Titan Network

Community => Multimedia => Topic started by: corvus1970 on December 16, 2012, 09:45:51 PM

Title: Group-Shots
Post by: corvus1970 on December 16, 2012, 09:45:51 PM
We have several threads dedicated to showing off our toons, but not that many for groups/teams. So, if you have great screenshots of your team or supergroup, whether you got them in-game or constructed them via a demo-file, feel free to show em off.

First up, this group is composed of the characters I enjoyed the most, and felt rather strongly about:


From front to back, left to right: Chrono-Tamer, Alex Corvus, Vamp Angel, Atom-Star, and Miss Mercy. Go-Go 'Illa, General Supernova, ILLYRIA, Dr. Shock-Therapy, Ampfist, and Basalt. And, hovering we have Pete P. Powers, Avatar of RA, and Nucleon Mage.

They're pretty serious heroes. However, when taking this photo, they were in a rather silly mood. The photographer had some trouble getting them to settle down...


*sighs* See what I mean? ;)
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Zekiran on December 16, 2012, 09:49:08 PM
I really, really need to learn how to manip demos. :)

These are awesome!
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: corvus1970 on December 16, 2012, 09:50:31 PM
Thank you!  8)

If you'd like, I can supply the demo files for both of these shots. I also have a Tutorial in the Demos subsection that's helpful in this regard.
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Zekiran on December 16, 2012, 09:56:27 PM
Well I've got some of the older versions of editors, but hadn't been using them for so long that I kind of only remember "in theory" how it works. I look at the demos now and just go O____o ;) I know my house mate was using one with an interface, somehow, but I don't even know which one THAT was. Or maybe I was just seeing a different thing on his screens and associated it.

I'll look up the tutorials again soon I think. I have plenty of demos of my characters, and those that I don't, I can make them with demolition, to insert them properly into something bigger.
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: corvus1970 on December 16, 2012, 09:58:47 PM
No prob :)
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Lady Luck on December 17, 2012, 03:03:25 PM
Hahaha! Angel in that disco pose!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8fcH8I4bp0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8fcH8I4bp0)
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: corvus1970 on December 17, 2012, 03:17:36 PM
Hahaha! Angel in that disco pose!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8fcH8I4bp0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8fcH8I4bp0)

Good eye! For getting the reference, AND linking to that youtube vid, you are now my favorite person of the day! :D
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: wei yau on December 17, 2012, 04:12:22 PM
Good composition!  The spacing between each character nicely shows off each one.

I'm building Team Photos now for my guys, there are quite a few.

But, here is my "main" team, the Loyal Zodiac Guardsmen (late of Virtue)

Team Uniforms followed by their Solo Uniforms:
(https://images.weserv.nl/?url=i.minus.com%2FjmxGKy54ggzNo.jpg) (http://minus.com/lmxGKy54ggzNo)
(https://images.weserv.nl/?url=i.minus.com%2FjkL2rVXl3HjSH.jpg) (http://minus.com/lkL2rVXl3HjSH)

Science Ninja Team Gatchaman:
(https://images.weserv.nl/?url=i.minus.com%2FjBmnvyFLG9eta.jpg) (http://minus.com/lBmnvyFLG9eta)

Justice is Magic:
(https://images.weserv.nl/?url=i.minus.com%2Fj5BUbrgDBr73z.jpg) (http://minus.com/l5BUbrgDBr73z)
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: corvus1970 on December 17, 2012, 04:21:30 PM
Thanks! Those all look great as well :)

While I'm at it, I might as well add a group shot of Angel Investigations...

Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: daveyfiacre on December 17, 2012, 06:52:35 PM
at first i was like... huh? angel investigations? wha? angels?


fantastic work. :) man i really need to wet my feet in this demo recording stuff. but im SO not computer literate and i'm scared :(
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Zekiran on December 17, 2012, 07:28:17 PM
Yeah that last one WOW!!!

I ... really do need to figure out how all this stuff works. Need a plug-in-the-toons 'setting' somewhere. Arg. Arg. Because I shouldn't even be thinking about this right now, I've got a paid writing project I'm behind on, to finish up... ARG. :D
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Arachnion on December 17, 2012, 07:32:18 PM
It isn't that hard to edit demos, it just takes time and being careful.

