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New Popmenu: BeNPC

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--- Quote from: Aggelakis on July 30, 2014, 06:16:55 AM ---*falling down a hillside* AAAASSS YYYYOOOOUUUU WWWWWIIIIIIIIISSSSHHHHHHHHHHHH

--- End quote ---

Haha, thanks Aggelakis. I honestly didn't expect that to happen! As I was trying to find the thread I kept scrolling down thinking it had sunken lower. It didn't occur to me what had happened until I was about to go do something else.

I'm also developing a popmenu for old NPCs like the Infected pre-i21. I'll release that on this thread once it's complete. Thanks again!


--- Quote from: houtex on July 31, 2014, 01:21:38 AM ---TIL Aggelakis' is The Dread Pirate Moderator, aka Westley.

--- End quote ---

Ahh! A pie-erator!

Ice Trix:
Thanks, will use this a lot.

Little David:
BeNPC makes me think of MS Paint Adventures.

"First, be the Statesman. Then, punch Recluse in the jimmy."

Whenever I use this and bring a character to PChat, they come out distorted and invisible to most people. Can you help me solve this?


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