Author Topic: Star Trek Online  (Read 287813 times)

Thunder Glove

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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2016, 05:58:48 PM »
From what I've gathered, those are specifically Diplomatic missions, and award special Diplomatic XP (which, in turn, raised your Diplomatic Level, which, in turn, does ... I don't know what)

Angel Phoenix77

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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2016, 08:17:42 PM »
From what I've gathered, those are specifically Diplomatic missions, and award special Diplomatic XP (which, in turn, raised your Diplomatic Level, which, in turn, does ... I don't know what)
it helps to level the diplo. ranks, and when you get to rank 4 in diplo you can choose a single bridge officer from the Klingons if you are fed, or a fed bridge off. if you are Klingon. :)
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Thunder Glove

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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2016, 12:28:22 PM »
I've run into a weird sudden jump in game difficulty in the Romulan Empire story arc.  Enemy ships are suddenly tearing through me, and I'm getting destroyed literally three or four times for every enemy ship I destroy.

Up until now, I've only had to glance at my shields and hull every now and then, now if I don't watch it 100% of the time and constantly hit all my repair skills as soon as they come off of cooldown, I die instantly as my Hull drops from 100% to 0% in seconds, apparently without my shield even going down (as opposed to near-instantly if I do keep spamming my repair skills).

I'm using the same defensive set-up I've used to this point, with a level-appropriate deflector shield (a Type V that has higher stats than most Type VIs I've dropped), stats weighted towards shielding, Shield Remodulation constantly active, lots of repair skills, but it's not helping.

Edit: trying to level without finishing that particular mission, because I'm almost at my next tier of ships, which will hopefully solve the issue.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2016, 02:39:41 PM by Thunder Glove »


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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2016, 03:22:02 PM »
I've run into a weird sudden jump in game difficulty in the Romulan Empire story arc.  Enemy ships are suddenly tearing through me, and I'm getting destroyed literally three or four times for every enemy ship I destroy.

Up until now, I've only had to glance at my shields and hull every now and then, now if I don't watch it 100% of the time and constantly hit all my repair skills as soon as they come off of cooldown, I die instantly as my Hull drops from 100% to 0% in seconds, apparently without my shield even going down (as opposed to near-instantly if I do keep spamming my repair skills).

I'm using the same defensive set-up I've used to this point, with a level-appropriate deflector shield (a Type V that has higher stats than most Type VIs I've dropped), stats weighted towards shielding, Shield Remodulation constantly active, lots of repair skills, but it's not helping.

Edit: trying to level without finishing that particular mission, because I'm almost at my next tier of ships, which will hopefully solve the issue.

Go. Hunt. Skuls.


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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #24 on: January 25, 2016, 03:25:18 PM »
ingame email sent :)

And received.  Thank you for the treat.  Unfortunately, right after accepting it, I had a "situation" pop up at home that forced me to log off and took the rest of the day to work out.  And it worked out in probably the worst way possible.

Angel Phoenix77

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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #25 on: January 25, 2016, 04:05:46 PM »
I've run into a weird sudden jump in game difficulty in the Romulan Empire story arc.  Enemy ships are suddenly tearing through me, and I'm getting destroyed literally three or four times for every enemy ship I destroy.

Up until now, I've only had to glance at my shields and hull every now and then, now if I don't watch it 100% of the time and constantly hit all my repair skills as soon as they come off of cooldown, I die instantly as my Hull drops from 100% to 0% in seconds, apparently without my shield even going down (as opposed to near-instantly if I do keep spamming my repair skills).

I'm using the same defensive set-up I've used to this point, with a level-appropriate deflector shield (a Type V that has higher stats than most Type VIs I've dropped), stats weighted towards shielding, Shield Remodulation constantly active, lots of repair skills, but it's not helping.