What it *is* though, is editing code text documents by hand.

At the moment, that's all we have available regarding group placements, character insertion, etc.
No "easy" tool with a GUI interface is available to use (yet?), I would say.

Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: corvus1970 on December 17, 2012, 07:48:19 PM
at first i was like... huh? angel investigations? wha? angels?


fantastic work. :) man i really need to wet my feet in this demo recording stuff. but im SO not computer literate and i'm scared :(

Thank you, glad you like them :)

Yeah that last one WOW!!!

Thank you :) These toons were all on the Victory server, where every space was dedicated to Buffy/Angel characters. And I'd purchased extra slots for that server too, heh.

I used to worry that they might get Generic'd...never happened.

Anyway, onto doing a group shot of the Scoobies. And that would be Buffy and her crew, not Scooby, Shaggy, and the rest ;)
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: wei yau on December 17, 2012, 08:41:20 PM
Right now, all I'm able to do is create a demo file that allows me to do one static photo shot.  It takes quite a bit of "staging", from scouting the right location on the map to placement of characters and even the right camera angle.

I find the DEMOlition and cameraman tools to be invaluable.

It is still quite a bit to do by hand, but it's pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

I can provide the demo file for any of the shots I've posted, if anyone is interested.
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: corvus1970 on December 17, 2012, 08:45:31 PM
That's how I've done several of mine. I even created a tutorial:

Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Victoria Victrix on December 18, 2012, 06:20:40 AM


Commissar Zach "Bestial Boy" Marlowe, Russian Battler, Commissar Bella "Belladonna Aura" Dawn Parker, Hyperstrike

Oh wait, you mean screenshots....


CCCP Speznatz team

We had so much fun with that that some of us moved to Virtue and did --



All AR blasters and a single emp fender.  The emp fender was never needed.  We moved through the Hollows like a John Deere harvesting wheat.
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: corvus1970 on December 18, 2012, 12:22:21 PM
Awesome. Thanks for posting those VV :)
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: blackjak on December 18, 2012, 12:33:38 PM
Does it say something about me when I  squee the Science Ninja Gatchaman pic while everyone else is talking about Angel? :-\
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: corvus1970 on December 18, 2012, 12:36:02 PM
It says nothing save for the fact that you like Gatchaman, and there's nothing wrong with that :)
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Victoria Victrix on December 18, 2012, 12:41:26 PM

Bella rescues States and dings 50.

Midnight Visage, Hegemon, some random guy, Bella, Booster, Red Djinni, John Murdock, Electrikeet, Pinnacle


We defeat Hess and escape without being blown up!

Someone from AoC I don't recall, John Murdock, another AoC guy, Vickie, Titian Paladin, Drakenaur, Alex and Sophia from CCCP
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: wei yau on December 18, 2012, 02:21:36 PM
Does it say something about me when I  squee the Science Ninja Gatchaman pic while everyone else is talking about Angel? :-\


Does it say something about me when I'm saddened that the Brony-bait pic I posted didn't attract anyone?
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Arachnion on December 18, 2012, 08:02:03 PM
Does it say something about me when I'm saddened that the Brony-bait pic I posted didn't attract anyone?

Well, let's see.

Did you:

A. Post that pic to hopefully find other bronies here? If so, I advise you go to an actual (brony) community for them, no offense :P

B. Post that pic hoping someone would get mad, or at least talk about it? People here are far too mature to be mad over bronies.

?  ;)
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: FatherXmas on December 18, 2012, 08:38:31 PM

Does it say something about me when I'm saddened that the Brony-bait pic I posted didn't attract anyone?
Human form versions of MLP characters would be harder to identify right off the bat to begin with even if you were a MLP fan while tributes to popular shows staring a human cast are must easier to identify.
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: wei yau on December 18, 2012, 09:30:31 PM
Well, let's see.

Did you:

A. Post that pic to hopefully find other bronies here? If so, I advise you go to an actual (brony) community for them, no offense :P

B. Post that pic hoping someone would get mad, or at least talk about it? People here are far too mature to be mad over bronies.

