Author Topic: A response to NCsoft  (Read 172963 times)


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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #500 on: October 23, 2012, 04:32:33 AM »
AWESOME! We very much DO need your skills!


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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #501 on: October 23, 2012, 03:48:00 PM »
Hey guys, been monitoring the site for a while now but registered to offer my help with this. I speak/type/write Korean and could translate something for you if you need. Don't know if Korean itself is all that useful for the cause, but just know I'm around.

Great! Thank you!


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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #502 on: October 23, 2012, 09:10:29 PM »
That really is Awesome, I wish I could read the NCsoft Korea Website's - "News", they stopped translating it to English in 2007, they also seemed to stop talking about anything relating to NCsoft West (US and/or UK) aka: NCsoft Interactive.

The next NCsoft "IR Report" & (possibly conference calls) probably won't be up till November 8 or so = based on what's there now, it looks like they went to quarterly - after having been biannually for awhile.

They really seemed to kick the Western Titles & market to the proverbial curb after the Tabula Rasa fiasco, there's one Korean times article (in English) with a quote from an anonymous employee (maybe investor?) who goes off sarcastically about how 'every year' they hear a speech from Take-Jin Kim about "next year the Garriott's Project=(Tabula Rasa) is going to be a blockbuster" or something close to that...

And going back thru the more recent IR reports = NCsoft (probably not just Kim) about how "profits are projected to skyrocket in the next year (or so) when 'Aion', then 'Blade & Soul', and then 'Guild Wars 2' - finally hits the market... (and then - when it hits the Western Market).
I suspect that was the reason He sold all that stock to Nexon, he had last his Credibility in the company (maybe industry?), and decided to "cash-out" at least partially (or to the extent he's allowed?) and then try to save face in the industry - pushing Mobile Platform Titles.
Which is suspect Yoon Song-yee - his second wife = who also works for NCsoft in the upper ranks - came to NCsoft from *SK Telecom* - although their marriage was originally *hush-hush* there's another article or two about that (Kim had to give his first=ex-wife a big chunk of stock - something like ~3.8% of the stock he had held - when they got divorced).

I wouldn't put it past *someone* (maybe multiple someones)  to have pressured him/them to "realign their focus" toward Mobile Games - ones that the Telecom companies (like say, the one Yoon previously worked for) - to gain an additional profit = on top of the software/gaming profit from game sales, cash-shops sales, and well, however they're paid for/by the 'PC Bang' (Gamer-centric Cyber-cafe) gaming...
(The wiki on those actually says that companies like Nexon reward players from logging in from the 'PC Bangs' with extra in game currency...)  and the places sell food & stuff.  they have smoking and non-smoking sections, allegedly better PC than players have at home... Heck, if they put some of those Japanese "Coffin Hotels" in the back of the places = the gamers  might never have to leave!  :o

Victoria Victrix

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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #503 on: October 23, 2012, 11:22:13 PM »
Then you would think that it ought to be possible to make it too expensive NOT to unload CoH IP.
I will go down with this ship.  I won't put my hands up in surrender.  There will be no white flag above my door.  I'm in love, and always will be.  Dido

Dr Shadow

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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #504 on: October 23, 2012, 11:57:22 PM »
That really is Awesome, I wish I could read the NCsoft Korea Website's - "News", they stopped translating it to English in 2007, they also seemed to stop talking about anything relating to NCsoft West (US and/or UK) aka: NCsoft Interactive.

The next NCsoft "IR Report" & (possibly conference calls) probably won't be up till November 8 or so = based on what's there now, it looks like they went to quarterly - after having been biannually for awhile.

They really seemed to kick the Western Titles & market to the proverbial curb after the Tabula Rasa fiasco, there's one Korean times article (in English) with a quote from an anonymous employee (maybe investor?) who goes off sarcastically about how 'every year' they hear a speech from Take-Jin Kim about "next year the Garriott's Project=(Tabula Rasa) is going to be a blockbuster" or something close to that...

