Author Topic: Multiple City Accounts and Titan Keys  (Read 3626 times)


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Multiple City Accounts and Titan Keys
« on: November 25, 2010, 03:26:47 AM »
So, I got suckered in with Sentinel (awesome product, by the by), and am wondering how to best format the global entry in my Titan Key to reflect the two account Globals I have, especially since I can't seem to edit it per character.


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Re: Multiple City Accounts and Titan Keys
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2010, 08:00:46 PM »
I'm pretty sure the global ID related to your Titan Key should only apply to what is displayed when people view your profile here on the forums.  Sentinel will automatically detect your current global ID when logged in with a character and report it to CIT.  CIT should be using the global ID reported by Sentinel for each character.  So there shouldn't be anything you have to do on your end to make sure the global ID associated with each character record is correct.
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Re: Multiple City Accounts and Titan Keys
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2010, 09:24:44 PM »
I'm having a similar problem; when I set up my CIT account I used the gloabl from one of my two accounts. Now when I use Titan Sentinel to create a profile for a character from my other account, it always gives it the global of the wrong account, and it won't let me edit it to enter the right one!

I've tried deleting the character on CIT and recreating it with the right global, but I keep getting the message that it's a duplicate. And when I change back to "My Characters", there it is again, still with the wrong global.

What am I doing wrong?


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Re: Multiple City Accounts and Titan Keys
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2010, 06:08:26 AM »
Let's take this one step at a time.
I'm having a similar problem; when I set up my CIT account I used the gloabl from one of my two accounts.
When you set up your CIT account, you did that here, right?

You should be able to use the same page to change the global ID associated with your Titan account.

Now when I use Titan Sentinel to create a profile for a character from my other account, it always gives it the global of the wrong account,

When you view the character info in Sentinel, does it display the correct global ID for the character?

and it won't let me edit it to enter the right one!

Where are you viewing the character on CIT that it appears to have the wrong global?

What global do you have listed under "Privacy Settings" on the CIT Account Settings page?

(The global listed under "General Information" on that page that can't be edited should match whatever you have entered in your Titan account information.  The one under "Privacy Settings" is the one you'll see next to your character names in the Leaderboards section.)

I've tried deleting the character on CIT and recreating it with the right global
Recreating manually, or with Sentinel?

but I keep getting the message that it's a duplicate.
Do you happen to have the exact text of the message you're getting?

And when I change back to "My Characters", there it is again, still with the wrong global.
Are you viewing the Full List or Text List?  Where are you seeing the wrong global ID on the "My Characters" page?
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Re: Multiple City Accounts and Titan Keys
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2011, 05:29:42 AM »
Let's take this one step at a time.When you set up your CIT account, you did that here, right?

You should be able to use the same page to change the global ID associated with your Titan account.

When you view the character info in Sentinel, does it display the correct global ID for the character?

Where are you viewing the character on CIT that it appears to have the wrong global?

What global do you have listed under "Privacy Settings" on the CIT Account Settings page?

(The global listed under "General Information" on that page that can't be edited should match whatever you have entered in your Titan account information.  The one under "Privacy Settings" is the one you'll see next to your character names in the Leaderboards section.)
Recreating manually, or with Sentinel?
Do you happen to have the exact text of the message you're getting?
Are you viewing the Full List or Text List?  Where are you seeing the wrong global ID on the "My Characters" page?

Sorry for the slow response, it took me a while to get back here.

The problem with the global seemed to resolve itself. I was having trouble with the first character from my second account, but I finally deleted the one that came in from Titan Sentinal, recreated him manually with the right global, and now it's mostly working correctly. Other characters from that same account are coming in from Titan Sentinal with the correct global.

In answer to your questions, I put used "global 1" when I set up my key, and now have "global 2" under 'privacy settings'. "global 1" was showing up on the "edit character" page for my "global 2" character, but now it is displaying properly.

The only remaining problem I'm having is that for 3 of the 4 "global 2" characters I have listed in CIT, it's not picking up all the badges that have been awarded. For some reason, vet badges only show up consistently on all of the characters. I have tried editing badges, manually adding badges, etc. with Titan Sentinel up when the character has logged on, but so far, no good. It is reading the badges correctly for one my second account characters, so it could be something quite different than a two-global problem. (The correct global does show up in Sentinel, btw.)

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


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Re: Multiple City Accounts and Titan Keys
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2011, 10:16:53 PM »
I assume you're adding the badges using the /infoself command with Sentinel running.  (If not, try that.)

I also assume you're giving Sentinel enough time to send the badge info out.  (You'll see the "last update" message at the bottom of the window change when the data is sent.)

Could you link the profile for one of the characters that doesn't seem to be verifying correctly?  I'll can look to see if I can spot anything on the back end that helps us figure this one out.
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Re: Multiple City Accounts and Titan Keys
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2011, 11:42:03 PM »
I was just browsing and I noticed this. I had this problem a few weeks and it works now with Sentinel. I was able to use one Titan account and different City accounts(NA-Freedom, EU-Defiant). It works likes charm if you stay on long enough for it to update. I had to delete the old and create a new profile to make it work because you can't edit.

FYI, If your converting a trial account, the game client will use the first character created as the new globalID. This might be your problem. It caused me problems until I used my free rename to something I wanted.

Finally, I have a question about the badges. I have a lot of badges I want to add to my profiles. Can I really use the /infoself at the chat window with Sentinel running in the background to update my badges? Do I have to do anything else?


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Re: Multiple City Accounts and Titan Keys
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2011, 12:09:29 AM »
Finally, I have a question about the badges. I have a lot of badges I want to add to my profiles. Can I really use the /infoself at the chat window with Sentinel running in the background to update my badges?


Do I have to do anything else?

Only allow Sentinel enough time to send an update before switching characters.
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I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov