Valiance Online Dev Goes Crazy, Posts Public AMA

Started by Chance-VO, August 23, 2014, 03:02:44 PM


Quote from: Dr. Bad Guy on August 23, 2014, 07:24:16 PM
Direct neural interface technology is not as far away as people think.

Oh I know! Exciting times. I love to stay up on all the recent science news I can digest.  ;D


Are you keeping expansion in mind for when/if level cap is increased?  CoX, and many MMOs get into trouble when increasing level cap, and not mapping out the power/spells roadmap to match the new levels.


Quote from: Inkblaster on August 23, 2014, 08:59:49 PM
Are you keeping expansion in mind for when/if level cap is increased?  CoX, and many MMOs get into trouble when increasing level cap, and not mapping out the power/spells roadmap to match the new levels.

We are definitely keeping this in mind. Some of the most painful processes for an MMO is power/level creep. As it stands for now, we know where our current cap is and don't plan to expand above that in a direct way. This will be made easier somewhat for us because we're starting our content off below our planned maximum and then expanding the content as time and funding allows.


What are the minimum specifications for the game?I tried to find out a while ago and couldn't find anything.I have an older computer that isn't dual-core but it did play City of Heroes well,most new games seem to need dual-core processors now.I'm hoping this doesn't as I am looking forward to playing it and supporting the good work you guys have been doing.


Quote from: Apocalord on August 23, 2014, 09:53:22 PM
What are the minimum specifications for the game?

We don't have that as of yet. We're still running an unoptimized version of the game at the moment but that is a part of what the upcoming release will help us to sort out.


Have you thought of any mobile apps to augment the game?  Like a character creator you can fiddle with?  I mean, who needs to work, or eat, or sleep, right?


Quote from: Inkblaster on August 23, 2014, 10:17:53 PM
Have you thought of any mobile apps to augment the game?  Like a character creator you can fiddle with?  I mean, who needs to work, or eat, or sleep, right?

Haha, actually that's something I've been thinking about personally but haven't sprung on the team yet ;) I figure it's better to let them focus on the core game, then, assuming all goes well, we can expand it out in other ways. Now, certainly, you wouldn't be playing Valiance Online on your phone, but there's plenty of other things that can be done accessing the game through a mobile platform.

Dr. Bad Guy

Quote from: Apocalord on August 23, 2014, 09:53:22 PM
What are the minimum specifications for the game?
Unity's basic requirements: OS: Windows XP+, Mac OS X 10.6+, Ubuntu 10.10+, SteamOS+
Graphics card: DX9 (shader model 2.0) capabilities; generally everything made since 2004 should work.
CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
Web player supports IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and others.

Dr. Bad Guy

Quote from: Apocalord on August 23, 2014, 09:53:22 PM
What are the minimum specifications for the game?
If you are stuck with a single core I would cram as much ram in as I could, swap in a ssd and get at least a 500 series Nvidia card(can't speak to ATI cards, never used one)

Dr. Bad Guy

Windows 7 is a must have as well. 8 sucks butt :P


Quote from: Dr. Bad Guy on August 23, 2014, 11:41:55 PM
Windows 7 is a must have as well. 8 sucks butt :P

This I cannot possibly agree with enough   ;D


I would like to know if there will be web/wire/rope/? slinging/swinging abilities.

I would also like to know if there will be commanding of minions.

And if there will be minions that can be commanded, will there Amazon Women that I can command.

And if there will be Amazonian Women minions to command, will I get to dress them as I see fit.  Tastefully, of course.

