: The Bravest Man in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe...
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2015, 06:16:30 PM »
Yeah, I don't really get the whole "kneel" ... "NO! I will never kneel to your super-power..."

First, what did you think the guy was accomplishing by having you kneel... 
and... what exactly are you accomplishing by standing there and saying "NO! I will NEVER kneel!"

I'd be all like... "sure, I'll kneel... you want me to tug on my ears?  Or I can hold up pretend binoculars... " 

Then when this idiot gets tired of standing there waving his super-power stick around, and decides to go wave it at some different crowd, I'll get up and go finish my shopping.
Maybe leave a dollar in his hat.

I mean, brave sure ... but WHY?

("Kneel before Zod!" ... "OK" ... "Was that, like, it or do you have something else you want?")

It's a morale thing. Loki get's his ego boosted, the people there (for the most part) realize how small and inferior they are, and the leaders of those people, in this case the German government, see how easily their authority is taken away from them.

If Captain America had delivered the same lines the old man had it would have inspired hope still...but only hope that no matter what they would be saved. By having the defenseless old man deliver these lines it inspired hope and strength in themselves instead.

There would be plenty of people in that crowd who simply would not care or get the point, but the overall purpose is served regardless.


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Re: The Bravest Man in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe...
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2015, 07:28:57 PM »
It rolls around to one of the best characters (to me) in David Gemmell's book - Legend - Druss.

Druss rides out to sit and take a meal with a conqueror who out numbers them by hundreds of thousands. During the meal Druss says - I admire you - you brought your people together, you fought to raise your nation up. The "evil" guy says why then do you fight me? You must know you cannot win?

Druss makes it simple - It was never about winning or losing, if I got here and no one but me was here - I would still shut the gates and fight - because someone must stand against you.

Edmund Burke wrote - "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Evil must be resisted. It was part of the code that Druss lived by - "Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Do not lie, cheat or steal. These things are for lesser men. Protect the weak against the evil strong. And never allow thoughts of gain to lead you into the pursuit of evil. Never back away from an enemy. Either fight or surrender. It is not enough to say I will not be evil. Evil must be fought wherever it is found."

I found this code and made it mine as well. It requires a high degree of risk. You may get hurt or even killed - but evil is never long lived - it tears down and never creates. The world is full of laws and rules you may not like. Most people never understand - I can choose to set my own rules for my life. This has never been popular but history is full of people who did this and made vast differences.

From the Templars started by 9 men with nothing and becoming one of the most powerful forces in history to Gandhi and his quiet and yet forceful reminders to evil men that we are all humans to those Christians being killed now in the Middle East - faith, honor and duty will always rise above evil - in time. You never know who is affected by your stand for honor. Read the book or watch the movie Lone Survivor about Marcus Luttrell and how a simple Muslim man watching how the Americans behaved versus how the Taliban did - caused him to risk his life, family and village to honor a stranger who needed help.

Why did he stand up for a single American risking the life of everyone he knows? Because someone had to, heroes are mostly these quiet and strong men.