Author Topic: CO-Favorite Created Character.  (Read 1681 times)


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CO-Favorite Created Character.
« on: January 16, 2013, 11:20:07 PM »
I was having this discussion over a brew with this guy about personalities. One thing he said stood out to me, whic hwas "you can tell a person's personality by looking at their creations."
Hmmm, oh really?

Although I noticed that some people tend to gravitate towards a particular style when creating things in game, I'm not sure if it displays their true personality, what they like to be, or the personality they created merely for the medium at hand. Either way, here that is irrelevant but I do wonder, what are some people's favorite creations in CO.

My favorite creation is one that is fairly recent but probably the only one that is created by observance of the world through my eyes, keyword there my eyes, brown ones, slightly odd shaped and thus cant see good without correction lenses, my eyes, the only ones I can see through, while having fun with and taking elements from a few actual mental disorder aflicted I know and creating something.

Krazy- level 22 no wait 23, nope, dang it 22.

 Dual blades/Force

Skilled with any type of sharp object (expert at picking locks including shackles and strait-jackets), and can literally shoot her "crazy" (as she calls it) at foes while using it to protect herself from damage. Escaped from the mental institute more than a dozen times. Life goal is to rid the world of evil-doers and free all her friends from the hospital.

Strengths-Crazy enough to wade into any battle, fearless, not afraid of being herself, and have no concept of social norms. Just a normal person in a crazy world that isnt afraid of just being herself.

Cons-Can never judge when she is in over her head. Sometimes scares the people she save more than the enemy she just saved them from. Sometimes easily distracted by anything dressed in a white overcoat. Not the type you want to invite to a high class stuffy gathering where social standing, norms, and stuffiness prevails.

Why a favorite-It's the embodiment of the craziness that goes on in society as a whole to the point that it's normal to be crazy and crazy to be normal. Although while many people consider crazy to be a negative thing in reality, most of the people that are consider great were considered crazy in their own right. Lincoln, considered crazy when he came up with the Emancipation. Washington and the founding fathers, were all considered crazy for daring to fight against the greatest military on the planet at the time. Poe, Socrates, Plato, Shakespeare all considered nuts in their time. The person that discovered that bacteria caused illnesses and not religious forces, and everyone else who died standing up for what they believed in. Hell, we are considered crazy by some for daring to protest against the game closing, and contacting large companies and standing up for what we feel is important to us.

Some people are so caught up with fads, fashions, and what is "hot" and what is not or what celebrities are listening too that they forget to ask themselves or dont even know what or who they are anymore. They are so afraid of being themselves that they if there wasnt something telling them what to wear, what is popular, what to drive, how to act, when to act, how to speak, what to say and when to say it that they would lose they mind and wouldnt know what to do. Many people hide behind flash, clothes, money, cars, online bravado, and try to break other people down when they dare to be different to make themselves feel more important when inside, they are already dead and miserable and just looking for company. Too many people are just too afaid of being themselves or saying what is on their minds and the people that do not have that fear is considered crazy.

So who is the crazy one? Krazy? Or the world? Maybe both. I rather be considered crazy ten times over for standing up in what I believe in and not having the fear and having enough confidence to be myself instead of being a sheep for even a moment.

That is why she is my favorite creation. A slab of aatire, a pinch of sarcasm, a little realism, a dab of joke, a good amount of quirk,  generous amount of fun and out pops Krazy.