?  ;)

I'll take "?  ;)"

"Justice is Magic" is one of my favorite teams I've built in CoH and therefore, I am always proud to show them off.  I'm especially happy when someone else gets *it", that's all.

In the end, I'm just tickled pink to be able to make demo screenies featuring all of my guys together.  It's a lot of fun for me and I'll likely continue to spam the forum with my work.
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Victoria Victrix on December 19, 2012, 04:48:39 AM
I actually figured out that it was MLP themed but I don't know enough about MLP to identify more than a couple of the characters, so I thought I would sit quiet and not expose my ignorance.

Gatchaman, however....even in the HORRIBLE "Battle of the Planets" incarnation, I loved.
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: blackjak on December 19, 2012, 05:23:06 AM
Ah. Gatchaman/Battle of the Planets. My first anime. I distinctly remember running home from school to watch it and playing it on the playground....
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: ThorsAssassin on December 19, 2012, 05:49:31 PM
Here is one I have been working on for my Villain group. Enemies to Thor's Assassin.


The Shadow Syndicate.

I have the biography to the group and individual biographies over on my site if ya care to read it - http://thorsassassin.com/2012/12/19/the-shadow-syndicate/

Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: wei yau on December 19, 2012, 07:03:28 PM
That is a sinister looking bunch.  Judging by his Rogues Gallery, Thor's Assassin must be quite the opponent.
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Kuriositys Kat on December 20, 2012, 12:51:14 AM



All AR blasters and a single emp fender.  The emp fender was never needed.  We moved through the Hollows like a John Deere harvesting wheat.

Just out of curiosity (bad KK no salmon for you) what was the fenders secondary?
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: eabrace on December 20, 2012, 03:10:58 AM
This image of most of the characters active in our SG at the time was created years ago now by taking demo files of each character and copy/pasting their costumes into a master demo file I created by hand using Excel to determine the placement of each character.  I really should update it since I have quite a few other characters to add to the image now.  I should also make a similar image with my villains.

(https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/cohosi/posted/th_OSI_Group_City_Hall.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/cohosi/posted/OSI_Group_City_Hall.jpg)

As an aside, if I ever managed to fill all of the predetermined positions I'd calculated, it would look something like this:

(https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/cohosi/posted/th_OSI_Group_City_Hall_test.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/cohosi/posted/OSI_Group_City_Hall_test.jpg)
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: ThorsAssassin on December 20, 2012, 03:31:39 AM
That is a sinister looking bunch.  Judging by his Rogues Gallery, Thor's Assassin must be quite the opponent.

I made TA pretty powerful but with some specific weaknesses yeah. He is a Godkiller so I had to create a group that would give him a more than capable challenge. Like Steinn has the ability to drive his foes mad with a stare. TA is susceptible to any psionics and is wreckless when he goes into a berserker rage. Krisium can control the minds and body of his foes and have them do his bidding. And Alan Hawk can read minds.

These things together with some of the 5's weaknesses make it fun to go back and forth with.

That is to say nothing of Lokie who has basically toyed with TA throughout the ages with his mind control. :)

Got some art of them of in my art thread - http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index.php/topic,7326.msg94649.html#msg94649
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Victoria Victrix on December 20, 2012, 05:56:01 AM
Just out of curiosity (bad KK no salmon for you) what was the fenders secondary?

I was VERY fond of rad (still am) so I believe it was emp/rad. 
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: ThorsAssassin on December 20, 2012, 05:02:13 PM
Here is a group shot of my old SG Legends of Justice. This was taken about 20 minutes before the servers went down.


and here is the full SG pic done up by Cassandra Storm:

Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Sparky on December 21, 2012, 03:31:38 AM
Here is one of my super groups consisting of a few of my alts: The Mighties.


From left to right: Mighty Merman, Mighty Mystic, Might Martian, Mighty Manimal(back), Mini Might(front), Miss Might and Mighty Mind.
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: ThorsAssassin on December 21, 2012, 05:55:54 PM
Looking great Sparky, is that in a supergroup base?
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Megajoule on December 21, 2012, 06:32:38 PM
That would be the Praetorian auction house, if I'm not mistaken, in Imperial City.
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: BobMc on December 21, 2012, 10:16:34 PM
My wife and I have alts all over the place.

