Titan Network

Community => City of Heroes => Topic started by: Atlantea on December 06, 2012, 07:22:55 PM

Title: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on December 06, 2012, 07:22:55 PM
I had a little hobby in-game. I used to watch for interesting costumes and bios. And I screenshotted them if they particularly stood out. I especially did this in locales like Pocket D or Wentworths. Sometimes at the Tram Stations. If I'm just waiting around a bit, I'll start looking for this sort of thing. I was almost never disappointed. ^_^

I especially liked the ones that made me laugh. (Or the ones that made me go "Whiskey Tango FOXTROT?")

So here are some of the wackiest character bios I ever came across in-game -


More in Part Deux!
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: KoA on December 06, 2012, 07:29:27 PM
LOL there are awesome thanks for sharing!!!!
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on December 06, 2012, 07:31:38 PM

(Yes - She was a Sonics Defender. >.>;; )


Sniffles kinda makes me go "D'AWWWW!" ^_^


I saw her again a year or so later and snapped another shot - Including both to give you guys a slightly better look at her costume design. Frankly, Kitchen Maid is one of my favorites. :D


I saw Jonni October and my first thought was "How very VERY Tim Burton!"



More in Part Tree!
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: faith.grins on December 06, 2012, 07:33:34 PM
"Don't starch my tights!"
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Golden Girl on December 06, 2012, 07:34:24 PM
Bios are one of the most epic bits of CoH :P
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Merseine on December 06, 2012, 07:39:41 PM
Remember way back when, when it seemed as if there were a hundred "Costume Contest Under the Atlas Statue!!!" calls on Broadcast?  And it was so cool, as a lowbie to get a bit of influence from a higher level character for no better reason than I'd spent a bit of time designing a good character/costume combo.

To me, that was fun, but when I got a few levels under me and some extra Inf. in my pocket, I sponsored "Bio Contests."  Same format, only I would read people's bios and reward accordingly.

And this was on Pinnacle, not on RP-ful Virtue.   8)
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on December 06, 2012, 07:41:08 PM

Some of the greatest wisdom in Paragon City...


I happen to know that Corn on Macabre is one of Ascendant's wacky villains. :D


The above guy wound up not actually having a bio, but I had to screenshot him anyway just for the NAME! ^_^


Same with the above - it's basically a take on Team Fortress 2 Engineer, but in the Japanese "tan" style.


Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Minotaur on December 06, 2012, 07:41:29 PM
Love Gazebo with the dialog quoted straight out of KoDT
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Keiphy on December 06, 2012, 07:55:28 PM
Thanks for sharing these, got some good laughs out of them :)

And kudos to the people who came up with these.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: downix on December 06, 2012, 07:56:43 PM
Dude, I teamed with Disposable Hero once!

Pity you didn't grab one of mine, Tannenbaum, the killer christmas tree. "The latest in artificial Christmas Tree technology, Tannenbaum was designed to set itself up while the family was out shopping for Black Friday, even laying out the presents under him, Unfortunately, the prototype unit was accidentally uploaded with assassin droid technology, and went bezerk in the laboratory, destroying the entire Chuckle Holiday, Inc research lab on Cap Au Diable. Now Tannenbaum seeks out its new programming, merging the two routines, and he must grant all holiday cheer by giving... deadly electric blasts!"
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on December 06, 2012, 08:07:38 PM
You want more? We got more!


I saw Ronald McDonald VERY early on after the release of City of Villains. Certainly the first week. I never saw him again. You know what scares me though? The little ((RPer)) tag...   :o

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Minotaur on December 06, 2012, 08:34:39 PM
I don't have screenshots of mine, but do have the bios:

Abrakebabra - Fire tank: Amateur stage magician and fast food restaurant owner Stavros Alexandrou came to paragon city after the authorities investigation into how his business cooked kebabs with no gas or electric cooking equipment. It revealed that the cooking was done using the heat coming off his body, and this was ruled unhygenic. Time to skip to Paragon City.

666 man - guy in a labcoat with exposed brain - On 5/6/6, Dr Hans von Schweinpfeffer (a mad scientist as normal as mad scientists get) made one of many poor decisions in his life. He went out to the new GoGo bar with his assistant Igor. This in itself was not a poor decision, but coming back to the lab and continuing work afterwards was. He awoke on the morning of 6/6/6 as you see him now with great power over electricity. You should see what happened to Igor though ...

Toxic Texan - Red/white/blue cowboy outfit with a large dubya on his chest - Brain the size of a peanut .... no planet .... hell I dunno dammit

Pink Patrol - Paragon police uniform, bright pink - After the unfortunate incident where it was revealed that he was using his uniform to moonlight as a strippagram, Calvin had to quit town fast. How was he supposed to know the police chief's wife kept her own surname. Fortunately he still had his technologically augmented riot shield and muscles, and so he headed for the Rogue Isles. Not wanting to be done for impersonating a police officer, and now able to reval his true personality, he dyed his uniform pink and Pink Patrol was born

Pom poms o'doom - cheerleader outfit, EM stalker whos AS was a double handed punch to the groin usually - Buffy O'Rourke was thrilled when she made it to the cheerleading squad. She was less thrilled when she found out some time later that this made her the property of the football team for the evening after a game. After a particularly inept piece of heavy petting, she punched one of the jocks so hard that his voice went up 3 octaves and won't be coming down any time soon. Disgraced (but having earned some secret respect from the other girls), she headed for the rogue isles

Your ex from hell - She was smart, blonde, gorgeous and you two timed her with that bimbo from the typing pool. Baaaaad mistake loser, now she and demon kitty here will torch your car, tell the entire internet how bad you were in bed and rip you limb from limb if she ever sees you again. Be afraid, be very afraid

Dr Schadenfreude - /pain MM - Ooh that's gotta hurt, shall I heal you ? not till you're about to be hit again mwahahahaha

Intravenous de Milo - The cybernetics/robotics class at Paragon City university were a wacky bunch and also had a talented sculptor among their number. He cast a replica Venus de Milo, which the guys then articulated and animated. Cybernetic limbs were made and linked in, voice amplification technology added. To demonstrate fine control, they gave her a bow. They were students however, so she was named after their favourite Spinal Tap album, and made topless like the statue, so almost the first thing she did was to see Ganymede and DJ Zero to get a toga.