Edit: trying to level without finishing that particular mission, because I'm almost at my next tier of ships, which will hopefully solve the issue.
yea the Romulans are no joke, they deal plasma damage, the good thing is you can negate some of the damage. Train one of your bridge officers, in hazard emitters. This skill will protect you for a few seconds. what rank are you? If I remember going into the Romulan arc you had to be a Captain, try getting MKVIII gear if you are not running that rank gear.

Sorry to hear hurple, hope everything will work out for ya. When you get back I have 4 purple ranked boffs for ya :)
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Angel Phoenix77

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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #26 on: January 25, 2016, 06:31:56 PM »
And received.  Thank you for the treat.  Unfortunately, right after accepting it, I had a "situation" pop up at home that forced me to log off and took the rest of the day to work out.  And it worked out in probably the worst way possible.
fleet invite sent :) we have a tier 5 ship, tier 3 sci, everything else is tier 2 :)
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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2016, 04:16:25 PM »
Lieutenant Cmdr. Xev, of the U.S.S. Speedbump is born. Bio: 'To boldly go...... where am I?"

Sooo hey. STO would happen to be my first new game in over 3 years. 2nd new game since the shutdown.

I was due!

First off, it's a big deal here to download 10ish gigs of game client. It literally takes months due to bandwidth restrictions of my wireless ISP, which, is the only available broadband here in the bush. So, even though this was a casual choice I felt a little committed.

I had a forehead slapping moment in the beginning of play when I realized that 'I should have gone NWN'... And I still plan to try it. Due to I have CoH Hotrod mentality - which is, to build a hotrod, tune it, paint it, and lovingly place it in the garage with my collection where it can be taken out and rode however I please and whenever I want. Kinda like how I used to do in CO, too, until someone kept sneaking into my garage and stealing my stuff. Now my CO hotrods are more like rentals.

Variety *is* the spice... I'm a Star Trek fan since you could only fantasize about a game like STO. I've been known to get immersed in games similar to STO too. Soo I went in with an open mind and shelved the NWN regret.

The next doubts popped up when I saw the 3D modeling. Hmm. Ouch. What did they do to my precious. I mean, if you judge the game by the early 3d models you see you might think the game is much older than it is.

And then the real and actual Spock gives me some Intro.

OK I'm sold.

I had fun playing STO yesterday. All day and night.. I'm down with an injured hand  (mouse hand! eeeeeps! it'll scar but I get to keep my fingers) and the weather isn't wanting me to work anyway so I'm stuck in all nice and cozy for another day of play today.

One of the first things that struck me (that no one else will notice) is that the game used so little bandwidth in the hours I played it. But. In Sol, outside of Spacedock, where everyone congregates with their ships, it's like Netflix streaming in comparison. That had me worried how the PVE queues would go, but, asfaik, the 5-man's I was in were not bandwidth hogs and I hope to be in many more - only thing is: what's up with the 30 minute cooldown in-between queues?

Sooo many currencies... I mean, what game has so many! *ahem*.. *shrug* I'll figure them out.

The pace of the game up to this point (I think I'm level 13?) has been completely different than what I'm used to. I would describe it, at this point, as leisurely. It's pretty easy to come and go with STO, too. This is handy if you have needy animals or children..

I like that they have a separate fadeout for their chat text than their chat window - it's a little thing, just saying.. It's good that I can still see chat channels from CO and I can see what few people still remain in my CO friends list too. It was bad that I couldn't get rid of CO Trade channel spam (they complain a lot over there, ya know) but then I figured out that I just had to remove myself from that channel (vs. just checking a ticbox). I plan to monitor a couple CO channels for when players are doing stuff I want to try and join. Or maybe I won't but I have the option! With STO I can pretty much come and go as I please and pretty much pick up right back where I left off which also helps when game swapping. Until now I've been all STO tho and only using STO channels.

I went with the Escort as my first freebie ship.. It seemed to match my playstyle but now that I have one I probably will go Cruiser next due to I like the broadsides action of trying to get forward and aft weapons firing at the same time. The Escorts seem more optimized for forward fire. Cruisers are also more tanky and I like their combat bonuses and I imagine having a larger group of expendables, errrrr, Crew, is helpful too. Plus, like Thunder Glove I would like my own Enterprise.. ha : ) Escorts are pretty decent looking lil ships too tho and I like the look of mine. I wouldn't mind trying out a Science vessel at some point depending on how things go. All three ships have their draws and the big mommas look interesting too..

