Author Topic: G.A.M.E.  (Read 6253 times)

Taceus Jiwede

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Re: G.A.M.E.
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2013, 08:28:44 AM »
I think Knight Light was just voicing an idea, as he stated he was only half serious and everyone has come up with radical ideas that if done correctly could possibly work.  But most importantly he came to express an idea with a community, a community based on saving coh, remembering CoH, and just expressing your opinions on MMO's and they way they are run.  We are community of game-less internet dwellers looking for a place to connect and blow off steam.

There is no BAD post. 

You also have to keep in mind not everyone agrees with your stance on government.  I wont say one way or another because I don't like to pretend to know what is best for an entire country of people.  The government here in the states is flawed as hell, but it could be worse. I am just grateful I can wake up everyday in a warm bed, in a country that I don't have to fear decapitation for a slight difference in my beliefs or because no one is stopping people from doing to get my share of bread for a day, not to mention I can go to my faucet and get a clean cup of water at any time.  You can dislike the government in anyway you want, everyone has a different opinion of what is best for the world.  But most people don't wanna hear it on a forum dedicated to the CoH community.  Knight Light was just suggesting an idea that could only be done by a government because of the resources and power they have, I am sure if there was some other thing that could fund and enforce his ideas he would go with them.

Edit: Grammer

Unrelated:  I am a boss now!  If this was an AE farm, I would be turned off.


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Re: G.A.M.E.
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2013, 03:21:30 PM »
Unrelated:  I am a boss now!  If this was an AE farm, I would be turned off.

pfft.. not for my fire/kin  ;)
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Re: G.A.M.E.
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2013, 03:44:44 PM »
Frankly, I am not for the regulation of business by any government. At least not like this. I don't like what NCSoft did, but I'm also tired of people looking to elected officials to solve all their problems. Everything comes to an end. If you are lucky, you can witness a movement of a number of people to bring it back like Team Wildcard is doing. But leave the government out of it.

Let me put it this way. The people give government its power, right? Well, where does it come from? That's right the people. The more power we give them, the less we have. Not exactly a great thing to do, historically.
Hear here.

The correct response is the PR campaign, the efforts to get private institutions to apply pressure to sell it to them to run, and, if all else fails, to take it upon ourselves to prove that this was a mistake by building our new home ourselves.

Which, incidentally, is something I'm proud to be a part of, and grateful to all of you for your continued well-wishings and, to those of you who're working on the Phoenix Project, for all your hard work and dedication. This is going to work because of this community. And we're doing it the right way, costing nobody save those who are willing to take the risks and put in the effort anything. And we, this community, will reap the rewards when they come forth, not just with a spiritual successor to house our community, but with the sterling message that we are heroes, and this is what we do!

Also, you don't mess with super-villains. They'll show you up by doing it bigger and better.


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Re: G.A.M.E.
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2013, 12:21:00 AM »
I can't tell what is being debated anymore. The general balance between people, business, and government, or a solution to incidents such as the NCsoft closure specifically.

One argument is a question of where there is too much power and where there is not enough.

The other specifically applies to art and/or the civil rights of virtual communities.

Knight Light

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Re: G.A.M.E.
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2013, 11:53:13 PM »
Sorry for the delay in responding, it's been a hectic passed several days.

I can see how, from your surroundings, you might think consensus is a joke but I assure you; it does exist.

Your rhetoric displays at least some semblance of intelligence, but I think you need to be much more clear and waaaay more concise.

Gee, thanks... that's not a backhanded compliment at all...

I'd love to have given you a short concise plan detailing precisely what to do but I kind of didn't want this to be a dictatorship. I had an idea that, despite my many qualities, I could not possibly flesh out on my own and so I opened it up for debate in this, what's it called? oh right, a forum. I don't believe anything like this had been done before so there is no plan or guide to follow. Y'know, we don't really learn it in school but I wonder how long it took to draft your Constitution. They hammer that out in an afternoon? It was all Jefferson, right? He was always the rock star.

Is it so terrible to want some manner of harnessing the power of the consumer for protection from these massive corporations that can't be fought and can get away with anything?

As for their right to privacy, I was all for it until they came in and intervened in my personal life and ripped a hole in my soul. So they've forfeited that on this issue. No matter how long it takes, one way or another, if I can't have the only thing I have wanted with every fibre of my being for every single second since 4:08pm thursday, march 24th, 2011, then NCSoft is going to tell me precisely why. There is no argument on that and there isn't a thing that will stand in my way. Perhaps you cannot fight NCSoft, but I am going to and while I'm there I'll see what I can do about getting CoH released from their prison closet. City of Heroes is something that deserves to reach its conclusion.

Oh and I hate to break it to you but it is not your government that has too much power. It's the only two parties your peeps vote for and the lobbies that back them that have entirely WAY too much power.

