Titan Network

Archive => Paragon Chat => Titan Projects => Activities => Topic started by: Acanous on July 09, 2015, 11:41:35 PM

Title: Missing Persons
Post by: Acanous on July 09, 2015, 11:41:35 PM
Figured I'd start a thread where you can post people you're looking for, and others can pass on the info if they do know.

We've lost a lot of the community over 2.5 years. Some went to games like WoW, CO, STO, GW2, NW, or SWTOR. We've got other players in here, some who play those games. Let's get as many people back as we can!

For me, I've totally lost contact with @Quicksilver Crane (http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Quicksilver_Crane) and I'm trying to determine if @Mistress Rue is still about.
Title: Re: Missing Persons
Post by: AudreyWinter on July 11, 2015, 02:14:01 AM
I know the purpose of this thread is to help find missing folks, not a memorial thread, but it is my sad responsibility to report that @Taboo (a Virtuite like myself) passed away in 2013. He's with us in spirit, but unfortunately beyond the reach of the client. Except maybe in Croatoa...  :'(
Title: Re: Missing Persons
Post by: Reiraku on July 11, 2015, 07:18:55 AM
I'd love to know if @Dead Air aka Simi'Kraz / Labal ever comes on.
Title: Re: Missing Persons
Post by: The-Hunter-JLJ on July 11, 2015, 01:39:24 PM
Got a whole list of Protector folks I'm hoping will show up. Some of them I had contact info for, and am doing my best to entice them to give it a whirl. Rather than giving a pile of names - if you see anyone who mentions being from Protector and belonging to Legion of Athena or its auxiliary Legion Global Defense Force, tell 'em Bladesnow would love to hear from 'em. I'm in touch with Race Gal, Technoblack, Northflayme, Cmdr Eva, and a few more through them, but there's a lot of other LoA members I never had out of game contact info for.

A suggestion for everyone - put your server and SG at the beginning of your Bio. Can always edit it out later if we get a better way to share that info figured out.
Title: Re: Missing Persons
Post by: Shenku on July 12, 2015, 11:42:30 PM
A suggestion for everyone - put your server and SG at the beginning of your Bio. Can always edit it out later if we get a better way to share that info figured out.

Another useful option, since not everyone will necessarily look at everyone's Bio, use a keybind on your enter key to append the above info (abbreviated if need-be) to the beginning of your chat messages.

/bind enter "beginchat (ServerName SGIinitials) "


/bind enter "beginchat (Victory, LoV) "

would always appear in-game as "(Victory, LoV) My message here."

Note the space before the second quotation mark in the bind, it'll make sure there's a space between the bracketed info and your actual message.

Alternatively, you can bind it to a different key if you want to keep the enter key "clean" for local chatting. I usually bound it to the "\" key back when the game was still running, for example. I used this bind to announce what character I was currently playing on whenever I was chatting in my SG's global channel, since it wasn't always apparent, such as if they were red side. I see no reason why it couldn't also be used to announce what server you're from, if that's what you want.