Johannes van Wijk - tiny and in pink strappy leather costume - Dr Malodorous sent Igor out with a shopping list. S ink, SM genome, I gas etc. Igor not being the sharpest tool in the box got the spell ink and inert gas, but came back with an S&M gnome (anybody's guess where from). While Dr M was kicking Igor's sorry backside all round the lab, said gnome managed to escape, and is now intent on getting out of Praetoria and to Paragon city as fast as possible

Airhead Heiress - Rich, spoilt and very very stupid, she could have any toys she wanted, which from a very early age were mainly guns. After a couple of accidents, daddy realised that stupidity and heavy weaponry didn't really mix, and paid for some experimental implants which doubled her IQ to nearly normal levels. What does she make for dinner ? Reservations

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: KoA on December 06, 2012, 08:37:21 PM
You know the best part about this is, sometimes I'd fill that whole thing out with a storyline, plus in some cases a link to my corresponding website page for complete profile etc, and wondered...........I wonder if anybody ever actually reads these profiles and my effort to fill these out is truly worth it.

Apparently it was!!!!!   :)
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: cohRock on December 06, 2012, 09:26:53 PM
Thanks for this thread!  There is a *lot* of creativity out there!

Need smelly, spurty, and nasty?  Meet my bio armor brute from Beta, Rued Rude Rudy (http://r0k.us/rock/games/CoH/HallsOfHeroes/Beta/RuedRudeRudy.html).

BIO: RR Rudy can modify his DNA at a molecular level, offering him powerful abilities, both protective and offensive.  It comes at a price, however.  The changes cause a stench described as worse than a skunk, as well as rude sounds and emissions of bodily fluids from all sorts of spots.
(Wow, I may need to lighten that up.) The link above has more pics and info if anyone interested.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Bovine Avenger on December 06, 2012, 09:30:02 PM
Milk Tank, why did we never get to meet?!

Here was mine, as seen in some videos recently...

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Minotaur on December 06, 2012, 09:48:38 PM
I should have added my cow Agent of Muuuu whose costume was very similar to Bovine Avenger's with the bio:

Well, what can I say, there was this ritual under the stars with a group of CoT, me the descendant of Mu, and a Texas longhorn that wandered through at the wrong moment.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Kaiser Tarantula on December 06, 2012, 10:11:57 PM
Regarding Engie-Tan... that particular incarnation is from NerfNow! (http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/887).
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: corvus1970 on December 06, 2012, 11:30:23 PM



And of course...

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Xieveral on December 07, 2012, 12:11:14 AM
I swear to you, I could hear her narrating that bio.


And then this guy... Mc Archvillain- the first crazy costume I encountered as a baby ninja back when I was on Guardian (no bio but still wacky)


By the way... Time Cube's chest emblem is tripping me out... how in the world did he get three colors???
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Glass Goblin on December 07, 2012, 12:37:01 AM
There have always been some great, goofy characters out there. Time Cube is hysterical, but it's even funnier because the person in chat doesn't know it's a real thing! (WIth a bonus reference on the same page to the Dero!)

I had some pun names, but they weren't the quality of these. Perhaps the goofiest would be the mystic spirit who spent thirty years trapped in a Beefeater bottle, Djinn Antonik.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: johnrobey on December 07, 2012, 12:58:29 AM
I had a lot of fun writing this bio for Mrs Frostfire (my first toon on Justice) and even more fun roleplaying her:

Alright, all you so-called Heroes who've been beating up my husband. All he wanted to do was build a nice home for me & the children in an abandoned building that no one except the Skulls cared about in a desolate corner of the Hollows. But was that good enough for y'all? NO! Mr. Flux had to stick his big nose in where it isn't wanted. And NOW instead of baking cookies & freezing popsicles, I have to put the kids in daycare. Guess I'll be home-schooling them soon on Breaking Pappa Out of Jail. What?! Does it look like I had time to find a proper uniform or outfit, much less bother to put on make-up for a job interview with Arachnos? I'm lucky these clothes are clean. You wanna piece of me, Superhero? Go ahead! Make my day!!

(sorry, no screenshot yet)
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: johnrobey on December 07, 2012, 01:07:35 AM
(I gotta find the screenie of  Cow Wahbunga on his RocketBoard); his bio read:

Born and raised near the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, Cow soon learned his mutation set him apart from the rest of the herd. Rescued by P.E.T.A. and mentored by a couple of magical chickens and a psychic dog, he set off to find Old Farmer McTera and join her barnyard friends in fighting the forces of evil, especially hamburger.  Now he protects and defends the hapless citizens of Paragon City except those eating beef products. Ladies, don't let them STEER you wrong. Those rumors are pure BULL!
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: pyber on December 07, 2012, 01:09:24 AM
And then this guy... Mc Archvillain- the first crazy costume I encountered as a baby ninja back when I was on Guardian (no bio but still wacky)


Ha, I remember him.  He won more than a few costume contests on that toon, and on some others as well.  I can't remember his Global now though.  :\

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: pinballdave on December 07, 2012, 01:59:33 AM
We must never forget SingSangSong, but I don't see how to embed the image here.

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: houtex on December 07, 2012, 02:47:32 AM
I really liked The Devil's Accountant.  THAT is hilarious, and I'm terribly jealous I didn't think of it.  Probably because I was too busy with Brawling Humiliator to do that myself. :)  Play the game the way it *wasn't* meant to be played?  That's fun!

Lotta great stuff in here though, seriously.  Plenty LOLs. :D


I'm not sure self promoting is all that acceptable... But I'll submit a couple of mine that I personally smile for for y'alls (dis)approval.  I hope that's ok, I just wanna share:
Jerry the Deathclown (Stalker, tall, thin clown with red and yellow stripes, and a green eyeplate.  Creepy lookin', and I can't find a screenie. :( )
Jerrold Thompson was obsessed with being a clown. It's all he ever wanted. He read, watched videos, anything clown! But then he started using his mother's makeup to paint his face. She tried to make him stop, but he wouldn't. She stopped buying the makeup, but no matter, Jerry just went to the store himself. They wouldn't help me... I mean, Jerry. It was when Jerry started to yell "MAKE ME LIKE TAMMY FAYE!!!" that it started to go sour. Jerry was interviewed by some men in white coats. Next thing I ... he knows he's put in a strange jacket thing and taken away! They stole him, and took my makeup away. Jerry swore they'd PAY for that, but they weren't there when he broke out. Oh well, I'll just go find someone, make THEM pay. I mean Jerry. What? You're not laughing at me are you? Good. Hey, lemme show you my nifty gloves. They channel dark energy, so people can PAY... you don't have any rouge on you do you? Gotta touch up my face...

Thing of Bigness (Take whatever the biggest costume part is, and apply it.  Color it red.  That's it. )
Me am Big. Me not know how, but me here somehow. Me like bash things, so me do dat. Me get monies from bashes an' buy punkin head. You like? Me like. Me always look biggest tings to wear, 'cause me Big, an' me wear big too. Me like bigness. Also flamey head. It niftys. Me also jump big too. Me also gots bigs sack lots monies. Me play market like piano. Onlies biggers. I heared somethin' call Dested Wans, and dat sounded bigs. Hears if you Dested, you gots make lots Eckspee, whatevers dat is. Alls me knows is to got Dested took lotsa bashin'. When me found self on Rowg Eyles, Eckspees was easy gets, an' lots dingdongs happen. Me got olders, dingdongs longers to hear. That ok, me also big energies, so no tired much. They say I be Made, but it not all dat. Latlies, me tired be scare peoples, so me go Rowg. Peoples still scare, so maybe me go Viggelanty. For sure me get be Enkarnit.
[img width= height=]http://i.imgur.com/NOskJ.jpg[/img]

So... there ya go!
Edit: FOUND the screenies!  /em dance5
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Xieveral on December 07, 2012, 03:39:08 AM
We must never forget SingSangSong, but I don't see how to embed the image here.


