Author Topic: Agents of Shield  (Read 38478 times)


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Re: Agents of Shield
« Reply #180 on: May 13, 2014, 05:53:31 AM »
I, too, was disappointed when Flash Forward got cancelled.  It seems that the really cool shows don't make a second season.   I also liked "The Event" and that got cancelled too.   I think though that Agents of Shield was renewed.

I predicted both shows would be canceled, because both were constructed based on a false premise: that audiences still wanted to watch shows that dangled "mysteries" in front of them that were really just annoying teasers.  Lost really burned a lot of people not because of its controversial ending itself but because the writers explicitly promised that there were answers to all of the in-show mysteries and they would all be revealed, and then they reneged on that promise without any remorse, going so far as to tell the fans that they missed the point if they wanted those answers.  Battlestar Galactica did the same thing, explicitly telling its audience that they had a grand plan for the show when they later admitted (and people figured out anyway) that they were just making it up as they were going along.  Nobody trusts television writers anymore, and they are right to not trust them.

You can have mysteries and long-term plots, but you have to prove to the audience there really is a grand plan by letting them in on it periodically, and showing the level of consistency and direction you can only get when you actually have that plan.  Flash Forward had a cool concept but they refused to go anywhere, and of course they couldn't use the book ending.  They played with the concept but didn't really delve into it enough in my opinion, and that's what made it less compelling to general audiences.  The Event even more blatantly attempted to exploit the notion of filling an entire armory of Chekov's Guns and never really firing them.  Plus, its disjointed narrative really hurt in the critical first few episodes.

Interesting to note that Agents of Shield follows the ratings trajectory of Flash Forward fairly closely.  I like the show personally and I think because its part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe it has some advantages in getting and staying on the air, but it really does need to create a solid identity for itself that isn't reliant on waiting for MCU movies to release to avoid spoilers.  In my opinion, they need to make the characters more compelling by giving them more interesting stories, maybe by shifting to multi-episode arcs more strongly in the second season.


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Re: Agents of Shield
« Reply #181 on: May 13, 2014, 04:40:38 PM »
You make some very valid points Arcana. Lost got... lost... so to speak, because they renewed the show en masse for three years at one point; and suddenly the writers had all this space to fill up and the carefully planned plot points they had went out the window in the scramble for new material. Galactica? Yeah... Syfy saw they had a hit with the BSG04 movie and rushed to press with the series before they actually had any plans, and then never even made an attempt to catch up or plot out beyond a few episodes at a time. (then promptly did the same thing again with stargate universe, which was just BSG with gates)

I think AOS has a better shot. Now that we've seen the entire first season, it becomes clear that most of it was a waiting game, filling space between its launch and the premier of Cap2, to which it was intrinsically tied. The writing and production staff now has an opportunity to move out of the place-holding mode and into writing plots actually ABOUT the Agents of SHIELD and their exploits with the occasional Marvel universe tie-in instead of doing it the other way around as they have been.

What remains to be seen is if they will take that opportunity, or if they will let Disney and ABC continue to dictate the plotting. If they can have a few strong directors and producers go to bat with them against the suits, they have a shot to turn it into the next TNG or Xfiles. If not, season two may not make a full run even.
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Re: Agents of Shield
« Reply #182 on: May 14, 2014, 01:01:41 AM »
I think the season finale was pretty good...

Spoiler for Hidden:
I just hope we see Fitz again, and something tells me that Ward will show up again as well.


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Re: Agents of Shield
« Reply #183 on: May 14, 2014, 02:09:31 AM »
I think the season finale was pretty good...

Spoiler for Hidden:
I just hope we see Fitz again, and something tells me that Ward will show up again as well.

Yes. And was set up pretty good for the next season. Loved the whole Coulson finding the gun bit. Had me LOL for a good 5 mins.


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Re: Agents of Shield
« Reply #184 on: May 14, 2014, 03:48:22 AM »
I think the season finale was pretty good...

Spoiler for Hidden:
I just hope we see Fitz again, and something tells me that Ward will show up again as well.

I dunno...

Spoiler for Hidden:
They went PC on us, turning the special operative white guy into the special operative black guy.  So what ethnicity are we missing they'll replace Fitz with?


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Re: Agents of Shield
« Reply #185 on: May 14, 2014, 09:18:58 AM »
I dunno...

