Titan Network

Graveyard => Save Paragon Retirees => Save Paragon City! => Topic started by: Captain Electric on April 11, 2013, 06:52:58 AM

Title: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Captain Electric on April 11, 2013, 06:52:58 AM
Someone shut up and take my money. I'm serious. There are three or four threads floating around this forum, with people throwing around the notion that this or that person might know how to organize something or might have contacts or whatever.

If that's true, great. I don't even know where to start. If I could just ask all you folks to send money to my PayPal account, and then call up all of these magazines and websites and buy ads, I'd do it yesterday. But from looking at those threads, it seems like logistics are involved which I'm not experienced with. (And my art would probably not be great.) So I'm going to create a thread that is the equivalent of flailing my arms around, and hope that the people with the answers iron out those logistics ASAP.

We have a perfect storm right now and it's on our side. We have Jack's comments at PAX East--and no matter how off the cuff they were, they were an offer to TALK, which is the first step in any negotiation; and particularly after NCSoft claimed they had "exhausted every avenue". We also (rather conveniently) have Gamasutra's and Matt Miller's really (really really) telling article going up today.

The people in the industry have given us all the ammunition they can. I don't see how we'll ever get a better chance than this to help them out. Ever. Elliott's article at Massively is a clear sign that our friends in the gaming press can't afford to attend our resurrection ritual into infinity.

And yet I still have no idea where we're supposed to donate for the ads.

Aggelakis, no worries if you want to lock this thread. I just want people to see it.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JanessaVR on April 11, 2013, 06:58:00 AM
Seconded.  I don't care if Jack's now getting a bit of cold feet about his comment, let's do this anyway.

We need some banners and a site to link them to, but let's be quick about if we can.  I can't really do either (well, maybe the site, but not with my work schedule at present), but I can contribute $.

This needs $100 or so?  Done.  Let's just get this moving.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Triplash on April 11, 2013, 08:30:23 AM
The people in the industry have given us all the ammunition they can. I don't see how we'll ever get a better chance than this to help them out. Ever.

Y'know, about that Gamasutra interview... when I first read it I couldn't help thinking that it was released, now of all times, precisely because of either Jack's statement or our talk of running ads.

Most likely I'm overthinking things, and believing outside sources are paying more attentino to us than they really are. However. It is pretty advantageous timing, refreshing the story in the public eye (or the eyes of the industry followers at least) so close to when we had been looking to catch that very same attention. I wonder if somebody was holding back those insider viewpoints, waiting for the time when they would be most helpful.

Either way, I agree that this is the right time to act. Unfortunately time isn't really something I can promise in good conscience, since I have to deal with a lot of frequent and extended interruptions. Money though, that I can do. I'm not made of it but I can and will give to something I think is worthwhile.

I guess the only other thing I could add is this:

I think I saw it suggested that, to avoid one person handling everybody's money, each individual would be responsible for one block of ad time in one location. That makes sense, but if we go with that option I'd suggest one central organizer keep a timetable for each site and their respective ad size/locations, as well as how much ad time was purchased for that "spot". For example, "Headers at Massively are booked straight through from Monday through Saturday. Have the next person put theirs on the sidebar at Ten Ton Hammer," and so on. I'd suggest even making a list of which sections of the site are most beneficial and filling those first. Meaning, let's say headers are the most seen location no matter which site you're talking about, and the second most seen is sidebars (I don't know if they are, it's just an example). In that case, you'd fill each site's header spot, then move on to each site's sidebar, and so on. When all the options are full, you either find new sites or start at the beginning and book more time.

Anyone who wishes to buy ads would PM the organizer with how much money they're willing to spend; the organizer would PM them back with the necessary links and which size & location of ad to book; then they would PM the organizer again afterward to confirm the purchase and details. This way we would avoid 100 people booking the same two spots on the same two sites, while everywhere else goes bare. You know, ensure the widest possible coverage.

Of course if those details have already been worked out, or if that idea only sounds good because I'm half asleep, then feel free to ignore me :P
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Frostyfrozen on April 11, 2013, 09:11:12 AM
Let's do it!!
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: OzonePrime on April 11, 2013, 12:24:53 PM
Count me in!

/em holdtorch
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Ironwolf on April 11, 2013, 01:18:04 PM
All publicity is good.

Look, even the article from Massively slapping us down isn't a bad thing. Throughout history you have differing types of people. You have people who see a problem as an insurmountable mountain. They are defeatist and say basically don't get my hopes up - I will be disappointed. You see they are afraid to hope. Fear rules them and past defeats mean all future attempts also are failures.

I never stop trying, ever. That is a gift some of us have, we never lose hope in OURSELVES. I don't know what NCSoft will or can do - but I know I stand with a group of people who are New York Times bestselling authors, creators of new worlds and willing to spend time and money to bring back from the dead a home they love. These people are winners, Ammon is a famous internet marketing specialist. Me personally I am a Knight of the Society for Creative Anacronism. I have fought in battles facing a horde of 500 with only 12 people and held them for 45 minutes winning the battle.

We are more in numbers than most of you know as people are out there lurking, wanting to hope - yet not daring to. We can give them that hope.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Surelle on April 11, 2013, 07:59:32 PM
Y'know, about that Gamasutra interview... when I first read it I couldn't help thinking that it was released, now of all times, precisely because of either Jack's statement or our talk of running ads...

Most likely I'm overthinking things, and believing outside sources are paying more attentino to us than they really are.

And here I was thinking Posi did that Gamasutra interview because I'd mentioned in his "Chicago panel" thread three days beforehand for him to go to that site.  I said that his writing was so good on MMORPG.com that he should also go to Gamasutra, and that it would keep him busy and in the public spotlight until he found another job!   :P

Well, whatever the reason, I'm super glad he did it.  I'm sure there's tons we'll never know, but if even one other developer reads it that would have approached NCSoft, and because of that interview they decide to go to a better publisher instead, then it did a world of good.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JanessaVR on April 11, 2013, 08:09:04 PM
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Triplash on April 11, 2013, 08:45:53 PM
And here I was thinking Posi did that Gamasutra interview because I'd mentioned in his "Chicago panel" thread three days beforehand for him to go to that site.  I said that his writing was so good on MMORPG.com that he should also go to Gamasutra, and that it would keep him busy and in the public spotlight until he found another job!   :P

Well, whatever the reason, I'm super glad he did it.  I'm sure there's tons we'll never know, but if even one other developer reads it that would have approached NCSoft, and because of that interview they decide to go to a better publisher instead, then it did a world of good.

Oh. Well yeah, that could be it too. ;D

And yes, I'm glad too. It's a lot more insight than we had before, and who knows, maybe it will turn out to be a catalyst for something positive in all this. *crosses fingers*
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: TonyV on April 11, 2013, 09:46:42 PM
Okay, I'm really not trying to be a downer here, but before we can do this, we need to answer a few questions.  I'm just thinking metaphorically out loud here, but the immediate needs I see are:

1) What exactly are we advertising?  I'm not being facetious, we'd have to settle on a message.  The obvious message is "NCsoft should release the City of Heroes IP!", but it would need to be cut down to fit on a banner.  And assuming that we can convey that message, what exactly do we want people who have no idea what City of Heroes or who never played or cared for the game to do?  This message would have to be carefully crafted because one concern of mine is that I don't want people to see our community as just a bunch of angry people with pitchforks but not really aiming to do anything.  The message needs to be positive, not negative.  Attracting flies with honey and all that.

