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Community => City of Heroes => Topic started by: tripthicket on September 07, 2014, 04:30:21 PM

Title: Cast The City of Heroes Movie
Post by: tripthicket on September 07, 2014, 04:30:21 PM
I did a half-hearted search for this particular topic, but the caffeine ain't kickin' in like it used to, so I either missed it or just plain came up empty. The objective here is to of course cast actors you think would work in the roles of the iconic characters from Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. Giving your reason(s) why you think this actor would do well in the role you picked for them would be helpful/icing/gravy. Alternately, you might list an actor who would be terrible at the given role. What follows is a list of the characters that likely should be in a City of Heroes movie. For simplicity's sake, I stuck to the Freedom Phalanx and Arachnos. Please feel free to add in any characters you think I've omitted or overlooked that should be included. Further, some characters are more iconic than others, so please feel free to ignore any characters you wish. :)

From Paragonwiki's http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Signature_Heroes (http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Signature_Heroes):

Freedom Phalanx:
Back Alley Brawler:
Penelope Yin:
Sister Psyche:

From Paragonwiki's http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Signature_Villains (http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Signature_Villains):

Lord Recluse:
Arbiter Sands:
Black Scorpion:
Captain Mako:
Dr. Aeon:
Ghost Widow:
Ice Mistral:
Magus Mu'Drakhan:
Regent Korol:
Shadow Spider:
Silver Mantis:

I will come back with my own picks later in the day. I'm pretty sure, however, that I will not be choosing Morgan Freeman to play Lord Recluse. ;p
Title: Re: Cast The City of Heroes Movie
Post by: Harpospoke on September 07, 2014, 07:16:27 PM
I did a half-hearted search for this particular topic, but the caffeine ain't kickin' in like it used to, so I either missed it or just plain came up empty. The objective here is to of course cast actors you think would work in the roles of the iconic characters from Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. Giving your reason(s) why you think this actor would do well in the role you picked for them would be helpful/icing/gravy. Alternately, you might list an actor who would be terrible at the given role. What follows is a list of the characters that likely should be in a City of Heroes movie. For simplicity's sake, I stuck to the Freedom Phalanx and Arachnos. Please feel free to add in any characters you think I've omitted or overlooked that should be included. Further, some characters are more iconic than others, so please feel free to ignore any characters you wish. :)

From Paragonwiki's http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Signature_Heroes (http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Signature_Heroes):

Freedom Phalanx:
Back Alley Brawler:
Penelope Yin:
Sister Psyche:

From Paragonwiki's http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Signature_Villains (http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Signature_Villains):

Lord Recluse:
Arbiter Sands:
Black Scorpion:
Captain Mako:
Dr. Aeon:
Ghost Widow:
Ice Mistral:
Magus Mu'Drakhan:
Regent Korol:
Shadow Spider:
Silver Mantis:

I will come back with my own picks later in the day. I'm pretty sure, however, that I will not be choosing Morgan Freeman to play Lord Recluse. ;p
Vin Diesel for Lord Recluse!  (for the voice since you can't see him)
Arbiter Sands looks like the guy who played the Winter Soldier in Captain America 2.
Tom Cruise for Dr. Aeon

Title: Re: Cast The City of Heroes Movie
Post by: MaidMercury on September 07, 2014, 09:33:36 PM
Statesman..............Ben Ryan Metzger
Title: Re: Cast The City of Heroes Movie
Post by: houtex on September 07, 2014, 10:04:13 PM
Imma trim it down to what's maybe a little more gettable from a numeric standpoint.  Also, because I'm running out of suggestions. :D

Freedom Phalanx
Statesman: Nathan Fillion.  Done.  Perfect for the role.
Citadel: He's going to be all CG, so a good voice actor, and I pick Phil Lamarr.  Or maybe Keith David.
Back Alley Brawler:  Jason Momoa or Dwayne Johnson.
Manticore: THIS is where you put Diesel.  Vin would be awesome at this, watch.
Numina: Some newbie actress, for while important... she's not a main.
Positron:  You never see him outside the suit (well, not until the second or third movie, if you go with 'canon').  So he can be Billy West as a character.  And then when you do see him in the second movie, you can cast him then, for outside the suit, he can be anyone, but inside?  He's Billy West's character, Zac Branagan.  Or such.
Sister Psyche: Alice Eve, I think.
Synapse: Brash newbie. 

Lord Recluse:  Aaron Eckhardt.  Dude could so do this.  And if not him?  Fine.  *Liam Neeson*.  NO?  Gary Oldman.   What?  FINE.  I don't care anyelse you want here then.  *pouts*
Black Scorpion:  Jason Momoa or Dwayne Johnson.  Whoever didn't get Back Alley Brawler.  :)
Captain Mako:  CGI.  Pick some good voice actor.  Tara Strong could do it, in a pinch, but I'd go with Richard Horvitz or more probably Jess Harnell.
Dr. Aeon:  This needs to be NPH.  NEEDS.
Ghost Widow:  Charlize Theron.  I'm tellin' you. 

Past those, get whoever ya want.
Title: Re: Cast The City of Heroes Movie
Post by: silvers1 on September 07, 2014, 10:22:39 PM
Statesman:  Chris Evans  ( he played Capt. America convincingly, what else can I say?)
Manticore:  Hugh Jackman  ( same tough guy persona as Wolverine )
Back Alley Brawler:   Dwayne Johnson
Sister Psyche:  Scarlet Johansenn   ( dye her hair red, perfect )
Arbiter Sands: Robert Downey Jr.  ( same wise-a** attitude )
Dr. Aeon - Alfred Molina ( Doc Ock in Spiderman )
Ghost Widow:   By the time you put on the white makeup, could be any actress,  but I'd pick Angelina Jolie.