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"Cheapo" Plant/fire build.

Started by Waffles, February 11, 2015, 06:09:10 PM


Hey, just crafting template for my future build here, Everything up to level 38 is slotted and such, but I've left out epic pools, because I can't decide between fire, or ice.

Ice seems like it would be better initially, since it allows me to slot two sets of rather common doctored wounds, for some easy recharge, and sleet/hibernate.

But once I have two more sets of positron's blast, i'd think Fire mastery would play better with it. Thoughts?

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


Fire is more Dam, but Ice makes it easier to cap S/L, which is a significant power bump.  Hibernate is a nice "oh, sh#t", but Hoarfrost is even better.  Damage-wise, Sleet will actually bring it closer to Fire than you think.  Ice may very well be the best APP in the game.

I'd drop Concealment and Leaping for Leadership and Fighting.  Frozen Armor, Maneuvers, and Weave replace the 3 LotG, add the Stealth proc and you can hit the S/L softcap without losing anything.  Plus Tough and team buffs.  Consider dam procs in Carrion Creepers - big performance upgrade.  That's a really tricky power to slot.  I'll look up what I ran back in the day when I get home - it was very effective.


So, you'd say it beats fire to roll with ice? Even with melt armor?

As for creepers, yeah, I remember it being nuts with procs, but not which one's specifically.

Oh, also, assume Vigor Paragon Alpha <Healing, Accuracy, Endurance cost>

With the revised changes you suggested....

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


Never tried Plant/x/Fire, so I can't say for sure.  But I know I've never had an APP make as noticeable a difference as Ice.  Definitely take Ice Storm, Roots was made for comboing with rain powers.  I gave up Hibernate, even though it's useful.  Rarely found myself having an "oh, sh#t" moment.  Procs in Sleet are great, too.  For Creepers, it was Positron's and Impeded Swiftness.  Trap of the Hunter won't proc as often.  Then frankenslotted for max dam.  High rech is nice since it's an invisible pet that moves in mysterious ways.  I resummoned it into every large group, just to be sure it was doing it's job.  Think the standard chain was Seeds>Creepers>Sleet>Roots>Ice Storm, after that it was just mop up with secondaries.


I believe if you resummoned it, mid-fight, it would double-dip the creeper vines and entanglements.

I'll give ice a try, but I just remember my plant/fire/fire being a god of death.


Even though I think Robo40 is right about ice on a dom being one of the best single APPs in the game, I think you might be right to stick to fire on this combo.
Embrace of Fire adds so much to fire powers I can see it being worth it for this combo.

Embrace your pseudo squishiness and take RotP. My favorite rez power in the game... loved it on my spine/fire scrapper.
Cogito, Ergo... eh?