Author Topic: You know what really sucks?  (Read 1253 times)


  • Boss
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You know what really sucks?
« on: April 22, 2013, 12:56:29 AM »
Think about how wicked cool CoX would have been right now?

All those I24 goodies running bug free after a couple months of release and patches.

The 9th anniversary event and all the new stuff that Matt talked about being released this upcoming week.

I'd totally be rocking some new characters right now.

Totally f'ing sucks how that isn't possible due to the closure.


  • Elite Boss
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Re: You know what really sucks?
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2013, 01:21:19 AM »
Yezz......totally. :-[

All we can do is channel that same energy into supporting whatever plan of action comes up on Titan.
...just pool our resources and ambition.
The more it seems NCsoft remains determined to keep CoH 'buried', the more I am leaning toward
the efforts of a game successor. I prefer the efforts arising from Titan.
I don't think any other game company cares to create what we enjoyed in CoH.

In time something really coOL  may arise from this....I dunno- ex's lndie music, Fan films, NAPSTER, Sci-Fi channel, private servers, etc.
The demand is out there for something like this..


  • Elite Boss
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Re: You know what really sucks?
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2013, 01:27:37 AM »
Think about how wicked cool CoX would have been right now?

All those I24 goodies running bug free after a couple months of release and patches.

The 9th anniversary event and all the new stuff that Matt talked about being released this upcoming week.

I'd totally be rocking some new characters right now.

Totally f'ing sucks how that isn't possible due to the closure.


As muc has it sucks, would we all be here with an understanding working together or be on the forum again, bickering madly about little stuff. Would two community made for the player by the player games be in the make or would we all be still be going on with corporations with the risks. WOuld our eyes be open now to the nonsense or would we be as blind as many were then thinking that there is no way in hell a corporation can and or could or would pull a game with the swipe of the pen.

It sucks, but in the end, I think a lot of good will come out of it and later down the line, more people eyes will open. While we cant change the past and take back the flames we threw at people that tried to warn us of the nature of the beast, we can know now and spread that knowledge. Eventually, the MMO world will change as people realize that it's horse pancake what they agree to each and every time they play and what can happen anytime anywhere to any game. I feel a slow rising revolution coming over that hill ahead. And we will look back, old and gray some of us, saying "yeah, I was there when it all began. NCsoft was the start of the downfall of the traditional publisher having no risk while the players had everything on the line." One way or another Titan Network will not be forgotten anytime soon.