Tactical, Science, and Engineering bridge slots add spice to shipbuilding. Not only are the different ships built differently and have different capabilities but they can also handle different crews. For example, Escorts have an extra Tactical seat and Cruisers have an extra (Engineering?) seat and I think Science has an extra Science(?) seat..

I went Tactical with my first Captain. *shrug* Science and Engineering have their draws too.

Ground combat is not my thing in STO to this point. I'm much more into the space combat. The movement and the models are one detraction. Ground combat does have it's X-Comish appeal though and I look forward to fleshing out ground combat skills more. It's not that I don't like it, it's just that I'm more into Space combat at this point.

Anywayyyy. It's been fun. It did take me awhile to get into the game. More than a few hours. In the beginning it was a huge change of pace and gameplay to what I've become used to the past few years with CO. The tutorial seemed (as tutorials can) fairly excruciatingly slow and full of those 3d models models that make me cringe. But after giving the game some time it's not that different from other stuff I've played and enjoyed in the past. Really, the main inspiration to give it a fair shake was Leonard Nimoy... ha. His intro perked me up and his attaboy's kept me going.

Another doubt-giver was - I'm a Star Trek fan but what does that mean today? There are soooooo many flavors of Star Trek now. I was a Next Gen fan but to me that series did not age nearly as well as original Star Trek does. I sorta got into DS9 for awhile but I don't even remember it that well now. So I was like, am I gonna be lost in STO? No worries. STO is just fine for original Star Trek fans like me.

The only worry I have at this point is the bandwidth issue. The way things are now it's not a problem at all but seeing how the numbers roll outside of Spacedock has me cautious for what the future may hold.

Oh, and, have to mention... in contrast to the 3d character models I criticized there's some really nice and fairly detailed art work and 3d graphics in the game. (Whew.)

Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>

Thunder Glove

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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2016, 07:37:27 PM »
I haven't been playing it as much in recent weeks as I did at first, but I still log in every so often.  The problem is that I enjoy the ground missions (which, as an Engineer, is almost like playing as a /Traps Mastermind) much more than the ship-to-ship combat, but the ship combat is so common that there doesn't seem to be a way to avoid it.


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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2016, 08:39:47 PM »
That sucks that space combat ruins it for you. I don't know how to avoid it either but I'll keep an eye out. There are PVE ground battle queues, I know that. Is there such thing as ground only player made mishes? I coulda swore I did some regular mishes that were ground only.

If you like ground combat, my Gorn is already entertaining. His dps seems pretty good and he's an engineer so his shields are good. One of the best things so far, though, is that he towers over Klingons like they're puny. The tailor options for Gorn are pretty decent too.

I wasn't that interested in one race over another until I saw (a cute blue cat lady, and,) we can play Gorn. Hrrrmm. Well.. Why not. May as well see how the other half lives, too.. starting with a Klingon bird of prey.

Reks of the I.K.S. Thrilla from Reptilla is born.. Bio: Kirk! I wanna rematch!

It was a little more hardcore intro than the Federation one, *I* ended up killing the captain to get his ship..


Reks says hi...


Xev and crew are way more sophisticurated:

There is 1 free name change for the ship... Haven't come up with a better name than Speedbump (Xev's 1st ship) yet.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 09:30:58 PM by Xev »
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2016, 12:29:52 AM »
I like space combat but I still have a hard time with ship maneuvering. Part of it is being a newb at space combat, part is being a newb at setting up my hotkeys and hud. I'm looking forward to getting it down not only because I like space combat but because, just look...

[Random cool screenie...]

That really is too bad about you and space combat, TG. My Xev mishes (not so many) today have all been *all* space combat  : /.