And going back thru the more recent IR reports = NCsoft (probably not just Kim) about how "profits are projected to skyrocket in the next year (or so) when 'Aion', then 'Blade & Soul', and then 'Guild Wars 2' - finally hits the market... (and then - when it hits the Western Market).
I suspect that was the reason He sold all that stock to Nexon, he had last his Credibility in the company (maybe industry?), and decided to "cash-out" at least partially (or to the extent he's allowed?) and then try to save face in the industry - pushing Mobile Platform Titles.
Which is suspect Yoon Song-yee - his second wife = who also works for NCsoft in the upper ranks - came to NCsoft from *SK Telecom* - although their marriage was originally *hush-hush* there's another article or two about that (Kim had to give his first=ex-wife a big chunk of stock - something like ~3.8% of the stock he had held - when they got divorced).

I wouldn't put it past *someone* (maybe multiple someones)  to have pressured him/them to "realign their focus" toward Mobile Games - ones that the Telecom companies (like say, the one Yoon previously worked for) - to gain an additional profit = on top of the software/gaming profit from game sales, cash-shops sales, and well, however they're paid for/by the 'PC Bang' (Gamer-centric Cyber-cafe) gaming...
(The wiki on those actually says that companies like Nexon reward players from logging in from the 'PC Bangs' with extra in game currency...)  and the places sell food & stuff.  they have smoking and non-smoking sections, allegedly better PC than players have at home... Heck, if they put some of those Japanese "Coffin Hotels" in the back of the places = the gamers  might never have to leave!  :o

Google Chrome will translate
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Victoria Victrix

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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #505 on: October 24, 2012, 12:11:30 AM »
I am about to write the most depressing story I have ever done, my signature character Belladonna Aura's "last day" story.  I'll embed Samuraiko's video when it's done, and on December 1, it will get a hotlink on the front page of my website to the internal section that used to be devoted to my Guest Author arc.

I strongly advise opening a box of tissues before reading it. 

At the end, I will give a short and sharp "Why I will no longer invest my time and money in an NCSoft game and I advise you to do the same."

Then I will put the same in every dedication to every book I turn in from now on, and the hotlink to the story/page.

It will remain on my webpage forever.  Or until NCSoft sells City of Heroes.  That is my response to NCSoft.
I will go down with this ship.  I won't put my hands up in surrender.  There will be no white flag above my door.  I'm in love, and always will be.  Dido


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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #506 on: October 24, 2012, 12:13:58 AM »
Then I will put the same in every dedication to every book I turn in from now on, and the hotlink to the story/page.

I love it.
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I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov


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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #507 on: October 24, 2012, 12:16:33 AM »
To paraphrase Mr. Stark:

If we can't save City of Heroes you can be DAMN sure we will AVENGE it!


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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #508 on: October 24, 2012, 12:33:02 AM »
At the end, I will give a short and sharp "Why I will no longer invest my time and money in an NCSoft game and I advise you to do the same."

Then I will put the same in every dedication to every book I turn in from now on, and the hotlink to the story/page.

It will remain on my webpage forever.  Or until NCSoft sells City of Heroes.  That is my response to NCSoft.

Awesome. NCSoft really deserves to have a perpetual thorn in their side. Even if it proves to only be a minor annoyance to them, it's still an annoyance. :D

Dr Shadow

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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #509 on: October 24, 2012, 12:39:18 AM »
It's amazing what discomfort a grain of sand can cause.
Dr Shadow- Champion Server @Leila_L twitter


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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #510 on: October 24, 2012, 12:42:28 AM »
This is the type of public relations disaster that NCSoft is never going to live down. This WILL be remembered for a long time. It will undoubtedly cripple sales here in the U.S. They have angered and alienated too many people.

Rotten Luck

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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #511 on: October 24, 2012, 12:43:46 AM »
To paraphrase Mr. Stark:

If we can't save City of Heroes you can be DAMN sure we will AVENGE it!

I see an internet Meme here!  Quick Hero group shot hunt... GO!
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #512 on: October 24, 2012, 01:00:22 AM »
It's amazing what discomfort a grain of sand can cause.
Especially if that grain of sand is in their underwear.
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I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov

Victoria Victrix

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    • Mercedes Lackey
Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #513 on: October 24, 2012, 01:08:58 AM »

Or, the CCCP version:

I will go down with this ship.  I won't put my hands up in surrender.  There will be no white flag above my door.  I'm in love, and always will be.  Dido

Rotten Luck

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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #514 on: October 24, 2012, 01:13:40 AM »
Working on the Meme shots now and will include them on the Meme thread.
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #515 on: October 24, 2012, 02:03:51 AM »
Then you would think that it ought to be possible to make it too expensive NOT to unload CoH IP.

