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Graveyard => Save Paragon Retirees => Save Paragon City! => Topic started by: Victoria Victrix on September 18, 2012, 09:49:57 PM

Title: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Victoria Victrix on September 18, 2012, 09:49:57 PM
This one is specific.

NCSoft took a company producing a product that was profitable in the US, and run in the US, and closed it.

NCSoft took profitable US jobs away.

NCSoft is Korean run, and (per the posts on Glassdoor.com) has decided to kill profitable US jobs because they were not profitable enough to Korea and were not in Korean interests.

Right now the US is engaged in negotiations on a Pan-Pacific Free Trade agreement, which is only going to make this sort of scenario MORE likely, rather than less.

These lawmakers need to hear about this.  So does your local newspaper, and the newspapers in Seattle, Austin and the San Francisco area.

The more external, non-gamer pressure we can put on NCSoft to negotiate with Paragon Studios, the better.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Mold on September 18, 2012, 10:05:44 PM
http://apps.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/default.aspx?District=36 (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/default.aspx?District=36) A link to the state legislators for the districts around Seattle.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: The-Hunter-JLJ on September 18, 2012, 10:37:50 PM
Commerce department might be interested, too. Also possible you could get either or both of the presidential campaigns interested, too. Lots of possibilities in this idea, Ms Lackey. Good thinking, I get the impression this ain't hardly yer first rodeo. (grin)
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Electric-Knight on September 18, 2012, 10:46:44 PM
Yes, this is exactly what I have been talking about in all my comments and letters about this.
America should love a "small" successful business such as this to continue.
The product/service is profitable, recognized within the industry as high-quality and innovative and has an extremely loyal, satisfied and steady customer-base.
The only reason it is being blinked out of existence is because a multi-billion dollar Korean company didn't want it any more.
If it can be sold, it absolutely should be sold.
And if anyone tries saying that this game was absolutely not profitable, and they wave "80 employees" as part of their figure, just remember that this game can run on much smaller development staff and it was already, since a good amount of those employees were not working on CoH any more and were working on the other secret project instead.

I've been saying it many times, this is an American business story of significance. Especially since we have an impassioned, loyal customer-fan-base. That makes us mighty.

Keep rocking on!
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: LtlBtyRam on September 18, 2012, 11:19:07 PM
My search fu is sub-par at best. Does anyone know how many people ArenaNet employs or how to find out?  I live about an hour south of Seattle and ArenaNet is based out of a suburb of Seattle called Bellevue.  I have a couple of ideas about possible angles to pitch to some of the local news stations and such, but would need to know what kind of impact this could have on the local jobs.  Thanks to anyone who can help me with this question.

aka @Ventus vis Vires Triumph server
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: epawtows on September 18, 2012, 11:48:05 PM
http://apps.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/default.aspx?District=36 (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/default.aspx?District=36) A link to the state legislators for the districts around Seattle.

I live in WA 1 and have even donated to the current rep (although now he's running for Gov).  I'd be happy to write a letter, but what do I ask him to do?  He's not going to call NCSoft and tell them to sell an IP, so no point in asking (didn't give him THAT much).
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Vulpy on September 18, 2012, 11:54:11 PM
I live in WA 1 and have even donated to the current rep (although now he's running for Gov).  I'd be happy to write a letter, but what do I ask him to do?  He's not going to call NCSoft and tell them to sell an IP, so no point in asking (didn't give him THAT much).

If NCsoft gets mentioned even once as an example of how The Other Guy's policies will Definitively Drive Away Small Business, it won't be pleasant for them. It's kind of a hardball move, though--I can't think of a way me contacting my Congresscritter could ever play positively for NCsoft.

I'm just glad Our Candidate is here to oppose The Other Guy, though!
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: eabrace on September 18, 2012, 11:56:22 PM
I live in WA 1 and have even donated to the current rep (although now he's running for Gov).  I'd be happy to write a letter, but what do I ask him to do?  He's not going to call NCSoft and tell them to sell an IP, so no point in asking (didn't give him THAT much).
Maybe point out that NCsoft just let 80 people go with no warning in CA.  They may not be in your state, but there's nothing stopping them from trying the same thing in WA if they can get away with it in CA.