I've kinda assumed (with my next to zero experience so far) endgame in STO was about having the most badass ship but maybe you can be the most badass errr badass too/instead.  As in, maybe the game is flexible enough for both kinds of players, ground and space combat specialists, I dunno.. *shrug* I'll keep looking for ways to be selective about mishes. Maybe Angel knows?


(right after finishing the mish in the screenie Xev got a ground mish so there goes his Space Combat streak fwiw..)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 01:12:50 AM by Xev »
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2016, 11:05:52 AM »
Yeah the 90% focus on space combat was also what turned me away from the game. Pity, since it looked quite good otherwise.


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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2016, 09:02:43 PM »
In the latest quest to find a go-to game I came real close to starting with NWN instead of STO and I have to at least try Marvel Heroes at some point.

Glad I went STO first. I seem to have found a new game.. Wasn't expecting that!

One of the reasons I wanted to try Marvel Heroes was that not only is it not another game with a Cryptic engine but it's also not on PWE servers.

Have to give them their due. PWE and Cryptic are highly entertaining me again. Got to say thanks, ya know..

Sorry Ground Guys! I'm with ya. If you don't like space combat, you don't like it. I like it more every time I try it and I suck at it. If I was *forced* to do it just so I could get to the fun part of the game... hrrrrmm.. No fun. I'm lucky I guess. I like progressing in both I just prefer Space a lot more at this point.

I'm still not convinced you can't progress in the game if you only do Ground Combat. There are Ground combat only mishes. I bet there are player made Ground only mishes too. I know there are ground only PVE queues due to I filter them out when I run Space combat queues.
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2016, 09:41:12 PM »
I would highly recommend you try Marvel Heroes too. Doesn't quite come to CoHs diversity in power combos, but with the boatload of different characters it's near the very top of variety you can find in an online game.

Angel Phoenix77

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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2016, 11:12:34 PM »
In the latest quest to find a go-to game I came real close to starting with NWN instead of STO and I have to at least try Marvel Heroes at some point.

Glad I went STO first. I seem to have found a new game.. Wasn't expecting that!

One of the reasons I wanted to try Marvel Heroes was that not only is it not another game with a Cryptic engine but it's also not on PWE servers.

Have to give them their due. PWE and Cryptic are highly entertaining me again. Got to say thanks, ya know..

Sorry Ground Guys! I'm with ya. If you don't like space combat, you don't like it. I like it more every time I try it and I suck at it. If I was *forced* to do it just so I could get to the fun part of the game... hrrrrmm.. No fun. I'm lucky I guess. I like progressing in both I just prefer Space a lot more at this point.

I'm still not convinced you can't progress in the game if you only do Ground Combat. There are Ground combat only mishes. I bet there are player made Ground only mishes too. I know there are ground only PVE queues due to I filter them out when I run Space combat queues.
that is cool, Xev, that you like STO :). Most people think the ground is bad and space is good. I however, like both I love to see my bridge officers on the ground in a way it doesn't feel as lonely, whereas, the ground feels lonely. But it does have some great battles. Also btw if you need and rare or purple boffs, email me in game and I will send you some :)
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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #35 on: March 07, 2016, 12:33:50 AM »
I would highly recommend you try Marvel Heroes too. Doesn't quite come to CoHs diversity in power combos, but with the boatload of different characters it's near the very top of variety you can find in an online game.

Oh yeah, it's a must try. Errrmm how's their ftp? One thing that got me on NWN and STO is they are supposed to have similar/better ftp than CO and CO's is already about as good as what I could wish for.

that is cool, Xev, that you like STO :). Most people think the ground is bad and space is good. I however, like both I love to see my bridge officers on the ground in a way it doesn't feel as lonely, whereas, the ground feels lonely. But it does have some great battles. Also btw if you need and rare or purple boffs, email me in game and I will send you some :)


I like both space and ground combat too I just prefer space at this point. Ground has its appeal too. It definitely does not bother me that I never even know if I'm going to be doing a ground mish next or not. I accept any and all mishes at this point.

