Author Topic: City of Heroes 1.5  (Read 37292 times)


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Re: City of Heroes 1.5
« Reply #100 on: November 26, 2015, 04:18:45 PM »
 Hurple just gave me a headache...not only AV's with KB but...imagine...
 Sewer run with a Stormer...bodies flying everywhere...or
 Arena combat against a Stormer.
 Although that Ice power that makes people slip up then fall down would be fun to watch :)
 Virtual Reality sets are high tech and somewhat cost effective...there is one offered already as a sex toy adage that you can buy with cd's of some of your favorite women that is under 100$...
 Even though meant as a joke, the idea is not far fetched...
 Someday it might be part of a gaming package...I just don't think the public is ready for it though.


  • Underling
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Re: City of Heroes 1.5
« Reply #101 on: February 14, 2016, 04:24:12 PM »
Everything before issue 18
Things were becoming sort of silly..
Psionic melee... OK :/

That's my dream powerset. Really sad I didn't get to role a Shield/PM Tank. When talking about super heroes there's not much that can be considered silly. That's the beauty of it.


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Re: City of Heroes 1.5
« Reply #102 on: February 14, 2016, 04:43:40 PM »
I'd like the fitness pool to stay inherent, like it was at the end. Stamina was essential for most builds. It got boring to go through the swift/hurdle, health then stamina routine with almost every toon. Considering this game was about customising your experience, you shouldn't be forced down a particular pool. I left out trying so many other pools because of the stamina issue.

Other than that I'd want to see all the included. Think someone mentioned a shop where you could buy IO's for inf. That would be a good idea.


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Re: City of Heroes 1.5
« Reply #103 on: February 15, 2016, 04:14:48 AM »
Incarnates led to farming and unbalanced play with non-incarnates

If we are gonna bring out that card.

Radiation Emission did that for 99% of the game.

- AE content should be the same drops and xp as in-game content so those choosing AE can enjoy it.

Time for a real hard truth.

The AE failed because of XP, because we abused it for XP, they didn't want to and people begged them to do so and then the exact thing that happened that -everyone- with a brain knew would happen. The only thing that really got made and played was "Farm" maps.

Having drops in the AE was a terrible choice, and only the Dev's choice should have given any reward outside of tickets, adding in real drops would only make the problems in the AE far worse, people who wanted to use/run missions through the AE should have only been the people who wanted to do so of their own volition not because there was a carrot.

I made one Arc, which never got made..and went to the AE to run missions once and the first page was full of farm maps so I said "screw this I will run a TF instead.