2) We'd need someone to design the graphics, but--and this is the tricky part--it would need to not contain any IP from NCsoft.  I can almost guarantee you that if we include the City of Heroes logo, an image of Statesman, or anything else that is clearly recognizable as belonging to NCsoft, they would probably file takedown notices.  If someone could look at an ad and think that it was placed by NCsoft itself, it would be on extremely shaky ground.  While they're neat and I appreciate the effort, that would rule out all of these (http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index.php/topic,8204.msg113051.html#msg113051).  :(

3) What happens if someone clicks on the ad?  What we really need before running the ads is a web site that conveys the message from #1 and guides people to what it is we need them to do.  Because if I'm actually moved enough to click on a banner ad that somehow speaks to me and says, "Help us save City of Heroes!" and I get shuffled off to a forum post or the front page of the Paragon Wiki, I'm going to stare at it for probably two seconds, close that window, and at best scratch my head wondering what that was all about.  This is probably the biggest hindrance to doing something today.

Again, I'm not trying to be a downer, and I'm probably the biggest cheerleader of wanting to do something, but we absolutely have to have answers to those three questions and a plan.  I just don't want anyone getting sore and bent out of shape because "Tony/Titan isn't doing anything!" when there's not really anything to do right now other than discuss what exactly it is we should be doing.

And didn't everybody die in that movie The Perfect Storm?  I'm not sure that's the best metaphor to use...  ;)
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JaguarX on April 11, 2013, 10:55:13 PM
Okay, I'm really not trying to be a downer here, but before we can do this, we need to answer a few questions.  I'm just thinking metaphorically out loud here, but the immediate needs I see are:

1) What exactly are we advertising?  I'm not being facetious, we'd have to settle on a message.  The obvious message is "NCsoft should release the City of Heroes IP!", but it would need to be cut down to fit on a banner.  And assuming that we can convey that message, what exactly do we want people who have no idea what City of Heroes or who never played or cared for the game to do?  This message would have to be carefully crafted because one concern of mine is that I don't want people to see our community as just a bunch of angry people with pitchforks but not really aiming to do anything.  The message needs to be positive, not negative.  Attracting flies with honey and all that.

2) We'd need someone to design the graphics, but--and this is the tricky part--it would need to not contain any IP from NCsoft.  I can almost guarantee you that if we include the City of Heroes logo, an image of Statesman, or anything else that is clearly recognizable as belonging to NCsoft, they would probably file takedown notices.  If someone could look at an ad and think that it was placed by NCsoft itself, it would be on extremely shaky ground.  While they're neat and I appreciate the effort, that would rule out all of these (http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index.php/topic,8204.msg113051.html#msg113051).  :(

3) What happens if someone clicks on the ad?  What we really need before running the ads is a web site that conveys the message from #1 and guides people to what it is we need them to do.  Because if I'm actually moved enough to click on a banner ad that somehow speaks to me and says, "Help us save City of Heroes!" and I get shuffled off to a forum post or the front page of the Paragon Wiki, I'm going to stare at it for probably two seconds, close that window, and at best scratch my head wondering what that was all about.  This is probably the biggest hindrance to doing something today.

Again, I'm not trying to be a downer, and I'm probably the biggest cheerleader of wanting to do something, but we absolutely have to have answers to those three questions and a plan.  I just don't want anyone getting sore and bent out of shape because "Tony/Titan isn't doing anything!" when there's not really anything to do right now other than discuss what exactly it is we should be doing.

And didn't everybody die in that movie The Perfect Storm?  I'm not sure that's the best metaphor to use...  ;)

Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: TonyV on April 11, 2013, 11:00:36 PM

Those weren't rhetorical questions.  :P  The idea is to get answers to them and discuss them...
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JaguarX on April 11, 2013, 11:17:28 PM
Those weren't rhetorical questions.  :P  The idea is to get answers to them and discuss them...
oh right.

yeah. :P

(still brainstorming)

So far I got maybe use some of the Project Z concept art or the likes. We dont need NCSoft stuff. We dont want the stuff to be taken down faster than people can get to them not to mention, waste of money and people getting pissed thinking it's a NCsoft thing and find out it's not. Like clicking on a banner about a Burger King hamburger only to end up at a PETA vegan ad.

I liked those banners that was drawn up. The place where it says City of Heroes, it could say Titan Network or something and the atom logo. The atom logo is fair game right for this purpose? Then of course the message. Straight to the point catchy eye popping, NOT TOO EYE POPPING!,  and when clicked on it could go to a page that tell about what we doing, what's going on...wait what are we trying to do again with these banners?
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: dwturducken on April 12, 2013, 12:05:38 AM
The problem is (for me, anyway) that I had these questions without realize that these were the questions. I have doubts that I wasn't able to articulate, which you pretty much summed up. However, I think that Ironwolf is right. There's a definite "strike while the iron is hot" moment, here.

Trouble is, aside from the Plan Z projects and, to a lesser extent, savecoh.com (though, right now, it's down, so maybe that's being addressed), there really isn't a unified place to send people. The Team Wildcard efforts are basically a message board here, because that's all they really need. The discussions here are great, but there isn't a message that we can send people in what is essentially a great big room filled with voices. I didn't want to say anything until I had answers, but I guess it needs to be said before we do something half-cocked and waste the effort.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: saipaman on April 12, 2013, 02:12:19 AM
Beyond 'NCSoft! Sell City of Heroes Now!' what message could there possibly be?
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: TimtheEnchanter on April 12, 2013, 02:16:56 AM
You know, given the odd events that have transpired in the past week or so, I think it's about time that Titan had a 'status update.'
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Captain Electric on April 12, 2013, 02:21:07 AM
You know, given the odd events that have transpired in the past week or so, I think it's about time that Titan had a 'status update.'

In case we don't get one I think you might find this sufficient. A long comment by Tony under the Gamasutra article.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Menrva Channel on April 12, 2013, 02:21:27 AM
For a positive message... what about something like "NCSoft--let us fly free.--Return (or Reopen) Paragon" or something like that. (Why not use NCSoft's own words? :)) Beyond trying to make a catchy slogan or creative title I'm afraid I can't contribute much, but if we could find a nice mantra and get a place for everyone to rally (like Tony mentioned there's no place yet for all community members to rally to the banner) that might help. Is there any way we could forge a mission statement of sorts and have a site for the SaveCoH movement? (If there isn't one already?) Maybe have a list of reasons the game was so unique and well loved--and why it should be saved. Then possibly, once we have a target, ways to advocate for the game. Maybe also, a list of things a person can do (besides writing letters) to help get the game back.

