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Graveyard => Save Paragon Retirees => Save Paragon City! => Topic started by: Paindancer on September 12, 2012, 09:35:53 PM

Title: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: Paindancer on September 12, 2012, 09:35:53 PM
cross posted from http://paindancer.blogspot.com/2012/09/virtual-activism-why-is-this-working.html

Virtual Activism: Why is this working?

If you have been on Twitter at all, you have probably seen the #SaveCOH tag.

For the last week or so, I have been lending my very meager writing skills to the Save City of Heroes movement.  I wrote a article that has been picked up by CNN.  We have had celebrity endorsements, massive rally event, and the march goes on.

For a game.

Well, that just sounds silly, doesn't it?  All these people up in arms over a  videogame?  Really?  Its hard enough to think that people would really care that much in the first place.. but then.. you see the numbers... petitions with over 17000 signatures, virtual rallies with 3700 attendees (Heck, I attended Occupy movements that would have killed for those numbers).

It seems, not only do people care.. they are garnering some success at this.

Here are some thoughts on why:

The Game:
City of Heroes is based on the superhero comic book motiff.  As such, the level of violence and difficulty is fairly low compared to many other titles.  I think, this has opend the door to the social aspects of the game.  I know multi generational families play together bridging physical distance.  I know people with dissabilities who can play in COH where most other alternatives are too difficult.
It has some brilliant storytelling, but is a casual game where people can really interact.

The Player Characters:
One of the unique things about COH is the character creation tools.  No other game comes close to the flexibility offered here.  As such, players really feel their character is unique, as oppose to playing one of 16 available variants of a specific race. I think has encouraged a sense of ownership, as players are encouraged to engage in the creative process.  Not only do people tend to make a visual character of their own devising, but they often forge a back-story as well.

Superhero Culture:
American culture has been in love with the concept of a super hero for generations.  From Superman to Ironman, we have had these creations to look up to, who face adversity and persevere.  They are our modern day Pantheon, our own versions of demi-gods.  We are conditioned to root for the hero, as they fight back from certain defeat.  Who wasn't cheering when Robert Downey Jr put on his first Iron Man outfit as Tony Stark and fought his way out of the terrorist stronghold?  In a very real sense, the players of City of Heroes face the same plight, facing a near certain doom.  Further, this has been a platform that people have used to launch their own heroic efforts, for example: http:\\www.RealWorldHero.com , a charity organization founded by players from COH.

An Maturing Gaming Market:
I think, a major aspect, in the successful mobilization here, is simply  the age of the game, coupled with the age of the gaming marketplace.  Simply put, a lot of players have gotten older.  Instead of adolescent boys, the gaming market has simply matured.  People who started playing at 14, are now 34, with organizational, marketing and managerial skills at their disposal.

Social Networking:
MMORGS were pioneering social networks long before Facebook was even being thought of.  But now, with the existence of multiple social networks, its easier than ever to get the word out and organize on line.  In this case, the makers of City of Heroes capitalized on a tight knit social network to ensure consumer loyalty, but now, the same network has organized against the closure, and reached out to other networks as well, creating a bit of a cascade.

Poor Planning:
This one just baffles me.  One rarely sees a major corporation make a knee-jerk reaction to simply end a product line with a loyal consumer following.  Most projects have at least some sort of exit strategy in place for when the product is done, involving a phase out that maintains consumer confidence in the corporation.  It seems, remarkably short sighted for NCSoft to simply pull the plug, considering that Paragon Studios (the studio producing COH) was ramping up a major new installment to the game.  While a financial nose dive would be one possible explanation,  by all insider accounts, that wasn't happening.  This just seems, to be a very poorly executed action that has really upset the consumer.

Ultimately, it seems it was a bit of a perfect storm of factors that have come together to rally and make a social movement not only possible, but effective.  I am sure, the gaming and other industries are all taking notes regarding the way this plays out.  No matter what happens, this  has been a remarkable story of social mobilization, and I only hope the people who have stepped up to the plate, will do so on other causes important to them in the future.

We may have found out, saving the world doesn't have to stop when we log out of the game.
Title: Re: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: LtlBtyRam on September 13, 2012, 03:03:32 AM
cross posted from http://paindancer.blogspot.com/2012/09/virtual-activism-why-is-this-working.html

When I first clicked on your link I got a message saying this blog was under review for possibly violating the Terms of Service Agreement.
Title: Re: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: Paindancer on September 13, 2012, 03:54:55 AM
Yep, just notified of that.

Looks like someone is trying to get the blog shut down.  Silly.
Title: Re: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: dwturducken on September 13, 2012, 03:56:22 AM
When I first clicked on your link I got a message saying this blog was under review for possibly violating the Terms of Service Agreement.

Ditto.  So, I linked it on Twitter, #SaveCoh. :)
Title: Re: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: Paindancer on September 13, 2012, 04:00:43 AM
Well, it was either the spike in views on a new blog,  or someone trying to get me shut down.

Title: Re: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: eabrace on September 13, 2012, 04:01:14 AM
Title: Re: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: dwturducken on September 13, 2012, 04:05:10 AM
I'm curious as to how and why. "Who?" would not be productive... >:(
Title: Re: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: Codewalker on September 13, 2012, 04:18:28 AM
Hrm, I just logged in and attempted to "Report Blog" so that I could report that it's definitively NOT violating the terms of service, but that isn't one of the options and they don't allow freeform fields.  >:(

Hopefully tomorrow when they wake up in California a google staffer will remove that and slap whoever reported it.
Title: Re: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: Paindancer on September 13, 2012, 04:20:21 AM
Probably all it was, a few people 'reporting spam' vindictively.

meh, they can silence my blog.  I just started it.  but they cant take the article off cnn.  neener neener!
Title: Re: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: dwturducken on September 13, 2012, 04:26:16 AM
The only "legitimate" options are libel/slander or copyright. Anything else on the list is dismissable without even having to read it. The other two would be dismissed on a cursory read.  I doubt any punitive action will be taken. Facebook hasn't smacked me for reporting every political ad on my news feed as offensive, and they're more reactionary than Google.  :)
Title: Re: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: Mike Halo on September 13, 2012, 01:53:08 PM
Beautifully written.  I will copy and spread it around.

Well done.
Title: Re: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: eabrace on September 13, 2012, 02:26:22 PM
The original link to the blog post is no longer valid.  I've been directing people that would still like to read it here.
Title: Re: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: Paindancer on September 13, 2012, 02:52:42 PM
Seems like everything is back to normal now.  Thanks!
Title: Re: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: eabrace on September 13, 2012, 03:03:42 PM
Here's another #SaveCOH post that's being reported for ToS violations.

Title: Re: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: Ampithere on September 13, 2012, 03:09:19 PM
All those Nemesis Automatons over at NCSoft are working hard to get us off the internet it seems. Better start taking shifts to fight back, automatons don't sleep  :P
Title: Re: My own musings on what is happening here:
Post by: eabrace on September 13, 2012, 03:11:01 PM
If we file enough TPS reports, that should keep them distracted.