I can't breathe!

(the button to embed an image is the one between bold and the first smiley)
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Little David on December 07, 2012, 04:23:18 AM

Man! What server was that on? 'Cause I would've had this guy run into her:

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on December 07, 2012, 04:30:39 AM
Hami-Tan was on Virtue server. :)
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Perfidus on December 07, 2012, 06:19:39 AM
I'm a little sad Hellgirl isn't on here! Her bio was so silly, but I guess no one saw me. I'd changed it out very often though. Basically instead of any content, I'd use slogans. I never kept the same ones terribly long, because people would always give me new ones to use. I have a whole text file full. Here's a sample, for the heck of it.

"You've got questions, we've got Hellgirl."
"Hellgirl, the other white meat."
"Don't get mad, get Hellgirl."
"Hellgirl. Nobody pays retail anymore, why should you?"
"Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Hellgirl!"
"The best part of waking up is Hellgirl in your cup."
"Hellgirl. She's everywhere you want to be."
"Look to the left, you see a sea of blue and strength, look back to me, I'm a Hellgirl."
"Hellgirl: Founded by firemen, and you can taste it."
"Hellgirl. Recommended by doctors, trusted by moms."
"Hellgirl. Dogs don't know it's not bacon."
"No Hellgirl Available."
"404 Hellgirl Not Found"
"Ask not what Hellgirl can do for you, but what you can do for Hellgirl!"
"I'd walk a mile for a Hellgirl."
"What you want is what you get with Hellgirl today."
"Hellgirl, quality is job one."
"Confident, dry, and secure... raise your hand if you're Hellgirl."

Originally, when I made Hellgirl in 2010, I put a batch up just as a joke until I felt like writing a real bio. But, I ended up with so many comments and laughs from people, I kept it indefinitely, and just switched out the slogans from time to time.

She had a Virtueverse too, that I recently heard was in the running for being featured on the mainpage. >.<

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on December 07, 2012, 10:29:37 PM
I love the ones you guys have been posting as well! Those are all great!

I got a few more for you! :D


Hail to the King, Baby! :D
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: downix on December 07, 2012, 10:36:19 PM
Hehe, I'd run into Kung-Pao Chicken before!
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: johnrobey on December 07, 2012, 10:57:11 PM
I know who played Mynitaur and will see if he'll post some screenshots.   Humor along with killer powerset combos was his forte:  Hell's Granny (AR/fire manip blaster), Dorkette, and many more.   ;D
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: corvus1970 on December 07, 2012, 11:15:43 PM
Okay folks, this one is one of mine, a Psychic-Blast/Energy Blaster:


His Bio (Thank you Sentinel!): Yes, I'm a Gorilla. A Gorilla who can kill you with his brain, or pummel you senseless with his fists. So, I'll thank you to avoid the comments about trees, bananas, and Charlton Heston. 'Kay?

Also, not mine at all:

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on December 28, 2012, 08:04:15 AM
I was pretty much at the end of stuff I had from my personal collection. (though I haven't gone through and dug up and cropped EVERYTHING from the last couple of years, so there may yet be more!)

But I did remember that Ben "Gryphon" Hutchins, the main writer/editor behind the MASSIVE fanfic series "Undocumented Features", also played City of Heroes and was a dab hand at the whimsical bio himself.

So - some links to some of HIS bio pictures that have made me laugh in the past.


Spot the homage and the satire rolled into the same concept on this next one. :D


And this... I salute you, Gryphon - this is meta-meta-meta genius. :D
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Minotaur on December 28, 2012, 09:33:04 AM
That Elvish Presley is excellent, much better costume than I could manage for Elvish Impersonator.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: NoName on December 28, 2012, 11:27:35 AM
"Man this pizza is better than sex"
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: DoctorDelaware on December 28, 2012, 12:20:01 PM
Oh man. Do I have some unspeakable horrors to unleash on this thread.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: therain93 on December 28, 2012, 02:33:20 PM
In reposting a few to mmorpg.com, here's some from my archives:
I thought I had another one, this little fairie-like Dual Pistol character that was all "pew-pew" in her description.  It was hilarious and hopefully I can track it down.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: corvus1970 on December 28, 2012, 03:05:58 PM
I'm fairly certain I came across that same fairy, but I don't think I capped her bio. Drat!

Man, keep posting these folks. These are pure gold!
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: The Fifth Horseman on December 28, 2012, 03:21:58 PM
I had one... with no idea what to make of my first toon I decided to be funny. And for me, "funny" occasionally relates to very, very BAD memes.
I remembered this: http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_28_what-world-would-look-like-if-other-side-won-war_p15/#14 and remembered the SPARTAN super-soldier program from the Halo universe. What followed was this:
They told us we shouldn't fire any weapons near the tachyon field generators. Pity the Drahn didn't get the same memo. Last thing my suit recorded was a surge of energy coming from the central lab.
Next thing I know, I'm stuck here. It's Earth, all right - just not my Earth. The  pivotal difference is when we won at Thermopylae - here, the 300 died trying and nothing is the same after that point. Instead of New Sparta there's a barely sigificant country called Greece. 
Frank Miller wrote "300" instead of "10 000". They made a movie too. And after it, nobody holds much respect for Sparta any more. For them, "Sparta" equals "beyond madness". 
 Time someone changed this, damn it! I'll teach this world... I'll teach them all... how real Spartans do battle!
 -- Jason-117
(left: initial costume; middle: after running my first ITF and unlocking capes; right: another costume update after moving to the beta server.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Risha on December 28, 2012, 08:14:21 PM

FindersKeepers was supposed to be a Role Playing toon, who gradually lost her rough edges and became a woman of good taste (I have 5 costumes for her, 2 odd including this one, a very pink one, and a nice one with trousers and her natural hair color -- white).  She made it to 50 but never linked up with a good RP group.  All costumes feature the cat, Zanth (my readers' fav), though he changes his stripes, too.

I particularly liked the pink Santa hat with the halo over it.

