Author Topic: Status Update (October 2)  (Read 99183 times)


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #180 on: October 03, 2012, 10:55:05 AM »
As to the topic at hand.....

This is the same company that thought nothing of FORGING a letter from Richard Garriott in order to shut down Tabula Rasa.

Why would we believe anything that admitted forgers have to tell us?

About that, a question... did they admit they forged the resignation, or were they proven to? It's the difference between "okay, we fess up, we forged it" and "no, no, that resignation is legit, yes we're sure, Richard Garriot wrote tha- ooooh, that resignation letter, we thought you meant that other one that wasn't proven to be falsified in the court of law."

Because "proven" has a much harsher connotation than "admitted", but, well, we need to be right, contextually as well as factually, to keep the moral high ground.


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #181 on: October 03, 2012, 10:57:38 AM »
In closing, I am reminded of this scene.  Somehow, one of these characters sounds like NCSoft, and one sounds like us.

- can't YouTube from work, but will give even odds it's Rocky -

Copper Cockroach

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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #182 on: October 03, 2012, 11:03:37 AM »
          First of all I'd like to say.  I concur with  others. Regarding the NcSoft Status Update. A attempt  to try and pacify, deflect and give up hope.  A political statement, sounds polite but full of holes. So we feel dispirited, weaken our community and stop (a nice way of saying it) making  them accountable. Anyway, I for one will keep striving to achieve our goals.
          Thank you to Tony V, from  many of us. You are a hero, leading, inspiring, a voice of reason and like a counselor.
           Also a great thanks to everyone else who needs a special mention as well. But there are so many.  (A big pat on the pack)
         This is my first posting here, lol (day 1 today) How did it take me so long to join up? (Slaps myself on the back of the head.) 
       Like so many of you. I can't stand by and be meek in the face of  this murder of what we cherish.  Emotions of anger, frustration, empathy. etc.   We all have strengths. Some may not realise theirs yet, some are using them furiously.  I will do what I can. Knowing that our community  will be there to help me.  ;D     

Welcome aboard, Polarctica! And let me just say... I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that this ham-fisted move by NCsoft, intended to break us and disperse the Community, has had the opposite effect. To say it's lit a fire under people's asses would be putting it mildly; in a matter of hours, the cloud of malaise and apathy that had been growing for the last couple of weeks has vanished, replaced by an explosion of righteous rage and determination. Instead of players giving up and wandering away, we're getting new people signing up to the forums here and lending their support. Fan-freakin'-tastic!


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #183 on: October 03, 2012, 11:09:55 AM »
Or...the wrong Negotiators were used?

(Next step?)

Anakin: When I got to them we got into aggressive negotiations.
Padme: Aggressive negotiations? What's that?
Anakin: Ah, well, it's negotiations with a lightsaber.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 11:24:18 AM by Knightslayer »


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #184 on: October 03, 2012, 11:21:20 AM »
TimtheEnchanter Thank you for posting that picture of AP 33, my char's hard to make out but seeing even just a bit of them in that screen cap made me feel all the days I spent sucking up my bandwidth and ram was worth it.  I'll bee keeping Embyron there till the lights goes out or alternative my badger Maya of Oasis. Thanks and as to everyone sometimes we do need a hand up but that's what were here for to keep everyone rolling right? 

So /em hold torch


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #185 on: October 03, 2012, 11:59:33 AM »
TimtheEnchanter Thank you for posting that picture of AP 33, my char's hard to make out but seeing even just a bit of them in that screen cap made me feel all the days I spent sucking up my bandwidth and ram was worth it.  I'll bee keeping Embyron there till the lights goes out or alternative my badger Maya of Oasis. Thanks and as to everyone sometimes we do need a hand up but that's what were here for to keep everyone rolling right? 

So /em hold torch

    Awesome and inspirational. My hats off to you.  8)


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #186 on: October 03, 2012, 12:01:10 PM »
This is clearly a victory. I'm pretty sure that this piece of communication never was on NCsoft Agenda. Cherry on the cake, you forced them to lie. We know that they have not exhausted all the options. We have some to show to them, if they need. Maybe it's even time to show that we are able to raise the money needed to run the game (if we have effectively able to). They change their claim. First, closing city of heroes was part of a big reajustment strategy. Now, it is because they have no other choice. I m not sure if it means city of heroes can be saved. But surely, we are not anymore on the plan that was deployed by NCsoft. Keep it up.