Yep! And, seeing as how I've found myself with a lot of free-time lately... Persuading them to do so is gonna be a large chunk of MY own - "realignment of personal focus" for the near future!
Unless, Of course they manage to look deep down inside and "find a heart" sometime soon - maybe they should play some Zelda? (IDK, just a thought...)

Maybe - they'll even find some *human decency* and manage to see fit to undertake a noble, altruistic act displaying their appreciation of customers & a lack of corporate greed. Maybe not, maybe it would be motivated by a desire to help save the reputation of their company brand & what's left of its good name, and lets not forget the good names of its employees!

That would let myself (and most everyone else here - I assume) go back to partaking in our most precious hobby/pastime playing CoH - we in "The West" have an old and (apparently) strange connection to American/Western-style, comic-book Heroes, Villains & the more modern graphic-novel Vigilantes & Rogues...
That people from "The East" - just don't get - I mean, we know they love Anime & Manga (like their Weekly/Monthly 'Shonen Jump' magazines, I guess that somewhere(?) between us is a fine line where we differ - on some *subtle* cultural level?

And by "altruistic act", I mean like 'giving us back our Community' = in some reasonable fashion, (Not - "give it to us for free NOW") unless of course all you're gonna do with it is put it into the basement & kill it...  Trying to save face(?) or hide some embarrassment(??) Maybe its vaguely related to this "Kibun" and/or "Nunchi", that I've recently read about - but don't quite understand... Yet!

Well, I'm gonna have to work on it I guess, and what better chance am I ever going to get than this? (It could get a bit ugly - but I have virtually nothing to lose here):
According to their 1st (plainly thoughtless) response to us, followed by their 2nd (obviously insincere & almost cruel) response to us...  Both of which - showed a near complete lack of compassion OR caring for the feelings and emotional well-being of people in our Community of Heroes (many of which aren't well-equipped to handle or "deal-with" that degree of callousness from a business that we've supported *quite loyally* = for the better part of a decade... 
For some it may have only been a few years, But for many it was 6, 7, or 8 years, and for some of the original beta testers & devs/creators it really has been a Decade!
A decade of their lives that was Not "Just a Career" & (Not "Just a Game") - Over time it grew to be an extended family of thousands...  Of co-workers, and fans, dedicated players, and in turn it was often a '2nd generation' of these families. When RL friends & family learned to enjoy it together, and we grew to have a sense of fellowship, with the spirit of the proverbial - "it takes a village to raise a child" = where you could trust that the people there (in game) we're Almost ALL were looking out for each other & and even their children.  And, where - at times - people would argue like family or 'fight' like siblings...

For some without families - for those that are separated from their family by distance, tragedy, health, etc. = It had become a place where they had found a new "tribe"... And you decided to tear that away from us - because of reasons you won't even be straightforward with us about, Or - as some have suggested you feel you can't?

I cannot begin to fathom a Smart Business reason to end this game when it was (by all available accounts/records/reports) doing just fine with money coming in to support it and then some, (perhaps not at a ROE great enough to satisfy some stockholders?) If so then you should sell it - (to a group that wants to keep it alive) - for a fair amount. 
If it's not that profitable - then selling it to us won't be a huge loss to your overall business, But it would mean a WORLD to the people that love it = while it seems to us now - that y'all just don't love it at all!  And, you could regain the respect of the people that are growing to loathe your attitude toward us that can only be described as callous in nature...  or worse.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 02:51:46 AM by BryanSnowden »


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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #516 on: October 24, 2012, 02:06:49 AM »
Nicely said, Bryan.  Here's hoping we can figure something out!


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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #517 on: October 24, 2012, 02:36:09 AM »
Actually I made a mistake.

To be more "in-character" it ought to be -

If we can't save Paragon City you can be DAMN sure we will AVENGE it!

But hey - either way.


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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #518 on: October 24, 2012, 02:37:00 AM »
And yeah - Nicely said, Bryan. Nicely said.


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Re: A response to NCsoft
« Reply #519 on: October 24, 2012, 02:40:13 AM »
You hear that soft rustling sound NCSoft? It's barely at the edge of your hearing. Sounds like leaves in the trees, doesn't it?

Oh no. It's not the leaves in the trees.

It's the sound of THOUSANDS of gloves coming off.