For a long time, we would alternate our regular playing on quieter servers, with playing  our Freedom server Holiday Heroes SG - full of Holiday Themed characters for all seasons, at times when the server wasn't so busy.

We started out one winter, and then added characters as each holiday season approached, leaving characters alone until their season came, except for Anniversary badges.


Note: "Naughty List Ninja" and "Santas Helpa" had just become Heroes at the end of last year's play having originally started long ago on villain-side. (NLN=Energy/Energy Stalker ---SH=Robot/Traps MM)

The Gingerbreads, Autumn, and Patriotic characters are all 50's, the rest are late 20's to late 30's in level.

We have a similar group Villain-side that we didn't play as often "Holiday Hooligans SG"
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: wei yau on December 22, 2012, 03:18:45 AM
The Gingerbreads are absolutely brilliant!
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: healix on December 23, 2012, 12:31:31 PM
I thought this was pretty clever..a reindeer and a lamb!


Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: wei yau on December 26, 2012, 08:59:49 PM
The Legio Praetoria

These are Praetorian versions of The Justice League, The Avengers and The Watchmen

(https://images.weserv.nl/?url=i.minus.com%2FjrwjDn7N2NcYI.jpg) (http://minus.com/lrwjDn7N2NcYI)
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Timelord Tom on January 03, 2013, 01:40:07 PM
Those of you on Facebook may have already seen this one... all the toons I managed to save via Sent +

Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Hyperstrike on January 03, 2013, 02:31:17 PM


Commissar Zach "Bestial Boy" Marlowe, Russian Battler, Commissar Bella "Belladonna Aura" Dawn Parker, Hyperstrike


That's not me!

Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Victoria Victrix on January 04, 2013, 02:36:32 AM
You both had toons with the same name, it appears.  Larry's was on Pinn.
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Valtyr on January 07, 2013, 07:26:31 PM
I cannot express how happy I am that programers and coders and the sundry creative types who have been fiddling with democode all this time have made me. Thanks to Sentinel Plus and Icon and everyone. You've made the unpossible a reality. Without all of this knowledge and all of these tools, the following could have never been done - at least not without a lot of coordination with perfect strangers.

Up first is my primary roster. Most of my characters from Virtue.

This was my first group shot I put together, before Icon and DEMOlition, based off of demos I'd made in the closing weeks.

From left to right:

Niviene, Evestar, Azeriel, Corsaire, Dragon Scythe, Metajoule, Findsman, Feather Blade, Miss Danger, Percy Blake, Susie-Droid, Velvet Soul, Alexa Strong, Alacritas, Prydwen, Maiden Justice, Newsgirl, Dory James, Dizzy James, Xiao Quan, LaMorte, Calamity Catie Angel Seven, Mr Impervium


Next is a face off between good and evil:

LaMorte vs Azeriel in what's left of Cimerora


Here is a collaberation with wei yau and me. The red coated tin toy soldiers and Li'l Wooden Boy aflame are his characters and seeing a previous image he made with them gave me the idea of who could oppose him and his nefarious schemes.


And here yet another confrontation but this time between the scheming and ultraviolent Xiao Quan (in the closing days of CoH I finally realized she's kind of the evil [or more evil, depending on your view] and more violent Lara Croft) and the guardians of a robbed temple trying to get their relics back.

Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Greyhawke on January 08, 2013, 05:37:01 AM
Any chance some of you could share the demo files used to create these group shots? It would really help those of us less talented people learn how to put some of these together. And those not interested in learning could probably at least sub in their own heroes/ teams pretty easily.

I'd love to see the demofiles for the shots posted by eabrace, dabrinka, Timlord_Tom, BobMc and ThorsAssassin, as well as any other group shots and demofile combos that anyone would care to share.
Title: Re: Group-Shots
Post by: Valtyr on January 08, 2013, 10:07:54 AM
Here's a link to a zip of mine. (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15761254/demofiles.7z)