Author Topic: Travel powers for icon or icon commands for offline paragon chat?  (Read 2629 times)


  • Underling
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Travel powers like walk etc don't work in icon but they do work in paragon chat but with paragon chat we can't use the /load costume commands and other various icon commands (though we also have some doors working)

So would it be possible to get travel powers working in icon such as walk, ninja run, super speed and superjump, until you can figure out how to make all the other icon goodies work in the offline mod paragon chat? I assume you don't want people running around using various fx and stuff and that's why the load costume command doens't work there.
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Re: Travel powers for icon or icon commands for offline paragon chat?
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2016, 04:09:45 AM »
Doing travel powers in Icon is pretty much a non-starter. The architecture of Icon makes implementing things like that insanely difficult. Paragon Chat on the other hand not only has a more or less real 'server' piece rather than faking it, but also uses a lot of really tricky tricks in order to interface arbitrary compiled code (i.e. the COH client we have) with high-level languages.

Long story short it works completely different than Icon but in a way that makes things like travel powers even possible.

The current plan is to eventually reproduce all of what you can do in Icon in Paragon Chat, though some of it will be local only and not usable when you're connected to the chat server. The first part of that is already in place, and it's the offline mode checkbox. The second part involves breaking out the zone backend into pluggable modules. The first iteration of that design is part of the SG base work being done in the development branch, which needed a separate backend for different reasons.

Once all of its functionality is present in and superseded by Paragon Chat, Icon will officially be declared 'dead'.


  • Underling
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  • Posts: 17
Re: Travel powers for icon or icon commands for offline paragon chat?
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2016, 04:34:57 PM »
thanks for the response so eventually the offline paragon chat will more or less replace icon for me. Sounds good! The only issue I currently have in icon is being able to edit costumes (which is very easy using notepad for costume files but you have a database thing there that im still adjusting to.
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