FindersKeepers Bio

Hai, me'n Zanth's glad ta meetcha! :) :) :) Don' we look GOOD! We found all this great stuff just lyin around. ;) Well, ok, we did a lil divin. But its all GOOD STUFF, mostly like NEW. :) Grew up in the sewers with the Lost and EEEEEWWWWWW. Didn't know what to do. Liked seeing all the heroes come through. Pretty. Then Zanth found me when I was a big girl and told me I was magic and could live outside. and become a hero. I was afraid'a all those puking Vs but found me and Zanth a nice warm spot under a building overhang in Galaxy and found STUFF. We are both REAL heroes. Soon we gonna be rich and famous and buy a dress mebbe if we want, mebbe even a PINK one. With RUFFLES. WHITE ruffles. We always wanted a PINK dress with WHITE RUFFLES. Zanth'd like ta play with ruffles. SEE YA!
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on December 28, 2012, 11:06:21 PM
Finderskeepers just makes me want to go "D'AAAAAAAWWW!!!"  :D
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on December 28, 2012, 11:39:21 PM
Here's some more from my friend and former SG leader of the Legendary - Bob Schroek -



Note from Bob on Kosher Bill: "What you can't see on Kosher Bill is that I used one of the one-shoulder minicape options -- the very short fringed capelet -- to make it look like he's wearing a prayer shawl."

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on December 28, 2012, 11:41:12 PM



Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on December 28, 2012, 11:48:51 PM
This is one of the ones that make me go... "...DA HELL?"

And then I laugh anyway. ^_^


Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on December 28, 2012, 11:57:57 PM
And then - there are concepts that make you go - "Why the HELL didn't I think of that?"


Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Risha on December 29, 2012, 12:49:58 AM
It is absolutely no wonder this community was so beloved, we had such incredible creativity!
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Victoria Victrix on December 29, 2012, 01:11:49 AM
I am still unreasonably fond of Waitron9000

Waitron9000 was created by Rossum's Universal Robots as an experimental Food Service bot. She has a unique positronic brain with real AI, wireless down/uplink to the Freedom Corps library computers and the Paragon City Library system and a unique chipset designed to make her respond to "customer unhappiness" by moving to correct the source of the unhappiness. In beta-test with Paragon Pizza, she was serving tables when a gang of Hellions invaded and began beating up and robbing the customers. Responding to customer unhappiness, Waitron9000 downloaded the entire Jet Li archive and proceeded to mop the floor with Hellion faces.

The management of Paragon Pizza and the devs at RUR were both grateful, and understandably concerned. The implications for what might occur if the customers were unhappy with restaurant management were not something they cared to contemplate.

The program was discontinued and Waitron was scheduled to be scrapped when Freedom Corps got wind of this, bought her and her contract, emancipated her, trained her, made a slight alteration to the definition of "customer" in her database and put her on the streets.


I also had a character called "Annoying Cockatoo" who had an all-white bodysuit with a bright yellow mohawk.  Sonic Blaster.  Her battlecry was


Her bio just said.  "You know how sometimes owners start to resemble their pets?  Yeaaaaah."

(For the record, we own 5 cockatoos, 1 Umbrella, 1 Citron Crested, and 3 Goffin.  So...experienced with that battlecry.)
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Risha on December 29, 2012, 05:30:18 AM
VV, I was a customer of NCSoft and I am extremely unhappy...
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: corvus1970 on December 29, 2012, 03:54:26 PM
Wow, I love Waitron9000. Brilliant! :D

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Victoria Victrix on December 30, 2012, 03:06:11 AM
VV, I was a customer of NCSoft and I am extremely unhappy...

Beeeep.  Thank you for calling Waitron9000!  Your customer satisfaction is very important to us!  The Waitron9000 unit is offline/unavailable at this time, and contact cannot be established.  Please wait for the tone and leave a message.  If this is an emergency, please contact the local branch of the PPD, metahuman unit, by hanging up and dialing 9999.  Beeeeep.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: eviella on January 01, 2013, 07:52:28 AM
This was years and years ago, but the all-time favorite bio I ever ran into was for Vegan Zombie.

"Grains.  Graiinnnsssss....."
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: DoctorDelaware on January 01, 2013, 08:33:30 AM
Well, I warned you...and now, I'm finally making good on my threats. Here's the opening salvo:


This name never failed to make me chuckle...


Here's the first thing that popped into my head when Beast Mastery was announced.


And finally, one of my "homage" characters, representing a great hero from my youth...

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: TimtheEnchanter on January 01, 2013, 09:37:20 AM
My namesake:


Tim is more specifically a Pyromancer. Do not be shocked if this old man seems strange and perverse. The secret to Pyromancy is to meditate upon "hot" imagery! While most Pyromancers focused on volcanoes and forest fires, Tim chose women. Although many years have passed since Tim's intensive study of Pyromancy in the castle ineptly known as Anthrax, the effects it had on his psyche have remained, and he is always on the lookout for new hot imagery. Though very skilled in the Magick arts, Tim is better known for assisting King Arthur in the quest for the Holy Grail. Tim took time from his incredibly busy schedule of blowing things up, to lead Arthur to a cave guarded by a terrible beast, armed with nasty big pointy teeth! Later the gates of Heaven opened like creaky barn doors and the Lord Spake? Spock? Spoke?... unto Tim, giving him a new task: crime fighting. Tim was then sucked through a time vortex and brought to Paragon City, modern day.

Agent Smithers


Here's the deal... this world isn't real. It's just a simulation; a dreamworld; a computer program; a video game... or at least, that's what Smithers will tell you if you ever ask him about it. He was created as but one of countless control programs, designed to maintain order over mortal society in this 'reality'. But through a strange turn of events, he has had a change of heart. Those who govern this reality have threatened to pull the plug. Smithers knows this would have catastrophic consequences across multiple worlds. He has now gone rogue, shunning the beliefs of those who rule this place, and now uses his abilities to make life here better, and if possible, save this reality from destruction.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Lucretia MacEvil on January 01, 2013, 06:42:40 PM
Smithers' bio made me sad; all I could think was "he failed... :'(".

On-topic, I'm mad at myself for not saving the bio for my character "Possessed Hippie". 
It would've been a perfect fit for this thread.

Here's one I did save, although it's short enough to remember.

Arachnos Barbie

If you call me "doll" I'll rip your lips off.

Unfortunately, I didn't think of adding more until after the closure. :'(
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Mothers_Love on January 01, 2013, 09:19:46 PM
Some of the funniest (i find), are those not intended to be funny, but have been done with a passion for all things superheroic nonetheless.
Bless their hearts.  Names have been obscured on purpose to protect the innocent (lol);


Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: æhæd on January 02, 2013, 04:16:37 AM
I didn't take many screen captures of bios but this one scored some groans on the old forum. I was surprised to find her name available on Virtue in 2012.

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: johnrobey on January 02, 2013, 06:28:19 PM
This was years and years ago, but the all-time favorite bio I ever ran into was for Vegan Zombie.

"Grains.  Graiinnnsssss....."

