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Graveyard => Save Paragon Retirees => Save Paragon City! => Topic started by: TimtheEnchanter on October 14, 2012, 08:48:56 PM

Title: Sudden mass influx of cold invites?
Post by: TimtheEnchanter on October 14, 2012, 08:48:56 PM
I don't know what has changed between this week and the others. I've been on the AP33 steps every weekend since the announcement. Suddenly, for some reason, I am getting bugged a LOT this weekend. Countless team invites, league invites, SG invites, all out of the blue, with no message whatsoever beforehand.

Has anyone else noticed a change? And does this somehow mean that there's suddenly been a large influx of return players? It's been years since the last time I experienced this much invite spam.
Title: Re: Sudden mass influx of cold invites?
Post by: Kaiser Tarantula on October 14, 2012, 09:10:02 PM
I've noticed it actually happening a bit on Beta too - I've been seeing a lot more new faces and been whispered or cold-invited a lot more than usual.

Personally, even though it's annoying, I'm happy to see it 'cuz it means there's more folks getting the word about Beta.
Title: Re: Sudden mass influx of cold invites?
Post by: Victoria Victrix on October 14, 2012, 11:24:17 PM
I'm getting it on Pinn too, probably not as much as Virtue because the population is smaller.

I'm guessing people are reactivating their accounts?
Title: Re: Sudden mass influx of cold invites?
Post by: downix on October 14, 2012, 11:25:03 PM
For months, hard to get a team. Now, flooded with LFT's.

I love it!
Title: Re: Sudden mass influx of cold invites?
Post by: TimtheEnchanter on October 15, 2012, 04:37:00 PM
Personally, even though it's annoying, I'm happy to see it 'cuz it means there's more folks getting the word about Beta.

LOL well I wasn't pointing it out because of it being annoying. It's just been so weird to see. I mean, what happened this week specifically? Something very recent must have gotten a lot of attention.
Title: Re: Sudden mass influx of cold invites?
Post by: Visual Fallacy on October 15, 2012, 05:33:06 PM
I don't want to put a downer on you all but I like to run a lot of task forces, itrials, that kind of thing. Getting a team for those on virtue midweek eastern early evening time used to be as easy as one shout out maybe two. Now forget it, it's taking far longer to find a team and more often than not we end up with a smaller team than the full 8. I have a feeling that the blind invites are people frustrated at not being able to create a team from the usual shout outs and broadcasts.

I know that sounds negative but it's what I believe is happening and I'm worried that if people can't find teams they will find no reason to stay and so i'm telling you in the hopes that a few more people will start teams. Even if you just run a few missions tell friends to start teams get the itrials back up and running, the only ones i've seen running on virtue recently is the BAF. A Manticore tf i tried to start the end of last week got one reply, it only takes about an hour to run. Even if you run a team with only three people its better than soloing for some people and hopefully will make a difference between people staying or leaving.

Anyway sorry to put a downer on the thread and maybe you guys are right and I'm wrong.
Title: Re: Sudden mass influx of cold invites?
Post by: Sapphire Jane on October 15, 2012, 06:02:16 PM
I'm on Virtue and haven't really noticed any more private tells asking if I would be interested in joining whatever than I usually get.  I have had a few friends say that they are receiving more private requests than usual. 

I agree with Visual Fallacy, I believe also that these are people just trying to fill teams.  As he said, forming something mid-week now can be a pain.  I formed a Katie TF the other night that took longer to form than to do the TF.  Prior to the shutdown announcement, when I would form a Katie, I had to turn people away because we would fill so quickly.  We are now finding ourselves having to run TFs with the minimum required, and sometimes just getting people to fill so we can start and then do the TF with less than minimum.

Although the population on the servers has been down quite a bit, we were still able to form a full league for the blueside CoP, and got 18 for the redside CoP last night.  I feel pretty sure we had players from other servers, not just Virtue players.

Title: Re: Sudden mass influx of cold invites?
Post by: Kosmos on October 15, 2012, 06:38:15 PM
I started getting more blind invites about three or four weeks ago. However, since the "We aren't going to sell" (to take the spin off it) message from NCSoftcore, the number of people playing on Guardian is way down (the last two weekends have been pathetic) and both Pinnacle and Justice have been slow as well.