Author Topic: Side Switching, Respec Badges, and Progress Bars  (Read 2836 times)


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Side Switching, Respec Badges, and Progress Bars
« on: August 27, 2010, 03:01:19 AM »
Completed a respec mission tonight with a very mixed team of Villains, Heroes turned Villain, and Vigilantes.  One of the Vigilantes was awarded the Stalwart Medallion.  One of the Scrappers turned Villain got Thorn Robber, and a couple of Heroes turned Villain got nothing.  It's worth noting that those Heroes have been around a long time and I'm sure they have all three Hero respec badges.

It seems at the moment that there may be some exclusivity to respec badges.

For my part, I have three respecs plus a freespec banked and the only option I had for end rewards was the merits.  So it looks like, if nothing else, there's a cap of three stackable respecs at once.

As we ran a mayhem mission tonight, I'm also noting a lack of progress bars for the following:

Hero Slayer

Someone else grabbed the last fire bomb, so I don't know about Firebug.
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Re: Side Switching, Respec Badges, and Progress Bars
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2010, 04:40:55 AM »
For my part, I have three respecs plus a freespec banked and the only option I had for end rewards was the merits.  So it looks like, if nothing else, there's a cap of three stackable respecs at once.
Had this character claimed a respec (any of them) three times before? It has always been that the max number of times you can select respec from the trials is three.
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Re: Side Switching, Respec Badges, and Progress Bars
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2010, 05:06:24 PM »
It seems the server does this:

  • Are you eligible for a respec reward?
  • How many times have you selected it before?
  • Are you a Hero or a Villain?
  • Here's your badge.
That said, the respec badges appear to be mutually exclusive, but you could conceivably have a hero-villain mixture of them.

I say bring it up to the devs. If nothing else, they'll have the other side's respec badges auto-award like they did the Accolades.


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Re: Side Switching, Respec Badges, and Progress Bars
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2010, 06:34:31 PM »
Had this character claimed a respec (any of them) three times before? It has always been that the max number of times you can select respec from the trials is three.

I've definitely claimed three respecs.  And I know the maximum number of respecs has always been three.  But up until now, there were only three badges that any one character might be able to claim from the respec trials.  There are now six.

My assumption to this point was that upon completion of the trial the game checks to see which respec badges you've already claimed, and if you haven't claimed all three, checks to see if you have a high enough level to make you eligible for the next.  If you haven't claimed all three badges and you're high enough to be eligible for the next, the game offers you the badge and a respec as an option at the end of the trial.  Otherwise you just get an offer of merits.

(And prior to merits, you just either got the badge and respec or you got nothing.)

If that were the case, then the game should have checked to see if I had already claimed the badges I was eligible for.  Being a Vigilante, I could see how I still wouldn't get any offer of a badge since I might not be eligible for Villain respec badges while a Hero.

However, the characters that had made the full transition to Villain should have been offered the badge as a reward if that was what the game checked against.  The evidence seems to indicate that this is not how the system works.

Instead, it appears more likely that there's a series of three flags on your character that indicate whether or not you have already earned a respec for each trial level range.  If this is the case and the game checks those flags instead of the badges you've collected, then once a character has claimed three respec badges, they simply won't be able to earn any more of them.

And then the question is:  Was this an oversight, or is this working as intended?
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 06:44:59 PM by eabrace »
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Re: Side Switching, Respec Badges, and Progress Bars
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2010, 06:47:17 PM »
It was supposedly brought up multiple times during closed beta by Snow Globe.

I'm running under the assumption that this is WAI.


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Re: Side Switching, Respec Badges, and Progress Bars
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2010, 12:24:44 AM »
And then the question is:  Was this an oversight, or is this working as intended?
This is PROBABLY working as intended (probably linked somehow to the "max three trial respecs"), but like Guy said, only way to know for sure is to stab poke a dev.
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