Author Topic: Cosmic mistake  (Read 3043 times)


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Cosmic mistake
« on: December 13, 2016, 11:59:07 PM »
I cannot believe that they require players to run New top tier content to acquire Old top tier rewards.

After thinking it over.. poor ethics seems to be the root of about all CO complaints. So, now I can't believe I couldn't believe this recent discovery, and, further, am in disbelief that I will now hit "Post".



I've had a lot of fun, made .... 2 new lvl 40 builds that I'm playing, and, am leveling a new build and have one in the wings. Pretty good for two months of playing CO, for me. I'm usually an Endgame person, but, if you can let go of that... you can probably become an CO old-timer and make less complainy posts like the above.

That was my way of apologizing for complaining. Long. Windy.  : )

« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 12:39:24 AM by Xev »
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Re: Cosmic mistake
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2016, 12:23:54 AM »
I cannot believe that they require players to run New top tier content to acquire Old top tier rewards.

After thinking it over.. poor ethics seems to be the root of about all CO complaints. So, now I can't believe I couldn't believe this recent discovery, and, further, am in disbelief that I will now hit "Post".


Thats why I've quit for such a long time.  When I read that heroic gear was locked behind the new raids, I was left appalled.  The Catch-22 of the whole thing, it was not surprising though, it's in kaizerin's nature.  She is an SHFG, and SHFG's tend to whenever and however they can, push catch-22 requirements, be they community enforced or (worst)design enforced.  One shouldn't be forced to play content requiring the older top tier gear to begin with to get that same top tier gear.

And yes, poor ethics are wholly to blame for the complaints and negative feelings towards CO.  If it wasn't for poor ethics the game devs would never have released store-only OP gear and then nerf that store only gear to a point of worthlessness later repeatedly, or copy WoW style raids when there is a severe shortage of players for such number-based content ect.  Or the lack of innovation or forcing people to play very specific builds in said content, and punishing people for making there own character when that was the original intent of the game.  SHFG's always have that lack of ethics, which is why people consider them to be so deplorable.

Been playing on and off this weekend, still doesn't feel like much was really added to it imo.  Only that power armor was gutted and rendered rather worthless imo.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


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Re: Cosmic mistake
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2016, 12:52:54 AM »
I won't be herded...

I can be reverse-herded though. I'm now completely uninterested in anything that has to do with Gold Rec.

There's a full page of complimentary things I could write about CO since returning to playing it but *sheepnoise* nope, that killed it. I'm sorry I complained about their Cosmic mistake but I also feel un-compelled to share my CO positivity due to burn wound crankiness - both old and new. Hence the lack of positive posts and now a kneejerk "I knew this was coming!" post.

My apols to old-timers who play and enjoy the game for what it is, whatever it currently is, and through all its past currently isses... For complaining. Instead of writing nice stuff.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 01:10:57 AM by Xev »
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


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Re: Cosmic mistake
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2016, 03:24:59 PM »
Appalled was a good word that you used and I'm glad you used it. Honestly sometimes I wonder if my sense of morality's bar is set too high and that feeling goes beyond CO. I don't like to complain about the game when I've gotten so many hundreds or more hours of enjoyment out of it, and, in respect for its core players. But I was appalled (and felt the need to share..).

I have a lot of positive feelings and things to say about CO and I can't imagine removing it from my machine but it's also true that they will crotchkick you without regard if they think it will get them where they want to go the fastest.

Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


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Re: Cosmic mistake
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2016, 06:27:18 AM »
People should never fear criticism of a thing they are passionate about either from themselves or from others. If the criticism is valid admitting the faults of a thing is the only way to start the process of addressing them so that the thing may grow to be better than it was. Fans of these games are horrible about this, never wanting to admit there might be a problem. Making excuses and blindly defending a thing doesn't help it prosper, it smothers it with good intentions. In the case of a game, it sometimes gets smothered until only the diehards are left and they aren't usually enough to support the product.