It's fairly evident there's a problem when a Congressman has the ability to insert an amendment drafted by the National Rifle Association into an unrelated spending bill in order to effectively cripple your Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

That's probably best left to another forum though.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 12:29:27 AM by Knight Light »

Blue Pulsar

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Re: G.A.M.E.
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2013, 07:42:38 PM »
I can see how, from your surroundings, you might think consensus is a joke but I assure you; it does exist.

Oh, I know it exists, but it ends up being something different for everyone. For some, it's winner take all. For others, it's the lesser of the two evils. For others, it's "I just got shat on, but I guess it could be worse." And yet for others, even though usually the minority, it's "I got shat on, and it can't be much worse."

Consensus just gives a majority of the people something tolerable. There are, unfortunately, no real great ways to give everyone what they want.

Gee, thanks... that's not a backhanded compliment at all...

I mean, kinda. What I am trying to say is: Yes, you are are obviously intelligent, but, at least on this topic, your thoughts are a tad disorganized.

I'd love to have given you a short concise plan detailing precisely what to do but I kind of didn't want this to be a dictatorship. I had an idea that, despite my many qualities, I could not possibly flesh out on my own and so I opened it up for debate in this, what's it called? oh right, a forum. I don't believe anything like this had been done before so there is no plan or guide to follow.

However, even in congress, often times a bill that is nearly complete and vote ready is what goes before the congressmen. However, it rarely stays in that state. It's nearly always hashed out and reworked. Changing, often, a lot of things that the original author wanted kept. If you were to give a detailed and concise plan as to what you wanted, you would actually get more feedback and ideas from others. Then, you incorporate what they think should change, or you debate why it shouldn't be changed. At least that's how it usually works.

Y'know, we don't really learn it in school but I wonder how long it took to draft your Constitution. They hammer that out in an afternoon? It was all Jefferson, right? He was always the rock star.

Actually, the United States Constitution took 21 days to draft, hash out, and sign by the Constitutional Convention. They appointed 5 people to draft the document, not one of which was Thomas Jefferson. Of course, it took one month before that for all of the delegates from all the states to trickle into the convention and eventually compromise on the issues presented by the "Nationalists" and the "Patriots." So, if you count from start of the convention to the signing, it was 53 days for completion. Of course it took almost a year for all the states to accept, or "ratify", it.

Anyway, now you know.

Is it so terrible to want some manner of harnessing the power of the consumer for protection from these massive corporations that can't be fought and can get away with anything?

No, it's not terrible for wanting power over someone else's actions. Unless of course you're a company... Then it's really, really, really bad to want power over someone else. See the double standard?

Also, I have no desire to get the government involved.

As for their right to privacy, I was all for it until they came in and intervened in my personal life and ripped a hole in my soul. So they've forfeited that on this issue.

They offered something for 8 years. Then, becuase they thought it would make them more money in some way, they took it away. They did not force you to get hooked on it. They did not make you buy it. They did not steal your money. They simply stopped offering a service. Again, don't get me wrong. I hate what they did too and they played bad cards from the get go. Never advertising, denying Paragon Studios, etc. But, just as you have the right to own a company, make a product, and then discontinue that product, they too have that right.

No matter how long it takes, one way or another, if I can't have the only thing I have wanted with every fibre of my being for every single second since 4:08pm thursday, march 24th, 2011, then NCSoft is going to tell me precisely why. There is no argument on that and there isn't a thing that will stand in my way. Perhaps you cannot fight NCSoft, but I am going to and while I'm there I'll see what I can do about getting CoH released from their prison closet. City of Heroes is something that deserves to reach its conclusion.

I admire your passion and if you have the will to see your desires through, then I admire you even more. I just have two problems with what you want. I don't want to see the government get involved, and I don't really care why they did what they did. Their reasons, real or imagined, will not help me at all. I just want my game back.

Oh and I hate to break it to you but it is not your government that has too much power. It's the only two parties your peeps vote for and the lobbies that back them that have entirely WAY too much power.

I can tell that you are not from the US. Not only is that evident from the fact that you continually call it "your government" referring to me, but also from the fact that you think it needs to be stronger. Your next point proves mine.

It's fairly evident there's a problem when a Congressman has the ability to insert an amendment drafted by the National Rifle Association into an unrelated spending bill in order to effectively cripple your Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The fact that government can give rights and take them away (but mostly take them away) is the evidence that they have too much power. This group, the NRA, that you speak of is NOT government and is in fact a group of private citizens. But if you notice... they still had to go through the government. I think that a collective group of private citizens should have more power than the people who are governing over them. There are more constituents than people in the government. We vote for them and give them their power. But why should we give up so much of it? My guess is becuase people are lazy and simply don't want the responsibility of taking care of themselves.... But you're right about this...

That's probably best left to another forum though.

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