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Valiance Online

Started by Safehouse, December 22, 2014, 05:15:59 PM


Would love to join you in playing around in Valiance.  But, I've got an issue that nobody seems to be addressing.  I've posted about it multiple times both here and at the Valiance site, and not received one helpful reply.

I can log on, and create a character.  That's great!  However, whenever I try to enter the city... crash and burn.  EVERY.  TIME.  I've never even seen that screen load.  I get the "loading" screen for a few minutes and then *poof* the window closes and that's it.

I *think* my video setting may be set higher than my PC can handle, but I see no way to change them in game, or at least in the small sliver of the game I can get to run.  Or, if that's not the issue... what is the problem?

Dunno.  This seems like a MAJOR issue that needs resolved.  I know I'm just one person, but if the game won't even load for me... how many more people are going to have this issue moving forward?


Quote from: hurple on December 25, 2014, 12:20:09 AM
Would love to join you in playing around in Valiance.  But, I've got an issue that nobody seems to be addressing.  I've posted about it multiple times both here and at the Valiance site, and not received one helpful reply.

I've seen several people post this same and similar issues and it has been discussed (therefore attempting to be addressed) on several occasions as to what could possibly be the issue. Seeing as how there are nearly an infinite number of hardware configurations out there - it is inevitable in the early pre-alpha stages of any development that some of them just aren't compatible yet.

EDIT: I say discussed in the sense that Developers have joined in on the conversation in the threads I've read and asked for specs, logs, and done their best to help out regardless of the outcome. Nobody is being ignored that I can tell was my point here.

I would recommend a little patience and read through the forums over there some more as there are several threads pertaining to your issue. Some people have had luck getting things to work, others have not. I think it is just a matter of the fact it is so early in development it is simply not going to work for everyone. Several people have mentioned it works great on one of their PCs but not another, sometimes on their lower end system and not their latest greatest. Myself it runs fantastic on my self-built PC, my Win8 laptop, and my Wife's PC, but it does not run well on my slightly older machine I use as a server. Understandable, but it did run CoH and LOTRO without any issues.

I agree it needs to be resolved, but I think it is low on the totem-pole. In my mind, they need a large pool of compatibility at the outset - which they have - and then really focus on development of the game itself to at least the point of Alpha, but more likely Beta before delving into compatibility again.

Just my 2 cents though - I don't represent them in any way!


It's being investigated and some changes will be made. We'll announce more when we have updates on the topic. Sorry for the problem but this is exactly why we are getting feedback this early. Thanks!


Yeah hurple , I had the same issue, But after the new patch i wiped the old one and never downloaded the new patch. So i guess will ask for the spec's of the game and see if it is my video card, if that an't it , I don't then what i will do. But it's funny i have and had no trouble CO,DCOL,CofH Oh yeah i do have zone alarm now (fire wall) so that might be a issue as well, But i always click allow, So if that an't it i don't know, I guess I'll set on the side line's and watch.


New patch (in its way) addresses this partially. More info shortly!


If the game is this fun in Alpha, I cant wait till they get to Beta.  Hey got a ways to go, but this game is comming along  smoothly


I found that presing R or F while moving did cause rise and fall during forward or backward motion.


Quote from: artbunker on December 25, 2014, 08:49:55 PM
If the game is this fun in Alpha, I cant wait till they get to Beta.  Hey got a ways to go, but this game is comming along  smoothly

PRE-Alpha. :)


Just wanted to say great game so far guys!  I've had fun messing around in the city and can see real potential in this game.  Keep up the awesome work!  8)

BTW, the snow/blizzard was a nice touch for winter!
Patiently lurking from the shadows...


Quote from: LordReaper on December 26, 2014, 03:41:49 PM
Just wanted to say great game so far guys!  I've had fun messing around in the city and can see real potential in this game.  Keep up the awesome work!  8)

BTW, the snow/blizzard was a nice touch for winter!

Thanks glad you are liking it and we will keep working at it... no sleep til Brooklyn! Er, I mean, no sleep til release (lol).


QuoteThanks glad you are liking it and we will keep working at it... no sleep til Brooklyn! Er, I mean, no sleep til release (lol).

NOOOOO! We don't want the team to pass out from exhaustion!

I haven't played in the game much but from what I did play. It had the CoH feel to it for sure, there was a dev given out advice as to where to hunt mobs, ect...

The only thing I had a problem with. Is I couldn't figure out what choices to make if I wanted to play an MM style character. Which I was half asleep when I was playing so that could of been it. LOL!


Quote from: LionOfAlbion on December 25, 2014, 09:30:37 PM
I found that presing R or F while moving did cause rise and fall during forward or backward motion.

On my machine, the motion just stalls and I hang there in space.  I'll log in tonight and see if the behavior is still the same.


I have tried, but all I get is never gets past this point.
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.


Quote from: LionOfAlbion on December 25, 2014, 09:30:37 PM
I found that presing R or F while moving did cause rise and fall during forward or backward motion.

I'm in the game now and it is working as you describe.

There is a hint of a winter event as snow is falling in the city.


If you are having issues with the game please visit our Tech Support forum -

However, if you are crashing at some point after login or character select, we have added a Settings buttons to those screens so you can turn down the graphics in case that is the issue.

Specifically, you should turn graphics down to "Fastest" and shut off "Experimental Optimizations" and "Auto-Adjust Quality Level".

If you are then able to get in game you can raise the graphics quality and see what works.

This is, of course, pre-alpha so there will be issues with different hardware and we'll be making adjustments and optimizations along the way. Your help, and your patience, are appreciated! :)


I am quite stunned by the work that's been done. Frankly, I'm far more excited by seeing actual in-engine stuff rather than the hopes and prayers of City of Titans (no offense to those guys, but it's been 2 years now, come on...).

I noticed that your world looks almost exactly like Atlas Park, up to and including distant 'war wall' like barriers. While I appreciate this, it does seem a bit much to make it seem so closely the same don't you think?

Otherwise amazing job so far!


This is our initial testing area... a small part of the eventual map.

Thanks for the kind words!


Oh the testing area is nothing compared to the concept stuff they've posted. They were nice enough to actually design an initial testing area that reminds us all of "home" I can't wait to see the new map(s) implemented in the future. Really cool looking stuff!

Also really looking forward to the new patch coming up here possibly tonight, "Soon" at the latest ;) - new models, more stuff to punch, and other cool stuff. Character wipe and start over with moar stuff time! WOO!


Quote from: Jachim on December 29, 2014, 12:55:02 AM
(no offense to those guys, but it's been 2 years now, come on...).
Just want to point out that the engine for VO has been in development for seven-ish years so keep that in perspective.

(Not saying that VO's not impressive; just saying that two years for an MMO is a pittance. City of Heroes was in development for nearly four before it started less-closed testing.)
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



Quote from: Krnl_Mandrake on December 29, 2014, 04:41:09 AM
Oh the testing area is nothing compared to the concept stuff they've posted. They were nice enough to actually design an initial testing area that reminds us all of "home" I can't wait to see the new map(s) implemented in the future. Really cool looking stuff!

Also really looking forward to the new patch coming up here possibly tonight, "Soon" at the latest ;) - new models, more stuff to punch, and other cool stuff. Character wipe and start over with moar stuff time! WOO!

We'll have more (moar) patch info today. Due to some Unity issues looks like we need to do some more (moar) prep work for the new models/animation system but some other stuff will be coming today likely... more (moar) info this morning. ;)