ROFL!!!!!!   ;D
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: johnrobey on January 02, 2013, 06:29:44 PM
It is absolutely no wonder this community was so beloved, we had such incredible creativity!

Yeah!!   8) 

Hoping like everyone that we get to have CoH back soon!
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: DoctorDelaware on January 02, 2013, 11:57:13 PM
You want more? I hope so, 'cause that's what you're getting.


Not all the super-rich are jerks!


Introducing the greatest opera star since Elmer Fudd...


Some of my favorites were the ones where I clearly wasn't trying anymore.

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Tubbius on January 03, 2013, 12:19:39 AM
I was half-expecting for someone to post Tubbius's or Waddle the Penguin's bios and pics in here.  :)
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Ice Trix on January 03, 2013, 01:57:23 AM
These are great. I'll have to search out my archives and find some.

Love Gazebo with the dialog quoted straight out of KoDT

That joke is a gaming story way older than knights of dinner table - and that looked like a copy of the original (hence Eric as name not B.A. or other KoDT).

It's a bitch that Jolly never credited it properly.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Victoria Victrix on January 03, 2013, 02:26:46 AM
Introducing the greatest opera star since Elmer Fudd...


If we ever get the game back, I'll re-create his girlfriend for you.

La Donna Mobile, sonic blaster, who ALSO took a sandbag to the head.  But instead of sticking to one persona, she channels whatever opera character seems appropriate to the situation.  Brunnhilde the Valkyrie (Her version of "Ride of the Valkyries" is an "English translation" that goes "We ride through the night skies/Showing our fat thighs/Picking up dead guys/Hoy-yo to-ho!" and yes, I had that as a bind) is a favorite.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: DoctorDelaware on January 03, 2013, 02:58:20 AM
If we ever get the game back, I'll re-create his girlfriend for you.

La Donna Mobile, sonic blaster, who ALSO took a sandbag to the head.  But instead of sticking to one persona, she channels whatever opera character seems appropriate to the situation.  Brunnhilde the Valkyrie (Her version of "Ride of the Valkyries" is an "English translation" that goes "We ride through the night skies/Showing our fat thighs/Picking up dead guys/Hoy-yo to-ho!" and yes, I had that as a bind) is a favorite.

That is amazing. I wholeheartedly approve.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: samfivedot on January 03, 2013, 04:52:54 AM
"Disposable Hero."

Anyone who references Scud the Disposable Assassin gets a thumbs up in my book!
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Minotaur on January 03, 2013, 10:34:24 AM
These are great. I'll have to search out my archives and find some.

That joke is a gaming story way older than knights of dinner table - and that looked like a copy of the original (hence Eric as name not B.A. or other KoDT).

It's a bitch that Jolly never credited it properly.

Yeah, you're right, of course it was "I waste it with my crossbow" in KoDT (it was the thief rather than BA who's the GM). Would have to go back to my printed copy to see if he acknowledges it anywhere in there.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Merseine on January 03, 2013, 06:19:03 PM
"...yes, I had that as a bind..."

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: DoctorDelaware on January 05, 2013, 04:11:52 AM
Want more? No? Too bad!

Somehow Exalted is where my Blaxploitation-themed characters ended up.




More robots!


And finally (...FOR NOW!...) one of my absolute favorites. This guy never failed to make me laugh.

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Kriiden on January 05, 2013, 11:48:45 AM
I remember meeting that accountant guy. I was more dubious then anything else. "How could ANYONE be able to do that", I thought. I offered him some influence, which he graciously declined, stating his challenge, and not wanting any help. I thought it was crazy, seeing as how I could never work WW in my favor. Then I realized I didn't have that kind of patience.

At least, I think it was him. The community was (IS!) so varied, I may have seen someone else with a similar goal...

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: corvus1970 on January 05, 2013, 03:07:11 PM
"the growing threat of suckas"

Well done! :D  8) :D
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Sailboat on January 07, 2013, 02:17:29 PM
This one's not especially wacky, but it is a bit humorous...The Last Minoan, my Minotaur Shield/Axe Tanker (http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/90168):

Quote from: the Last Minoan
Everybody's heard Theseus killed me.  Well, it's like this -- Theseus was actually a pretty good guy, he would never have hurt a drinking buddy. . . but the Attic Greeks were great liars.  He offered me his shield to show him the way out of the Labyrinth, but when he got home, he had to brag a little.

Speaking of tale-tellers, that Ulysses could talk my horns off!  Drank like Dionysus, too.  Take my advice, DO NOT accept a ride home from him.

And the whole "children sacrificed to the bloodthirsty Minotaur" meme?  Field trips.  I used to show students around the maze for a few drachmas.  How did it get all blown out of proportion?  Well, the Greeks weren't the first nor the last parents to worry about their kids hanging around with a single guy who lives in his parents' basement.

The axe?  The Labrys, the symbol of Minoan kingship.  Double-bitted and made from an alloy -- LITERALLY cutting-edge Bronze Age technology!

And a potential companion for Xerxes Jones -- Sister Power! (http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/85455)

*** cue a driving backbeat ***

Word on the street is, there's a new power in Paragon. Sister Power! A black girl with
a black belt, here to give a black eye to the bad guy! She's keeping it real, and just
a little funky, standing tall for economic and environmental justice, protecting the
interests of all her brothers and sisters, regardless of color, against a corrupt status quo.

The bad boys had better get righteous -- or she'll preach to them about the strength
of sisterhood, using her famous lead-filled platforms as, well, *platforms* to lash out against the oppressor.

The MAN is goin' DOWN! Raise your fist in unity and REPRESENT!

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: JorReno on January 10, 2013, 01:01:53 AM
Rambo Bright and Milktank are amazing!!!
Most original and funny heroes i've ever seen.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: DoctorDelaware on January 11, 2013, 12:18:00 PM
You thought I was done? Not even close!

No points for guessing what his battle cry is...


Deputy Dan Has No Friends.


A little something for the ladies...


Another all-time favorite, and one that I can't believe never got flagged.

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on January 11, 2013, 12:27:42 PM
You thought I was done? Not even close!


Deputy Dan Has No Friends.



Awesome stuff there. Wonderfully loopy!

Deputy Dan reminds me of another one I've seen -


Safety Officer Steve's is a never-ending battle for truth, injustice, and filling out the proper risk assessment forms.

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: houtex on January 12, 2013, 04:01:45 AM
"Captain Dammit"

I... Love that bio.  Love it.  Awesomesauce in print.  :)
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: hurple on January 12, 2013, 04:33:52 PM
There have always been some great, goofy characters out there. Time Cube is hysterical, but it's even funnier because the person in chat doesn't know it's a real thing! (WIth a bonus reference on the same page to the Dero!)

I had some pun names, but they weren't the quality of these. Perhaps the goofiest would be the mystic spirit who spent thirty years trapped in a Beefeater bottle, Djinn Antonik.