You might also point out that it is your understanding that there are currently negotiations taking place that might save the jobs of those 80 people and set a new precedent for the way business is conducted by NCsoft if they go well.  That would make people employed by NCsoft in WA feel more secure in their jobs.

Rather than ask him to do something specific, ask if there is anything that he could do to help.  Let him determine what, if anything, that would be.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: darkskye on September 19, 2012, 02:38:18 AM
I'm in the middle of a major CFS crash at the moment, so even posting this much is huge effort, but if someone can make it easier for someone like me to know what and where to send stuff for Texas, I'd be happy to toss emails for the Texas side.  I'm in Houston.

I just don't have the health to do the search-fu and figuring out exactly what to say for it just now.  What I'm putting here is about my limit of functionality at the moment.  >:(

(unrelated note, CFS sux :p )
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: downix on September 19, 2012, 02:41:19 AM
I live in WA 1 and have even donated to the current rep (although now he's running for Gov).  I'd be happy to write a letter, but what do I ask him to do?  He's not going to call NCSoft and tell them to sell an IP, so no point in asking (didn't give him THAT much).
I live in WA1 as well, Inslee is very reachable.

I would point out the concern over a company shutting down an entire division without warning, without giving an option for the purchase of the assets to keep the company going, and that the company operates an office in Washington which may be the next target for rapid shutdown.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Vulpy on September 19, 2012, 02:47:06 AM
I'm in the middle of a major CFS crash at the moment, so even posting this much is huge effort, but if someone can make it easier for someone like me to know what and where to send stuff for Texas, I'd be happy to toss emails for the Texas side.  I'm in Houston.

Your Congresspeople are listed on Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harris_County,_Texas#United_States_Congress), among other places. Your best bet is to start at http://www.house.gov and http://www.senate.gov once you get back to a proper connection, though: you can look up e-mail addresses there. (Note that, most of the time, these addresses will be checked by staffers, of course.)
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: castorcorvus on September 19, 2012, 02:52:40 AM
We might need to get one of our "legal eagles" on this, see what they think. (sends up the Olantern signal) OLANTERN! WE NEED YOU! 8)

Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: dwturducken on September 19, 2012, 03:30:02 AM
From my experience trying to interact with my representatives, all I got for my trouble was my name on a mailing list and, in the case of one of the senators, a reply that I'm sure was actually from a staffer saying it wasn't really their area of influence. This was a ranking member of the Armed Services Committee, and I was suggesting a ship name. In the interest of full disclosure, the senator in question and I had both served in the navy.  I don't want to deter anyone from contacting their legally elected representatives, but this sort of thing is only really going to  get any traction from a constituent.  Lloyd Doggett isn't going to care what my opinion is if I can't vote for him, although I am voting the same side of the aisle as him in my district. :)

If you are in one of the effected districts, absolutely: GET ON IT! Get your friends involved. I will be with you in spirit, but, as far as this thread is concerned, I know my voice will be ignored, perhaps very politely.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: DrakeGrimm on September 19, 2012, 03:35:29 AM
We might need to get one of our "legal eagles" on this, see what they think. (sends up the Olantern signal) OLANTERN! WE NEED YOU! 8)


Meanwhile, at the OLANTERN CAVE!

Olantern is shuffling out of the kitchen in his evening robe, cup of tasty cocoa in hand, when the signal is lit! The City needs him!

"...I'm never gonna get to drink this dang cocoa, am I?"
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: StarRanger4 on September 19, 2012, 03:53:35 PM
I'd include the 'Federal' Level.  For all that I dont like them, California Senators Barbra Boxer and Diane Fienstien should be contacted, I'd also suggest hyping the "these are the jobs of your constituents they are hurting" angle to them
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: No Remorse on September 19, 2012, 04:38:33 PM
OK, I said what I thought was my final word in another thread, but I'm going to break that statement.

ARE YOU GUYS KIDDING?!?!? A company decides they want to refocus THEIR own efforts and sunset a video game that was maybe profitable (no one here is taking overhead and taxes into account and anyone that claims to know for sure is lying), and people think THIS is a reason to go after government for intervention? With all the issues going on right now, THIS is a reason to try to contact the government, A VIDEO GAME??? Forget the wars being fought, the economy, the labor issues, the domestic violence, the corruption, as long as we get them to focus on what's important, COH.