If there was a way to apply our plight to the entire industry that'd be even better. (Say for instance, trying to make a case about the ethics of closing a game.) Again, not much but a few ideas to throw around. :)
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JanessaVR on April 12, 2013, 09:44:26 PM
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JanessaVR on April 12, 2013, 09:55:35 PM
...wait what are we trying to do again with these banners?
To be blunt and brutally honest, our chances of success with this advertising campaign (to actually get NCSoft to sell CoH back to Cryptic), are incredibly slim.  That said, these are for:

1)  The obvious, trying to bring some pressure to bear on NCSoft to sell CoH, either back to Cryptic, or heck, to nearly anyone else who will re-open it.
2)  It will keep us in the public eye.  Us fading away with time is exactly what NCSoft wants, but we must not let that happen.  This helps keep us an active thorn in their side.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JaguarX on April 12, 2013, 10:06:25 PM
To be blunt and brutally honest, our chances of success with this advertising campaign (to actually get NCSoft to sell CoH back to Cryptic), are incredibly slim.  That said, these are for:

1)  The obvious, trying to bring some pressure to bear on NCSoft to sell CoH, either back to Cryptic, or heck, to nearly anyone else who will re-open it.
2)  It will keep us in the public eye.  Us fading away with time is exactly what NCSoft wants, but we must not let that happen.  This helps keep us an active thorn in their side.

Yes yes. I see.
Well slim chances, slim chances to win slots, slim chances to win lottery, slim chancesof getting noticed for you hard work and being promoted instead of the resident brown noser at work. But yet, people play slots, lottery rake in billions, and people still go to work and work their dang hardest. I dont think most of us, including you, are afraid of slim chances.

Those points are true. I think we may be able to create ad banners for all sorts of things and topics.
Like one that refers to the Call Jack thing, then links to the video during that section where it plays where Jack makes the statement and or they are saying MMOs should never die.

Or something like Killed before it's Time or something and have like an opening date and closign date on it

Or on a side note anyone thought about some Memes? People seem to like memes, and are especially useful for facebook.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: saipaman on April 12, 2013, 11:28:06 PM
Maybe we should get really extreme and demand NCSoft "open source" CoX?
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JanessaVR on April 12, 2013, 11:34:07 PM
Maybe we should get really extreme and demand NCSoft "open source" CoX?
Never happen.  We need to stick to more realistic ad campaigns.  Even I, someone who hates NCSoft with the flaming passion of 10,000 suns and regards them as the evil empire of the gaming world, think they deserve a fair price for CoH when they (hopefully) sell it to someone who will re-open it.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: saipaman on April 12, 2013, 11:40:23 PM
They might be willing to open source it for the right amount of money.

That might be the kind of Kickstarter campaign that we actually could do because it doesn't necessarily require any existing organization.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JanessaVR on April 12, 2013, 11:56:36 PM
They might be willing to open source it for the right amount of money.

That might be the kind of Kickstarter campaign that we actually could do because it doesn't necessarily require any existing organization.
We're not going to raise 8 figures in a Kickstarter campaign.  Moving on.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JaguarX on April 13, 2013, 12:06:38 AM
Maybe we should get really extreme and demand NCSoft "open source" CoX?
Demands usually dont work too well when the person/entity being demanded can refuse and unless we have an "or else" part that would make them think twice. I mean, seriously, for real, think twice.

As much as I hate it, they hold the chip. It's us that have to persuade them not the other way around. Assuming going for the selling of the game and or code or IP.

So pretend for a second, ya sitting in front of an old crock about 90 years old half way dead with this object, very rare object from the 1800s that you want. The only one in existance. The old crock is alone near dead but in his will it states that when he die and if he dont sell it by his death, the object will be destroyed. But only the old man knows where it is so killing him and stealing it wont work. And you love this object and this object you have grown fond of is about to be needlessly destroyed by lawyers who dont give a crap about this object when the old man croaks because to them it's another piece of junk that is owned by some old man. Persuade him. At this point money may or may not even be important to him so brute strength showing up with wad of cash may not work just like in the sell COX case.  How would you do it. Would you say "I demand you give it to me?" More than likely a cranky old man will either shoot you and say get off his porch or say get off his porch and then shoot you.  ;D
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: VyoletRose on April 13, 2013, 02:14:28 AM
2) We'd need someone to design the graphics, but--and this is the tricky part--it would need to not contain any IP from NCsoft.  I can almost guarantee you that if we include the City of Heroes logo, an image of Statesman, or anything else that is clearly recognizable as belonging to NCsoft, they would probably file takedown notices.  If someone could look at an ad and think that it was placed by NCsoft itself, it would be on extremely shaky ground.  While they're neat and I appreciate the effort, that would rule out all of these. 

Understand about the logo thing.

We can use screenshots, right? I don't think that's not under the IP umbrella *hopes*

Say if we were to do the suggestions, "Let us Fly Again!" or "Let us fly free, release the IP" - and I used screenshots of toons flying - would that be okay?
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JanessaVR on April 13, 2013, 03:28:20 AM
Understand about the logo thing.

We can use screenshots, right? I don't think that's not under the IP umbrella *hopes*

Say if we were to do the suggestions, "Let us Fly Again!" or "Let us fly free, release the IP" - and I used screenshots of toons flying - would that be okay?
I don't think we should even do that.  If it came directly from the game or their website, we need to avoid it.  This needs to be original text and graphics.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JaguarX on April 13, 2013, 05:06:47 AM
I don't think we should even do that.  If it came directly from the game or their website, we need to avoid it.  This needs to be original text and graphics.
I second that can I get a third and a motion for the passing of this amendment?
ooops sorry wrong forum. :D

Yeah I agree.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Quinch on April 13, 2013, 07:36:00 AM
Do various versions of the AP33 logo work?
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JanessaVR on April 13, 2013, 08:03:15 AM
Do various versions of the AP33 logo work?
Actually, I don't see why not.  That was an original creation by someone on our side, last I checked, who gave us permission to use it as needed.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Ironwolf on April 13, 2013, 08:43:24 PM
I believe we need to petition Congress for a letter of Marque and become Pirates!

Then we can legally just copy the game!

Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: VyoletRose on April 14, 2013, 04:39:56 AM
Worked up some new samples / new art. Each style is sized as: 120x578, 160x578, 336x269, and 728x79.

Let me know what other wording/art you think should be included in the design - or if you have new ideas for headers :)

(https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-AnotherWay-728x79.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-AnotherWay-728x79.gif.html)

(https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Next-160x578.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Next-160x578.gif.html)    (https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Next-120x578.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Next-120x578.gif.html)    (https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Reform-336x269-1.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Reform-336x269-1.gif.html)
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: VyoletRose on April 14, 2013, 04:54:48 AM
Maybe add a familiar red stripe? Signifies both sides, nods to our signature fallen hero...

(https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Next-120x578-red-1.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Next-120x578-red-1.gif.html)
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Quinch on April 14, 2013, 05:01:19 AM
Ooh, I like.

But we probably also need variants aimed directly at NCsoft with a "Call Jack" message.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Tanklet on April 14, 2013, 01:36:04 PM
I -love- these. They're simple & straight to the point.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Lucretia MacEvil on April 14, 2013, 04:21:49 PM
I really like the "another way" and "re-form" banners, but I'm a bit hesitant about the "could your game be next?" message.  It seems like it would be too easy for -certain people- to use that message to paint us as fear-mongers and paranoia-spreaders. 

Also, the red stripe is the "what was missing" that I wondered about when I looked at the first ones.