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #187 on: October 03, 2012, 12:06:26 PM »
There are plenty of posts on the game forums basically saying that it's time to give up, that there's no point in fighting any more, that it just makes us look bad, like we can't accept reality.

I want to add my own $0.02 to this.

Some time ago, I was thrown into a high-profile and volatile situation that offered a lot of opportunities. But because it was so volatile, a lot of those opportunities would dry up or come to nothing very quickly.

In that environment I learned, and learned fast, that real meaning of "nothing ventured, nothing gained." I had to pursue each opportunity aggressively, even while knowing that most of them wouldn't pan out. Some of those efforts looked a bit pointless at the time. But by doing things that way, I made sure that if one did work out, I was on board and could profit from it. And I did.

This outlook has stayed with me over the years, being one of the best lessons I ever learned: The only way you're guaranteed to fail is if you don't try.

Ignore what others say. If they tell you you aren't being realistic, or look stupid, or whatever--just ignore them. Such statements are at the very least defeatist, and at worst are disinformation (like the NCSoft announcement) propagated by unicorns and ringers. Keep in mind Napoleon's maxim number 16: "It is an approved maxim in war, never to do what the enemy wishes you to do, for this reason alone, that he desires it."

That is my understanting of "facing reality."

I'm also reminded of George Washington's military strategy. As long as he kept his army intact and in the field, he was winning.

So let's stay intact and in the field.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 12:15:03 PM by Gothica »


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #188 on: October 03, 2012, 12:11:01 PM »
... Maybe use Maggie's Rock over in Gemini Park, or someplace else rocky in the game that people congregate to?

Tell Bob, we want to use his song Like a Rock in a video to try and save our world.

I think that song would make a WONDERFUL hero song.


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #189 on: October 03, 2012, 12:17:30 PM »
"It always darkest before the Dawn!"

So if it not worth some lets by the IP off then for 20000 dollars, I mean they are saying it worth NOTHING.


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #190 on: October 03, 2012, 12:32:16 PM »
When I first heard the news a month ago, I cried. I have seen many studios and games killed, many because companies bought them just to let them die. Many of you who've talked to me ingame have heard me mention Infocom... they too were a studio bought with the expectation that they would live a long time, still making money. Activision released two sub-par games within a couple years, with even the developers stating that they were being pushed into releasing rushed, substandard product... and then the doors were closed forever. This was before the days of social networking, when the communities were far and scattered. (Though NOT few in number!)

NWN's developers were STILL producing content, ready to release it, when Atari pulled their plug... and forbade ANYONE from mentioning it to the community. Just a quiet lack of updates, no news, no nothing. Thankfully someone blew the whistle within hours. There was no saving the game, and the whistleblower was fired, but Atari got a black eye. Social networking was still young.

Now we have a strong, vibrant community, in a game that has as loyal a following as Zork and NWN ever had, if not far more. Social networking is at its peak, strong and energetic, not yet jaded, and ready to take on the world, or at least NCSoft. We have more support on our side than I have ever seen in all my years in the classic games community. Just by making this effort, we are doing something extremely rare, and almost unheard of. Usually the only games to come back from the dead do so long after their cancellations. We have a chance to stop death in its tracks.

We can be an inspiration to others. We can make this miracle happen.


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #191 on: October 03, 2012, 12:47:32 PM »
As others have pointed out, NCSoft upper managment did NOT work with Paragon Studios; there was no hint that anything was amiss, or that NCSoft needed more profit from CoH (if in fact that's the issue).  Nor were steps taken or even explored that I know of to work with the CoH Community to make CoH a product still considered viable by NCSoft.

Not to sound too mean or callus or anything, I'll try to state this as plainly and delicately as I can:

This is the Korean way of doing business.