Seriously, this is ridiculous. I'm a business owner in Texas. If I decided to close a part of my business down and refocus on something else, just how the hell is it the government's business to get involved (unless I'm doing something illegal)? You guys are making less sense on this than the occupy people were that didn't even know why they were protesting. I'm sorry but if you get the legislators / senators / congressmen here in Texas to pay attention to this then I want them all fired for ignoring the serious matters.

This is exactly what I was talking about too. If you want to make a difference in the world, do it. This ISN'T the world, it's an escape from the world, it's entertainment. It's not going to make us gamers look capable, it's going to make us look out of touch with reality if we ask everyone that should be paying attention to the real world to stop and pay attention to something that in the grand scheme of things is trivial. This is coming from a 8+ year vet of CoH, who has 4 kids that also play the game. Please don't go this route, as it's amatuerish at best and seriously makes us all look like asses. This is a business thing, not a political thing. Do you WANT to give the jackasses misleading the country more of a reason to not do their jobs?
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: StarRanger4 on September 19, 2012, 04:52:42 PM
OK, I said what I thought was my final word in another thread, but I'm going to break that statement.

ARE YOU GUYS KIDDING?!?!? A company decides they want to refocus THEIR own efforts and sunset a video game that was maybe profitable (no one here is taking overhead and taxes into account and anyone that claims to know for sure is lying), and people think THIS is a reason to go after government for intervention?

Cases arn't Parallel No Remorse.  In this case its about and Overseas company buying, and then ultimatly taking away AMERICAN JOBS.  DURING A RESSESION.    And doing so in a way that makes us question their business practices.

Tell me how this ISN'T something the Governement shouldn't bestir themselves over  They are shutting down american workers in favor of 'locals'.  While I agree with the theory that government handling of most things is BAD, this is exactly the sort of thing that it SHOULD be doing. 
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Vulpy on September 19, 2012, 04:57:55 PM
Tell me how this ISN'T something the Governement shouldn't bestir themselves over...

This is the exact point of contention, I think, and it's a very fundamental and divisive question: what is the role of government in the economy? To the degree that it intersects with the OP, it's worth discussing here. But if we choose to discuss it, we need to be very careful to remain respectful of one another at all times. If it's going to turn into a straight up, one-on-one debate, it's best consigned to private messages.

I'm not sure I personally agree that this is something to notify Congress about, but I won't stand in the way of those that feel differently. I trust the other members of this board to conduct themselves in a way that will reflect well on our efforts at all times.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: StarRanger4 on September 19, 2012, 06:40:17 PM
hmm.  Okay, lets see if 'changing names games' help here:

A Saudi Oil conglomerate buys... oh, the US subsidiary of Brittish Patroleum

They then decide that BP isnt profitable enough in comparison to their core business.

So they fire everyone, cap the wells, and shut down every piece of equipment BP owns in favor of concentraiting on producing and selling their own oil.  and then announce plans to market more of that oil to the US

Still dont think its applicable?  granted I changed the overall scale involved, but that was to help get my point across.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Segev on September 19, 2012, 06:41:42 PM
*mutters*something something BP Gulf of Mexico something something Brazil*muttermutter*
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: No Remorse on September 19, 2012, 08:31:33 PM
No sorry but you can't compare this, a video game, to the oil and gas industry that affects everyone in the country. It's their company and their property. It's not shipping American jobs overseas it's closing a part of their company, which is happening daily in this country right now. The more you try to make this out to be an international incident, the more you're probably going to offend the hell out of the Koreans and make them want to get this over with. And again, this is not a higher priority than what our legislators are SUPPOSED to be dealing with right now. What's next asking for a CoH bailout? Please use some common sense.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Segev on September 19, 2012, 08:34:31 PM
It's posts like No Remorse's here that make me actually pine for the Exalted Forum's "Thank" button.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: DrakeGrimm on September 19, 2012, 08:48:31 PM
/me packs up and leaves the conversation
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Victoria Victrix on September 19, 2012, 08:58:53 PM
No sorry but you can't compare this, a video game, to the oil and gas industry that affects everyone in the country. It's their company and their property. It's not shipping American jobs overseas it's closing a part of their company, which is happening daily in this country right now. The more you try to make this out to be an international incident, the more you're probably going to offend the hell out of the Koreans and make them want to get this over with. And again, this is not a higher priority than what our legislators are SUPPOSED to be dealing with right now. What's next asking for a CoH bailout? Please use some common sense.

