Author Topic: Crazy wild fantasy lol  (Read 3572 times)


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Crazy wild fantasy lol
« on: December 03, 2012, 02:35:36 AM »
So I had this crazy wild fantasy I wanted to share with you if Disney bought City of Heroes and I somehow got to be able to work on it lol.

First off all maps and stuff would be unavailable lol. It would start you off in some Disney map where your character meets mickey mouse but...ALL of our characters do so. Atlus Park and all of Paragon has been destroyed by a horrible invading menence known as N-Soft.
So for six months or so after the events in Altus park happened and when the Villains, Preatorians,Rogues and Heroes of that place failed to protect their world and destroyed the survivors....that is all of our characters we made. Fled to Disney world. Now with the help of Mickey and a bunch of other guys we would spend the next six months doing several other missions and preparing for the fight to take back Atlus park and the other cities of our world that was destroyed.

So six months later under a heavily re written game update and as a one time one Single even only. A Atlus map is created that can hold more than 50 Thousand players. Its super expanded of course to hold that many people and have enough big space everywhere and six months to get better internet and a better computer lol.

So than we would have this Monster of unbelievable power and SIZE Called N-Soft. But of course before we just walk into
Atlus there would be the walk through the massive amounts of N-Softs Dark Army like Kings Row, Taking back Pocket D...these of course would be split into the normal cities so that normal sized groups of people can be there lol.

Than as we fight our way through we would get to the final boss and the boss would be designed to be the most ass kicken thing Heroes world could ever possibly hope to see and designed to fight back tons of us. The battle would be designed so that it would last at least 2 hours of constant fighting with us.

Just before the beginning of the fight the stratigy would begin and separate every player from each other.
All tanks in one group, All Dominators in another etc. There would be an equal time cinematic for each type of player with a "general" that describes to you what your mission is. My Plant Dominator General of the Dominator Team Explains the tasks that they are gathered for...simply ignore attacking..summon your pets and use every ounce of your power to hold down the enemy the best you can. If you have any other abilities that can help the others do so lol..

 Tankers go first. followed by Scrappers and brutes. Long Range Instructed to keep away and very mobile and always be on the run etc....healers spread out the best they can etc...

Yeah, I know....I have wild fantasies but lets continue.

THAN After we beat the most Evil and horribly powerful monster our world has ever known the N-Soft Monster. Every world map would be redone before hand to be a destroyed version of that map. We than begin rebuilding the cities.

Six months later most of the worlds cities are fully rebuilt with several of them ranging from a bit to a lot different in appearance. Kings row would look a lot newer but still have the old town feel of it and other places would just generally look like something new was built there. Newer styles of buildings had sprout up with different architecture than what it was before with modern buildings replaced a "couple" of the ones before.

Than we have our city back yeah...Our world was destroyed so spend the next six months training our toons to take it back from the monster that killed it and the next six rebuilding lol

I think that would be a really funny, creative and inspired way to do it.
Keep it as a one time even so that its more life like and makes us feel like we actually took back our game and got our city back lol.


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Re: Crazy wild fantasy lol
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2012, 02:37:05 AM »

Sleepy Wonder

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Re: Crazy wild fantasy lol
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2012, 09:29:06 AM »
If I could grade your English teacher, I would give him or her an F.

In any case, thanks for sharing your ideas, but I could never see that happening. Why? Well, for one thing most of your suggestions are (as you put it), a crazy, wild fantasy. Definitely with an emphasis on crazy.

Don't get me wrong though, history is plenty full of crazy ideas that worked, but if I had to take a guess, most of them more often than not have failed.


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Re: Crazy wild fantasy lol
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2012, 12:50:53 AM »
If I could grade your English teacher, I would give him or her an F.

Lol...its not suppose to be serious its just something humorous I wanted to share and also..

yeah...Special Ed..not short bus special but yeah...whole life in those classes.

English was worst subject next to science and math....Science being my better of the three if I only applied myself....which I did not.


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Re: Crazy wild fantasy lol
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2012, 12:53:55 AM »
Not to march to the Goose-step of a grammar-Nazi, buuuut...

Atlas with an "A", not Atlus with a "U" :)

And your suggestion, while impossible, WAS quite funny.
... ^o^CORVUS^o^
"...if nothing we do matters, than all that matters is what we do."