Um.... Oh, when one is flying (assuming one can fly) will there be total 360/360 freedom of range of movement?  In otherwords, can I actually do a loop-de-loop, barrel roll, aileron roll, split S, immelman, these sorts of maneuver?  It's quite irritating to be stopped at a full verticle when trying to loop, and let's face it, a victory roll would be entirely sweet.  While I could understand CoH's limitation on this, it was jarring to the extreme to find this to be the case with Star Trek Online.  That and not being able to warp away while in battle.  As if.  Perfectly acceptable move to get away from **FOUR** Borg Spheres.  But no, I had to battle all four of those bastids, and I *WON* with my lil' Reliant-type ship (forgive me, the class escapes me at the moment.  I'll have an 'aha!' later, I'm sure.)  It took me forever, but I beat 'em all.  And no loops.  No rolls.  I am well aware of aerial/spatial maneuvers, and believe you me when I say never was I so frustrated at a game when I couldn't loop or roll to bring my guns to bear upon my enemy.... But I had to finish the battles for I needed to beam down to see what that was like.  But after I figured out StO was not for me, I ragequit that game and never looked back, the physics were just that horrid.

Um... so yeah, rolls/loops while in flight?  Yes or not?

I think that'll do for now.  Can't wait to see the progress!  Thanks!

Edit:  AHA!  Miranda Class!  I had 'Mutara' in my brain, but then it got cleared out.  Now I remembered.  Yay me or something, right? :D

Dr. Bad Guy

Microcrap is pulling another Vista on us with Door 8. Door 8 is Vista and Door 9 will be the equivalent of 7.  If you have to upgrade Operating systems wait til 3 or 4 months after 9 is released for all the drivers to stabilize.  I wish Linux wasn't such a pain to play games on.

Dr. Bad Guy

Quote from: houtex on August 23, 2014, 11:47:07 PM
  Tastefully, of course.

By tastefully you mean nakkid or in a tastefully tiny set of Holleywood armor(bikini), Right?


Haha, love the enthusiasm, houtex. Lemme break this down...

Quote from: houtex on August 23, 2014, 11:47:07 PM
I would like to know if there will be web/wire/rope/? slinging/swinging abilities.

We haven't announced our options for travel powers just yet. We're still inputting all the ways for you to pummel foes as our primary focus.

Quote from: houtex on August 23, 2014, 11:47:07 PM
I would also like to know if there will be commanding of minions.

Yes  8) I don't know if it will be ready by this first iteration, given our current hardware limitations, but we are getting systems in place.

Quote from: houtex on August 23, 2014, 11:47:07 PM
And if there will be minions that can be commanded, will there Amazon Women that I can command.

I dunno, I heard they can be a rather temperamental lot ;)

Quote from: houtex on August 23, 2014, 11:47:07 PM
And if there will be Amazonian Women minions to command, will I get to dress them as I see fit.  Tastefully, of course.

See last answer :D

Quote from: houtex on August 23, 2014, 11:47:07 PM
Um.... Oh, when one is flying (assuming one can fly) will there be total 360/360 freedom of range of movement?  In otherwords, can I actually do a loop-de-loop, barrel roll, aileron roll, split S, immelman, these sorts of maneuver?  It's quite irritating to be stopped at a full verticle when trying to loop, and let's face it, a victory roll would be entirely sweet.  While I could understand CoH's limitation on this, it was jarring to the extreme to find this to be the case with Star Trek Online.  That and not being able to warp away while in battle.  As if.  Perfectly acceptable move to get away from **FOUR** Borg Spheres.  But no, I had to battle all four of those bastids, and I *WON* with my lil' Reliant-type ship (forgive me, the class escapes me at the moment.  I'll have an 'aha!' later, I'm sure.)  It took me forever, but I beat 'em all.  And no loops.  No rolls.  I am well aware of aerial/spatial maneuvers, and believe you me when I say never was I so frustrated at a game when I couldn't loop or roll to bring my guns to bear upon my enemy.... But I had to finish the battles for I needed to beam down to see what that was like.  But after I figured out StO was not for me, I ragequit that game and never looked back, the physics were just that horrid.

Um... so yeah, rolls/loops while in flight?  Yes or not?