I respectfully and completely disagree.  They BOUGHT an American company.  Said company was making a profit.  They abruptly CLOSED it, destroying American jobs.  This is very much in the interest of American politicians.  However, you are free to go putter off and do whatever it is you want to do.

However thank you for bumping this to the top of the page so I didn't have to.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: ShadowMokadara on September 19, 2012, 09:19:30 PM
Sorry to say guys but this is taking it a bit too far. I have to agree that there's much bigger issues going on right now and they wouldn't even blink at this even if it were a big-time MMO like World of Warcraft.

Jobs being taken away in a recession? Welcome to reality. NCsoft also hosted a jobfair for Paragon Studios employees to make sure they're not kicked out onto the street.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Victoria Victrix on September 19, 2012, 09:36:51 PM
Sorry to say guys but this is taking it a bit too far. I have to agree that there's much bigger issues going on right now and they wouldn't even blink at this if it were a big-time MMO like World of Warcraft.

Jobs being taken away in a recession? Welcome to reality. NCsoft also hosted a jobfair for Paragon Studios employees to make sure they're not kicked out onto the street.

Let this jaded old hippie point out some reality to you.

How much "substance" do you actually see politicians accomplishing? 

I thought so.

Politicians exist to get their faces in front of the public and issue hot air.  This gives them hot air fodder.  Will it DO anything?  No.  But it will let them blather on at length about THEM DAMN FURRINERS TAKIN OUR JOBS.  That gets US in the news.  This is what we want.  More pressure on NCSoft to sell the IP instead of burying it.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: ShadowMokadara on September 19, 2012, 09:39:13 PM
If something so globally important can't be properly discussed by them, why would something like this be? I see your point, of course, but NCsoft pulled a genius move on giving the developers a job fair to get themselves out of that pressure just so they could let the game die with no one else to work on it.

Edit: That said, I'm not giving up on the fight at all. I just don't believe this would be the most effective way to do it. It'd be awesome if it worked though.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Victoria Victrix on September 19, 2012, 09:45:27 PM
If something so globally important can't be properly discussed by them, why would something like this be? I see your point, of course, but NCsoft pulled a genius move on giving the developers a job fair to get themselves out of that pressure just so they could let the game die with no one else to work on it.

OK let me point something ELSE out.  And here I have first hand experience.

Job fair =/= a job.

What a "Job Fair" DOES equal is a "nice gesture." 

I know a crapton of programmers and support people and devs who work on other games and too many of THEM are being laid off too. 

There are far fewer jobs in the US in the gaming industry now than there were just a year ago...even Blizzard is laying off.

Just because someone turns up at a job fair and collects your resume, it does not follow that they HAVE a job opening, INTEND to hire you, or have any prospect of a job opening in the future.  They turn up at the job fair because it is their job to turn up at the job fair and collect resumes.

How do I know this?

Because my mother in law was once one of the top people in the business of running job fairs in the North Carolina area...and that was when there actually were jobs to be had.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Enson Red Shirt on September 19, 2012, 09:50:30 PM
I have had multiple vip accounts on ap33 on virtue even tho my server is justice i have been playing the game since beta and never even thought it would end and am still holding out but also as far as the links to washington cali and texas you may want to consider doing what i have been doing on a daily basis i will cross post this on the other thread as well
and dont be afraid to ask for a tweet either
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: ShadowMokadara on September 19, 2012, 09:57:09 PM
Either way, they've shown their "grace" to the public. I believe the decision was made by the *US* company as well since the Korean NCsoft does not have any ties to City of Heroes and/or Paragon Studios. It wouldn't come down to discussions of foreigners. It'd come down to politicians being the devils they are and stepping on our face and telling us to get over it.

Not to mention there's an election right around the corner. I could be wrong, though. I doubted our efforts would be noticed by CNN and here we are. I'm sure CNN and Fox have been all over the debate, too, so there's possible hope.

NCsoft has a horrible reputation that this whole scenario isn't making any more clean, but it seems to a lot of the public it's coming off as a "What do you expect from NCsoft?" rather than the crime against nature it would've been if this were their first time doing this to a game. They're pretty much Nexon's partner in crime.