As for gear....? No idea what's what. I've got like 25k of .... err... the blue crystals? saved I think just due to I seem to get decent enough equipment just playing, so far.

10-captains ftw! 5 man PVE's are just as fun. I must not be high enough level to do 20 player PVE's yet. I hope they aren't bandwidth munchers but even if they are I'm totally ok with doing the smaller queues.

Gah! I had some questions but now I can't even remember one....

That is really cool that I carry a Vendor around in my backpack... (Replicator). And I see I have this thing (temp device?) already that summons a floating bank and (auction house?) whatnot...ha.

Just got my second free ship at level 20 and decided to stay with Escorts still for now.. *shrug* I was leading some charges last night, baby! Well...sorta.

So, Angel, what is to stop a player from just doing Ground stuff? Does anyone do that? Is it even possible? I just pick whatever mish is in front of me to this point. Matter of fact I just now figured out the mish I was near to completing last night is Player made.. ha.

The space artwork is exceptionally nice in places. Windows wallpaper everywhere.

The game Can bring out the Star Trek in me, too.. Bonus : ) Xev. His sails unfurled.
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>

Angel Phoenix77

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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #36 on: March 07, 2016, 02:27:10 AM »
Oh yeah, it's a must try. Errrmm how's their ftp? One thing that got me on NWN and STO is they are supposed to have similar/better ftp than CO and CO's is already about as good as what I could wish for.


I like both space and ground combat too I just prefer space at this point. Ground has its appeal too. It definitely does not bother me that I never even know if I'm going to be doing a ground mish next or not. I accept any and all mishes at this point.

As for gear....? No idea what's what. I've got like 25k of .... err... the blue crystals? saved I think just due to I seem to get decent enough equipment just playing, so far.

10-captains ftw! 5 man PVE's are just as fun. I must not be high enough level to do 20 player PVE's yet. I hope they aren't bandwidth munchers but even if they are I'm totally ok with doing the smaller queues.

Gah! I had some questions but now I can't even remember one....

That is really cool that I carry a Vendor around in my backpack... (Replicator). And I see I have this thing (temp device?) already that summons a floating bank and (auction house?) whatnot...ha.

Just got my second free ship at level 20 and decided to stay with Escorts still for now.. *shrug* I was leading some charges last night, baby! Well...sorta.

So, Angel, what is to stop a player from just doing Ground stuff? Does anyone do that? Is it even possible? I just pick whatever mish is in front of me to this point. Matter of fact I just now figured out the mish I was near to completing last night is Player made.. ha.

The space artwork is exceptionally nice in places. Windows wallpaper everywhere.

The game Can bring out the Star Trek in me, too.. Bonus : ) Xev. His sails unfurled.
for my first captain I too ran tactical, when I got to Commander rank and got the Akira class I was sold :) For the story missions the ground missions are unavoidable :(. A personal favorite zone is the Dyson's sphere, you will se why when you get there.
Player made missions can be fun or they can be angering :(, I mostly run those when there are bonus marks weeks.
One day the Phoenix will rise again.


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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #37 on: March 08, 2016, 04:02:22 AM »
Also btw if you need and rare or purple boffs, email me in game and I will send you some :)

OK I'm ready. Lets talk loot.


I'm starting to get an idea of how gear works but ..

What currency do I want to go for as far as buying gear goes? Should I even bother buying gear before level (X)? I seem to get a lot of drops from PVE queue's.. I'll probably want to get the errrr whichever currency cap increase (Energy Credits?) at some point.. Is there anything like a hideout?

What are some things/goodies I should save/look for? Any QoL tips?

STO seems fairly huge to me still at this point but I'm getting a few things down.

I still suck at Space battle but I'm getting better. OH YEAH... Is there any kind of autofollow I can do with my ship? Sometimes I just wanna get my bearings, ya know? One trick I do now when I can't tell my front from my back or if I'm going up or down.... (lol..) is to hit the 'center camera' hotkey and then things make sense to me again as far as where I am and am headed.

