Author Topic: Wanted: Advice regarding a type of article  (Read 5330 times)


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Wanted: Advice regarding a type of article
« on: January 24, 2012, 06:31:04 AM »
hey all,

all good for characters, stories, supergroups.

now i would like to document two separate well detailed and provisioned storylines (rp arcs). both run over a year or more. both involve a number of players in that time (31 for one of them, at present). both involve AEs from time to time as well. neither are attached to a particular character, supergroup, or villain group. both (one more than the other) runs across servers, too.

so the page would be a story page, in one way, with information for the players an d the account of the story as each page (chapter) is done.

what is an appropriate category for this? may I propose a format as follows:

wiki/StoryArcName (Player Story Arc)  -- an overview etc.
wiki/StoryArcName (Player Story Arc)/ChapterOne
wiki/StoryArcName (Player Story Arc)/ChapterTwo

and so on? Or something similar? Can't seem to find anything in the guidelines to cover this. Seems to be perfect for the intent of the site, however?



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Re: Wanted: Advice regarding a type of article
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2012, 10:13:50 AM »
Perhaps: "StoryArcName (Fiction)" would sum it up rather concisely?  Especially with multiple facets like that, plus it would match up rather cleanly with the categories as they are already in use.

As for category, perhaps [[Category:{Server} Universe Fiction]] wouldn't work too well due to running it cross-server.  Hmmmm.  Maybe the best way to go would be to create a new category in the [[Category:Fiction Type]] category?  Maybe something along the lines of Cross-Server Fiction?  Or maybe that would be better placed in the [[Category:Fiction]] area.

Sorry, I guess I have given you more questions than answers here.


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Re: Wanted: Advice regarding a type of article
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2012, 10:14:55 AM »
Now that I think some more, you might not even need to worry about the Parenthetical unless there is a name conflict.