As said before, I'm not giving up the fight. This just doesn't seem the way to proceed with it.

If Blizzard and Activision have had to be laying people off, then how would this be any different? If anything we'll bring attention to the vague topic of Game Developer Jobs.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Segev on September 19, 2012, 10:01:54 PM
All I can really contribute at this point is the note that vitriol and "NCSoft is the enemy!" type attitudes will not be constructive. They're trying to preserve their business. We are best served by trying to help them do this in a way that makes preserving Paragon Studios, as a separate entity from them (since they do not want it anymore), is the least painful and most profitable/least lossy way for them to do it.

Spewing vitriol, as cathartic as it might be, only gets their dander up. Pressure is fine and good, but leave them room to acquiesce to our desires gracefully. Let them have room to, if they go the way we want, save face. Costing them face no matter their actions, as some of these proposed behaviors will do, will only make them more likely to take their toys and go home and darn the losses, just out of spite.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: DrakeGrimm on September 19, 2012, 10:05:09 PM
/me stalks back into the conversation.


/me stomps back out.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: ShadowMokadara on September 19, 2012, 10:07:41 PM
I'm being realistic, not negative.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Victoria Victrix on September 19, 2012, 10:24:41 PM
The entire point of this exercise is to make things uncomfortable, but not intolerably so, for NCSoft.  Out of all of the politicians you contact, there will be at least some who will blather about this in the news, or use this in one of their speeches, or make some kind of political hay about it.

NCSoft's PR firm, whose job it is to collect these things, will have hysterics, because this story is penetrating into political realms.

NCSoft knows (or should by now) that there is one sure way to make us go away and have the story fade.  Act gracious and generous and sell/release the IP into other hands and (or so they think) let THOSE hands fail, thus washing any and all potential stink off of NCSoft.

This too is reality.  This is what spin-doctors and PR firms do.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: eabrace on September 19, 2012, 10:28:51 PM
Act gracious and generous and sell/release the IP into other hands and (or so they think) let THOSE hands fail, thus washing any and all potential stink off of NCSoft.
Not to mention bringing in some cash to help make up for the 80 severance packages they just had to pay out.  (I keep thinking of that every time I read that part of the loss they just reported was one-time severance payouts.)
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: ShadowMokadara on September 19, 2012, 11:03:11 PM
Sitting on the IP is not illegal, but it sure as hell makes them look like tyrants.

We all know what heroes/villains do to Tyrants!
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: StarRanger4 on September 19, 2012, 11:09:56 PM
We all know what heroes/villains do to Tyrants!

Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Electric-Knight on September 19, 2012, 11:42:19 PM
OK, I said what I thought was my final word in another thread, but I'm going to break that statement.

ARE YOU GUYS KIDDING?!?!? A company decides they want to refocus THEIR own efforts and sunset a video game that was maybe profitable (no one here is taking overhead and taxes into account and anyone that claims to know for sure is lying), and people think THIS is a reason to go after government for intervention? With all the issues going on right now, THIS is a reason to try to contact the government, A VIDEO GAME??? Forget the wars being fought, the economy, the labor issues, the domestic violence, the corruption, as long as we get them to focus on what's important, COH.

Seriously, this is ridiculous. I'm a business owner in Texas. If I decided to close a part of my business down and refocus on something else, just how the hell is it the government's business to get involved (unless I'm doing something illegal)? You guys are making less sense on this than the occupy people were that didn't even know why they were protesting. I'm sorry but if you get the legislators / senators / congressmen here in Texas to pay attention to this then I want them all fired for ignoring the serious matters.

This is exactly what I was talking about too. If you want to make a difference in the world, do it. This ISN'T the world, it's an escape from the world, it's entertainment. It's not going to make us gamers look capable, it's going to make us look out of touch with reality if we ask everyone that should be paying attention to the real world to stop and pay attention to something that in the grand scheme of things is trivial. This is coming from a 8+ year vet of CoH, who has 4 kids that also play the game. Please don't go this route, as it's amatuerish at best and seriously makes us all look like asses. This is a business thing, not a political thing. Do you WANT to give the jackasses misleading the country more of a reason to not do their jobs?