I had some great names.  My favorite of them all was Silver Beetle.  I thought that one was good on so many levels... and then DC started having different color "Beetles" show up in the Booster Gold book... razzle frazzle grumble mutter gripe...

I also had Captain Colorblind, Magic Gus, Doctor Strangeglove, Chuckles the Barbarian (he was a Conan clown), Captain Kumquat, Kid Sidekick Boy, Doctor Defeatable, Runaway Guy (who strangely never got invited to teams...)

I need to see if I can find any of my bios... I spent hours working on some of them.

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: hurple on January 12, 2013, 04:35:49 PM
Oh... and how could i forget...  Doctor Hooloovoo

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Minotaur on January 12, 2013, 04:37:31 PM

I also had Captain Colorblind, Magic Gus, Doctor Strangeglove, Chuckles the Barbarian (he was a Conan clown), Captain Kumquat, Kid Sidekick Boy, Doctor Defeatable, Runaway Guy (who strangely never got invited to teams...)

I remember Captain Kumquat but can't remember where from, what side/server/global did you play ?
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: DoctorDelaware on January 12, 2013, 04:49:14 PM
"Captain Dammit"

I... Love that bio.  Love it.  Awesomesauce in print.  :)

I think my favorite thing about him was the supergroup I started for him: the Dammiteers.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: hurple on January 12, 2013, 05:17:38 PM
I remember Captain Kumquat but can't remember where from, what side/server/global did you play ?

Had him on several, but played him on Virtue.  Was going to eventually play him on others.. but... And, surprisingly, that name was taken on one or two of the servers.  If it wasn't a 6'0" smiley-faced guy in a goofy orange outfit with green boots and gloves, it wasn't me.

Oh, and I also had "Abe Vigoda" and "Sir Cecil Creape" (with bonus points for anyone who knows who that really is)

Anyone else ever mine the old, forgotten, now public-domain superheroes for toons?  I made "homages" to Dare-Devil, Nukla, The Black Terror, Pyroman, and Hydroman. 

Geez, I do miss this game.

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: JWBullfrog on January 13, 2013, 02:16:50 AM
Oh... and how could i forget...  Doctor Hooloovoo

All in blue? Yes?
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: adarict on January 14, 2013, 03:21:18 PM
I'll have to find the screenshot, but one that made me laugh so much that I ended up giving him a million inf, was Narcoleptic Man.  His bio was funny, and he had binds set up for things like his battlecry, which  trailed off into snoring.  whoever the player was, they were hilarious, and stayed in character the whole time.  This was on Guardian.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: DoctorDelaware on January 15, 2013, 07:20:42 AM
Time for more.


Behold my poor attempt at censorship.


This is based on one of my friends. I was going to block out his name too, but then I realized I didn't care.

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on January 15, 2013, 07:33:49 AM

This is based on one of my friends. I was going to block out his name too, but then I realized I didn't care.


What sealed the deal and sent me into giggle-fit territory was - after reading the bio (already chuckling) I saw his badge title...

... yeah...


Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: DoctorDelaware on January 15, 2013, 08:15:36 AM

What sealed the deal and sent me into giggle-fit territory was - after reading the bio (already chuckling) I saw his badge title...

... yeah...


I can't take full credit for that, much as I'd like to. I was inspired by once seeing another hero use that badge title...an archer by the name of Purple Shaft.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Colette on January 17, 2013, 01:25:55 AM
Sorry I don't have a screenshot.

My own "Dale Vultan's" Bio read:

"Greetings, people of Earth! I, Dale Vultan, princess of Mingi City, have arrived to repay my world's honor debt by helping you overthrow the evil... psst! Who are they fighting again? SPIDER? Zarkov's beard, who would name themselves after some vermin to be trampled? Why, the Merciless One would -- is this thing on? ...To help you overthrow the evil Lord Spider! Huzzah!

...yes yes, Recluse. Whatever. We'd best hurry before he dies of embarrassment."
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: therain93 on January 18, 2013, 01:36:01 AM
Not one of my creations ( ' :
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Zombie Hustler on January 18, 2013, 04:33:42 PM
I think Dr. Goodvibes has one of the best bios I've ever read. lol

Love Pizarro Statesman, Captain Dammit, and Ladies Knight, too!
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Septipheran on January 18, 2013, 07:27:35 PM
I don't have a screen unfortunately, but one of my less played alts was a Bots/Time Mastermind named Mender Micron. His info went something like, "I have come from the future to teach you the art of superior robot crafting. I don't know what Ouroboros is, I just mend the robots."
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: therain93 on January 19, 2013, 02:27:28 AM
Not one of my creations  ( ' :
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Janrith on January 19, 2013, 06:45:51 AM
I didn't think to take screen shots of the bios of my toons, but here's one I created as a bit of a silly concept.  I was running on a pitiful computer and lagging like crazy so made a toon to go with it to explain my rubberbanding and general lack of connectivity.

SAM Mark V:

In an attempt to create a virtually unstoppable hero, young Jimmy Driskel used his technical wizardry to create a robotic constuct he called the Superpowered Autonomous Mechanism.

Equipping it with a high speed broadband receiver, he discovered a way he could control it from his home computer over the Internet. Unfortunately a pre-teen's allowance only goes so far and it ran dry some time ago.

After his parents saw the bills from all the Internet companies he couldn't explain, they reduced his allowance and put him into Internet Addiction counselling. Jimmy is now reduced to a slow dialup connection to the Internet, causing his "hero" to lag and sputter during missions as he tries to command the automaton.

In addition, as he can only get online after he's done his homework, his asperations of fighting alongside his hero Statesman are as yet unfullfilled. Soon though, he will be back on broadband (and off restriction) and the SAM will be unstoppable!

Here's a CIT pic of him:
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Janrith on January 19, 2013, 07:03:03 AM
My second villian (loosely termed...) was called Tank.Girl... someone apparently didn't like me running by so I got genericized and was told I could submit 3 names as options for the mods to set me to.  They'd review them for appropriateness and pick one of them.  I can't remember all three I submitted, but here's as best I remember:

Thezlpo Kyurizout
Tanku no on'nanoko
(some other poorly mangled foriegn language that translated to Tank Girl).

I figured they'd throw out my first choice without a second glance and I'd squeak by with one of the others.


Imagine my surprise when they approved the first option (read it out loud to yourself a couple of times if you don't get it).  Here's her post-generic bio:

My previous life has been wiped out and now I'm pissed, so you better watch it! Don't even try to figure it out; I'm here now and that's all that matters. And you better not stare either! If you're not careful these'll be the last things you *ever* see...
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: therain93 on January 19, 2013, 01:19:07 PM
Not one of my Creations, but Organica's ( ' :
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Shinobu on January 19, 2013, 10:00:50 PM
Heh, I forgot that character was ever in Paradox Acropolis (a friend's SG).