I'm not making any judgements whatsoever about that part.  The Korean way is to run a busness like a kingdom, where the CEO/President is King, and passes down orders.  Nobody questions him (just anout all of them are male) or tries to figure out his motivation.  And he won't ever explain his decisions, or take input from anyone, because that weakens his position.  Employees blindly follow, no matter how far removed they are from those orders.  Koreans customers shug and accept crazy company decisions as normal.  So Korean companies see us American gamers as spoiled children who complain and ask "why?" when it's not appropriate.

The press release yesterday, I believe, is evidence of that.  They are speaking to us like we are those spoiled children who need to be told it's time to stop misbehaving.  Mind you, this is not a judgement of their behavior.  It's just the way they do things.

Where this takes us, I'm not actually sure.  I don't know if we can get them to respect us, or our kindness in negotiations, or if we *have* to do something desperate and ruthless to get their attention.  So when I email them again, I suppose I'll use a mixture of both - a polite request, mixed with a demand that they take it seriously.  I guess it really can't hurt, can it?


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #192 on: October 03, 2012, 12:48:20 PM »
At times of greatest need, it is the Hero that looks deep into ones self and pulls that extra effort out, to do what others can't. We shall fight until there is no need to fight, We shall save our CITY OF HEROES. We shall not stop trying!

Xenon Knight

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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #193 on: October 03, 2012, 12:54:51 PM »
They're spooked. Since NCSoft announced the end of CoH, their stock price has plunged, and they are being buried in negative publicity. In the gaming world, their reputation is quickly becoming crap. And they're worried about what will happen if this doesn't stop, whence their last missive, which is nothing more than a pathetic attempt at damage control.

We need to turn up the heat.


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #194 on: October 03, 2012, 01:04:05 PM »
I was pretty down last night, but this morning I agree, they've blinked, they've noticed our efforts and want us to stop. 

We must prevail.


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #195 on: October 03, 2012, 01:09:14 PM »
Not to sound too mean or callus or anything, I'll try to state this as plainly and delicately as I can:

This is the Korean way of doing business.

I'm not making any judgements whatsoever about that part.  The Korean way is to run a busness like a kingdom, where the CEO/President is King, and passes down orders.  Nobody questions him (just anout all of them are male) or tries to figure out his motivation.  And he won't ever explain his decisions, or take input from anyone, because that weakens his position.  Employees blindly follow, no matter how far removed they are from those orders.  Koreans customers shug and accept crazy company decisions as normal.  So Korean companies see us American gamers as spoiled children who complain and ask "why?" when it's not appropriate.

The press release yesterday, I believe, is evidence of that.  They are speaking to us like we are those spoiled children who need to be told it's time to stop misbehaving.  Mind you, this is not a judgement of their behavior.  It's just the way they do things.

Where this takes us, I'm not actually sure.  I don't know if we can get them to respect us, or our kindness in negotiations, or if we *have* to do something desperate and ruthless to get their attention.  So when I email them again, I suppose I'll use a mixture of both - a polite request, mixed with a demand that they take it seriously.  I guess it really can't hurt, can it?

I'll make a judgement on it then. The company's boss should be the customer the supports their business and gives them the money to wear those fancy pants and act like the King of His Company.

I don't buy into this mindset that some CEO should be rewarded and not questioned for doing bad at his job like as if all these things we bought were gifts from them.

Shoot, if it's a matter of 'if you want it done better, do it yourself', cool man. Sell the IP and let us then. Heck, that's what we wanted in the first place. If they want to think they do all the hard work and we just complain and whine, give us the reigns. We'll do the work. Release the IP as Open Source.

I can't stand this sort of idea that they're the absolute source of all goodness in the world that needs to be coddled and worshiped even if they're terrible. That's a sort of disease idea that's infecting America too, and it bothers me here as well, so I'm sure as heck going to make a judgement on it.

His employees might get a check cut from him, but the money that comes out of his wallet comes from his customers and has the dirty fingerprints of the poor on it.

Worshiping him would be like thanking your bank teller for giving you the money in your bank as if you didn't put it there yourself.