Okay, I really dislike it when someone doesn't understand something but comes out ON THE ATTACK.
I'll just point out one giant mistake (and I am saying this sincerely to help you to understand, zero vitriol from me):
...THIS is a reason to try to contact the government, A VIDEO GAME???
No, it is not about a video game. It is about a company made of 80+ people that produced a successful, profitable product that is recognized within the industry for its quality and its innovations and has a healthy, extremely loyal paying customer-base made up of thousands of people that use it for a significant pastime.

Whether or not you agree with any significance within that scenario, at least you can correct that this is not just about some dumb VIDEO GAME???...

Paragon Studios is a wonderful American company and it can absolutely pull in a profit with this product and their service.
All we are doing is creating public awareness about this extremely talented team and their untimely firing in order to draw attention to, and bolster support for, allowing them to continue via having the rights bought from NCSoft.
Yes, we are willing to apply public pressure onto NCSoft to make sure that they give this profitable business venture a fair shot in the free market.

Those people's jobs, this product and the community surrounding it all deserve to continue if it can remain profitable and we're simply doing our job in helping this to happen.

Contacting government officials about this is not some barge-in protest that is going to disrupt a single thing.
It is simply just giving them the opportunity to take interest in it or to not.

In my opinion, these people and this product are worth that.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: gandales on September 20, 2012, 12:27:50 AM
I am not going to flame anybody here, but I find it not too classy going for this kind approach. Not getting into detail on American companies practices overseas, to get a moral highground in this case.

Imho, this is not what heroes do.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: DrakeGrimm on September 20, 2012, 12:30:20 AM
I am not going to flame anybody here, but I find it not too classy going for this kind approach. Not getting into detail on American companies practices overseas, to get a moral highground in this case.

Imho, this is not what heroes do.

Opinion noted. Thanks for presenting it in a civil manner. :)
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: LtlBtyRam on September 20, 2012, 12:46:45 AM
As far as I'm concerned bringing this to the attention of representatives is about trying to save jobs.  I live in a region where this could happen again.  I am worried about ArenaNet which is located in Bellevue Washington which is a suburb of Seattle.  I don't want those jobs to be done away with arbitrarily like those of Paragon Studios.  I do plan on contacting my representative so they are aware of the situation.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: DrakeGrimm on September 20, 2012, 12:48:58 AM
As far as I'm concerned bringing this to the attention of representatives is about trying to save jobs.  I live in a region where this could happen again.  I am worried about ArenaNet which is located in Bellevue Washington which is a suburb of Seattle.  I don't want those jobs to be done away with arbitrarily like those of Paragon Studios.  I do plan on contacting my representative so they are aware of the situation.

Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: ukaserex on September 20, 2012, 12:56:35 AM

I was just going to come in, lighten the mood and suggest that if you want headlines, simply sleep on a corduroy pillow.

There's no question (I'm sure) that for most people, the loss of CoH is not the biggest problem facing our country. However, given the testimonials I read, and my own situation, the closure of CoH isn't just a tiny blip in the radar either.

For people who have spent 8 years playing their characters, developing the bios, costumes - and [personal cough] role-playing, the eventual loss is a big deal.

Sure, we'd all love gas to drop back to 2 bucks a gallon or even cheaper, but those days are gone.

Is it worth our politicians time to look at this? The answer to that question is only answered by another: do you pay taxes and live in the jurisdiction of that politician? Years ago, before this game was made, I was a manager at Hooters of America. And, the EOCC had decided that we were violating some rules by not having male servers. (we did have some clowns in the Chicago area actually agree to wear the Hooters' girl uniform, and that wasn't pretty) Well, myself and a few others - and many of our customers - wrote our respective congressmen.
What was at stake?  For me - nothing really. I'd have had to manage men and women instead of just women. No big deal. But - there was the potential for losing my job because 90% of our guests were male and were not going to nurse a pitcher of beer with a male serving them. Was I losing sight of what was really important? Did my congressman have more serious things on his plate? Possibly. When's all said and done, I pay my taxes and expect to be able to comment or complain to my congressmen at any time, regardless of what's currently at the top of my congressman's to-do list.

God bless all of you - for you all have passion, and life without passion isn't much of a life at all.
Take some time, step away from the computer and enjoy your life for a moment - there's something to appreciate in every life. 
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Victoria Victrix on September 20, 2012, 01:07:09 AM
When's all said and done, I pay my taxes and expect to be able to comment or complain to my congressmen at any time, regardless of what's currently at the top of my congressman's to-do list.

