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Letter help

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I'm looking for a bit of help here, I'm struggling to even properly put into words for one of the four targets given what a bad idea form letters are in this situation. I'm wanting to help but I'm really really lost. I'm not used to dealing with people so much out of my social level. I feel like the last guy at a wiping hammie raid. D: So any suggestions about how to set up the letters or what to include (how to include them as well would be muchly welcome. I want want to it's just I dunno...harder than I expected.

Lily Barclay:
It took me a lot longer than I expected, too. I'd say just write how you feel about the game and why you want Disney to own it. It doesn't have to be long. Include screenshots of your characters if you can, and write their stories on the back of them, or why you like them.

Victoria Victrix:
Feelings are very important in these letters. 

As a kid, did all things Disney make you feel excited?  Did CoH make you feel the same?  When the server shutdown notice hit your screen, did you feel the way you did when Bambi's mother was shot?  When you look at the Disney logo with the arc of pixie dust, do you want to see the Paragon City skyline under it?

That kind of thing.

Pretty much what they said! It took me about 3 hours or so for my four letters to be done.
Just write your experience, how the game makes you feel and why it is so important to you and the reasons why you do not want to loose your city of heroes.

I couldn't print up any pictures but I did but a nice logo in full color on the front of my envelope! Also spending the Dollar for the good sized Envenope for the paper to go into so you do not have to fold your letter might be good! Large Envelope instead of some basic penny letter one is more noticable and harder to throw away or ignore!

I know it's probably too late for you, given all the great help before me (and the amount of time since you first posted), but maybe another perspective will help anyone else coming to this because they're having trouble, too.

I got mine out in about an hour. It wasn't easy. Writing it was quick, though, because I wrote it like I was trying to describe it to my grandmother. It helped that I had been playing it with my son over the summer, so that helped with expressing some things. Then, I had to rework a couple of things to fit the circumstance, since, to say the least, leading with "Dear Grandma," would have been amusing but awkward.


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