The reality is simple. No matter how fond of a dev team or game world I might be, I don't actually owe them anything. They owe me. I'm the customer. It may be my hobby, and I might make several allowances when they screw up or fail to deliver because I'm fond of them. Ultimately, they want my money. That's the actual goal. They have to earn it and I should hold them to that or I'm letting myself be taken advantage of. That's not to say they need to kiss our butts, but they do need to strive to deliver a quality product. They don't get a free pass because muh feels. Especially not when there are so many other options for me to choose from these days. This is one of the key things I really felt the early Cryptic and later Paragon Studios devs understood.


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Re: Cosmic mistake
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2016, 08:51:00 PM »
Thanks for giving me another chance to try and better explain my attitude towards CO because I seem to be having a hard time with it.

The reality is simple. No matter how fond of a dev team or game world I might be, I don't actually owe them anything. They owe me.

See now, that would be Your reality.. My reality is that I owe the game a lot.

Another reason I don't like to badmouth the game is that whenever someone does I think about Liberty chat (LB) and whatever our Zone chat was called. How many times did a player from another game come barging in and spread his who-in-the-world-cares low opinion of CoH and/or what was going on with it atm around? Not a lot, but when it happened it was always an unhappy event spurred on by an instantly unwelcome visitor. I don't wanna be that guy. CO's Cores are ever bit as Corey as CoH Cores are/were and CO is their CoH and I try to respect that.

CO's a tough love for me, sometimes *adjusts ice bag*. But I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of it and I'm making/fixing builds right now that I couldn't before and am liking them as much as about any I've made up to this point - more than many, and, kicking them out at least 2x faster... so... that also kinda makes it hard for me to say bad things about them. I haven't made any effort to compliment all that polish that's been put on since I played last. I mean, really.. For every decision I disagree with there are maybe 3 that I like. It's an imperfect world. That's not a terrible average. Especially for a game known for next to no development or no just plain luv.

Well, and, besides, it's the holidays. Not a bad time of year to lighten up some. Even on ebil dev decisions.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2016, 08:56:37 PM by Xev »
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Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


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Re: Cosmic mistake
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2016, 09:11:56 PM »
Hmm.. I used to have a hard time understanding folks that would play any game besides CoH. After trying many of them out due to lack of CoH, I still can't figure it out.

But, I do recall those rascals coming on LB and causing a ruckus. And when Philly would chime in, OR! When NY would chime in, really priceless moments. I should go back and see if I've got those in my chat logs.
Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese


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Re: Cosmic mistake
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2016, 03:07:32 AM »
CoH is one step on a long passionate gaming path, for me. An important one with it's own unique story, but, I never expect Any game/MMO to by my last. Or even any game form - like what we have with current computer and console technology.

I never could understand the people that took the time to sit in (LB) a game they didn't like and complain about it, rather than just load up whatever it is they DO like.. I mean, sheesh. I just never even had the urge, ever, to drop my fun game to go complain about someone else's!

I miss Philly and everyone  : ) Good server, great fun, everything was just getting better and better. I still remember when you first mentioned the rumor that CoH might shutdown. I thought, noooooo way. Nooo. Can't happen. Stupid rumor. They're doing better than ever! So much good stuff coming out, and in the works. They were even prying green from My steely grip On Top of the sub fee so I Knew they were doing good.. Never even crossed my mind that the rumor was true until it was confirmed. I've still got most of my last years screenies kicking around, somewhere.. I know I have some 'last moments' ones with everyone standing around in AP and the chat window is exploded and filled with the very last g'byes. I was so sad! Played/raided my brains out until the last minutes so it didn't really hit me until then, and hard, and then not long after that I stared a lil bit lost at my final You Have Been Disconnected screen and was really sad for mine and gaming's loss.

CO doesn't replace CoH for me but it's an important step on a long path with it's own unique story and will always have a place on my machine.
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>