That I'll actually have to talk to our tech guy about, but I would love to see it myself :)


Quote from: Dr. Bad Guy on August 23, 2014, 11:54:27 PM
By tastefully you mean nakkid or in a tastefully tiny set of Holleywood armor(bikini), Right?

To quote Takei... "Ohhh myyyy..."  8)


For the record, I'm still awake for another hour. But if I miss a few questions during my downtime, I'll swing back around and answer them when I get a...Chance ;)


Hi!  Ok.  Hope you're still awake.  I put aside getting ready for a gaming session and dealt with some password problems, but I have arrived!

I'm an assistant manager at GameStop, I write game reviews which have been published in a local magazine and I run a gaming blog.  So.  First question, would it be possible to land some kind of interview or get my hands, eyes on some new work, get into the alpha/beta etc?  I'm a fellow obsessive former Hero/Villain, and anything that would help publicize your project or really, anything I can do at all, would be awesome.

Secondly, in what ways would you say Valiance Online is different or daresay better than City of Titans, since the projects seem very similar and started from the same idea?

Thirdly, will VO follow in Elder Scroll's, DCUO's, and Destiny's footsteps and be multiplatform or will we only see this game on PC, with perhaps some mobile aspects?

Thank you!


Quote from: Petite on August 24, 2014, 05:55:15 AM
Hi!  Ok.  Hope you're still awake.  I put aside getting ready for a gaming session and dealt with some password problems, but I have arrived!

Welcome! :D

Quote from: Petite on August 24, 2014, 05:55:15 AM
I'm an assistant manager at GameStop, I write game reviews which have been published in a local magazine and I run a gaming blog.  So.  First question, would it be possible to land some kind of interview or get my hands, eyes on some new work, get into the alpha/beta etc?  I'm a fellow obsessive former Hero/Villain, and anything that would help publicize your project or really, anything I can do at all, would be awesome.

Funny! I was 'employed' by GameStop (for all I know I still am! haha) during the holiday season last year. Unfortunately the store was never given the hours to train me, but I got to enjoy the perks all the same ;)

I'm sure we can arrange an interview of some sort, I'll just have to work it out with our team on the specifics, but if you'll drop a line on our forums, I'll make sure the right people see it and we can get the ball rolling on that. Whew, I should breathe occasionally huh?

Quote from: Petite on August 24, 2014, 05:55:15 AM
Secondly, in what ways would you say Valiance Online is different or daresay better than City of Titans, since the projects seem very similar and started from the same idea?

We have something that can be played? :P Just teasing! We love the CoT team and wish them all the best for their project. Ours is different because we're in a different time, different side of the country, different systems being set up, and a different flavor to the world as a whole. Hell, beyond "There are superheroes and they have powers. Oh! And lotsa costumes" there's not a whole lot that is similar.

Quote from: Petite on August 24, 2014, 05:55:15 AM
Thirdly, will VO follow in Elder Scroll's, DCUO's, and Destiny's footsteps and be multiplatform or will we only see this game on PC, with perhaps some mobile aspects?

Thank you!

For now, we're going to stick with PC. It's what we all know and love and while controllers these days may have more buttons than you've got fingers, I feel they're more suited towards the 'action RPG' genre. We took a look at those sorts of systems and, to be honest, we weren't thrilled. There's nothing inherently wrong with them, but to me, when a character relies on your ability to aim at a target, then it becomes a matter of "Do you weigh player skills over character skills?" and that tends to cause a break in character. As an example to this, I harken back to D&D or nearly any other TT roleplaying game. It didn't matter how accurately you pointed your finger at the DM, it mattered what your character was capable of doing based on their skills. That, to me, is what made the characters feel all the more, for lack of a better term, badass when fighting and something we wanted to carry over.

As I said before though, adding a mobile portal of some sort isn't entirely out of the cards, we just need to focus on our core game at the moment though and stash that idea for further down the line.


Where would be the best place in the forums to drop said line?