Oh and how do retcons work? is it all or nothing or can I do partials, too? Is there more than one way to pay for them?


Hey I have something else, too. I think it was last night I couldn't log in - CO was down too. This morning I joined the queue while running a mish and when the queue popped I declined due to I was about to finish a long space fight. Afterwards I went to join the queue again and it said something like "Not from this map you aren't!' Soooo I flew back to Sol just due to I knew that I *could* join the queue from that map.

Anyway, I get to Sol, and I still can't join the queue, so, I log out and when I try to log back in STO and CO are down. I mean, I couldn't even run the patcher so that the launcher would load due to it would timeout.

Is this what happens when NWNboy strikes or was it just a coincidence the login server went down after I logged out?

« Last Edit: March 08, 2016, 03:18:59 PM by Xev »
Some Faves:

Jooc  ~L50 TW/Ele Brute> Senge  ~L50 Claws/Fire Brute> Leezard  ~L50 Claws/Regen Scrapper> Kosmoz  ~L50 Fire/MM Blaster>  Xev  ~L50 Ice/Emp Troller> |NW|~~ Erste ~L80 Warlock> Reks ~L80 Rogue> Phizzl ~L80 Wizard> Ayeron Gahls McBinty ~L80 Fighter>


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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #38 on: March 08, 2016, 06:11:14 PM »
Oh yeah, it's a must try. Errrmm how's their ftp? One thing that got me on NWN and STO is they are supposed to have similar/better ftp than CO and CO's is already about as good as what I could wish for.
I can't really give you an honest first-hand account of their FTP since I always spend money on F2P games I play and when I was trying the game out before any investment, things were rather different. But, from what can say by just being aware of the current situation, I think it's pretty ok.

You get to try out all of the heroes except a few most recent ones up to level 10. After that, you may unlock one of them for free. I'm not sure if you can unlock any of them this way, or just one of the "less expensive ones".

Additional heroes you can unlock via an in-game currency called Eternity Splinters which is a time-gated mob drop I think, instead of being a... kill zounds of mobs gated drop. So your clear speed doesn't matter in that regard. The rate at which you can unlock heroes with them is decent I'd say, especially if you wanna go the random hero route. I think a random hero token is worth something like 175 ES, while the cheapest heroes go for 200 or 240, not sure. Most of them are 400 I think, and some "more expensive ones" are 550 or 600 or even 800 not sure about the latter though. About half of my heroes were unlocked via ES, and the other half I bought with cash.

Stash tabs you can only buy with cash I think, and while hero costumes do exist as drops, they are extremely rare. I've gotten only one and that was pretty early in my career (a year and a half ago or so, but I don't play the game regularly). I'd never buy cossies in MH with cash though, since you can only use them on one hero, unlike in CoH. I'm not sure if you can buy cossies with ES, can't check now since I don't have the game installed currently.

Other stuff in the cash shop... pets, but you can get those easy enough in-game pretty much for free, and the so called teamups, but you can get those relatively easy ingame too. Except if you're after specific ones (the in-game "for free" earnable ones are few), then you gotta splurge either cash or ES. Then there are the various exp/drop boosters, but you don't lose out on anything if you don't buy them.

Overall, not pay to win at all, and you can get by decently without spending a dime. Seems rather good to me.


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Re: Star Trek Online
« Reply #39 on: March 08, 2016, 06:18:13 PM »
Stash tabs you can only buy with cash I think,
You can buy one extra tab (you start with one free tab) with ES. I think 400 ES.

I have been playing Marvel Heroes since it came out. Sometimes I take breaks when there's not much new (since I don't play male heroes unless they have a female enhanced costume, e.g. Lady Deadpool or Spider-Gwen). I have recently really gotten back into it, and the new chapter (ch10) and accompanying patrol zone are *amazing*. We have a thread here for MH, mostly about the various events, not very active, if further discussion is desired. Let's keep this thread about STO :)
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...
