Author Topic: Possibility of Making Own Powersets  (Read 2844 times)


  • Underling
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Possibility of Making Own Powersets
« on: April 04, 2010, 01:27:10 AM »
Hello. This is my first post on the forums, but I have used Mids' Hero/Villain Designer and CIT for a long time.

I have read on the forums here and know the answers related to making and publishing builds for power sets that are still in beta and also have attempted to make new sets for those power sets but adding new sets is not functioning correctly. Mind you, this will be strictly for personal use and I do NOT intend to break EULA.

Is this a priority of the program's near-future updates? If not, is there a time frame that the programmers foresee they will be able to correct this issue? Also if the hero designer has such a tough time adding new power sets to the database, then what is the method the programmer uses to add new builds as flawlessly as they do?

I looked up the type of compression the database uses (zlib) and was wondering if there is another tool the developers of the software use to edit the database outside of the program, and if they would be willing to make this public if there is such a program. If so, this would be great for me because - like many die-hard CoX players - I am a Mids' junkie.

As I stated, this would be for personal use to plan a decent build to use on live while I am in beta testing. Much appreciation will be expressed if this could be made possible. If not (for whatever reason this may be), please explain why (so I may understand your decision, not argue about it).

Thanks for a beautiful program and for all future updates the developers may release.


Edit : I would even be willing to pay a one-time fee to be able to do the above tasks (up to $25) but if no fee is required, the better it would be!


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Re: Possibility of Making Own Powersets
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2010, 02:23:10 PM »
Currently, there is only one programmer for Mids. Myself. St0n3y does everything else; importing data, importing images and upkeep of the database files and their overall functionality and stability.

There has been discussion of MBT (Mid's Beta Team): read this for a background. All this requires time; something I've been short of with a project dead-line looming at work.

The data files are nothing special; and are relevant only to Mids. They cannot be opened or edited (without possibly corrupting the file) in any other program; and Mids intentionally did that do avoid forks of his data/software. Not that he didn't believe that other developers shouldn't try their hands at their own versions... I think he did it this way the same way the PIGGs are only compressed and not encrypted. To make it difficult for the degradation of information across a multitude of platforms.

So to answer one of your questions, no St0n3y edits the database in Mids; there is no 3rd-party software.

On topic with your first series of questions, it is one of our very near priorities to add 2 main features to Mids'.
  1. Beta Builds... you'll have to be on the MBT to get it though, and I already have a handful of people interested; I just need to setup the site as stated above.
  2. Multiple Data Sources - This will allow users to to switch between different folders with data/.mhd files. Off the cuff just Official Data and Private Data will be available.
Thanks for the gratuity, however; if you feel the need to throw money at Mids' Hero & Villain Designer, there is a link in the "About Us" for the donation page. While we welcome donations of any nature and denomination; services rendered upon monetary request is something Titan Network just does not do. Mainly because of entitlement issues of said transactions; which can be a powder-keg of drama we attempt to avoid regardless of the person or group's well-meant intentions.

Hope that's clarified it for ya. Let me know otherwise.