Author Topic: Happy Holidays!  (Read 1494 times)


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Happy Holidays!
« on: December 27, 2010, 01:32:09 AM »
Hey all, just wanted to drop a note to say a hearty "Happy Holidays!" and best wishes into the new year.  Whatever you celebrate, whether it's Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, HumanLight, Winter Solstice, NFL Playoffs, or just getting a sale on something at the store because retailers are diligently trying to bump up their numbers from everyone else buying stuff :D, hopefully you're having a fun and wonderful time of it.

I never cease to be amazed at how supporting of the Titan Network and its site the community continues to be.  We've received several donations over the past couple of months that really help out a ton with hosting costs, especially since we don't run any ads.  I also see a steady stream of complimentary posts whenever we post updates or comments about the sites and utilities, and that really does do the soul good, emphasizing that the stuff we do is worth it.

I also have to say a huge "THANK YOU!" to a couple of other groups of people, without whom the Titan Network literally wouldn't exist:

  • The first are the people who originally thought, "Hey, I should make a site to [insert community need here]," put one together, and maintained it to the point where it was pulled under the umbrella of the Titan Network.  Maverick X, Voltaic Shock, Mids, Pudds, SuckerPunch, RedTomax, IneffableBob, and probably others that have been lost to time that I can't remember, you guys really are the Founding Fathers, and hopefully you are proud of the legacy you've handed down through the years.
  • The people who have, throughout the years, supported the Titan Network and its sites in various and sundry ways.  People like Stargeek and Konoko come to mind, who were early administrators of the Paragon Wiki during its explosive growth from a small hobbyist site to honest-to-god full-blown community resource.  People like Steiner, SaintNicster, and St0n3y, who carried on development on the sites and its utilities as the original crews retired.  People like Syrusb, TopDoc, Energy Aura, and countless others who and provided art, data, and other time and energy resources to the sites and utilities.  There were a bunch of times when this stuff could have easily been given up on and abandoned, but these are the folks who carried the torch and made sure the sites and utilities survived.
  • And, of course, I can't say enough "THANK YOU!"s to the current crew, THE people who are working tirelessly to continue bringing you niftiness with each new release of the game, THE people who, honestly way more than me, are responsible for you still having a Titan Network.  Lately, you've seen a lot of work from Diellan maintaining Mids and GuyPerfect creating a new tracker client, and I can personally attest to the hours that they have been putting in making both respective projects rock.  Sekoia has really been stepping up lately as well, helping me to maintain the back end, which I know is an unglamorous and very non-public job.  Eabrace has been helping everyone out a ton by testing (and breaking :p) our various utilities.  Aggelakis is still actively taking care of general Wiki stuff.  Tazhyngarth is quietly--and effectively--moderating various public postings on the sites.  DeProgrammer and SuckerPunch are also pitching in with development ideas and helpfulness.  I'm probably leaving out more; feel free and post an "I'm here!" reply if I did.
  • Just as a personal side note, I have to also post a huge "THANK YOU!" to Belle, whose constant cheerfulness and encouragement keep me from bashing my head into a wall on a daily basis.  Her enthusiasm is contagious and makes me wish I could support the community more than I do.  If you've ever run across her (Taxibot Belle) on the Infinity server, you know what I'm talking about.  She can usually be found searching out new heroes to meet and train, as she has been doing for years now.  If you see her, be sure to say hi, as I'm certain she'd love to chat.
  • And, of course, thanks to the devs and reps who continue to make a cool game even cooler.  It's a real testament that the game is still going strong after six years.  I don't know what the average lifespan of a game like this is, but I know it's nowhere even close to that, yet it is still improving, and I hope it continues to do so for many years to come.  I'm really proud to be a part of it as long as I have!

As a final thought, as you go about your holiday cheer thing, please drop by the Real World Hero site ( and drop a buck or two in the bucket.  The outpouring of community support is amazing, something I really feel sets this game apart from all others out there, and yet another reason I'm really proud to call myself a City of Heros player.  The fact that this is entirely community-driven and the scale to which is successful blows my mind.  Anything you can do to help out--even just a dollar or two--would be much appreciated by the charities and reflect on how great this community is even more.


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Re: Happy Holidays!
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2010, 02:38:16 AM »
And thanks to you, Tony, for continuing to do what you can to improve the Titan Network.  I know this year's been a little complicated for you.

I'd like to add thanks to everyone who's stepped up to help add new material, update, and maintain Paragon Wiki.  It's been a really busy year for me, and it's been nice to see the community step up to plug some of the holes I'd probably get myself if I had more time.  :)
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Re: Happy Holidays!
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2010, 06:33:49 PM »
That was very thoughtful Tony, thank you.  It has been a fun time, I must say, being a part of something such as this.  I still wish I could enjoy the game like I once did but alas, if working on a Fansite is as close as I can get, then so be it :P.

Happy Holidays all and thanks for all the work you've all done to keep this machine going!