Way to go VyoletRose!
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: dwturducken on April 14, 2013, 04:33:35 PM
I really like the "another way" and "re-form" banners, but I'm a bit hesitant about the "could your game be next?" message.  It seems like it would be too easy for -certain people- to use that message to paint us as fear-mongers and paranoia-spreaders. 

Also, the red stripe is the "what was missing" that I wondered about when I looked at the first ones.

Way to go VyoletRose!

All of this. I wasn't able to articulate it without sounding critical. But, the red stripe, for me, also evokes The Statesman, punctuated nicely with the broken star. :)
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: jeangray on April 14, 2013, 05:17:55 PM
I really like how to the point the "Could your game be next?" is....but hadn't crossed my mind to think about the fear-mongering angle.  It is really powerful.  I also like the re-form banner.  The another way one feels vague, maybe too vague to get clicks.  Heck, I've been here lurking and posting for months now and I'm not sure it'd catch my interest to click it to be honest. 

Altogether though, I think you totally nailed the design (the red line makes a huge difference, I was pleasantly surprised to see) and, truthful, if we actually all can mostly agree on this I'm excited to think we might be able to have something by the anniversary!!!!  I have zero idea how long it takes (for me it'd be a while-a long while!) so thank you for taking the time to work on making (and re-making) these banners VyoletRose, very nice job!
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: VyoletRose on April 14, 2013, 05:33:13 PM
Cool. I miss the game too and am very happy to help.

Here are the revised banner designs. Sans the "...could be Next" series, for now...

Should we also have a "NCSoft, Call Jack Emmert" one? Don't want to speak for him, although Jack did say it in passing. Still fuzzy if we should promote it.

Also, I'm dipping my toes into the waters of web development and web design. If we wanted to have a starter page for these links, I could make some page mockups. My coding is still basic, but I could try to get something drafted up. If anything, I could work up a design and someone more speedy and code-savvy could build it.

Just let me know! Thanks gang!

(https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Way-120x578-red.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Way-120x578-red.gif.html)   (https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Reform-160x578-red.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Reform-160x578-red.gif.html)   (https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Reform-336x269-red.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Reform-336x269-red.gif.html)   (https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Way-336x269-red.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Way-336x269-red.gif.html)

(https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Reform-728x79-red.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Reform-728x79-red.gif.html)

(https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Way-728x79-red.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Way-728x79-red.gif.html)
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Tanklet on April 14, 2013, 05:45:17 PM
I love the reform one. What if, instead of "there's always another way" .. something along the lines of "heroes never die #SaveCoH"
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: VyoletRose on April 14, 2013, 08:50:35 PM
Just because I like to tinker... here is a welcome page (http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/Webpage-IDEA-1.jpg) design idea for the banner link.

May be a bit much to start, but wanted to show where we could go with it, over time. The page acts as a main hub for information and links, outside of a forum setting. Personally, I would love to feature player-submitted content with screenshots, stories, character bios... I'm a visual person, so my pull with the game was the graphics and customization options (costumes and bases (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/story/1339)).

As already pointed out, we could just link t o SaveCoH.com that is already built and running, and pretty much accomplishes the same goal as this design, just without the fan art/screenies/story angle.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: OzonePrime on April 14, 2013, 08:59:44 PM
Love these!
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: healix on April 14, 2013, 11:32:39 PM
Those were wonderful!!!
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Surelle on April 15, 2013, 01:28:48 AM
Um, Jack Emmert already negated any hopes of Cryptic/PWI buying CoH on one of Cryptic's gaming forums.  Sorry kids, we need to drop this part of the plan.

No Jack.  No purchase.  No Cryptic.  No PWI.  Not now.  Not ever.  One of these threads if not two, somewhere or other, has direct links.  Trust me, forget this angle please.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: MaidMercury on April 15, 2013, 03:22:11 AM
(https://i1094.photobucket.com/albums/i451/BlueDalek/COHAD_zps5c5cc92e-1_zps2d4c5ff6.gif) (http://s1094.photobucket.com/user/BlueDalek/media/COHAD_zps5c5cc92e-1_zps2d4c5ff6.gif.html)
I REALLY like that one. I tweeked your ad to conclude the message, but I'm not a great graphics person. Perhaps this could be refined better than I can do.
Might get support from people who never played CoH to join the effort.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Quinch on April 15, 2013, 03:25:05 AM
Um, Jack Emmert already negated any hopes of Cryptic/PWI buying CoH on one of Cryptic's gaming forums.  Sorry kids, we need to drop this part of the plan.

No Jack.  No purchase.  No Cryptic.  No PWI.  Not now.  Not ever.  One of these threads if not two, somewhere or other, has direct links.  Trust me, forget this angle please.

Can you link me? We might be talking about different posts.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: dwturducken on April 15, 2013, 05:29:40 AM
I think he/she is referring to the post I made in the "Tell NCSoft to Call Me" thread. It's about two thirds of the way down on page 14. He's reading Jack's statement as a flat denial. "There's no plans" is not "no hope," just "we're not actively pursuing," as I read it.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: johnrobey on April 15, 2013, 06:18:44 AM
Cool. I miss the game too and am very happy to help.

Here are the revised banner designs. Sans the "...could be Next" series, for now...

Should we also have a "NCSoft, Call Jack Emmert" one? Don't want to speak for him, although Jack did say it in passing. Still fuzzy if we should promote it.

Also, I'm dipping my toes into the waters of web development and web design. If we wanted to have a starter page for these links, I could make some page mockups. My coding is still basic, but I could try to get something drafted up. If anything, I could work up a design and someone more speedy and code-savvy could build it.

Just let me know! Thanks gang!

(https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Way-120x578-red.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Way-120x578-red.gif.html)   (https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Reform-160x578-red.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Reform-160x578-red.gif.html)   (https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Reform-336x269-red.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Reform-336x269-red.gif.html)   (https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Way-336x269-red.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Way-336x269-red.gif.html)

(https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Reform-728x79-red.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Reform-728x79-red.gif.html)

(https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Way-728x79-red.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Way-728x79-red.gif.html)
These are AWESOME!!!!!  They are positive, brief messages with very poignant artwork.   Just my two cents, but I truly think these may be exactly what we're looking for.

In case we don't get one I think you might find this sufficient. A long comment by Tony under the Gamasutra article.
Thank you, Captain Electric, for posting this since otherwise I would not have seen the gamasutra.com article, or Tony's excellent comment and even the other comments seemed mostly positive with only a lone dissenting comment or two.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Mindscythe on April 15, 2013, 11:32:53 AM
Sorry for the late entry into this... I've been at conferences and sort of "out of the loop."

When I read through TonyV's comments, in answer to his first question, my brain handed me the phrase "Free City of Heroes!" Something that suggests the game is being held hostage (which it kind of is) and needs to be released. One could even take the stance that of Paragon City/Rogue Isles/Praetoria citizens being held against their will, separated from their families and protectors, and not being treated well. (My brain also came up with "Radio Free Paragon" too).

"We call on NC$oft to do the right thing, free City of Heroes, and let it return to its loved ones!"
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Ironwolf on April 15, 2013, 06:25:15 PM
I will get the website up and the banners  as well and then take out some ads - sorry folks real life is eating me!
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Lucretia MacEvil on April 17, 2013, 05:00:56 AM
Sorry for the late entry into this... I've been at conferences and sort of "out of the loop."