This, exactly.  Folks, if you do not agree with this action, you are perfectly free not to do it.  For heaven's sake, I am not dictating to anyone what to do or not to do, I am merely suggesting actions you can take.  And remember, your local politicians are equally free to crap-can your letter.  They have aides to do just that.  If you do agree with it, and I personally am of the opinion that the guy whose salary I am paying should be answerable to me, then remember you are competing for a politician's attention with people who want a National Pickle Day, want zoning exceptions for pet potbellied pigs and pigmy roosters, or want a street renamed, and are just as passionate about it.

As for NCSoft, again, this is a tactic to put outside pressure on them to release (in some form) the IP.  People who have classic cars have put the same sort of pressure on firms to release the tooling dies so they can restore a 37 Huppmobile.  Yes they have a perfect right to sunset a game.  And we have a perfect right to try to influence them so they can get one more drop of profit out of it and benefit us at the same time.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: StarRanger4 on September 20, 2012, 01:15:57 AM
What was at stake?  For me - nothing really. I'd have had to manage men and women instead of just women. No big deal. But - there was the potential for losing my job because 90% of our guests were male and were not going to nurse a pitcher of beer with a male serving them.

Exactly the point I was trying to make.  and it wasn't just your personal job, it was potentially the jobs of everyone employed by Hooters.  right now the US needs all the jobs we can find.  Loosing any right now hurts us all; it doesnt matter if its 80 people employed by a game studio or how many a major oil company employs.

In addition, the current administration made this loss of jobs at all levels of the economy a major campaing point 4 years ago.  I feel its time to point out to them... well not all of them, but the ones most directly affected (my direct represntatives, because they are MY voice to the government whether I voted for them or not, and those who's constituencies ARE being impacted by this action) and give them the opportunity, or not, to act if they feel its the proper thing to do.

Somehow this earnest attempt to do something right resulted in my passing out massive doses of supradyne.  I dont apologize for my position, but I do hearby apologize for all the sudden Trollkin I seem to have created by expressing it.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: DrakeGrimm on September 20, 2012, 02:08:16 AM
There is a group, comprised of former developers, in negotiation with NCSoft. Who are they? What is this offer? What's being discussed?

We don't, and won't, know.

Corporate negotiations at this level are entirely kept behind closed doors, and wrapped up in more NDA red tape than top secret government documents in the Pentagon.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Teege on September 20, 2012, 02:12:01 AM
I think what it comes down to is this...

If you want to write to a politician: Do so.

If you do not want to write to a politician: Don't.

At this point I don't want Tony to have to lock up another thread. It's not that either side doesn't have a right to speak their mind, but we want to keep the threads focused on efforts and there is a private message system in place for people to discuss specific or personal opinions at a detailed level. Can we agree on that?
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: DrakeGrimm on September 20, 2012, 02:16:34 AM
And people write to their representatives about that kind of thing all the time. If you do not personally feel they should be contacted, that is your right. It is our right as tax payers to write or call the office of our duly elected representatives about whatever the heck we feel like discussing. Stop presuming to infringe on our rights. Your opinion has been voiced, counter opinions offered, more opinions issued back. At this point we've pretty much all had a say.

Time for us to put on our big boy pants and move on to other things, guys.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: LtlBtyRam on September 20, 2012, 02:20:39 AM

I won't even mention saving City of Heroes in my communications as it doesn't play a part in what I wan't my representatives to be wary of.  Basically it's gonna be this. 

I want you to be aware of a situation which may arise here in our state.  A Korean company by the name of NC Soft has shut down a software development studio by the name of Paragon Studios in California.  Paragon Studios employed at least 80 people and was making money.  The parent company of NC Soft also owns a software development studio here in the Puget Sound.  The local is company is ArenaNet.  I don't want to see jobs taken away from our area because the parent company is refocusing their assets as was the reason for the shutdown of Paragon Studios.

I understand there are negotiations happening right now regarding the Pacific and labor issues.  I wanted to bring your attention to this issue so we can keep these businesses open and growing in the US.