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #196 on: October 03, 2012, 01:16:18 PM »
I want to add my own $0.02 to this.

Some time ago, I was thrown into a high-profile and volatile situation that offered a lot of opportunities. But because it was so volatile, a lot of those opportunities would dry up or come to nothing very quickly.

In that environment I learned, and learned fast, that real meaning of "nothing ventured, nothing gained." I had to pursue each opportunity aggressively, even while knowing that most of them wouldn't pan out. Some of those efforts looked a bit pointless at the time. But by doing things that way, I made sure that if one did work out, I was on board and could profit from it. And I did.
Gothica, I just want you to know that this, perhaps more than anything else, is the kind of advice I need to hear more often. Because even when I know it intellectually, trying on numerous potentially futile efforts is the hardest thing in the world for me to do.

But my entire involvement in the Save CoH effort - and, if it comes to it, in the successor game effort - is an exercise in this. There is opportunity here, as well as sorrow. We can make something greater than what was before, and the greatness is in all of you, the people of this community.

I don't have the investment of time and love and energy that all of you do; I have not played the game in years. My sympathies are with those who are threatened with the loss of their beloved game and community, and my interests are self-interested, but I want to see it saved for all who care about it and see it grow into something newer and greater.

So I am not a pillar of strength for not giving up; I have less to lose here, than do all of you. When I won't give up, it is not because I am stronger than you, but I am glad to offer you any support I can. The strength is yours, for it is your game, your love of it that they seek to use against you. If I do not weep, it is because I am not the hero that you all are. If I do weep, it is in sorrow for your pain, not my own. I will not give up as long as there are fans who will play this game should it survive. I know you will not either. If you think me strong, remember that it is you who carry the heavier burden. I'm a cheerleader, not a champion, but I am honored to cheer for you.

Take heart. We are not done. Take cheer. We have not even heard half the story.

And, since people are posting songs, allow me to share a refrain from a Muse song that seems appropriate regardless of political affiliation:

They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
And we will be victorious!

Copper Cockroach

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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #197 on: October 03, 2012, 01:31:47 PM »
When I first heard the news a month ago, I cried. I have seen many studios and games killed, many because companies bought them just to let them die. Many of you who've talked to me ingame have heard me mention Infocom... they too were a studio bought with the expectation that they would live a long time, still making money. Activision released two sub-par games within a couple years, with even the developers stating that they were being pushed into releasing rushed, substandard product... and then the doors were closed forever. This was before the days of social networking, when the communities were far and scattered. (Though NOT few in number!)

NWN's developers were STILL producing content, ready to release it, when Atari pulled their plug... and forbade ANYONE from mentioning it to the community. Just a quiet lack of updates, no news, no nothing. Thankfully someone blew the whistle within hours. There was no saving the game, and the whistleblower was fired, but Atari got a black eye. Social networking was still young.

Now we have a strong, vibrant community, in a game that has as loyal a following as Zork and NWN ever had, if not far more. Social networking is at its peak, strong and energetic, not yet jaded, and ready to take on the world, or at least NCSoft. We have more support on our side than I have ever seen in all my years in the classic games community. Just by making this effort, we are doing something extremely rare, and almost unheard of. Usually the only games to come back from the dead do so long after their cancellations. We have a chance to stop death in its tracks.

We can be an inspiration to others. We can make this miracle happen.

Hell, I'm so old I remember the outrage when Atari dropped the infamous "E.T." stink-bomb for the 2600. The closest thing we had to "social networking" was the phone, so we could commiserate with our proto-gamer buddies, and the letters columns of the few gaming magazines... and Atari still caught a world of Hell for that stunt. If we'd had today's technology, we could've put them out of business in 1982!


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #198 on: October 03, 2012, 01:42:37 PM »
That got brought up during the NWN debacle. I was only a year old when that one happened, sadly. We've come a long way.


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Re: Status Update (October 2)
« Reply #199 on: October 03, 2012, 01:46:30 PM »
When was the NWN debacle? I wasn't really much of a gamer until I got into college; prior to that, my only gaming experience - despite being very interested - was very localized to a small group of friends, with no knowledge of the wider communities.