Author Topic: What has happened to you since the City closed?  (Read 6280 times)


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Re: What has happened to you since the City closed?
« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2013, 04:53:12 AM »
Well, 2013 has certainly not been fun around here.  Feb 22, got a call at work that nobody wants to receive.  It was from my wife, and it started with, "I think the house is on fire." 

It was.  It was burned to the ground.  We lost *everything!*  Well, not really, the exterior of he house actually contained the fire, but the inside was nothing but charred remains.  It was weird.

Two of my daughters had moved out, so we were only a family of 4.  We lived in a small motel room (within sight of our ex-house) for 2 months, and now live in a small furnished apartment.  They tore the house down a week after the fire, and started demolishing the foundation today.  (And the crazy neighbor lady complained about the noise!)  We're soon (crosses fingers) going to begin building on the same site... A house that looks alot like the old, but with all those "I wish this was different" things we all want to do to our homes.  We're still mostly wandering around in a haze of complete disbelief, and are homesick beyond comprehension.  For example, today, I accidentally dropped a glass that my wife found in the rubble of our home, and it broke.  She cried for almost an hour.   :gonk:

On the plus side... Both my two daughters graduated college in May, and have both already found decent jobs. 


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Re: What has happened to you since the City closed?
« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2013, 06:16:54 PM »

In other  news, as I mentioned about attending school, I just turned in my final paper and did my last class presentation this past Friday (although the last day of class isn't until this Friday), and am just waiting to see what my final grade is for the class. So long as it's passing, I'll be happy, because it'll mean that I'm done with school completely, and can stop sinking so much money into commuting costs... Now I just need to find a job semi-related to my field of study (Bachelors of Applied Science in Game Art and Design... Yay?). ((Anyone know of any companies out there looking for 3D character artists...?))

I know some people writing a game that need 3D artists not far from these boards, but I suspect you want paying for it :)


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Re: What has happened to you since the City closed?
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2013, 01:37:42 AM »
Tried Star Trek online and got bored quickly.

Tried Champions and hated it.

Tried DC Universe and hated it more.

Tried WoW and liked it.  Developed a spreadsheet Tournament for it which I promptly revised several times (deleting and recreating my characters with each restart, of course).  Currently on my fourth version.  But don't think it's replaced CoH in my heart because in my mind I roleplay it as though my characters from City of Heroes had created World of Warcraft characters and were running them.  So, D'Shan Steelclaw my Natural Claws/Regen Scrapper is running DShan a Worgen Beastmaster Hunter.

Yeah... not kidding.

On the real world side of things my daughter graduated high school and will be turning 18 as of tomorrow.  Irrefutable proof that I am getting OLD.  Ugh. 

My father's Parkinson's Disease is getting worse and right now I am selling my house and nearly everything I own so I can move from Maine to Florida to be near my parents so I can help my mother care for him.  I move as soon as the house sells, which given the current market could be tomorrow or 3 years from now.

I continue to grow crazier, which makes me feel more sane than ever.

mr hobbler

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Re: What has happened to you since the City closed?
« Reply #23 on: July 25, 2013, 04:16:43 AM »
Hello all,
 Got Divorced !!!!  :) I bought a house gutted and remolded it completely.  I really enjoyed doing it and had a lot of fun.  I finally pulled my ps3 out and started playing platform games. Never played cause I always got discouraged with all the different button combinations. Prefer my keyboard and mouse.  I never really stopped but got more involved with my r/c car racing and having a blast with that.  Currently looking for a project car ( real car) to restore.  I know this is my first post but I continue to check back everyday to these forums to see if my dream came through and COH was back.
Mr.Hobbler__ Fire/Fire Tank___ Elektricini__Elec/Invo Tank
Croation Fire__ Fire/Ice Tank__ Fire Buffett Fire/ss Tank
Mala Vatra__Fire/ss Brute__Vengrance FX__Elec/Fire Brute__Sgt Fire Ball__Blaster__Carbon Element__ Blaster__Witwicky_DB/SR Scrapper__Questron_Healer__HeatherPayne__Healer