When I read through TonyV's comments, in answer to his first question, my brain handed me the phrase "Free City of Heroes!" Something that suggests the game is being held hostage (which it kind of is) and needs to be released. One could even take the stance that of Paragon City/Rogue Isles/Praetoria citizens being held against their will, separated from their families and protectors, and not being treated well. (My brain also came up with "Radio Free Paragon" too).

"We call on NC$oft to do the right thing, free City of Heroes, and let it return to its loved ones!"

I've had some ideas along those lines myself (possible banner phrases):

Let our Heroes fly free!
Save our City
Who rescues the Heroes?
There's a world that needs saving.
Time for the people to save the Heroes.

Short and sweet generally seems the way to go, at least to me.  (If anyone wants to use these, feel free to)

The banner with "there's always another way" made me think of a possible variant:  "there's always another option" (Didn't NCsoft say something about "exhausting all options" in their odious mound closure excuses?)
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: VyoletRose on April 17, 2013, 06:28:15 PM
I like the new suggestions for banners. I'll try to draw something up for these within the next day or two.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: TonyV on April 17, 2013, 06:46:08 PM
(https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Next-160x578.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Next-160x578.gif.html) (https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Way-120x578-red.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Way-120x578-red.gif.html)

These are brilliant!  You know what I love about the first one (on the left)?  The fact that it makes it clear that this isn't a CoH-specific issue.  I really like the one on the right also, but I might change it so that it uses NCsoft's words against it.  Instead of "There is always another way", maybe going with something like, "All options are not exhausted," or, "There are always other options."

At any rate, now what we'd need is a web site to link to from the banner.  One option is to use the CoHTube (http://cohtube.blogspot.com/) site, or possibly the SaveCoH landing page (http://www.savecoh.com/), though if we use the latter, it sorely needs updating.  If we use CoHTube, we should put together a video to sticky at the top explaining what is going on and what we want.  Or, of course, if folks think we need something else entirely, we need to decide what precisely we want these banners to link to.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: TimtheEnchanter on April 17, 2013, 06:51:35 PM
When I have more free time over the Summer, I would LOVE to help work on some kind of motivational speech out of this. A hero sitting at a desk or standing at a press conference, someone doing VO's for it, some inspirational patriotic music in the background.

Half in-character, talking about the destruction of Paragon and how the disaster has been handled, references to other shutdowns, and looking for ways to prevent similar ones in the future.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Ironwolf on April 17, 2013, 07:49:33 PM
These are brilliant!  You know what I love about the first one (on the left)?  The fact that it makes it clear that this isn't a CoH-specific issue.  I really like the one on the right also, but I might change it so that it uses NCsoft's words against it.  Instead of "There is always another way", maybe going with something like, "All options are not exhausted," or, "There are always other options."

At any rate, now what we'd need is a web site to link to from the banner.  One option is to use the CoHTube (http://cohtube.blogspot.com/) site, or possibly the SaveCoH landing page (http://www.savecoh.com/), though if we use the latter, it sorely needs updating.  If we use CoHTube, we should put together a video to sticky at the top explaining what is going on and what we want.  Or, of course, if folks think we need something else entirely, we need to decide what precisely we want these banners to link to.

How about all of the above!

More sites more coverage. In fact we could start a movement perhaps that other MMO players could respond to - I mean over the years how many have had their games ripped away?

Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: TonyV on April 17, 2013, 08:45:44 PM
And arguably most importantly, what is it exactly that we want people to do?  If we have an opportunity to convey a message out there, what should that message be?  I kind of doubt that NCsoft will be following those links, or even if they do, I kind of doubt it will make much impact.  I suppose we could put one of those cheesy little web site counters on there to show how many people the message has reached, or have a link to the change.org petition, or ask people to not buy NCsoft games.  The latter, to be honest, I'm a little wishy-washy about--I don't feel that punishing ArenaNet or Carbine is really an appropriate thing to do.  I certainly don't mind asking people to not play Blade & Soul, but then you have the problem that probably a lot of people either weren't anyway or never even heard of Blade & Soul, and it would effectively be giving NCsoft free advertising.

So, what exactly is it that we need people to see when they click on one of those banners?
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Tanklet on April 17, 2013, 09:09:50 PM
And arguably most importantly, what is it exactly that we want people to do?  If we have an opportunity to convey a message out there, what should that message be?  I kind of doubt that NCsoft will be following those links, or even if they do, I kind of doubt it will make much impact.  I suppose we could put one of those cheesy little web site counters on there to show how many people the message has reached, or have a link to the change.org petition, or ask people to not buy NCsoft games.  The latter, to be honest, I'm a little wishy-washy about--I don't feel that punishing ArenaNet or Carbine is really an appropriate thing to do.  I certainly don't mind asking people to not play Blade & Soul, but then you have the problem that probably a lot of people either weren't anyway or never even heard of Blade & Soul, and it would effectively be giving NCsoft free advertising.

So, what exactly is it that we need people to see when they click on one of those banners?

I agree with the questions being asked here. My thoughts on our message are such:

1. Boycott NCSoft until they respond to the community & return to the negotiating table. - While I hold no personal ill will to ArenaNet or Carbine Studios ... my thoughts are this: They know what they've gotten themselves into by aligning with NC$oft. In fact, they, themselves, have already been on the receiving end of NC corporate shake ups & layoffs. Yet they still remain aligned. They KNOW NC's track record. 5 games closed in 5 years ... I don't have ill will against them .. I really don't. But NC made this bed. And they're the ones dragging Carbine & Arena into it with them.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Segev on April 17, 2013, 09:13:59 PM
You act like you think they can just up and leave. That's...generally not an option. Contractual agreements are usually pretty binding.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Tanklet on April 17, 2013, 09:21:01 PM
You act like you think they can just up and leave. That's...generally not an option. Contractual agreements are usually pretty binding.

Point well made. It's just not a good situation all around. I just don't think we should refrain from #BoycottNCSoft.

Just a note of curiosity ... I thought there was something going around that one of the studios did have an out, if they wanted.

Doesn't change my position though. Boycotting NC$oft really is the biggest way to make a statement.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JaguarX on April 17, 2013, 09:35:05 PM
I agree with the questions being asked here. My thoughts on our message are such:

1. Boycott NCSoft until they respond to the community & return to the negotiating table. - While I hold no personal ill will to ArenaNet or Carbine Studios ... my thoughts are this: They know what they've gotten themselves into by aligning with NC$oft. In fact, they, themselves, have already been on the receiving end of NC corporate shake ups & layoffs. Yet they still remain aligned. They KNOW NC's track record. 5 games closed in 5 years ... I don't have ill will against them .. I really don't. But NC made this bed. And they're the ones dragging Carbine & Arena into it with them.

Well yeah possibly but I don't think they cant just jump ship. Besides knowing what they was getting into in a way could be said for all of us when ncsoft was busy shutting down games.