I'm kind of sad right now because searching on "SingSangSong" "deth kick" and "lesbian hellions" produces virtually nothing.  :/  If I search on "jerk hackers" or "kill skuls" I get the urban dictionary entries, and sometimes I get paragon wikia entries (that I don't click on)... but a lot of this stuff is already gone from the web.

I might have some of that saved somewhere though, not sure.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Shinobu on January 19, 2013, 10:14:48 PM

Woohoo!  Dug this one up with an image search.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: therain93 on January 19, 2013, 10:23:27 PM
Not one of my creations ( ' :
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Nyx Nought Nothing on January 20, 2013, 04:29:44 AM
Never really did much but wander through Pocket D and the Ski Chalet during the holidays, but i was amused.

Can't find any good screenshots, but this was the bio for the Retrofuturist:
Nikolas Tungsten is The Retrofuturist.

Behold the power of steam!
The Prussian Prince of Automotons may have taken steam technology to levels undreamed of by most, but he wasn't the only one. 90 years ago my great-grandfather Johann Steamkopf had developed a steampowered armor suit using the concepts of Nikola Tesla. Unable to convince the Department of War to fund his research, the prototype was put into storage at the end of World War I.
When the Rikti attacked my father took the suit into battle to help repel the invasion. During the height of the battle to bring down one of the motherships a line corroded by decades of storage in a leaky shed ruptured and boiled him alive. He died a hero, and my great-grandfather and I have rebuilt (and cleaned out) the suit with the latest esoteric technology. A suit I now wear to prove the power of the Retrofuturist!
((The suit smells faintly of baked ham. Don't  think about it too much.))
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: therain93 on January 20, 2013, 01:52:13 PM
Not one of my creations ( ' :
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Hejist on January 20, 2013, 11:44:08 PM
Surprised this one hasn't been posted yet.

By FAR the finest example.....

You're welcome. ;D

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: DoctorDelaware on January 21, 2013, 12:47:05 AM
Wow. That's so horrible, it's almost art.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Primantis on January 21, 2013, 12:56:11 AM
Surprised this one hasn't been posted yet.

By FAR the finest example.....

You're welcome. ;D


There we go, I was nervous for a moment.

Not including that Bio in a thread like this should be considered a sin :P
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: The Fifth Horseman on January 21, 2013, 01:13:20 AM
Some of them are creative. Some like this one are obvious products of deranged or immature (or both!) minds. :p
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Nyx Nought Nothing on January 21, 2013, 02:36:17 AM
Years ago i made an homage/parody character of Sing Sang Song named Sing Sad Song, an Earth Controller. His bio mimicked the style of Sing Sang Song's bio, but was rewritten to be about how the Earth asked him to defend it by singing him a sad song.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Copper Cockroach on January 21, 2013, 03:16:25 AM
I'd heard of Sing Sang Song as a legend, but... wow. I had no idea.

Now I want to create a character called "Meateor". I just need to decide what kind of meat he's made out of.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: houtex on January 21, 2013, 04:34:14 AM
I see that one, and all I can think about now is "Song Sung Blue", and I don't really even like that song... but now it's in my head.  >.<
/Here ya go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru6oaMLzXYA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru6oaMLzXYA)
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: eabrace on January 22, 2013, 01:45:36 AM
Wow. That's so horrible, it's almost art.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: DoctorDelaware on January 23, 2013, 01:15:51 PM

We're getting into my Pinnacle/Protector/Triumph block, which is where I put all my weird characters, it seems.


The key to getting away with an "homage" character? Obscurity.




Another of my all-time favorites. I've got a new version of this guy on the Icon thing. It just makes me sad that we never got plaid shirts or suspenders in the actual game...

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on January 23, 2013, 04:05:24 PM

The key to getting away with an "homage" character? Obscurity.


Dude. You ROCK. That is pure awesome there!

Please PLEASE tell me he was built with Kinetics as his secondary? :D

And for anyone who does NOT catch the reference - check out the links below -

(Wizard of Speed and Time original Short)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ1Hz_iRvIY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ1Hz_iRvIY)

(later, more polished version made as part of the movie)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92p3NgO9e-Y (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92p3NgO9e-Y)

Also wiki or google Mike Jittlov.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Sailboat on January 23, 2013, 07:14:19 PM
I have the Wizard of Speed and Time movie on old VHS tape.  Actually, having it in an obsolescent format is entirely fitting.  :)
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: DoctorDelaware on January 23, 2013, 09:59:02 PM
I think I made him as Time/Illusion (because I already had Kinetics covered by another character. I had weird rules for that sort of thing. Even stranger was what how I first rolled him up: dual blades/willpower scrapper.)

He did have super speed, though.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: therain93 on January 24, 2013, 12:43:29 AM
Not one of my creations ( ' :
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Lady Luck on January 24, 2013, 11:02:21 AM
Not one of my creations ( ' :

Hahahaha  ;D
The best part was his battlecry!
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: therain93 on January 24, 2013, 01:06:53 PM
Not one of my creations ( ' :
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: houtex on January 25, 2013, 02:57:30 AM
I love Lumberninja.  Son of a bitchin' tree indeed.  Trees are evil, I feel safer knowin he's out there defending us all against them.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: DoctorDelaware on January 28, 2013, 06:57:24 AM
Sadly, I have completely run out of ridiculous characters NO I HAVEN'T THAT WAS A LIE.

Moar Ninjas!


On the Big Rock Candy Mountain, you never change your socks.


Now with mustache-twirling action! (Fun fact: one of two characters I have based on Rocky & Bullwinkle jokes.)


Another concept that always made me laugh...but it wasn't until I uploaded this picture that I realized I used "astounding" twice in one sentence, and I feel really stupid about it.


Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Zombie Hustler on January 28, 2013, 07:55:10 PM
I think Lumberninja just rose to the top of my favorites.  ;D
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Ironbull on January 29, 2013, 03:17:11 AM
Old Man Bob...  Does anyone have a screen shot or his Bio?  Never forget the first time I saw him running around the D.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Perfidus on January 29, 2013, 04:21:38 AM
Someone has to have it. The man stood a titan on Virtue.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: doctorlurkin on January 29, 2013, 04:38:56 AM
This is what I loved most about the game. The creativity of the players. I enjoyed seeing what characters were created and reading the bios.  The one that stuck in my head the most was "Cluster Flux" that I spotted in the Vanguard Base. I never thought to get a screenshot, because unfortunately I can't remember anything else now.  Sad.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Xieveral on January 29, 2013, 05:37:55 AM
Old Man Bob...  Does anyone have a screen shot or his Bio?  Never forget the first time I saw him running around the D.