Thank you for your time.
Signed with my full name

In closing this post
aka @Ventus vis Vires on Triumph server
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Mold on September 20, 2012, 05:21:18 AM
No sorry but you can't compare this, a video game, to the oil and gas industry that affects everyone in the country. It's their company and their property. It's not shipping American jobs overseas it's closing a part of their company, which is happening daily in this country right now. The more you try to make this out to be an international incident, the more you're probably going to offend the hell out of the Koreans and make them want to get this over with. And again, this is not a higher priority than what our legislators are SUPPOSED to be dealing with right now. What's next asking for a CoH bailout? Please use some common sense.

One thing our legislators are supposed to do is promote economic growth. I have lived in two areas where the big employer for those areas where closed. One is a ghost town and the other thriving. You know what the difference was, the state legislators in the thriving city pushed for state tax breaks and local incentives to encourage investors to open new businesses and to grow existing ones. A good Legislator just does vote party lines and toe the line, they work with communities. If they can't do something directly nine times out ten they put you in touch with someone who can help. We aren't asking for a bailout, but we are asking for help weather it is making restart of Paragon Studios attractive to investors or just some encouraging word of support.  Yes I now live in one of these states and have written to lawmakers here.

@Mold and @MrMold
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Jerlstrom on September 20, 2012, 02:51:25 PM
I am confused - was Paragon in Washington State, or California?

If Paragon was in California, I wonder what the state's Labor Relations Board thinks of all this?
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: SithRose on September 20, 2012, 03:10:11 PM
I am confused - was Paragon in Washington State, or California?

If Paragon was in California, I wonder what the state's Labor Relations Board thinks of all this?

Paragon was in California.

ArenaNet is headquartered in Washington State.

NCSoft has corporate offices in Washington State and Texas.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Enson Red Shirt on September 20, 2012, 03:27:25 PM
here is some information on virtual rights and suits

Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: Jerlstrom on September 20, 2012, 06:04:58 PM
Thank you, Sith Rose.  I will now go bug my Congresscritters.
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: LastRonin on September 20, 2012, 06:57:37 PM
OK, I said what I thought was my final word in another thread, but I'm going to break that statement.

ARE YOU GUYS KIDDING?!?!? A company decides they want to refocus THEIR own efforts and sunset a video game that was maybe profitable (no one here is taking overhead and taxes into account and anyone that claims to know for sure is lying), and people think THIS is a reason to go after government for intervention? With all the issues going on right now, THIS is a reason to try to contact the government, A VIDEO GAME??? Forget the wars being fought, the economy, the labor issues, the domestic violence, the corruption, as long as we get them to focus on what's important, COH.

Seriously, this is ridiculous. I'm a business owner in Texas. If I decided to close a part of my business down and refocus on something else, just how the hell is it the government's business to get involved (unless I'm doing something illegal)? You guys are making less sense on this than the occupy people were that didn't even know why they were protesting. I'm sorry but if you get the legislators / senators / congressmen here in Texas to pay attention to this then I want them all fired for ignoring the serious matters.

This is exactly what I was talking about too. If you want to make a difference in the world, do it. This ISN'T the world, it's an escape from the world, it's entertainment. It's not going to make us gamers look capable, it's going to make us look out of touch with reality if we ask everyone that should be paying attention to the real world to stop and pay attention to something that in the grand scheme of things is trivial. This is coming from a 8+ year vet of CoH, who has 4 kids that also play the game. Please don't go this route, as it's amatuerish at best and seriously makes us all look like asses. This is a business thing, not a political thing. Do you WANT to give the jackasses misleading the country more of a reason to not do their jobs?

 Honestly... look at the worst case. Nothing bad ever comes from trying. If they go this route and nothing comes of it, at least they tried. The negativity is just a waste of time... sir.

Last Ronin (aka Chuck Vick)
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: darkskye on September 20, 2012, 07:10:26 PM
I won't even mention saving City of Heroes in my communications as it doesn't play a part in what I wan't my representatives to be wary of.  Basically it's gonna be this. ...

Can I steal this with a little rewording for Texas?
Title: Re: Light A Fire: Contact Texan, Washington State, and Californian Lawmakers
Post by: LtlBtyRam on September 21, 2012, 01:09:14 AM
Can I steal this with a little rewording for Texas?

Sure be my guest.   ;) ;D

This was just a gist of what I want to say.  I'm going to flesh it out and maybe provide a reference web site or two.