While I think it could be argued either way, I think the point should be less trying to "punish" and more "hey we really want to negotiate." Usually coming off as "negotiate with us or I'll bash you" don't make anyone keen on coming to the negotiating table. Same as if I told you right now that I want to negotiate with you in getting you to do what I want when I want or else I'll bash you everyday. You'll probably think who the hell this cat think he is? screw him. And rightfully so. Compared to if I said "hey let's negotiate and come to an agreement. I would like this and that? What is it you want so we both leave happy?"

But also we have to go to the table with something besides threats of bad publicity. We are not the Mafia and probably don't have the muscle to strong arm them and thus we have to finesse it.

Even in corporate world a company turns down the first offer to buy time to think about it and to see how the offerer responds. If the respond with hate the deal is left off and usually any future deals. If the offerer comes back with better deal or don't slam them in the press they call em back sometimes with a discount and a good handshake.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Tanklet on April 17, 2013, 09:43:21 PM
Well yeah possibly but I don't think they cant just jump ship. Besides knowing what they was getting into in a way could be said for all of us when ncsoft was busy shutting down games.

While I think it could be argued either way, I think the point should be less trying to "punish" and more "hey we really want to negotiate." Usually coming off as "negotiate with us or I'll bash you" don't make anyone keen on coming to the negotiating table. Same as if I told you right now that I want to negotiate with you in getting you to do what I want when I want or else I'll bash you everyday. You'll probably think who the hell this cat think he is? screw him. And rightfully so. Compared to if I said "hey let's negotiate and come to an agreement. I would like this and that? What is it you want so we both leave happy?"

But also we have to go to the table with something besides threats of bad publicity. We are not the Mafia and probably don't have the muscle to strong arm them and thus we have to finesse it.

Even in corporate world a company turns down the first offer to buy time to think about it and to see how the offerer responds. If the respond with hate the deal is left off and usually any future deals. If the offerer comes back with better deal or don't slam them in the press they call em back sometimes with a discount and a good handshake.

I understand all that you're saying. And, every bit of it would apply here -except-

1. In the 3 months from announcement to shut down the community begged & pleaded in the nicest ways possible to get NC$oft to either reconsider or sell.
2. We know for a fact that the studio did their darndest even to try and get NC$oft to sell to them
3. NC$oft has shown a -zero- desire to listen to pleas, niceties, honey, sugar, & chocolate.

So ... what else are we left with?
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Segev on April 17, 2013, 09:46:06 PM
3. NC$oft has shown a -zero- desire to listen to pleas, niceties, honey, sugar, & chocolate.

So ... what else are we left with?
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Tanklet on April 17, 2013, 09:47:24 PM


Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Segev on April 17, 2013, 09:49:29 PM
(Mint is my favorite ice cream.)
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Tanklet on April 17, 2013, 09:51:21 PM
(Mint is my favorite ice cream.)

Cookies & cream ftw!

(now shhhh we're derailing o.o you totally got me off my tangent o.o)
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Segev on April 17, 2013, 09:55:10 PM
The Wal*Mart near my apartment sells mint cookies and cream.

And I'll stop derailing now. *vanishes*
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: DarkCurrent on April 17, 2013, 10:17:39 PM
I understand all that you're saying. And, every bit of it would apply here -except-

1. In the 3 months from announcement to shut down the community begged & pleaded in the nicest ways possible to get NC$oft to either reconsider or sell.
2. We know for a fact that the studio did their darndest even to try and get NC$oft to sell to them
3. NC$oft has shown a -zero- desire to listen to pleas, niceties, honey, sugar, & chocolate.

So ... what else are we left with?

Exactly.  Blueside was given its chances to bring NCSoft to the table.  Now it's time for redside to take a crack at 'em.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JaguarX on April 17, 2013, 10:48:01 PM
I understand all that you're saying. And, every bit of it would apply here -except-

1. In the 3 months from announcement to shut down the community begged & pleaded in the nicest ways possible to get NC$oft to either reconsider or sell.
2. We know for a fact that the studio did their darndest even to try and get NC$oft to sell to them
3. NC$oft has shown a -zero- desire to listen to pleas, niceties, honey, sugar, & chocolate.

So ... what else are we left with?
Hmm must of missed the nice part. As soon as the announcement I saw ncsoft-mmo killer. Ncstupid. And even a call to boycott. Well outside those few that tried to negotiate. But that brings me to my point after I said they may turn down the first offer. After the negotiations fell through for sure the gloves came off and the community didn't hold back with the memes and stuff. Which if I was ncsoft it looks as if it wasn't genuine as without even knowing how or why the first studio led negotiations fell through it was automatically ncsoft fault.  And no telling what that kink is.

What I'm saying overall we can't have both trying to bring them down and at the same time expecting them to be willing to negotiate with those that declared them enemy whether it was justly so or not. Basically we try to open negotiation or forget negotiation and continue against them but can't have both. Because if the shoe was on the other foot I don't think we'd be itching to negotiate with someone who have been downing us at every turn for something we have. I'm not saying stop protest I'm just saying don't expect them to be more open to negotiations with people that are against them. If we been nice and going to abandon it and get dirty because being nice didn't work explain how being dirty will all a sudden change their mind? No snark. Might be a negotiation technique I never seen.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Tanklet on April 17, 2013, 11:09:55 PM
Hmm must of missed the nice part. As soon as the announcement I saw ncsoft-mmo killer. Ncstupid. And even a call to boycott. Well outside those few that tried to negotiate. But that brings me to my point after I said they may turn down the first offer. After the negotiations fell through for sure the gloves came off and the community didn't hold back with the memes and stuff. Which if I was ncsoft it looks as if it wasn't genuine as without even knowing how or why the first studio led negotiations fell through it was automatically ncsoft fault.  And no telling what that kink is.

What I'm saying overall we can't have both trying to bring them down and at the same time expecting them to be willing to negotiate with those that declared them enemy whether it was justly so or not. Basically we try to open negotiation or forget negotiation and continue against them but can't have both. Because if the shoe was on the other foot I don't think we'd be itching to negotiate with someone who have been downing us at every turn for something we have. I'm not saying stop protest I'm just saying don't expect them to be more open to negotiations with people that are against them. If we been nice and going to abandon it and get dirty because being nice didn't work explain how being dirty will all a sudden change their mind? No snark. Might be a negotiation technique I never seen.

I get what you're saying, and I both agree and disagree.

Honestly, if it were -me- in NC's shoes, I'd be wanting to rid myself of the IP. I'd be calling to negotiate, and make it seem this altruistic work that I heard the cries of the community, blah, blah, etc. I'd say that I was "partnering with the community" etc etc ... But that's me. If I were NC, I'd be communicating, and would have been more transparent than they're being. They're not doing themselves any favors by remaining silent.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JaguarX on April 17, 2013, 11:28:56 PM
*nod* *nod*


To be honest I think even if they did spoke, like they probably should of done in the first place, I dont think it would make much difference. The damage is done and what they say probably would be taken as tissue of lies anyways and or raise the question of "Well hell then, why didnt you say that in the first place?!"