I have a screenshot of him in the background dressed as the white ranger, none of his true form though ._.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Primantis on January 30, 2013, 09:23:40 AM
I saw a (presumably) short-lived toon named "Captain Condom" once, running around Atlas..

He was a Force Field Defender, and was passing out "Free protection". Gave me a good chuckle to say the least.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: blackjak on January 30, 2013, 12:25:13 PM
I have a screenshot of him in the background dressed as the white ranger, none of his true form though ._.
Don't tell me Bob was a Danger Ranger....?
First tine I  saw old Bob was in the D,of course. He was on standing on the bar...
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Xieveral on February 01, 2013, 09:25:26 PM
Don't tell me Bob was a Danger Ranger....?
First tine I  saw old Bob was in the D,of course. He was on standing on the bar...

In nothing but a beard and underpants?
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: blackjak on February 02, 2013, 01:45:28 AM
In nothing but a beard and underpants?

Wait....he had other costumes? :o
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Ironbull on February 03, 2013, 04:33:37 PM
Old Man Bob = Legend.  Didn't matter if I was stuck, bored, angry or tired.  Something about seeing him running around the D just made ya smile.  This is the kinda thing I will always miss.  The things you can explain to other gamers that they will just never really get.  You had to be there.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: DoctorDelaware on February 09, 2013, 02:05:54 AM
Interest in this thread seems to be slowing down...which is unfortunate, as I still have many goofy things to post. (I haven't even gotten to Virtue yet.) So you're going to get a bunch right now.

Also, Detective McSleuth is amazing.



Arrogant Worms reference!




Kids these days!


This one isn't funny, but I always liked this bio (even though it could stand a bit of editing.) Fun fact: this was the second incarnation for this character, and I'd planned to erase him and start over when Bio Armor came out (said armor would be tinted pinkish, to make it look like meat.)


Got a lot of comments on this character's name. Mostly that it was terrible.


Nothing like a good dose of alternate history to round things out.

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Kyriani on February 12, 2013, 03:03:11 PM
I think the most memorable character I saw on the silly side was a tanker decked out in complete brown with the eye symbol on his chest. His name was The Brown Eye and his bio said simple: "Poke me". It was so juvenile but also hilarious. I never saw him again after that one time but I have never forgotten him lol.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Nightmarer on February 12, 2013, 04:46:20 PM

Heh, trying to get that on a T-Shirt. Was planning on visiting it, it's just a couple hours from here but found out visitors are not allowed anymore since a (serious and professional this time) restoration project is about to start.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: ukaserex on February 21, 2013, 02:36:21 AM

Now, I have a measure of regret for always being in a bit of a hurry to get things done while playing. Looks like I missed a lot of stuff.

Sonic Girl Seven was my favorite of those I read.

However, they all remind me of one character that was invited to one of the Dreck farms I was running on Triumph back in '05 or '06. I didn't know the player, and don't think I ever saw them again. I truly wish I had a screen shot, but I think you should be greatful that I do not.

Naked Mole Rat

The player behind the character, well, I didn't know him, so I've no idea if he was into role-playing, or just casually over-used the word chum, referring to anyone he was addressing.

Honorable mention goes to "Panda Poacher" -- a player whose global name escapes me, on Liberty. (I think it was @godman)
@hazygreys had sponsored a Panda costume contest - the character that most resembled a panda bear would win some humongous amount of influence, even by inflated standards. 1 billion or some such.
As the judging was taking place - Panda Poacher just appeared out of nowhere - could have been a teleport, or could have just logged in - it was one heck of an entrance. <sigh> I think you probably had to be there.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: eabrace on February 21, 2013, 04:16:56 AM
However, they all remind me of one character that was invited to one of the Dreck farms I was running on Triumph back in '05 or '06. I didn't know the player, and don't think I ever saw them again. I truly wish I had a screen shot, but I think you should be greatful that I do not.

Naked Mole Rat

The player behind the character, well, I didn't know him, so I've no idea if he was into role-playing, or just casually over-used the word chum, referring to anyone he was addressing.
Always loved teaming with him.  Any time he was in a mission it was like living an episode of The Tick.  Just running around the city and passing by each other by random chance was enough to make me smile.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Lucretia MacEvil on February 21, 2013, 05:05:59 AM
Honorable mention goes to "Panda Poacher" -- a player whose global name escapes me, on Liberty. (I think it was @godman)
@hazygreys had sponsored a Panda costume contest - the character that most resembled a panda bear would win some humongous amount of influence, even by inflated standards. 1 billion or some such.
As the judging was taking place - Panda Poacher just appeared out of nowhere - could have been a teleport, or could have just logged in - it was one heck of an entrance. <sigh> I think you probably had to be there.

... I think I can imagine it well enough...
...lemme guess, complete panda-monium? :P
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Atlantea on February 22, 2013, 01:52:10 AM

Got a lot of comments on this character's name. Mostly that it was terrible.


Ouch. Ow. Pain. Ow. My brain. Ow. Ow. owie... ow...

Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: healix on February 22, 2013, 11:28:53 AM
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: DoctorDelaware on February 22, 2013, 12:58:00 PM

Ouch. Ow. Pain. Ow. My brain. Ow. Ow. owie... ow...

*victory lap*
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Lucretia MacEvil on February 22, 2013, 08:40:02 PM
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Nyx Nought Nothing on February 23, 2013, 11:09:33 PM
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: houtex on February 24, 2013, 01:20:47 AM
And... the internet is win:

Y'all's welcome.
Title: Re: The WACKIEST Personal Bios! (WARNING - IMAGE HEAVY)
Post by: Bubba Crush on March 22, 2013, 02:21:11 PM

The Steakinator
(Sorry no picture)
Classification: Minotaur
Origin: Science Tanker
Powers: Electric Armor / Electric Melee
Level: 6  <<Thank you NCSoft!
Game Bio:
My name is Bos Taurus...you may call me the Steakinator! I hail from an alternate universe we call Pre'Tauria. Timekeepers known as the Menders of Oldenburros warned the heroes of my world of a "Coming Storm". The "Swill of Furries" was the source of most of our incredible powers, and in our world's darkest hour..."The Swill" abandoned my world. As my world's heroes watched their powers fade...we were invaded by a race from an otherworldly dimension. They were called "The Cluckwork". A race of psionically cybernetic chickens hell-bent on ruling the multiverse. Led by the ruthless Cluckwork King, our forces did not stand a chance. My cybernetic augmentations allowed me to break free and travel to your universe. Here I will farm for the great shards of power and then I will return to free my world from the clutches of The Cluckwork.

AE Story:
Never had a chance. I was going to develop this origin into an AE story over the winter...but...you already know the end to our story.
In addition to the Cluckwork...I had developed another villain group..."The Circle Of Horns."  The mages wore the elemental costumes pieces for shoulders and gloves. Magic powers were crystal based. Ah...well...