Spoiler for Hidden:
They went PC on us, turning the special operative white guy into the special operative black guy.  So what ethnicity are we missing they'll replace Fitz with?

Spoiler for Hidden:
Hmm... Native American?  He could become the team tracker.


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Re: Agents of Shield
« Reply #186 on: May 14, 2014, 01:07:54 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Hmm... Native American?  He could become the team tracker.

Hah!  Stereotype much?   ;)   Although, Fitz did that task with his little drones.

Spoiler for Hidden:
Maybe they'll replace Fitz with a French person, to be annoying to everyone, especially Simmons and including the viewers  :). Can't have one big happy family.  Or, a German person to antagonize Simmons.  Maybe another muscular guy will join to flex some muscle for Simmons and Skye to fight over.  Wait, I got it  A Russian will be added with a secret agenda.  All Russians have secret agendas, right?


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Re: Agents of Shield
« Reply #187 on: May 14, 2014, 06:30:38 PM »
I predicted both shows would be canceled, because both were constructed based on a false premise: that audiences still wanted to watch shows that dangled "mysteries" in front of them that were really just annoying teasers.  Lost really burned a lot of people not because of its controversial ending itself but because the writers explicitly promised that there were answers to all of the in-show mysteries and they would all be revealed, and then they reneged on that promise without any remorse, going so far as to tell the fans that they missed the point if they wanted those answers.  Battlestar Galactica did the same thing, explicitly telling its audience that they had a grand plan for the show when they later admitted (and people figured out anyway) that they were just making it up as they were going along.  Nobody trusts television writers anymore, and they are right to not trust them.

That was one of the things I really liked about this season: A lot of the mysteries teased in the first episode (Who are Centipede? How/why is Coulson back from the dead?) are now answered and resolved instead of left dangling. And there are new mysteries, but I've got a lot more confidence that those will have answers because of the answers we've already gotten.

For my money, I adored the season finale. Great fights, great resolutions (although there was one Chekhov's Gun moment that never got fired, see below) and just generally satisfying. And I'm looking forward to Season Two. And to "Agent Carter", which I'm really hoping will feature all that vintage SHIELD equipment as "the latest models".

(And for the record, I don't think that Trip replacing Ward was "PC". I think that once Ward went dark, they needed a replacement...and why not make it someone non-white? Arguing that any non-white male casting choice is just done to be "PC" is pretty much a perfect example of why pushing for more diversity in casting is still necessary.)

Spoilers for the Chekhov's Gun...

Spoiler for Hidden:
When they announced that every supersoldier was converging on Garrett's location...and that all of them would explode if given orders by anyone other than their designated handler...I was expecting a finale where Garrett was done in by his own troops turning into human bombs. I'm glad they didn't, in retrospect, because the "incentives program" made it clear that most of those men were being coerced and it would have been awkward at best if the "good guys" had murdered them all, but really, how can you mention that a couple dozen human bombs are heading directly towards the villains without getting people excited about a big explodey ending?


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Re: Agents of Shield
« Reply #188 on: May 14, 2014, 10:34:12 PM »
I don't think Trip replacing Ward was a PC move at all. I find Trip quite interesting and hope that his Grandfather makes appearances in Agent Carter. That would be pretty cool.


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Re: Agents of Shield
« Reply #189 on: May 15, 2014, 05:43:16 AM »
Spoilers for the Chekhov's Gun...

Spoiler for Hidden:
When they announced that every supersoldier was converging on Garrett's location...and that all of them would explode if given orders by anyone other than their designated handler...I was expecting a finale where Garrett was done in by his own troops turning into human bombs. I'm glad they didn't, in retrospect, because the "incentives program" made it clear that most of those men were being coerced and it would have been awkward at best if the "good guys" had murdered them all, but really, how can you mention that a couple dozen human bombs are heading directly towards the villains without getting people excited about a big explodey ending?

I thought exactly the same thought.


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Re: Agents of Shield
« Reply #190 on: May 15, 2014, 11:26:57 AM »
I dunno...

Spoiler for Hidden:
They went PC on us, turning the special operative white guy into the special operative black guy.  So what ethnicity are we missing they'll replace Fitz with?

Spoiler for Hidden:
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Re: Agents of Shield
« Reply #191 on: May 15, 2014, 11:28:56 AM »
I thought exactly the same thought.

Same here.
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