Deep inside, I dont think they have any intentions nor want to give up the IP. Not trying to suggest trying to get them to sell is fruitless, but that right now is the elephant in the room. Do NCSoft even want to sell? In some ways I just want to call them and ask them in a direct no nonsense no lingo just straight "Hey, do you really want to sell that IP or not? If so, name your freaking terms so we can talk turkey"  ;D. But the chances of me reaching that person with that power is about as small of a chance as one Fairy fly killing a blue whale with one beat of its wings.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Tanklet on April 18, 2013, 12:02:12 AM
*nod* *nod*


To be honest I think even if they did spoke, like they probably should of done in the first place, I dont think it would make much difference. The damage is done and what they say probably would be taken as tissue of lies anyways and or raise the question of "Well hell then, why didnt you say that in the first place?!"

As much as I would like to say there'd be a huge communal about face. I can see where there'd still be discontent & wondering why we had to go through all of this.

In the end, I think more ppl would be too busy burying themselves in their characters again (me included) o.o

Deep inside, I dont think they have any intentions nor want to give up the IP. Not trying to suggest trying to get them to sell is fruitless, but that right now is the elephant in the room. Do NCSoft even want to sell? In some ways I just want to call them and ask them in a direct no nonsense no lingo just straight "Hey, do you really want to sell that IP or not? If so, name your freaking terms so we can talk turkey"  ;D. But the chances of me reaching that person with that power is about as small of a chance as one Fairy fly killing a blue whale with one beat of its wings.

Yup to all of it
Just ... yup...
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: VyoletRose on April 18, 2013, 09:57:58 PM
I'm still working on new art, but have also been thinking about the direction of the webpage these banners will link to.

In my opinion, the goal of the webpage should be the release of the CoH IP and to provide supportive reasoning. Sure, we can also give words of caution to other MMO players to think about their game's sunsetting plans, but lets keep our main goal focused on relaunching our game.


1. Give other gamers a desire to play the game, to also want it back.
2. Give potential buyers more reasons to push for the IP - either to relaunch CoH or develop CoH2.
3. Show the popularity of Superheroes. List movies, media, art, etc.
4. Showcase the expansiveness of our Costume Creator with player screenshots. The game supported individuality and creativity.
5. List the achievements of City of Heroes - list all the awards it has won over the years.
6. Quote players on how the game has positively impacted their lives and families.
7. Quote sources about the games profitability (without speculating numbers - we can let that research be done by potential buyers).
8. Embed videos, links to fan art and fan sites.
9. Have polls asking visitors: Which toon would you build? Would you play if the game was relaunched?
10. Yes, cheesy as it is, we should have a visitor counter.

I figure the page should generate buzz for the game. It should make people WANT to play the game. There's still a lot of people who only heard of City of Heroes because it closed and because we are being heard. Those who want to know what the game was all about need just to visit our page to see why we are such loyal fans.

On this note, maybe our banners should read the more positive messages that have been suggested thus far:

Let our Heroes fly free.
There's a world that needs saving.
Time now for the people to save the Heroes.
All options are NOT exhausted.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: VyoletRose on April 19, 2013, 02:35:47 AM
To celebrate the 9th Anniversary of City of Heroes, could we raise $900? or $999?

It could be the main feature on the banner link website! We could host a charity drive and donate the proceeds to the victims of the recent tragic events of the Boston Marathon bombing (http://www.cbsnews.com/2718-202_162-2153/boston-bombings/) and the deadly fertilizer plant explosion (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/18/fertilizer-plant-explosion-texas_n_3106023.html).

(https://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy19/VyoletRose/SaveCoH-Heroes-336x269.gif) (http://s773.photobucket.com/user/VyoletRose/media/SaveCoH-Heroes-336x269.gif.html)
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Lucretia MacEvil on April 19, 2013, 04:07:40 AM

9. Have polls asking visitors: Which toon would you build? Would you play if the game was relaunched?

I wonder if there's any way to show off the character creator to visitors?  Probably not, at least not legally, but I can dream....

Can we at least list powersets and have a Costume Gallery or something?
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: srmalloy on April 19, 2013, 04:52:58 PM
Honestly, if it were -me- in NC's shoes, I'd be wanting to rid myself of the IP. I'd be calling to negotiate, and make it seem this altruistic work that I heard the cries of the community, blah, blah, etc. I'd say that I was "partnering with the community" etc etc ... But that's me. If I were NC, I'd be communicating, and would have been more transparent than they're being. They're not doing themselves any favors by remaining silent.

They're the publisher. They're the ones in the position of authority. We're just players. We're supposed to take their pronouncements as final and accept them, no matter how much we may privately disagree with them. Because we dared to protest the shutdown, we showed ourselves to be barbarians, utterly lacking any understanding of how you're supposed to behave in a superior/inferior relationship. NCSoft would be lowering itself to treat with us now -- and, likely, to pay any attention to our capering as long as there's nothing legally actionable in what we do.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: saipaman on April 19, 2013, 11:42:19 PM
Always include the appropriate trademark notices regardless of what you doing with the material.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Tanklet on April 21, 2013, 04:23:48 PM
They're the publisher. They're the ones in the position of authority. We're just players. We're supposed to take their pronouncements as final and accept them, no matter how much we may privately disagree with them. Because we dared to protest the shutdown, we showed ourselves to be barbarians, utterly lacking any understanding of how you're supposed to behave in a superior/inferior relationship. NCSoft would be lowering itself to treat with us now -- and, likely, to pay any attention to our capering as long as there's nothing legally actionable in what we do.

I don't really get what you're trying to relay here. I'm well aware of who they were. I'm also aware that their stance is simply nonsensical to anyone else but them. Name game publishers who have done this before? Maybe I'm just not in the know.

Whatever NC$oft's 'reasoning' for treating their players, perhaps they don't understand the relationship between our money, and their success...
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JaguarX on April 21, 2013, 04:34:31 PM
I don't really get what you're trying to relay here. I'm well aware of who they were. I'm also aware that their stance is simply nonsensical to anyone else but them. Name game publishers who have done this before? Maybe I'm just not in the know.

Whatever NC$oft's 'reasoning' for treating their players, perhaps they don't understand the relationship between our money, and their success...

sounds like sarcasm in what srmalloy is saying.

It sounds like what NCSoft expected and in their heads thought was supposed to happen.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Twisted Toon on April 22, 2013, 02:31:31 PM
sounds like sarcasm in what srmalloy is saying.

It sounds like what NCSoft expected and in their heads thought was supposed to happen.
I would agree with that assessment.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Illusionss on April 22, 2013, 04:58:43 PM
Yeah, we are definitely viewed by NCIdiocracy as subordinates. Bad subordinates, naughty subordinates who dared to speak their minds to a superior.

Welcome to the United States. We have a tendency to speak our minds over here - for better or worse. And we can do it all day long.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: nataliaofvirtues on April 22, 2013, 10:50:42 PM
And rightly so Illusionss. I still can't figure out what NC was/is/might be thinking. Granted the community didn't dole out 30 Million a month, but we were still helping to support their other "babies". And as long as we were getting to play our game, we weren't complaining. So now who is the next "fall-game" to be slated? I definitely continue to support our efforts in whatever way I can and Speak as loudly and in as many directions as I can.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: LadyVamp on April 22, 2013, 11:39:32 PM
I agree with JaguarX.  Sounds like sarcasm to me.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Captain Electric on April 23, 2013, 05:06:37 AM
Just to get this back on track, I've updated my views in the OP here (http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index.php/topic,8312.msg115010.html#msg115010).
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: General Idiot on April 23, 2013, 09:19:15 AM
So now who is the next "fall-game" to be slated? I definitely continue to support our efforts in whatever way I can and Speak as loudly and in as many directions as I can.

I suspect the next to go will be Guild Wars, the original. Though over its lifetime it's outdone CoH, it pulls in less monthly now than CoH did at the end as far as I know. Hopefully that'll prompt Arenanet to invoke the rumored clause in their contract to allow them to pull out and keep both games running on their own, or most likely Guild Wars 2 will be the next after that, as the sole remaining US developed game. I think. Are there any others left aside from those two?
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Atlantea on April 23, 2013, 04:19:45 PM
I suspect the next to go will be Guild Wars, the original. Though over its lifetime it's outdone CoH, it pulls in less monthly now than CoH did at the end as far as I know. Hopefully that'll prompt Arenanet to invoke the rumored clause in their contract to allow them to pull out and keep both games running on their own, or most likely Guild Wars 2 will be the next after that, as the sole remaining US developed game. I think. Are there any others left aside from those two?

Wildstar. But that's not out yet.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: TimtheEnchanter on April 23, 2013, 05:29:23 PM
By the way, as far as advertising is concerned...

I currently hate Youtube.

Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JaguarX on April 23, 2013, 05:51:00 PM
By the way, as far as advertising is concerned...

I currently hate Youtube.


Automatic recommendations are never stuff a person is actually interested in or rarely even relevant to the material just watched tha supposedly caused the recomendation.

I dont care too much youtube. Too many ads in videos now. Its not even worth the trouble. After a while I got a way to block ads but by then, I found another source and didnt even need youtube anymore. Not to mention it seems there is a crack down on copyright, and too much stupid rickrolls and people where someone told them they could sing took it to heart and think they are the next big singer (Stop it!) and videos of games where the guy in the background just wont shut the pancake up and let a person watch the "how to be good at (insert game)". I mean if they MUST speak at least peak if the relevant and not how "uber you are because you pwn people in school and etc. and making stupid sound effects." Youtube have become next to useless to me now. A cesspool of over confident people and a place to post annoying videoes under misleading titles.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Quinch on April 23, 2013, 06:07:29 PM
Too many ads in videos now.

Adblock is your friend. I only remember YouTube has ads when someone mentions them.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JaguarX on April 23, 2013, 06:13:09 PM
Adblock is your friend. I only remember YouTube has ads when someone mentions them.
read further down and you'll see that I eventually got the ad block. And the rest of why I still dont use youtube.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: TimtheEnchanter on April 23, 2013, 06:36:07 PM
Is there really a good alternative to Youtube? I checked out Vimeo briefly but it seems like everyone posts videos but nobody watches them, and there doesn't seem to be one iota of community.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JaguarX on April 23, 2013, 06:55:40 PM
Is there really a good alternative to Youtube? I checked out Vimeo briefly but it seems like everyone posts videos but nobody watches them, and there doesn't seem to be one iota of community.
my alternative is just buying the music and not worrying about youtube. After putting all the music that I have and like together, even off disks I havent played in a decade or so, I realized I just about everything I need that I might want to watch on youtube right here (Yeah videos too. Prior to discovering youtube, I had a dvd player in the dash of my old MBZ and two head rest screens so videos were a must. Many I just bought and or ordered from the record company themselves way back. Others found on mix tapes and dvds that have collections of music videos. Liek the ones that they used to at least distribute at clubs).

For games, I just play them myself and figure it out. Usually I figure it out in less time than it takes to fidn the video on youtube, go through a dozen of so rick rolls, find one that actualluy in good enough quality to see, all the ads, and stuff. Realized I actually saved time doing it myself.

And since most of the music I liked to listen too have been taken down by their respective record companies or is obscure and no one posted it, I either just buy it or buy it.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: TimtheEnchanter on April 23, 2013, 06:57:31 PM
Oh... heh. I meant as a hub for user-created content (Deviant Art for video and film production), not as a source for licensed media.  I already don't rely on Youtube for the latter. 8)
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: JaguarX on April 23, 2013, 07:03:43 PM
Oh... heh. I meant as a hub for user-created content (Deviant Art for video and film production), not as a source for licensed media.  I already don't rely on Youtube for the latter. 8)
oh that. not sure. Probably not one as large as Youtube.

If not there probably should be one that is only for user generated content, and specific rule against using misleading titles (aka no rick rolling or varients) and must be the work of the user no promotions, no copyrighted materials. Like what the purpose of the original youtube was for.

Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: houtex on April 24, 2013, 01:46:04 AM
Block the Youtube cookies.  Your recommendations will change a LOT.  Much better experience now, instead of their 'guessing' what I wanna see, I get *really* related videos.

It was like instant fix for me.  Much better.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Lucretia MacEvil on April 29, 2013, 02:01:59 AM
I just read that the Google pitch package is getting ready to go out (http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index.php/topic,7899.260.html (http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index.php/topic,7899.260.html)).

It seems like now would be the time to put those last-minute touches on the banners and get them out there so Google can easily see that there's still a market for our game and a dedicated community ready to come flocking back (with money in hand).
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Rae on May 08, 2013, 11:45:56 AM
I believe the current TF:HM plan is to launch when you guys do - is this still a thing, or did it die a death? :)
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Ironwolf on May 08, 2013, 02:32:26 PM
I am not sure exactly where the website is in terms of development - I have made one available and obviously banners are there and I loved Vyolet's site design so very much more than what I was working on.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: VyoletRose on May 09, 2013, 06:51:41 PM
Hi guys! Sorry I haven't been keeping you updated on the website development. I haven't been able to be as productive as I had hoped as life threw me a couple of lemons. I survived finals, my transmission went out in my car, all while struggling to pull through the busiest season at my work.

All is well now however. Got my car back (cost more than the car is worth, but hey - I'm back on the road). This has inspired a book idea called "Meet the Crazies: My Adventures of the City Bus."

Anyhoo. In my downtime I have been laying out the other sections of the webpage. The section chapters I've laid out thus far are:

Our Story
The Shutdown
The Reaction
The Legacy (A short history of CoH and it's accomplishments)

This weekend I hope to get more work done on the actual coding for the webpage.
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Ironwolf on May 09, 2013, 06:57:06 PM
Been getting thumped by life myself lately.

Wife goes in for surgery tomorrow and will be off 5 - 8 weeks from work! I would say this feels like a plot.

A Nemesis plot!
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: VyoletRose on May 10, 2013, 01:47:19 AM
Hope all goes well with your wife's surgery, Ironwolf, and that she has a speedy recovery :)
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: MaidMercury on May 10, 2013, 03:18:14 AM
Keep your spirits up, VyoletRose, Ironwolf.  :-*
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: Ironwolf on May 10, 2013, 12:45:41 PM
Yeah, sometimes bad things happen to us.

I thank you for your wishes and hope as well that all goes as planned!
Title: Re: We're in a perfect storm. We need an advertising campaign now, this week, today.
Post by: LadyVamp on May 11, 2013, 12:15:55 AM
We're all pullin for you.

Times like these wish I could send in my emp/rad to help.